459 research outputs found

    Biochemical and Genetic Studies of UBR3, a Ubiquitin Ligase with a Function in Olfactory and Other Sensory Systems

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    Our previous work identified E3 ubiquitin ligases, termed UBR1-UBR7, that contain the ~70-residue UBR box, a motif important for the targeting of N-end rule substrates. In this pathway, specific N-terminal residues of substrates are recognized as degradation signals by UBR box-containing E3s that include UBR1, UBR2, UBR4, and UBR5. The other E3s of this set, UBR3, UBR6, and UBR7, remained uncharacterized. Here we describe the cloning and analyses of mouse UBR3. The similarities of UBR3 to the UBR1 and UBR2 E3s of the N-end rule pathway include the RING and UBR domains. We show that HR6A and HR6B, the E2 enzymes that bind to UBR1 and UBR2, also interact with UBR3. However, in contrast to UBR1 and UBR2, UBR3 does not recognize N-end rule substrates. We also constructed UBR3-lacking mouse strains. In the 129SvImJ background, UBR3-/- mice died during embryogenesis, whereas the C57BL/6 background UBR3-/- mice exhibited neonatal lethality and suckling impairment that could be partially rescued by litter size reduction. The adult UBR3-/- mice had female-specific behavioral anosmia. Cells of the olfactory pathway were found to express beta-galactosidase (LacZ) that marked the deletion/disruption UBR3- allele. The UBR3-specific LacZ expression was also prominent in cells of the touch, vision, hearing, and taste systems, suggesting a regulatory role of UBR3 in sensory pathways, including olfaction. By analogy with functions of the UBR domain in the N-end rule pathway, we propose that the UBR box of UBR3 may recognize small compounds that modulate the targeting, by this E3, of its currently unknown substrates

    Perceived Quality, Authenticity and Price in Tourists’ Dining Experiences: Testing Competing Models of Satisfaction and Behavioral Intentions

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    This study examines tourists’ dining experiences and tests competing models of predictors of satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Specifically, we examine the influence of service quality, quality of environment, food quality, price fairness, authenticity and tourist satisfaction on behavioral intentions. Within the context of mountain hut casual ethnic restaurants and a survey of 304 respondent tourists, we apply PLS-SEM to test both the baseline and the competing, hierarchical latent model. First, results for the baseline model show that satisfaction fully mediates the relationship between the various quality attributes and behavioral intentions. Second, results from the competing model confirm that food quality, service quality and quality of environment form a second-order construct of perceived quality. Third, results reveal that service quality, quality of the environment, and food quality are best represented as a second-order construct in modelling predictors to evaluate the tourism dining experiences relative to tourist satisfaction and behavioral intentions. Fourth, we show that authenticity is a stronger predictor of satisfaction than price fairness and service quality

    Der Monte Rosa

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    Measurement of charged particle distributions in hadronic Z decays and tuning of QCD models

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    SchulbĂĽcher als Instrument der Assimilation?

