20 research outputs found

    Scaling the Danish national water resources model for a pan-European quasi-3D groundwater resources model

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    In this study, we upscale and simplify hydrostratigraphic information from a detailed model for Denmark to a pan-European scale. This is part of a larger project to develop a harmonised overview of the volume and depth of groundwater resources in a quasi-3D European groundwater resource model. A 10 km grid and a maximum of c. 10 hydrostratigraphic layers were chosen as the common scale for the European database. The Danish information is based on the national water resources model (the DK-model), where the information is significantly more detailed (100 m grid and up to 26 layers). Information was transferred from the DK-model to the quasi-3D model by a method involving computations of mean volumes and expert assessment to reduce layers in each cell. In this process, detailed hydrostratigraphic information is lost, which could otherwise be used for local groundwater flow modelling in Denmark. However, the strength of the quasi-3D model is that it still contains the volumes of all hydrostratigraphic units, both the saturated and unsaturated parts. Hence, the upscaled model can contribute to a relatively precise calculation of European groundwater resources for the quantitative assessment of groundwater status across Europe at a 10 × 10 km scale

    Reconstruction of pre-Illinoian ice margins and glaciotectonic structures from airborne electromagnetic (AEM) surveys at the western limit of Laurentide glaciation, Midcontinent U.S.A.

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    Early and early Middle Pleistocene glaciations in midcontinental USA are poorly understood relative to more recent Illinoian and Wisconsinan glaciations, largely because pre-Illinoian glacial landforms and deposits are eroded and buried. In this paper, we present a new interpretation of buried, pre-Illinoian glacial features along the Laurentide glacial margin in northeastern Nebraska using Airborne ElectroMagnetics (AEM) supplemented with borehole logs and 2m LiDAR elevation data. We detect and map large-scale (101–102 km) geological features using contrasts in electrical resistivity. The Laurentide glacial limit is marked by a continuous (\u3e120 km) contrast between conductive (\u3c15 Ω-m), clayey tills and resistive (\u3e40 Ω-m) sandy sediments. Several smaller (102 km2) till salients extend 10s of km westward of this margin. We recognize a lithologically heterogeneous zone characterized by variable resistivity and complex geophysical structures extending as much as 17 km west of the glacial limit. This zone is interpreted as a glaciotectonic thrust complex, and it is analogous to a similar thrust complex in Denmark where structural analysis of co-located seismic and AEM surveys provides a standard for comparison. Our study suggests that the maximum advancement of pre-Illinoian glacial ice into Nebraska involved extensive deformation of sedimentary strata, local overriding of these deformed strata by smaller ice tongues, and emplacement of tills as much as 30 km west of the principal Laurentide ice margin. These insights provide the first glimpse of the large-scale stratigraphic architecture of glacial sediments in Nebraska and point to future clarifications of the geology and geomorphology of the Laurentide glacial limit

    Reconstruction of pre-Illinoian ice margins and glaciotectonic structures from airborne ElectroMagnetic (AEM) surveys at the western limit of Laurentide glaciation, Midcontinent U.S.A.

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    Early and early Middle Pleistocene glaciations in midcontinental USA are poorly understood relative to more recent Illinoian and Wisconsinan glaciations, largely because pre-Illinoian glacial landforms and deposits are eroded and buried. In this paper, we present a new interpretation of buried, pre-Illinoian glacial features along the Laurentide glacial margin in northeastern Nebraska using Airborne ElectroMagnetics (AEM) supplemented with borehole logs and 2 m LiDAR elevation data. We detect and map large-scale (101–102 km) geological features using contrasts in electrical resistivity. The Laurentide glacial limit is marked by a continuous (>120 km) contrast between conductive (40 Ω-m) sandy sediments. Several smaller (102 km2) till salients extend 10s of km westward of this margin. We recognize a lithologically heterogeneous zone characterized by variable resistivity and complex geophysical structures extending as much as 17 km west of the glacial limit. This zone is interpreted as a glaciotectonic thrust complex, and it is analogous to a similar thrust complex in Denmark where structural analysis of co-located seismic and AEM surveys provides a standard for comparison. Our study suggests that the maximum advancement of pre-Illinoian glacial ice into Nebraska involved extensive deformation of sedimentary strata, local overriding of these deformed strata by smaller ice tongues, and emplacement of tills as much as 30 km west of the principal Laurentide ice margin. These insights provide the first glimpse of the large-scale stratigraphic architecture of glacial sediments in Nebraska and point to future clarifications of the geology and geomorphology of the Laurentide glacial limit

