38 research outputs found

    Patterns in hydraulic ripples with binary granular mixtures

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    An experimental study of a binary granular mixture submitted to a transient shear flow in a cylindrical container is reported. The formation of ripples with a spiral shape is observed. The appearance of phase segregation in those spiral patterns is shown. The relative grain size bewteen sand species is found to be a relevant parameter leading to phase segregation. However, the relative repose angle is an irrelevant parameter. The formation of sedimentary structures is also presented. They result from a ripple climbing process. The ``sub-critical'' or ``super-critical'' character of the lamination patterns is shown to depend on the rotation speed of the container.Comment: 9 pages, 9 figures, LateX (using elsart package), submitted to Phys.

    Ripple and kink dynamics

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    We propose a relevant modification of the Nishimori-Ouchi model [{\em Phys. Rev. Lett.} {\bf 71}, 197 (1993)] for granular landscape erosion. We explicitly introduce a new parameter: the angle of repose θr\theta_r, and a new process: avalanches. We show that the θr\theta_r parameter leads to an asymmetry of the ripples, as observed in natural patterns. The temporal evolution of the maximum ripple height hmaxh_{max} is limited and not linear, according to recent observations. The ripple symmetry and the kink dynamics are studied and discussed.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figure, RevTe

    Phases of granular segregation in a binary mixture

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    We present results from an extensive experimental investigation into granular segregation of a shallow binary mixture in which particles are driven by frictional interactions with the surface of a vibrating horizontal tray. Three distinct phases of the mixture are established viz; binary gas (unsegregated), segregation liquid and segregation crystal. Their ranges of existence are mapped out as a function of the system's primary control parameters using a number of measures based on Voronoi tessellation. We study the associated transitions and show that segregation can be suppressed is the total filling fraction of the granular layer, CC, is decreased below a critical value, CcC_{c}, or if the dimensionless acceleration of the driving, γ\gamma, is increased above a value γc\gamma_{c}.Comment: 12 pages, 12 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev.

    Surface Instability in Windblown Sand

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    We investigate the formation of ripples on the surface of windblown sand based on the one-dimensional model of Nishimori and Ouchi [Phys. Rev. Lett. 71, 197 (1993)], which contains the processes of saltation and grain relaxation. We carry out a nonlinear analysis to determine the propagation speed of the restabilized ripple patterns, and the amplitudes and phases of their first, second, and third harmonics. The agreement between the theory and our numerical simulations is excellent near the onset of instability. We also determine the Eckhaus boundary, outside which the steady ripple patterns are unstable.Comment: 23 pages, 8 figure

    On the shape of barchan dunes

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    Barchans are crescent-shaped sand dunes forming in aride regions with unidirectional wind and limited sand supply. We report analytical and numerical results for dune shapes under different environmental conditions as obtained from the so-called `minimal model' of aeolian sand dunes. The profiles of longitudinal vertical slices (i.e. along the wind direction) are analyzed as a function of wind speed and sand supply. Shape transitions can be induced by changes of mass, wind speed and sand supply. Within a minimal extension of the model to the transverse direction the scale-invariant profile of transverse vertical cuts can be derived analytically.Comment: to appear in J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 17 (2005

    Granular spirals on erodible sand bed submitted to a circular fluid motion

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    An experimental study of a granular surface submitted to a circular fluid motion is presented. The appearance of an instability along the sand-water interface is observed beyond a critical radius rcr_c. This creates ripples with a spiral shape on the granular surface. A phase diagram of such patterns is constructed and discussed as a function of the rotation speed ω\omega of the flow and as a function of the height of water hh above the surface. The study of rcr_c as a function of hh, ω\omega and rr parameters is reported. Thereafter, rcr_c is shown to depend on the rotation speed according to a power law. The ripple wavelength is found to decrease when the rotation speed increases and is proportional to the radial distance rr. The azimuthal angle \az of the spiral arms is studied. It is found that \az scales with hωrh\omega r. This lead to the conclusion that \az depends on the fluid momentum. Comparison with experiments performed with fluids allows us to state that the spiral patterns are not the signature of an instability of the boundary layer.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, 1 table, using RevTeX4, submitted for publication (2002

