908 research outputs found

    Chemically monoubiquitinated PEX5 binds to the components of the peroxisomal docking and export machinery

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    Peroxisomal matrix proteins contain either a peroxisomal targeting sequence 1 (PTS1) or a PTS2 that are recognized by the import receptors PEX5 and PEX7, respectively. PEX5 transports the PTS1 proteins and the PEX7/PTS2 complex to the docking translocation module (DTM) at the peroxisomal membrane. After cargo release PEX5 is monoubiquitinated and extracted from the peroxisomal membrane by the receptor export machinery (REM) comprising PEX26 and the AAA ATPases PEX1 and PEX6. Here, we investigated the protein interactions of monoubiquitinated PEX5 with the docking proteins PEX13, PEX14 and the REM. “Click” chemistry was used to synthesise monoubiquitinated recombinant PEX5. We found that monoubiquitinated PEX5 binds the PEX7/PTS2 complex and restores PTS2 protein import in vivo in ¿PEX5 fibroblasts. In vitro pull-down assays revealed an interaction of recombinant PEX5 and monoubiquitinated PEX5 with PEX13, PEX14 and with the REM components PEX1, PEX6 and PEX26. The interactions with the docking proteins were independent of the PEX5 ubiquitination status whereas the interactions with the REM components were increased when PEX5 is ubiquitinated.We are grateful to Stephen J. Gould (Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore), Nancy E. Braverman (McGill University, Montreal), Wolfgang Schliebs (Ruhr University, Bochum) and Daniel Passon (EMBL, Hamburg) for providing plasmids and antibodies. Work in J.E.A. lab is funded by FEDER (Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional), through COMPETE 2020 – Operacional Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalization (POCI), Portugal 2020, and by Portuguese funds through Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (FCT)/Ministério da Ciência, Tecnologia e Inovação in the framework of the projects “Institute for Research and Innovation in Health Sciences” (POCI-01-0145-FEDER-007274) and “The molecular mechanisms of peroxisome biogenesis” (PTDC/BEXBCM/2311/2014), and through Norte 2020 – Programa Operacional Regional do Norte, under the application of the “Porto Neurosciences and Neurologic Disease Research Initiative at i3S” (NORTE-01-0145-FEDER-000008). We acknowledge support by the Open Access Publishing Fund of the University of Tübingen and the Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft for publishing costs

    Alteration of optical and morphological properties of polycarbonate illuminated by visible/IR laser beams

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    In this paper we investigate the effects of visible to near infrared (NIR) laser illumination on the optical transmission (OT) and morphological changes (MC) of thin, curved surfaces of polycarbonate (PC) as employed by industry. The second harmonic of Nd:YAG laser (532 nm) and two diode lasers (665 and 980 nm) were used as sources. We have shown that the morphological changes and optical transmission of the PC elements are influenced by visible to infrared coherent illumination. The morphological changes of the PC surfaces are determined using atomic force microscopy (AFM), demonstrating the appreciable changes caused by the shorter wavelengths (higher energy). When analyzing the OT spectra of PC thin films, a measurable decrease in the OT of the PC surfaces which were illuminated by 532, 665 and 980 nm, in particular 532 nm, for energy densities greater than 25 J/cm^2 can be seen

    Serial optical coherence microscopy for label-free volumetric histopathology

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    The observation of histopathology using optical microscope is an essential procedure for examination of tissue biopsies or surgically excised specimens in biological and clinical laboratories. However, slide-based microscopic pathology is not suitable for visualizing the large-scale tissue and native 3D organ structure due to its sampling limitation and shallow imaging depth. Here, we demonstrate serial optical coherence microscopy (SOCM) technique that offers label-free, high-throughput, and large-volume imaging of ex vivo mouse organs. A 3D histopathology of whole mouse brain and kidney including blood vessel structure is reconstructed by deep tissue optical imaging in serial sectioning techniques. Our results demonstrate that SOCM has unique advantages as it can visualize both native 3D structures and quantitative regional volume without introduction of any contrast agents

    Investigating the effects of laser beams (532 and 660 nm) in annihilation of pistachio mould fungus using spectrophotometry analysis

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    When moulds are illuminated by visible electromagnetic-EM radiations, several effects on nucleus materials and nucleotides can be detected. These effects have a significant influence on mould generation or destruction. This paper presents the effects and implications of a red diode laser beam (660 nm), a second-harmonics of a Nd:YAG laser emitting green beam (532 nm), or the combination of both, on the eradication of Pistachio mould fungus. Incident doses (ID) of both beams are kept identical throughout the experiment. The absorption spectrums of irradiated mouldy samples and the bright-greenish-yellow-fluorescence (BGYF) of fungus occurring in mould texture due to electronic excitation are investigated. We found that a combination of a green and a red laser beam with an ID of 0.5 J/cm^2 provides the optimal effects on Pistachio mould fungus eradication

