634 research outputs found

    Molecular Basis of the Waxy Endosperm Starch Phenotype in Broomcorn Millet (Panicum miliaceum L.)

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    Waxy varieties of the tetraploid cereal broomcorn millet (Panicum miliaceum L.) have endosperm starch granules lacking detectable amylose. This study investigated the basis of this phenotype using molecular and biochemical methods. Iodine staining of starch granules in 72 plants from 38 landrace accessions found 58 nonwaxy and 14 waxy phenotype plants. All waxy types were in plants from Chinese and Korean accessions, a distribution similar to that of the waxy phenotype in other cereals. Granule-bound starch synthase I (GBSSI) protein was present in the endosperm of both nonwaxy and waxy individuals, but waxy types had little or no granule-bound starch synthase activity compared with the wild types. Sequencing of the GBSSI (Waxy) gene showed that this gene is present in two different forms (L and S) in P. miliaceum, which probably represent homeologues derived from two distinct diploid ancestors. Protein products of both these forms are present in starch granules. We identified three polymorphisms in the exon sequence coding for mature GBSSI peptides. A 15-bp deletion has occurred in the S type GBSSI, resulting in the loss of five amino acids from glucosyl transferase domain 1 (GTD1). The second GBSSI type (L) shows two sequence polymorphisms. One is the insertion of an adenine residue that causes a reading frameshift, and the second causes a cysteine–tyrosine amino acid polymorphism. These mutations appear to have occurred in parallel from the ancestral allele, resulting in three GBSSI-L alleles in total. Five of the six possible genotype combinations of the S and L alleles were observed. The deletion in the GBSSI-S gene causes loss of protein activity, and there was 100% correspondence between this deletion and the waxy phenotype. The frameshift mutation in the L gene results in the loss of L-type protein from starch granules. The L isoform with the tyrosine residue is present in starch granules but is nonfunctional. This loss of function may result from the substitution of tyrosine for cysteine, although it could not be determined whether the cysteine isoform of L represents the functional type. This is the first characterization of mutations that occur in combination in a functionally polyploid species to give a fully waxy phenotype

    Chinese hamster ovary cells can produce galactose-α-1,3-galactose antigens on proteins

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    Chinese hamster ovary (CHO) cells are widely used for the manufacture of biotherapeutics, in part because of their ability to produce proteins with desirable properties, including 'human-like' glycosylation profiles. For biotherapeutics production, control of glycosylation is critical because it has a profound effect on protein function, including half-life and efficacy. Additionally, specific glycan structures may adversely affect their safety profile. For example, the terminal galactose-α-1,3-galactose (α-Gal) antigen can react with circulating anti α-Gal antibodies present in most individuals. It is now understood that murine cell lines, such as SP2 or NSO, typical manufacturing cell lines for biotherapeutics, contain the necessary biosynthetic machinery to produce proteins containing α-Gal epitopes. Furthermore, the majority of adverse clinical events associated with an induced IgE-mediated anaphylaxis response in patients treated with the commercial antibody Erbitux (cetuximab) manufactured in a murine myeloma cell line have been attributed to the presence of the α-Gal moiety. Even so, it is generally accepted that CHO cells lack the biosynthetic machinery to synthesize glycoproteins with α-Gal antigens. Contrary to this assumption, we report here the identification of the CHO ortholog of N-acetyllactosaminide 3-α-galactosyltransferase-1, which is responsible for the synthesis of the α-Gal epitope. We find that the enzyme product of this CHO gene is active and that glycosylated protein products produced in CHO contain the signature α-Gal antigen because of the action of this enzyme. Furthermore, characterizing the commercial therapeutic protein abatacept (Orencia) manufactured in CHO cell lines, we also identified the presence of α-Gal. Finally, we find that the presence of the α-Gal epitope likely arises during clonal selection because different subclonal populations from the same parental cell line differ in their expression of this gene. Although the specific levels of α-Gal required to trigger anaphylaxis reactions are not known and are likely product specific, the fact that humans contain high levels of circulating anti-α-Gal antibodies suggests that minimizing (or at least controlling) the levels of these epitopes during biotherapeutics development may be beneficial to patients. Furthermore, the approaches described here to monitor α-Gal levels may prove useful in industry for the surveillance and control of α-Gal levels during protein manufacture.National Center for Research Resources (U.S.) (Grant P41 RR018501-01

