133 research outputs found

    Versatile Confocal Raman Imaging Microscope Built from Off-the-Shelf Opto-Mechanical Components

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    Confocal Raman microscopic (CRM) imaging has evolved to become a key tool for spatially resolved, compositional analysis and imaging, down to the μm-scale, and nowadays one may choose between numerous commercial instruments. That notwithstanding, situations may arise which exclude the use of a commercial instrument, e.g., if the analysis involves toxic or radioactive samples/environments; one may not wish to render an expensive instrument unusable for other uses, due to contamination. Therefore, custom-designed CRM instrumentation—being adaptable to hazardous conditions and providing operational flexibility—may be beneficial. Here, we describe a CRM setup, which is constructed nearly in its entirety from off-the-shelf optomechanical and optical components. The original aim was to develop a CRM suitable for the investigation of samples exposed to tritium. For increased flexibility, the CRM system incorporates optical fiber coupling to both the Raman excitation laser and the spectrometer. Lateral raster scans and axial profiling of samples are facilitated by the use of a motorized xyz-translation assembly. Besides the description of the construction and alignment of the CRM system, we also provide (i) the experimental evaluation of system performance (such as, e.g., spatial resolution) and (ii) examples of Raman raster maps and axial profiles of selected thin-film samples (such as, e.g., graphene sheets)

    Convergence rate across the Nepal Himalaya and interseismic coupling on the Main Himalayan Thrust: Implications for seismic hazard

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    We document geodetic strain across the Nepal Himalaya using GPS times series from 30 stations in Nepal and southern Tibet, in addition to previously published campaign GPS points and leveling data and determine the pattern of interseismic coupling on the Main Himalayan Thrust fault (MHT). The noise on the daily GPS positions is modeled as a combination of white and colored noise, in order to infer secular velocities at the stations with consistent uncertainties. We then locate the pole of rotation of the Indian plate in the ITRF 2005 reference frame at longitude = − 1.34° ± 3.31°, latitude = 51.4° ± 0.3° with an angular velocity of Ω = 0.5029 ± 0.0072°/Myr. The pattern of coupling on the MHT is computed on a fault dipping 10° to the north and whose strike roughly follows the arcuate shape of the Himalaya. The model indicates that the MHT is locked from the surface to a distance of approximately 100 km down dip, corresponding to a depth of 15 to 20 km. In map view, the transition zone between the locked portion of the MHT and the portion which is creeping at the long term slip rate seems to be at the most a few tens of kilometers wide and coincides with the belt of midcrustal microseismicity underneath the Himalaya. According to a previous study based on thermokinematic modeling of thermochronological and thermobarometric data, this transition seems to happen in a zone where the temperature reaches 350°C. The convergence between India and South Tibet proceeds at a rate of 17.8 ± 0.5 mm/yr in central and eastern Nepal and 20.5 ± 1 mm/yr in western Nepal. The moment deficit due to locking of the MHT in the interseismic period accrues at a rate of 6.6 ± 0.4 × 10^(19) Nm/yr on the MHT underneath Nepal. For comparison, the moment released by the seismicity over the past 500 years, including 14 M_W ≥ 7 earthquakes with moment magnitudes up to 8.5, amounts to only 0.9 × 10^(19) Nm/yr, indicating a large deficit of seismic slip over that period or very infrequent large slow slip events. No large slow slip event has been observed however over the 20 years covered by geodetic measurements in the Nepal Himalaya. We discuss the magnitude and return period of M > 8 earthquakes required to balance the long term slip budget on the MHT

    First observation of tritium adsorption on graphene

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    In this work, we report on the first-ever studies of graphene exposed to tritium gas in a controlled environment. The single layer graphene on SiO2\textrm{SiO}_2/Si substrate was exposed to 400 mbar of T2\textrm{T}_2 for a total time of ~55 h. The resistivity of the graphene sample was measured in-situ during tritium exposure using the Van der Pauw method. After the exposure, the samples were scanned with a confocal Raman microscope to study the effect of tritium on the graphene structure as well as the homogeneity of spectral modifications. We found that the sheet resistance increases by three orders of magnitude during the exposure. By Raman microscopy, we demonstrate that the graphene film can withstand the bombardment from the beta-decay of tritium, and primary and secondary ions. Additionally, the Raman spectra after tritium exposure are comparable with previously observed results in hydrogen-loading experiments carried out by other groups. By thermal annealing we could demonstrate, using Raman spectral analysis, that the structural changes were partially reversible. Considering all observations, we conclude that the graphene film was at least partially tritiated during the tritium exposure.Comment: Submitted to Nanoscale Advances (RSC), 14 pages, 4 figure

