3,410 research outputs found

    The Changing Attitudes Toward Consonance and Dissonance In Various Historical Periods

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    The problem of consonance and dissonance has intrigued and baffled theorists since the days of Pythagoras. There are many aspects of the problem which have never been satisfactorily explained. All are agreed, however, that consonances are those relations of pitch which can be expressed in small numbers. Why this should be so, no one has been able to decide definitely, at least up until Helmholtz wrote his Sensations of Tone. It is also self-evident that consonance is a restful and dissonance a restless sound, that dissonance demands resolution into consonance and that the two are necessary to each other, in order that music may retain the variety and movement which makes it a vital art

    Alien Registration- Masselli, Edith H. (Lewiston, Androscoggin County)

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    Observations on the Status and Impact of the Judicial Confirmation Process

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    Coping and Social Support for Parents of Children with Autism

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    The increased incidence of autism in children impacts families, educators, and health professionals. A descriptive survey design was used to obtain responses from parents of autistic children in public schools. Data collection instruments included The Social Support Index, SSI (McCubbin, Patterson, and Glynn, 1982), and The Family Crisis Oriented Personal Evaluation Scale, F-COPES (McCubbin, Olson, and Larsen, 1981 ). The majority of parents of autistic children perceived that they had support within their families and communities. One half of the families identified serious stressors in addition to autism. Acquiring social support and reframing were the coping strategies used most frequently. The school nurse is in a position to provide support to parents of children with autism and special needs, and integrate coping and social support assessments into practice

    Chapter 11: A Death Penalty for Debtor and Creditor Interests

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    Symmetric groups and conjugacy classes

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    Let S_n be the symmetric group on n-letters. Fix n>5. Given any nontrivial α,β∈Sn\alpha,\beta\in S_n, we prove that the product αSnβSn\alpha^{S_n}\beta^{S_n} of the conjugacy classes αSn\alpha^{S_n} and βSn\beta^{S_n} is never a conjugacy class. Furthermore, if n is not even and nn is not a multiple of three, then αSnβSn\alpha^{S_n}\beta^{S_n} is the union of at least three distinct conjugacy classes. We also describe the elements α,β∈Sn\alpha,\beta\in S_n in the case when αSnβSn\alpha^{S_n}\beta^{S_n} is the union of exactly two distinct conjugacy classes.Comment: 7 page

    Multilinguale Anwendungen der Sprachdatenverarbeitung in Referenz-Informationssystemen

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    Zusammen mit Edith Kroupa berichtet Zimmermann über das Projekt MARIS, in dem im Auftrag des Bundesforschungsministeriums (BMFT) der Einsatz der maschinellen Übersetzung und der automatischen Indexierung zur Überwindung von Sprachbarrieren in Fachinformationssystemen mit dem Ziel der Verbesserung des Information Retrieval für ausgewählte Bereiche (Bauwesen, Normendokumentation und Sozialwissenschaften) erprobt wird

    Sindbis virus ts103 has a mutation in glycoprotein E2 that leads to defective assembly of virions

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    Sindbis virus mutant ts103 is aberrant in the assembly of virus particles. During virus budding, proper nucleocapsid-glycoprotein interactions fail to occur such that particles containing many nucleocapsids are formed, and the final yield of virus is low. We have determined that a mutation in the external domain of glycoprotein E2, Ala-344-->Val, is the change that leads to this phenotype. Mapping was done by making recombinant viruses between ts103 and a parental strain of the virus, using a full-length cDNA clone of Sindbis virus from which infectious RNA can be transcribed, together with sequence analysis of the region of the genome shown in this way to contain the ts103 lesion. A partial revertant of ts103, called ts103R, was also mapped and sequenced and found to be a second-site revertant in which a change in glycoprotein E1 from lysine to methionine at position 227 partially suppresses the phenotypic effects of the change at E2 position 344. An analysis of revertants from ts103 mutants in which the Ala-->Val change had been transferred into a defined background showed that pseudorevertants were more likely to arise than were true revertants and that the ts103 change itself reverted very infrequently. The assembly defect in ts103 appeared to result from weakened interactions between the virus membrane glycoproteins or between these glycoproteins and the nucleocapsid during budding. Both the E2 mutation leading to the defect in virus assembly and the suppressor mutation in glycoprotein E1 are in the domains external to the lipid bilayer and thus in domains that cannot interact directly with the nucleocapsid. This suggests that in ts103, either the E1-E2 heterodimers or the trimeric spikes (consisting of three E1-E2 heterodimers) are unstable or have an aberrant configuration, and thus do not interact properly with the nucleocapsid, or cannot assembly correctly to form the proper icosahedral array on the surface of the virus
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