    ATAQS: A computational software tool for high throughput transition optimization and validation for selected reaction monitoring mass spectrometry

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Since its inception, proteomics has essentially operated in a discovery mode with the goal of identifying and quantifying the maximal number of proteins in a sample. Increasingly, proteomic measurements are also supporting hypothesis-driven studies, in which a predetermined set of proteins is consistently detected and quantified in multiple samples. Selected reaction monitoring (SRM) is a targeted mass spectrometric technique that supports the detection and quantification of specific proteins in complex samples at high sensitivity and reproducibility. Here, we describe ATAQS, an integrated software platform that supports all stages of targeted, SRM-based proteomics experiments including target selection, transition optimization and post acquisition data analysis. This software will significantly facilitate the use of targeted proteomic techniques and contribute to the generation of highly sensitive, reproducible and complete datasets that are particularly critical for the discovery and validation of targets in hypothesis-driven studies in systems biology.</p> <p>Result</p> <p>We introduce a new open source software pipeline, ATAQS (Automated and Targeted Analysis with Quantitative SRM), which consists of a number of modules that collectively support the SRM assay development workflow for targeted proteomic experiments (project management and generation of protein, peptide and transitions and the validation of peptide detection by SRM). ATAQS provides a flexible pipeline for end-users by allowing the workflow to start or end at any point of the pipeline, and for computational biologists, by enabling the easy extension of java algorithm classes for their own algorithm plug-in or connection via an external web site.</p> <p>This integrated system supports all steps in a SRM-based experiment and provides a user-friendly GUI that can be run by any operating system that allows the installation of the Mozilla Firefox web browser.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Targeted proteomics via SRM is a powerful new technique that enables the reproducible and accurate identification and quantification of sets of proteins of interest. ATAQS is the first open-source software that supports all steps of the targeted proteomics workflow. ATAQS also provides software API (Application Program Interface) documentation that enables the addition of new algorithms to each of the workflow steps. The software, installation guide and sample dataset can be found in <url>http://tools.proteomecenter.org/ATAQS/ATAQS.html</url></p

    Interaction proteomics of synapse protein complexes

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    The brain integrates complex types of information, and executes a wide range of physiological and behavioral processes. Trillions of tiny organelles, the synapses, are central to neuronal communication and information processing in the brain. Synaptic transmission involves an intricate network of synaptic proteins that forms the molecular machinery underlying transmitter release, activation, and modulation of transmitter receptors and signal transduction cascades. These processes are dynamically regulated and underlie neuroplasticity, crucial to learning and memory formation. In recent years, interaction proteomics has increasingly been used to elucidate the constituents of synaptic protein complexes. Unlike classic hypothesis-based assays, interaction proteomics detects both known and novel interactors without bias. In this trend article, we focus on the technical aspects of recent proteomics to identify synapse protein complexes, and the complementary methods used to verify the protein–protein interaction. Moreover, we discuss the experimental feasibility of performing global analysis of the synapse protein interactome

    Butyrate Transcriptionally Enhances Peptide Transporter PepT1 Expression and Activity