    The stabilizing role of itinerant ferromagnetism in inter-granular cohesion in iron

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    We present a simple, general energy functional for ferromagnetic materials based upon a local spin density extension to the Stoner theory of itinerant ferromagnetism. The functional reproduces well available ab initio results and experimental interfacial energies for grain boundaries in iron. The model shows that inter-granular cohesion along symmetric tilt boundaries in iron is dependent upon strong magnetic structure at the interface, illuminates the mechanisms underlying this structure, and provides a simple explanation for relaxation of the atomic structure at these boundaries.Comment: In review at Phys. Rev. Lett. Submitted 23 September 1997; revised 16 March 199

    «Prozessintelligenz» : Gegenstand und Ziele der Studie

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    «Intelligente Prozesse, «intelligentes Prozessmanagement», «iBPM» sind Schlagworte, die in erster Linie eingesetzt werden, um Technologien zu vermarkten. Die Begriffe lassen viel Raum für Interpretation und Assoziationen. Können Unternehmen den Hype ignorieren oder bietet «Prozessintelligenz» die Chance, das Prozessmanagement aus einem anderen Blickwinkel zu betrachten und weiterzuentwickeln? Doch was ist Prozessintelligenz? Welche Lösungsansätze, Erfahrungen und Erfolgsmuster gibt es bereits in Unternehmen? Welche Methoden und Werkzeuge kommen zum Einsatz, um Prozesse «intelligenter» zu machen? Diesen Fragen hat sich die Business-Process-Management-Studie 2015 gestellt, mit der das Institut für Wirtschaftsinformatik der Zürcher Hochschule für Angewandte Wissenschaften School of Management and Law seit 2011 regelmässig Status quo und Best Practices im deutschsprachigen Raum erhebt

    Heterogeneous coupling of the Sumatran megathrust constrained by geodetic and paleogeodetic measurements

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    Geodetic and paleogeodetic measurements of interseismic strain above the Sumatran portion of the Sunda subduction zone reveal a heterogeneous pattern of coupling. Annual banding in corals provides vertical rates of deformation spanning the last half of the 20th century, and repeated GPS surveys between 1991 and 2001 and continuous measurements at GPS stations operated since 2002 provide horizontal velocities. Near the equator, the megathrust is locked over a narrow width of only a few tens of kilometers. In contrast, the locked fault zone is up to about 175 km wide in areas where great interplate earthquakes have occurred in the past. Formal inversion of the data reveals that these strongly coupled patches are roughly coincident with asperities that ruptured during these events. The correlation is most spectacular for rupture of the M_w 8.7 Nias-Simeulue earthquake of 2005, which released half of the moment deficit that had accumulated since its previous rupture in 1861, suggesting that this earthquake was overdue. Beneath the Mentawai islands, strong coupling is observed within the overlapping rupture areas of the great earthquakes of 1797 and 1833. The accumulated slip deficit since these events is slowly reaching the amount of slip that occurred during the 1833 earthquake but already exceeds the slip that occurred during the 1797 earthquake. Thus, rerupture of part of the Mentawai patch in September 2007 was not a surprise. In contrast, coupling is low below the Batu islands near the equator and around Enggano island at about 5°S, where only moderate earthquakes (M_w < 8.0) have occurred in the past two centuries. The correlation of large seismic asperities with patches that are locked during the interseismic period suggests that they are persistent features. This interpretation is reinforced by the fact that the large locked patches and great ruptures occur beneath persistent geomorphologic features, the largest outer arc islands. Depth- and convergence-rate-dependent temperature might influence the pattern of coupling, through its effect on the rheology of the plate interface, but other influences are required to account for the observed along-strike heterogeneity of coupling. In particular, subduction of the Investigator Fracture Zone could be the cause for the low coupling near the equator