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    (Der Diplomarbeit ist eine DVD beigelegt, die Internetquellen und Scans von Lehrwerken beinhaltet.) Die vorliegende Diplomarbeit ist der Analyse von Lehrwerken des Unterrichtsfaches Deutsch der Sekundarstufe I gewidmet. Es werden Lese- und Sprachbücher, sowie Lehr-werke für Deutsch als Zweitsprache im Hinblick auf die Darstellung und Berücksichtigung von Migration, Migrantinnen und Migranten untersucht. Als Ausgangspunkt wird Assimilation als präferiertes Konzept nationalstaatlicher Institutionen bestimmt, wenn es um den Umgang mit Migrantinnen und Migranten geht. Dem liegt die Annahme zugrunde, dass Multikulturalität und Pluralität die Integrität eines auf Homogenität und kollektiver Identität beruhenden Konzeptes, wie das eines National-staates, automatisch bedrohen. Wolfgang Nieke (2008: 134) bestimmt in diesem Zusammenhang Befremdung und Angst vor Separatismus als grundlegende Mechanismen der Ablehnung von Multikulturalismus. Die Inhalte von approbierten - und somit von staatlichen Institutionen geprüften - Schulbüchern werden wiederum als gesellschaftlich gebundenes Wissen mit Wahrheitsanspruch, das teilweise über Generationen tradiert wird, verstanden. Die Abbildung von Menschen mit Migrationshintergrund in solchen Werken kann somit einerseits Vorbildcharakter für Schülerinnen und Schüler mit Migrationshintergrund haben, andererseits zu Ansprüchen und Hypothesen seitens der Mitglieder der Majorität führen, wie sich Migrantinnen und Migranten in manchen Lebensbereichen zu verhalten hätten. Theoretische Grundlagen und Methodik Die Untersuchung selbst beruht auf der Assimilationstheorie nach Hartmut Esser, dessen Modell der Sozialintegration die Dimensionen der Assimilation näher bestimmt und so relevante und analysierbare Bereiche der Angleichung abgrenzbar macht. In Verbindung mit verschiedenen Untersuchungen zur Integration von Zuwanderern (Ulram 2009; Michalowski u. Snel 2005) ergibt sich ein recht klar umrissenes Bild, welche Teilbereiche der Assimilation durch bestimmte Lebensbereiche und Aspekte der Integration abgedeckt werden können. Der methodische Zugriff erfolgt wie in anderen Analysen von Lehrwerken, welche in der Diplomarbeit vorgestellt werden, durch eine Diskursanalyse. Als Ausgangspunkt dient die Kritische Diskursanalyse nach Siegfried Jäger (2004). Durch die Verbindung des Esser’schen Modells der Sozialintegration/Assimilation mit einem Fragenkatalog, der auf den für die Assimilation als bedeutend eingestuften Lebensbereichen beruht, entsteht eine auf Schulbücher und die theoretische Ausgangslage angepasste Variante der Diskursanalyse. Ergebnisse Die Untersuchung kommt zu dem Ergebnis, dass Migrantinnen und Migranten in approbierten Lehrwerken des Unterrichtsfaches Deutsch stark unterrepräsentiert sind. Sie wer-den vor allem in Bereichen berücksichtigt, die explizit der Migration gewidmet sind, wie etwa eigene Themenbereiche oder Zusatzteile für Kinder mit nicht-deutscher Mutterspra-che. Die Darstellung von Migrantinnen und Migranten sind vor allem durch eine Vernach-lässigung und Ausgrenzung von Migrantensprachen gekennzeichnet. Figuren mit Migrati-onshintergrund werden beinahe ausnahmslos in Interaktion mit Angehörigen der Majorität dargestellt. Im Bereich der Platzierung ist festzuhalten dass Migrantinnen und Migranten kaum in prestigeträchtigen, leitenden oder gesellschaftlich relevanten Positionen auftreten. Üblicherweise werden sie in Handwerks- und Lehrberufen, aber vor allem als Schülerinnen und Schüler dargestellt. Für die identifikative Komponente lässt sich kein einheitlicher Trend feststellen. Empfehlungen und Konsequenzen Am Ende der Diplomarbeit wird die Frage in den Vordergrund gestellt, ob die Assimilation als gesamtgesellschaftlicher Entwurf des Umgangs mit Migration wirklich diejenige Opti-on ist, die Schülerinnen und Schülern in Schulbüchern vor Augen geführt werden sollte. Viel optimistischer und auch gesamtgesellschaftlich wertvoller scheint die Darstellung der Konstellation einer multiplen Inklusion zu sein, welche die Einbindung in mehrere nationa-le Systeme erlaubt. Auf diese Weise könnte Schülerinnen und Schülern vorgeführt werden, dass sich unterschiedliche Kulturen vereinbaren lassen. Eine solche multiple Inklusion kann relativ einfach in Schulbüchern dargestellt werden, wenn Migrantinnen und Migran-ten öfter und in mehreren verschiedenen Bereichen, und auch in gesellschaftlich relevante-ren Positionen, dargestellt werden. Auch andere Erstsprachen als Deutsch könnten und sollten in die Gestaltung von Unterrichtsmaterialien einfließen, selbst wenn diese dem Deutschunterricht gewidmet sind. Trotz alledem sollte die direkte Beschäftigung mit Mig-ration und damit verbundenen Problemfeldern