1,369 research outputs found

    Gowdy waves as a test-bed for constraint-preserving boundary conditions

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    Gowdy waves, one of the standard 'apples with apples' tests, is proposed as a test-bed for constraint-preserving boundary conditions in the non-linear regime. As an illustration, energy-constraint preservation is separately tested in the Z4 framework. Both algebraic conditions, derived from energy estimates, and derivative conditions, deduced from the constraint-propagation system, are considered. The numerical errors at the boundary are of the same order than those at the interior points.Comment: 5 pages, 1 figure. Contribution to the Spanish Relativity Meeting 200

    Physiological drought responses improve predictions of live fuel moisture dynamics in a Mediterranean forest.

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    The moisture content of live fuels is an important determinant of forest flammability. Current approaches for modelling live fuel moisture content typically focus on the use of drought indices. However, these have mixed success partly because of species-specific differences in drought responses. Here we seek to understand the physiological mechanisms driving changes in live fuel moisture content, and to investigate the potential for incorporating plant physiological traits into live fuel moisture models. We measured the dynamics of leaf moisture content, access to water resources (through stable isotope analyses) and physiological traits (including leaf water potential, stomatal conductance, and cellular osmotic and elastic adjustments) across a fire season in a Mediterranean mixed forest in Catalonia, NE Spain. We found that differences in both seasonal variation and minimum values of live fuel moisture content were a function of access to water resources and plant physiological traits. Specifically, those species with the lowest minimum moisture content and largest seasonal variation in moisture (Cistus albidus: 49–137% and Rosmarinus officinalis: 47–144%) were most reliant on shallow soil water and had the lowest values of predawn leaf water potential. Species with the smallest variation in live fuel moisture content (Pinus nigra: 96–116% and Quercus ilex: 56–91%) exhibited isohydric behaviour (little variation in midday leaf water potential, and relatively tight regulation of stomata in response to soil drying). Of the traits measured, predawn leaf water potential provided the strongest predictor of live fuel moisture content (R2 = 0.63, AIC = 249), outperforming two commonly used drought indices (both with R2 = 0.49, AIC = 258). This is the first study to explicitly link fuel moisture with plant physiology and our findings demonstrate the potential and importance of incorporating ecophysiological plant traits to investigating seasonal changes in fuel moisture and, more broadly, forest flammability.This study was made possible thanks to the collaboration of and the staff from the Natural Park of Poblet, P Sopeña, and the technical staff from MedForLab. This study was funded by the Spanish Government (RYC-2012-10970, AGL2015-69151-R). R. H. Nolan was supported with funding from the New South Wales Office of Environment and Heritage, via the Bushfire Risk Management Research Hub. We benefitted from critical comments from J Voltas, JM Moreno and L Serrano and instrument loans from R Savín

    Receiver Architectures for MIMO-OFDM Based on a Combined VMP-SP Algorithm

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    Iterative information processing, either based on heuristics or analytical frameworks, has been shown to be a very powerful tool for the design of efficient, yet feasible, wireless receiver architectures. Within this context, algorithms performing message-passing on a probabilistic graph, such as the sum-product (SP) and variational message passing (VMP) algorithms, have become increasingly popular. In this contribution, we apply a combined VMP-SP message-passing technique to the design of receivers for MIMO-ODFM systems. The message-passing equations of the combined scheme can be obtained from the equations of the stationary points of a constrained region-based free energy approximation. When applied to a MIMO-OFDM probabilistic model, we obtain a generic receiver architecture performing iterative channel weight and noise precision estimation, equalization and data decoding. We show that this generic scheme can be particularized to a variety of different receiver structures, ranging from high-performance iterative structures to low complexity receivers. This allows for a flexible design of the signal processing specially tailored for the requirements of each specific application. The numerical assessment of our solutions, based on Monte Carlo simulations, corroborates the high performance of the proposed algorithms and their superiority to heuristic approaches

    Multipartite Continuous Variable Solution for the Byzantine Agreement Problem

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    We demonstrate that the Byzantine Agreement (detectable broadcast) is also solvable in the continuous-variable scenario with multipartite entangled Gaussian states and Gaussian operations (homodyne detection). Within this scheme we find that Byzantine Agreement requires a minimum amount of entanglement in the multipartite states used in order to achieve a solution. We discuss realistic implementations of the protocol, which consider the possibility of having inefficient homodyne detectors, not perfectly correlated outcomes, and noise in the preparation of the resource states. The proposed protocol is proven to be robust and efficiently applicable under such non-ideal conditions.Comment: This paper supersedes and extends arXiv:quant-ph/0507249, title changed to match the published version, 11 pages, 3 figures, published versio