    Comparing Petri Net and Activity Diagram Variants for Workflow Modelling:A Quest for Reactive Petri Nets

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    Petri net variants are widely used as a workflow modelling technique. Recently, UMLa ctivity diagrams have been used for the same purpose, even though the syntax and semantics of activity diagrams has not been yet fully worked out. Nevertheless, activity diagrams seem very similar to Petri nets and on the surface, one may think that they are variants of each other. To substantiate or deny this claim, we need to formalise the intended semantics of activity diagrams and then compare this with various Petri net semantics. In previous papers we have defined two formal semantics for UMLact ivity diagrams that are intended for workflow modelling. In this paper, we discuss the design choices that underlie these two semantics and investigate whether these design choices can be met in low-level and high-level Petri net semantics. We argue that the main difference between the Petri net semantics and our semantics of UML act ivity diagrams is that the Petri net semantics models resource usage of closed, active systems that are non-reactive, whereas our semantics of UMLact ivity diagrams models open, reactive systems. Since workflow systems are open, reactive systems, we conclude that Petri nets cannot model workflows accurately, unless they are extended with a syntax and semantics for reactivity

    Systematic reconstruction of TRANSPATH data into Cell System Markup Language

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Many biological repositories store information based on experimental study of the biological processes within a cell, such as protein-protein interactions, metabolic pathways, signal transduction pathways, or regulations of transcription factors and miRNA. Unfortunately, it is difficult to directly use such information when generating simulation-based models. Thus, modeling rules for encoding biological knowledge into system-dynamics-oriented standardized formats would be very useful for fully understanding cellular dynamics at the system level.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We selected the TRANSPATH database, a manually curated high-quality pathway database, which provides a plentiful source of cellular events in humans, mice, and rats, collected from over 31,500 publications. In this work, we have developed 16 modeling rules based on hybrid functional Petri net with extension (HFPNe), which is suitable for graphical representing and simulating biological processes. In the modeling rules, each Petri net element is incorporated with Cell System Ontology to enable semantic interoperability of models. As a formal ontology for biological pathway modeling with dynamics, CSO also defines biological terminology and corresponding icons. By combining HFPNe with the CSO features, it is possible to make TRANSPATH data to simulation-based and semantically valid models. The results are encoded into a biological pathway format, Cell System Markup Language (CSML), which eases the exchange and integration of biological data and models.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>By using the 16 modeling rules, 97% of the reactions in TRANSPATH are converted into simulation-based models represented in CSML. This reconstruction demonstrates that it is possible to use our rules to generate quantitative models from static pathway descriptions.</p

    Partial rupture of a locked patch of the Sumatra megathrust during the 2007 earthquake sequence

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    The great Sumatra–Andaman earthquake and tsunami of 2004 was a dramatic reminder of the importance of understanding the seismic and tsunami hazards of subduction zones [1,2,3,4]. In March 2005, the Sunda megathrust ruptured again, producing an event [5] of moment magnitude (Mw) 8.6 south of the 2004 rupture area, which was the site of a similar event in 1861 (ref. 6). Concern was then focused on the Mentawai area, where large earthquakes had occurred in 1797 (Mw = 8.8) and 1833 (Mw = 9.0) [6,7]. Two earthquakes, one of Mw = 8.4 and, twelve hours later, one of Mw = 7.9, indeed occurred there on 12 September 2007. Here we show that these earthquakes ruptured only a fraction of the area ruptured in 1833 and consist of distinct asperities within a patch of the megathrust that had remained locked in the interseismic period. This indicates that the same portion of a megathrust can rupture in different patterns depending on whether asperities break as isolated seismic events or cooperate to produce a larger rupture. This variability probably arises from the influence of non-permanent barriers, zones with locally lower pre-stress due to the past earthquakes. The stress state of the portion of the Sunda megathrust that had ruptured in 1833 and 1797 was probably not adequate for the development of a single large rupture in 2007. The moment released in 2007 amounts to only a fraction both of that released in 1833 and of the deficit of moment that had accumulated as a result of interseismic strain since 1833. The potential for a large megathrust event in the Mentawai area thus remains large
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