225 research outputs found

    Fides et Ratio - Once and Now (?!)

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    Nakon više od stotinu godina enciklika Fides et ratio (1998.) postavlja iznova pitanje o odnosu teologije i filozofije. Taj je odnos posljednji put obrađivao Lav XIII. 1879. godine. Ivan Pavao II. preuzima nauk Lava XIII., ali stavlja nove odlučujuće naglaske: treba razlikovati vjeru i mišljenje, no oni se istodobno i prožimaju. Bez mišljenja vjera je ništa (Augustin). Iz toga proizlaze zaključci koje Ivan Pavao II. samo djelomično povlači. Članak donosi najprije pregled Enciklike, potom opisuje stajalište Lava XIII. i karakterizira zaključno ono »sada« vjere i razuma prema Ivanu Pavlu II. Zaključak tvore posljedicu za današnju filozofsku izobrazbu teologa.Die Enzyklika »Fides et Ratio« (1998) stellt - nach über hundert Jahren Kirchengeschichte - die Frage nach dem Verhältnis von Theologie und Philosophie neu. 1879 hatte Leo XIII. dieses Verhältnis zum letzten Mal behandelt. Johannes Paul II. greift die Lehre von Leo auf, setzt aber entscheidende neue Akzente: Glauben und Denken sind zu unterscheiden, aber sie durchdringen sich zugleich. Ohne Denken ist Glaube nichts (Augustinus). Daraus ergeben sich Folgerungen, die Johannes Paul II. nur zum Teil zieht. - Der Artikel gibt zunächst eine Übersicht über die Enzyklika, behandelt dann die Position Leos XIII. und charakterisiert anschließend das »Jetzt« von Glauben und Vernunft nach Johannes Paul II. Den Beschluss bilden einige Folgerungen für eine heutige philosophische Bildung von Theologen. A translation of this article is published in Croatian in a printed version in: Bogoslovska smotra, 78 (2008) 4,721-740. A German version is available on-line only.After more than 100 years the encyclical Fides et Ratio (1998) once again raises the question of the relationship between theology and philosophy. That relationship was last analysed by Leo XIII in 1879. Pope John Paul II takes over the teachings of Leo XIII but places new decisive highlights: should we differentiate faith and thought yet at the same time they pervade. Without thought, faith is nothing! (St. Augustine). This leads us to the conclusions that John Paul II partially draws. The article first presents an overview of the encyclical and then describes Leo XIII position and characterises the conclusive »now« of faith and reason according to John Paul II. The conclusion forms the consequences for current philosophical education of the theologian

    Apuntes sobre la situación de la teología católica en Europa

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    El tema que me han pedido que exponga es extraordinariamente complejo y difícil. Esta complejidad y dificultad están en relación con la situación de la Iglesia en Europa.Hoy ya no puede darse una respuesta a esta cuestión ofreciendo una visión general inteligente acerca de los temas y publicaciones más importantes y presentando una síntesis del discurso teológico actual de una forma académica. ¿Y por qué no puede hacerse esto en la situación actual? Porque la Iglesia como institución -en lo que se refiere a su presente configuración en Europa- se encuentra inmersa en un proceso de desintegración que pone a la teología ante cuestiones y exigencias absolutamente nuevas. Si se quiere hacer un bosquejo de la situación de la teología actual, de sus exigencias y retos, de sus perspectivas, hay que partir necesariamente de esta situación real e histórica de la Iglesia. La descripción de esta situación será el objeto del primer apartado

    Communio: ¿un nuevo paradigma?