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    Background: PepT1, an intestinal epithelial apical di/tripeptide transporter, is normally expressed in the small intestine and induced in colon during chronic inflammation. This study aimed at investigating PepT1 regulation by butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid produced by commensal bacteria and accumulated inside inflamed colonocyte. Results: We found that butyrate treatment of human intestinal epithelial Caco2-BBE cells increased human PepT1 (hPepT1) promoter activity in a dose- and time-dependent manner, with maximal activity observed in cells treated with 5 mM butyrate for 24 h. Under this condition, hPepT1 promoter activity, mRNA and protein expression levels were increased as assessed by luciferase assay, real-time RT-PCR and Western blot, respectively. hPepT1 transport activity was accordingly increased by,2.5-fold. Butyrate did not alter hPepT1 mRNA half-life indicating that butyrate acts at the transcriptional level. Molecular analyses revealed that Cdx2 is the most important transcription factor for butyrate-induced increase of hPepT1 expression and activity in Caco2-BBE cells. Butyrate-activated Cdx2 binding to hPepT1 promoter was confirmed by gel shift and chromatin immunoprecipitation. Moreover, Caco2-BBE cells overexpressing Cdx2 exhibited greater hPepT1 expression level than wild-type cells. Finally, treatment of mice with 5 mM butyrate added to drinking water for 24 h increased colonic PepT1 mRNA and protein expression levels, as well as enhanced PepT1 transport activity in colonic apical membranes vesicles

    Minería de datos para el descubrimiento de patrones en enfermedades respiratorias en Bogotá, Colombia

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    Trabajo de InvestigaciónEl presente proyecto se basa en la aplicación de minería de datos mediante el algoritmo de clustering K- means que permita la generación de un modelo descriptivo con el análisis de los datos y con el objetivo de identificar posibles comportamientos en enfermedades respiratorias en la ciudad de Bogotá. El conjunto de clústeres generados por la herramienta RapidMiner es la recopilación de datos de un periodo de cinco años de 2012 a 2016, en donde se contemplan el número de casos asociados a 184 diagnósticos de enfermedades respiratorias y la edad de los pacientes corresponde de 0 a 5 años.Trabajo de Investigación1. GENERALIDADES 2. OBJETIVOS 3. JUSTIFICACIÓN 4. DELIMITACIÓN 5. MARCO REFERENCIAL 6. METODOLOGÍA 7. FUENTES DE EXTRACCIÓN Y SUS VARIABLES 8. DISEÑO 9. SELECCIÓN DE ALGORITMOS DE CLUSTERING 10. RECONOCER PATRONES A PARTIR DE LA INFORMACIÓN RECOPILADA 11. CONCLUSIONES 12. TRABAJOS FUTUROS 13. REFERENCIAS BIBLIOGRÁFICAS 14. ANEXOSPregradoIngeniero de Sistema

    Uukuniemi Phlebovirus Assembly and Secretion Leave a Functional Imprint on the Virion Glycome

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    Uukuniemi virus (UUKV) is a model system for investigating the genus Phlebovirus of the Bunyaviridae. We report the UUKV glycome, revealing differential processing of the Gn and Gc virion glycoproteins. Both glycoproteins display poly-N-acetyllactosamines, consistent with virion assembly in the medial Golgi apparatus, whereas oligomannose-type glycans required for DC-SIGN-dependent cellular attachment are predominant on Gc. Local virion structure and the route of viral egress from the cell leave a functional imprint on the phleboviral glycome

    Simultaneous Quantitation of Amino Acid Mixtures using Clustering Agents

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    A method that uses the abundances of large clusters formed in electrospray ionization to determine the solution-phase molar fractions of amino acids in multi-component mixtures is demonstrated. For solutions containing either four or 10 amino acids, the relative abundances of protonated molecules differed from their solution-phase molar fractions by up to 30-fold and 100-fold, respectively. For the four-component mixtures, the molar fractions determined from the abundances of larger clusters consisting of 19 or more molecules were within 25% of the solution-phase molar fractions, indicating that the abundances and compositions of these clusters reflect the relative concentrations of these amino acids in solution, and that ionization and detection biases are significantly reduced. Lower accuracy was obtained for the 10-component mixtures where values determined from the cluster abundances were typically within a factor of three of their solution molar fractions. The lower accuracy of this method with the more complex mixtures may be due to specific clustering effects owing to the heterogeneity as a result of significantly different physical properties of the components, or it may be the result of lower S/N for the more heterogeneous clusters and not including the low-abundance more highly heterogeneous clusters in this analysis. Although not as accurate as using traditional standards, this clustering method may find applications when suitable standards are not readily available