1,187 research outputs found

    Summary of model VTOL lift fan tests conducted at NASA Lewis Research Center

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    The purpose of the tests was to obtain overall performance and influencing factors as well as detailed measurements of the internal flow characteristics. The first experiment consisted of crossflow tests of a 15-inch diameter fan installed in a two-dimensional wing. Tests were run with and without exit louvers over a range of tunnel speeds, fan speeds, and wing angle of attack. The wing was used for a study of installation effects on lift fan performance. The model tested consisted of three 5.5-inch diameter tip-turbine driven model VTOL lift fans mounted chord-wise in the two-dimensional wing to simulate a pod-type array. Several inlet and exit cover door configurations and an adjacent fuselage panel were tested. For the third program, a pod was attached to the wing, and an investigation was conducted of the effect of design tip speed on the aerodynamic performance and noise of a 15-inch diameter lift fan-in-pod under static and crossflow conditions. Three single VTOL lift fan stages were designed for the same overall total pressure ratio but at three different rotor tip speeds

    Measurement of model propulsion system noise in a low-speed wind tunnel

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    Methods are presented for making overall and directional acoustic measurements with forward velocity in the Lewis 9 x 15 V/STOL wind tunnel. Overall acoustic measurements are discussed; the acoustic calibration methods, instrumentation features, and types of experiments are presented. Selected data are presented as examples of the various types of overall measurements that are possible. The method of making directional acoustic measurements is presented, and the necessary alterations to the tunnel, specialized acoustic instrumentation, and calibration details are described. The results indicate that relative overall acoustic measurements can be made successfully and that directional acoustic measurements are feasible

    Low-speed aerodynamic performance of 50.8-centimeter-diameter noise-suppressing inlets for the Quiet, Clean, Short-haul Experimental Engine (QCSEE)

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    Two basic inlet concepts, a high throat Mach number (0.79) design and a low throat Mach number (0.60) design, were tested with four diffuser acoustical treatment designs that had face sheet porosity ranging from 0 to 24 percent for the high Mach number inlet and 0 to 28 percent for the low Mach number inlet. The tests were conducted in a low speed wind tunnel at free stream velocities of 0, 41, and 62 m/sec and angles of attack to 50 deg. Inlet throat Mach number was varied about the design value. Increasing the inlet diffuser face sheet porosity resulted in an increase in total pressure loss in the boundary layer for both the high and low Mach number inlet designs, however, the overall effect on inlet total pressure recovery of 0.991 at the design throat Mach number, a free stream velocity of 41 m/sec, and an angle of attack of 50 deg; Inlet flow separation at an angle of attack of 50 deg was encountered with only one inlet configuration the high Mach number design with the highest diffuser face sheet porosity (24 percent)

    Turbofan blade stresses induced by the flow distortion of a VTOL inlet at high angles of attack

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    A 51-cm-diameter turbofan with a tilt-nacelle VTOL inlet was tested in the Lewis Research Center's 9- by 15-Ft Low Speed Wind Tunnel at velocities up to 72 m/s and angles of attack up to 120 deg. Fan-blade vibratory stress levels were investigated over a full aircraft operating range. These stresses were due to inlet air flow distortion resulting from (1) internal flow separation in the inlet, and (2) ingestion of the exterior nacelle wake. Stress levels are presented, along with an estimated safe operating envelope, based on infinite blade fatigue life

    An approach to optimum subsonic inlet design

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    Inlet operating requirements are compared with estimated inlet separation characteristics to identify the most critical inlet operating condition. This critical condition is taken to be the design point and is defined by the values of inlet mass flow, free-stream velocity and inlet angle of attack. Optimum flow distributions on the inlet surface were determined to be a high, flat top Mach number distribution on the inlet lip to turn the flow quickly into the inlet and a flat bottom skin-friction distribution on the diffuser wall to diffuse the flow rapidly and efficiently to the velocity required at the fan face. These optimum distributions are then modified to achieve other desirable flow characteristics. Example applications are given

    Optimum subsonic, high-angle-of-attack nacelles

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    The optimum design of nacelles that operate over a wide range of aerodynamic conditions and their inlets is described. For low speed operation the optimum internal surface velocity distributions and skin friction distributions are described for three categories of inlets: those with BLC, and those with blow in door slots and retractable slats. At cruise speed the effect of factors that reduce the nacelle external surface area and the local skin friction is illustrated. These factors are cruise Mach number, inlet throat size, fan-face Mach number, and nacelle contour. The interrelation of these cruise speed factors with the design requirements for good low speed performance is discussed

    Hypervelocity impacts into stainless-steel tubes armored with reinforced beryllium

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    Hypervelocity impact into stainless steel tubes armored with reinforced berylliu

    Hypervelocity impact damage characteristics in beryllium and graphite plates and tubes

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    Hypervelocity impact damage characteristics in beryllium and graphite plates and tube