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    La palabra latina communio y la griega koinonía han hecho en las dos últimas décadas una asombrosa carrera. Klaus Hemmerle, obispo de Aquisgrán, uno de los tempranos precursores de este concepto, habló en 1975 de una ontología trinitaria de la communio, que, decía, había que descubrir, una ontología que partiese de esa noción, decisiva y característica del cristianismo, y que fecundase la teología y la filosofía, porque, agregaba, abría la entrada a la realidad. La Quinta Conferencia Mundial sobre la Fe y la Constitución de las Iglesias del Consejo Ecuménico de las Iglesias, desarrollada en Santiago de Compostela en 1993, recogió expresamente la temática de la Iglesia como communio, y ello como communio fundada en la Trinidad

    Ojačati sinodalne elemente u Crkvi

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    Iglesia y cultura: reflexiones teológicas sobre su interdependencia

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    Evangelización y cultura en la historia de la iglesia

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    Biti teolog - što to danas znači?

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    Autor promišlja o profilu teologa kakvoga traži današnje vrijeme. Inspirirajući se na polazištima Tome Akvinskoga, najprije donosi kratku refleksiju o teologiji kao znanosti razlikujući je od filozofske teologije: teologija je znanost koja se temelji na objavi te na odgovoru na tu objavu, vjeri. Pisac pritom posebno ističe mudrost kao naročitu karakteristiku teološke znanosti. Po mudrosti, naime, teologija dolazi do svoje istinske sposobnosti djelovanja. Polazeći od spomenutog sadržaja teologije, autor ističe nužnost da teolog bude čovjek vjernik, tj. da objava i vjera određuju njegov život. Nadalje, teolog mora biti čovjek temeljite opće izobrazbe, kao i suvereni poznavatelj svoje znanosti i njezine metode. Teolog je, osim toga, čovjek postavljen za javnost za koju snosi odgovornost prosuđujući na proročki način svekoliku ljudsku zbilju u svjetlu Božje objave. I napokon, teolog je na poseban način čovjek Crkve ukoliko čuva i promiče racionalnost njezine vjere

    Towards polarization-based excitation tailoring for extended Raman spectroscopy

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    Undoubtedly, Raman spectroscopy is one of the most elaborate spectroscopy tools in materials science, chemistry, medicine and optics. However, when it comes to the analysis of nanostructured specimens or individual sub-wavelength-sized systems, the access to Raman spectra resulting from different excitation schemes is usually very limited. For instance, the excitation with an electric field component oriented perpendicularly to the substrate plane is a difficult task. Conventionally, this can only be achieved by mechanically tilting the sample or by sophisticated sample preparation. Here, we propose a novel experimental method based on the utilization of polarization tailored light for Raman spectroscopy of individual nanostructures. As a proof of principle, we create three-dimensional electromagnetic field distributions at the nanoscale using tightly focused cylindrical vector beams impinging normally onto the specimen, hence keeping the traditional beam-path of commercial Raman systems. In order to demonstrate the convenience of this excitation scheme, we use a sub-wavelength diameter gallium-nitride nanostructure as a test platform and show experimentally that its Raman spectra depend sensitively on its location relative to the focal vector field. The observed Raman spectra can be attributed to the interaction with transverse and pure longitudinal electric field components. This novel technique may pave the way towards a characterization of Raman active nanosystems, granting direct access to growth-related parameters such as strain or defects in the material by using the full information of all Raman modes

    Теплофизические характеристики высокочастотного факельного разряда, горящего в смеси атомарного и молекулярного газов

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    В данной работе определены зависимости теплофизических характеристик высокочастотного факельного разряда, горящего в смеси аргон – воздух от концентрации воздуха в смеси с аргоном. Установленные экспериментальные зависимости, могут быть использованы при оптимизации режимов работы факельных плазмотронов и плазмохимических реакторов. Проведены измерения и расчеты тепловой мощности ВЧФР, горящего в смеси аргон – воздух.In this work, we measured the specific thermal power of the flare discharge depending on the ratio of the concentration of molecular and atomic gases. Argon was used as atomic gas, and air was used as molecular gas. The measurements were carried out by calorimetry. Along with measurements of the specific power of the discharge, measurements were made of the electronic and gas temperature of the discharge. Based on the measurements, the specific electrical conductivity of the discharge plasma was calculated. The electric field strength in the discharge channel was also determined