    Regional flow in a complex coastal aquifer system: combining voxel geological modelling with regularized calibration

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    Low-lying coastal regions are often highly populated, constitute sensitive habitats and are at the same time exposed to challenging hydrological environments due to surface flooding from storm events and saltwater intrusion, which both may affect drinking water supply from shallow and deeper aquifers. Near the Wadden Sea at the border of Southern Denmark and Northern Germany, the hydraulic system (connecting groundwater, river water, and the sea) was altered over centuries (until the 19th century) by e.g. the construction of dikes and drains to prevent flooding and allow agricultural use. Today, massive saltwater intrusions extend up to 20 km inland. In order to understand the regional flow, a methodological approach was developed that combined: (1) a highly-resolved voxel geological model, (2) a ∼1 million node groundwater model with 46 hydrofacies coupled to rivers, drains and the sea, (3) Tikhonov regularization calibration using hydraulic heads and average stream discharges as targets and (4) parameter uncertainty analysis. It is relatively new to use voxel models for constructing geological models that often have been simplified to stacked, pseudo-3D layer geology. The study is therefore one of the first to combine a voxel geological model with state-of-the-art flow calibration techniques. The results show that voxel geological modelling, where lithofacies information are transferred to each volumetric element, is a useful method to preserve 3D geological heterogeneity on a local scale, which is important when distinct geological features such as buried valleys are abundant. Furthermore, it is demonstrated that simpler geological models and simpler calibration methods do not perform as well. The proposed approach is applicable to many other systems, because it combines advanced and flexible geological modelling and flow calibration techniques. This has led to new insights in the regional flow patterns and especially about water cycling in the marsh area near the coast based on the ability to define six predictive scenarios from the linear analysis of parameter uncertainty. The results show that the coastal system near the Danish-German border is mainly controlled by flow in the two aquifers separated by a thick clay layer, and several deep high-permeable buried valleys that connect the sea with the interior and the two aquifers. The drained marsh area acts like a huge regional sink limiting submarine groundwater discharge. With respect to water balance, the greatest sensitivity to parameter uncertainty was observed in the drained marsh area, where some scenarios showed increased flow of sea water into the interior and increased drainage. We speculate that the massive salt water intrusion may be caused by a combination of the preferential pathways provided by the buried valleys, the marsh drainage and relatively high hydraulic conductivities in the two main aquifers as described by one of the scenarios. This is currently under investigation by using a salt water transport model

    3D training image development and conditioning strategies for multiple-point statistical simulations

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    In Multiple-Point Statistical (MPS) approaches, the training image (TI) and the conditioning data play a crucial role (Mariethoz and Caers, 2014). In fact, MPS combines the ability to condition the realizations to hard and soft data with the capability to reproduce geological features characterized by statistical properties formalized via the TI. In the present research, we compare different strategies for SNESIM simulations on a large 3D model volume. The simulation domain (â\u88¼45·106voxels) corresponds to the Miocene formation in the south of Denmark (Figures 1a-b). The Miocene sediments can be roughly subdivided into two lithologies: sand and clay. An already existing geological model (the Tønder model, Figure 1b) is present in part of the study area. A portion of the Tønder model is utilized as starting point for the iterative development of the 3D TI. Subsequently, the TI is adjusted based on the a-posteriori analysis of the associated unconstrained realizations (Figure 2). In addition, the seismic lines in the area are used as hard conditioning information as their reliability is higher than the other available data (Figure 1c). Hard conditioning is also used to ensure a perfect correspondence between the simulation results and the pre-existing Tønder model (Figure 1c). On the contrary, because of their general lower quality, and different discretization (1m) compared to the size of the realization grid (5m), the borehole data are included as soft probability (Figure 3b). Actually, in order to avoid the limitations of SNESIM, and successfully reproduce the spatial trend in the clay/sand ratio across the investigated domain, we find it effective to interpolate the sand probability derived from the boreholes into a 3D voxel model and use it as soft conditioning (Figures 3c-d). In summary, this research shows a possible workflow to properly build TIs and effectively handle input information to be successfully used for large-scale geostatistical 3D modelling (Figures 4d-f)