    Nonlinear coherent states and Ehrenfest time for Schrodinger equation

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    We consider the propagation of wave packets for the nonlinear Schrodinger equation, in the semi-classical limit. We establish the existence of a critical size for the initial data, in terms of the Planck constant: if the initial data are too small, the nonlinearity is negligible up to the Ehrenfest time. If the initial data have the critical size, then at leading order the wave function propagates like a coherent state whose envelope is given by a nonlinear equation, up to a time of the same order as the Ehrenfest time. We also prove a nonlinear superposition principle for these nonlinear wave packets.Comment: 27 page

    Karakteristik Perikanan Tangkap Di Perairan Laut Kabupaten Simeulue (Characteristics of Capture Fisheries in Simeulue Districts Sea Waters Area)

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    Simeulue Regency has ± 9.968,16 km2 marine waters area consist of 64 islands (large and small) with high potentials of capture fisheries. However, the management of sustainable fisheries in Simeulue Regency has not optimal yet. Informations about catch composition, diversity index and fishing gear productivity are needed as a reference in policy management decision. The purpose of this research are to determine the compositions of catch, to calculate the fish biodiversity and fishing gear productivity. The research was conducted in Simeulue Regency from December 2013 to January 2014. The method used was purposive sampling survey. Fishing units which observed such as lift net, beach seines, longlines and other collecting gears. Result in five research locations are Simeulue Timur, Teupah Selatan, Teluk Dalam, Simeulue Barat and Teupah Tengah, there were 50 fish species which dominated by Bali sardinella (Sardinella lemuru), slipmouths (Leiognathus spp), Indian anchovy (Stolephorus spp), scad (Selar spp) and frigate tuna (Auxis thazard). Biodiversity index (H ') value was beetween 1.40 to 2.67 with average of 1.87, it describes that biodiversity was in the moderate category. Furthermore, the evenness index (E) was in the category of relatively even from 0.58 to 0.89 with the average of 0.74. Dominance index values (D) was beetween 0.09 – 0.33 with average of 0.24, which means that there were not any dominating species. The highest value of productivity (CPUE) was lift net with 603.3 kg/trip and the lowest was lobster or sea cucumber collecting gears with 81.8 kg/trip

    The Mass Dependence of Star Formation Histories in Barred Spiral Galaxies

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    We performed a series of 29 gasdynamical simulations of disc galaxies, barred and unbarred, with various stellar masses, to study the impact of the bar on star formation history. Unbarred galaxies evolve very smoothly, with a star formation rate (SFR) that varies by at most a factor of three over a period of 2 Gyr. The evolution of barred galaxies is much more irregular, especially at high stellar masses. In these galaxies, the bar drives a substantial amount of gas toward the centre, resulting in a high SFR, and producing a starburst in the most massive galaxies. Most of the gas is converted into stars, and gas exhaustion leads to a rapid drop of star formation after the starburst. In massive barred galaxies (stellar mass M* > 2x10^10 Msun) the large amount of gas funnelled toward the centre is completely consumed by the starburst, while in lower-mass barred galaxies it is only partially consumed. Gas concentration is thus higher in lower-mass barred galaxies than it is in higher-mass ones. Even though unbarred galaxies funnelled less gas toward their centre, the lower SFR allows this gas to accumulate. At late times, the star formation efficiency is higher in barred galaxies than unbarred ones, enabling these galaxies to maintain a higher SFR with a smaller gas supply. Several properties, such as the global SFR, central SFR, or central gas concentration, vary monotonically with time for unbarred galaxies, but not for barred galaxies. Therefore one must be careful when comparing barred and unbarred galaxies that share one observational property, since these galaxies might be at very different stages of their respective evolution

    Stiffness and energy losses in cylindrically symmetric superconductor levitating systems

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    Stiffness and hysteretic energy losses are calculated for a magnetically levitating system composed of a type-II superconductor and a permanent magnet when a small vibration is produced in the system. We consider a cylindrically symmetric configuration with only vertical movements and calculate the current profiles under the assumption of the critical state model. The calculations, based on magnetic energy minimization, take into account the demagnetization fields inside the superconductor and the actual shape of the applied field. The dependence of stiffness and hysteretic energy losses upon the different important parameters of the system such as the superconductor aspect ratio, the relative size of the superconductor-permanent magnet, and the critical current of the superconductor are all systematically studied. Finally, in view of the results, we provide some trends on how a system such as the one studied here could be designed in order to optimize both the stiffness and the hysteretic losses.Comment: 8 pages; 8 figure
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