    Dynamical models for sand ripples beneath surface waves

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    We introduce order parameter models for describing the dynamics of sand ripple patterns under oscillatory flow. A crucial ingredient of these models is the mass transport between adjacent ripples, which we obtain from detailed numerical simulations for a range of ripple sizes. Using this mass transport function, our models predict the existence of a stable band of wavenumbers limited by secondary instabilities. Small ripples coarsen in our models and this process leads to a sharply selected final wavenumber, in agreement with experimental observations.Comment: 9 pages. Shortened version of previous submissio

    A comparative analysis of two conserved motifs in bacterial poly(A) polymerase and CCA-adding enzyme

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    Showing a high sequence similarity, the evolutionary closely related bacterial poly(A) polymerases (PAP) and CCA-adding enzymes catalyze quite different reactions—PAP adds poly(A) tails to RNA 3′-ends, while CCA-adding enzymes synthesize the sequence CCA at the 3′-terminus of tRNAs. Here, two highly conserved structural elements of the corresponding Escherichia coli enzymes were characterized. The first element is a set of amino acids that was identified in CCA-adding enzymes as a template region determining the enzymes' specificity for CTP and ATP. The same element is also present in PAP, where it confers ATP specificity. The second investigated region corresponds to a flexible loop in CCA-adding enzymes and is involved in the incorporation of the terminal A-residue. Although, PAP seems to carry a similar flexible region, the functional relevance of this element in PAP is not known. The presented results show that the template region has an essential function in both enzymes, while the second element is surprisingly dispensable in PAP. The data support the idea that the bacterial PAP descends from CCA-adding enzymes and still carries some of the structural elements required for CCA-addition as an evolutionary relic and is now fixed in a conformation specific for A-addition

    Predicting bedforms and primary current stratification in cohesive mixtures of mud and sand

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    The use of sedimentary structures as indicators of flow and sediment morphodynamics in ancient sediments lies at the very heart of sedimentology, and allows reconstruction of formative flow conditions generated in a wide range of grain sizes and sedimentary environments. However, the vast majority of past research has documented and detailed the range of bedforms generated in essentially cohesionless sediments that lack the presence of mud within the flow and within the sediment bed itself. Yet most sedimentary environments possess fine-grained sediments and recent work has shown how the presence of this fine sediment may substantially modify the fluid dynamics of such flows. It is increasingly evident that understanding the influence of mud, and the presence of cohesive forces, is essential to permit a fuller interpretation of many modern and ancient sedimentary successions. In this paper, the present state of knowledge on the stability of current- and wave-generated bedforms and their primary current stratification is reviewed, and a new extended bedform phase diagram is presented that summarizes the bedforms generated in mixtures of sand and mud under rapidly decelerated flows. This diagram provides a phase space using the variables of yield strength and grain mobility as the abscissa and ordinate axes, respectively, and defines the stability fields of a range of bedforms generated under flows that have modified fluid dynamics owing to the presence of suspended sediment within the flow. Our results also present unique data on a range of bedforms generated in such flows, whose recognition is essential to help interpret such deposits in the ancient sedimentary record, including the following: (1) heterolithic stratification, comprising alternating laminae or layers of sand and mud; (2) the preservation of low-amplitude bed-waves, large current ripples and bed scours with intrascour composite bedforms; (3) low-angle cross-lamination and long lenses and streaks of sand and mud formed by bed-waves; (4) complex stacking of reverse bedforms, mud layers and low-angle cross-lamination on the upstream face of bed scours; (5) planar bedding comprising stacked mud–sand couplets. Furthermore, the results shown herein demonstrate that flow variability is not required to produce deposits consisting of interbedded sand and muds, and that the nature of flaser, wavy and lenticular bedding (sensu Reineck & Wunderlich 1968) may also need reconsideration in the deposits of such sediment-laden flows