    Resolution of Ultramicroscopy and Field of View Analysis

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    In a recent publication we described a microscopical technique called Ultramicroscopy, combined with a histological procedure that makes biological samples transparent. With this combination we can gather three-dimensional image data of large biological samples. Here we present the theoretical analysis of the z-resolution. By analyzing the cross-section of the illuminating sheet of light we derive resolution values according to the Rayleigh-criterion. Next we investigate the resolution adjacent to the focal point of the illumination beam, analyze throughout what extend the illumination beam is of acceptable sharpness and investigate the resolution improvements caused by the objective lens. Finally we conclude with a useful rule for the sampling rates. These findings are of practical importance for researchers working with Ultramicroscopy to decide on adequate sampling rates. They are also necessary to modify deconvolution techniques to gain further image improvements

    Chemical Clearing and Dehydration of GFP Expressing Mouse Brains

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    Generally, chemical tissue clearing is performed by a solution consisting of two parts benzyl benzoate and one part benzyl alcohol. However, prolonged exposure to this mixture markedly reduces the fluorescence of GFP expressing specimens, so that one has to compromise between clearing quality and fluorescence preservation. This can be a severe drawback when working with specimens exhibiting low GFP expression rates. Thus, we screened for a substitute and found that dibenzyl ether (phenylmethoxymethylbenzene, CAS 103-50-4) can be applied as a more GFP-friendly clearing medium. Clearing with dibenzyl ether provides improved tissue transparency and strikingly improved fluorescence intensity in GFP expressing mouse brains and other samples as mouse spinal cords, or embryos. Chemical clearing, staining, and embedding of biological samples mostly requires careful foregoing tissue dehydration. The commonly applied tissue dehydration medium is ethanol, which also can markedly impair GFP fluorescence. Screening for a substitute also for ethanol we found that tetrahydrofuran (CAS 109-99-9) is a more GFP-friendly dehydration medium than ethanol, providing better tissue transparency obtained by successive clearing. Combined, tetrahydrofuran and dibenzyl ether allow dehydration and chemical clearing of even delicate samples for UM, confocal microscopy, and other microscopy techniques

    Voxel-wise comparisons of cellular microstructure and diffusion-MRI in mouse hippocampus using 3D Bridging of Optically-clear histology with Neuroimaging Data (3D-BOND)

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    A key challenge in medical imaging is determining a precise correspondence between image properties and tissue microstructure. This comparison is hindered by disparate scales and resolutions between medical imaging and histology. We present a new technique, 3D Bridging of Optically-clear histology with Neuroimaging Data (3D-BOND), for registering medical images with 3D histology to overcome these limitations. Ex vivo 120 × 120 × 200 μm resolution diffusion-MRI (dMRI) data was acquired at 7 T from adult C57Bl/6 mouse hippocampus. Tissue was then optically cleared using CLARITY and stained with cellular markers and confocal microscopy used to produce high-resolution images of the 3D-tissue microstructure. For each sample, a dense array of hippocampal landmarks was used to drive registration between upsampled dMRI data and the corresponding confocal images. The cell population in each MRI voxel was determined within hippocampal subregions and compared to MRI-derived metrics. 3D-BOND provided robust voxel-wise, cellular correlates of dMRI data. CA1 pyramidal and dentate gyrus granular layers had significantly different mean diffusivity (p > 0.001), which was related to microstructural features. Overall, mean and radial diffusivity correlated with cell and axon density and fractional anisotropy with astrocyte density, while apparent fibre density correlated negatively with axon density. Astrocytes, axons and blood vessels correlated to tensor orientation

    Tissue Clearing and Deep Imaging of the Kidney Using Confocal and Two-Photon Microscopy

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    Microscopic and macroscopic evaluation of biological tissues in three dimensions is becoming increasingly popular. This trend is coincident with the emergence of numerous tissue clearing strategies, and advancements in confocal and two-photon microscopy, enabling the study of intact organs and systems down to cellular and sub-cellular resolution. In this chapter, we describe a wholemount immunofluorescence technique for labeling structures in renal tissue. This technique combined with solvent-based tissue clearing and confocal imaging, with or without two-photon excitation, provides greater structural information than traditional sectioning and staining alone. Given the addition of paraffin embedding to our method, this hybrid protocol offers a powerful approach to combine confocal or two-photon findings with histological and further immunofluorescent analysis within the same tissue