wie etwa Fremdenfeindlichkeit und Vorur-teile nicht aufgegeben werden.This thesis is concerned with the analysis of schoolbooks which have been officially recognised as being suitable for teaching the subject of German at Austrian Schools of Secondary Education. This includes text books and exercise books for teaching German as a first and second language. The scope of the analysis lies on the treatment of migrants within these schoolbooks. It is assumed that governmentally controlled text types, which are supposed to have a certain influence on the development of younger generations, are determined to display migrants as subjects of assimilation. This paper is therefore concerned with the determination of aspects and areas of adaptation. Fundamental preconditions were described by Nieke (2008: 134) who defined fear of separatism and alienation as two key components of a nation’s rejection of multiculturalism. Nations are built on the collective identity of their citizens, which is threatened by increasing ethnic and cultural plurality. Therefore, it can be assumed that national institutions are strongly interested in the proliferation of influential texts which support the homogeneity of a nation’s society. Schoolbooks are very likely to meet these requirements as they convey culturally accepted and valued knowledge. Conveying the image of migrants both as culturally diverse or assimilated groups, can therefore be of great influence. The theoretical background of this analysis was found in Hartmut Esser’s (2006) concept of social integration. From his point of view, assimilation is one of four possible ways in which social relationships of migrants can be described. The parameters determining these categories were compared to field studies concerning the integration of migrants (Ulram 2009; Michalowski & Snel 2005). In this way it was possible to define various aspects in the depiction of migrants in schoolbooks, which cover the whole spectrum of Esser’s concept of social integration. The result was a set of questions which was implemented within a framework of Critical Discourse Analysis (Jäger 2004). Results The results show that migrants are not accounted for in a way that would resemble their share of the Austrian population in an appropriate manner. Generally, migrants as characters, or any other kind of possible allowance regarding migration, are to be found in domains which are specifically dedicated to migration (as a subject or as supportive materials for children with other first languages than German). In most cases, migrant characters are only communicating and interacting with members of the majority. Other languages than German are hardly ever mentioned. Even first languages of students are usually neglected. In terms of success within the host society migrant characters do not penetrate domains of high prestige in the job market. They are usually restricted to labourers and/or craftsmen. Concerning identification with the host society there is no general conclusion to be drawn. Recommendations Finally, assimilation as a suitable construct of society’s expectation to the integration of immigrants is to be questioned. Sticking to Esser’s terminology, the concept of multiple inclusion is proposed as an alternative way of propagating a preferred way of migrants’ social organisation. Possible alterations to existing schoolbooks include increasing the mere numbers of migrant characters and an elevation of these characters’ social status. Migrants should be shown in interaction with members of both majority and minority groups. Migrant languages should be included in German schoolbooks as well. However, negative aspects of the migration discourse should not be neglected and texts and chapters devoted to xenophobia and prejudice should not be excluded

    Estimating carbon dioxide fluxes from temperate mountain grasslands using broad-band vegetation indices

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    The broad-band normalised difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the simple ratio (SR) were calculated from measurements of reflectance of photosynthetically active and short-wave radiation at two temperate mountain grasslands in Austria and related to the net ecosystem CO<sub>2</sub> exchange (NEE) measured concurrently by means of the eddy covariance method. There was no significant statistical difference between the relationships of midday mean NEE with narrow- and broad-band NDVI and SR, measured during and calculated for that same time window, respectively. The skill of broad-band NDVI and SR in predicting CO<sub>2</sub> fluxes was higher for metrics dominated by gross photosynthesis and lowest for ecosystem respiration, with NEE in between. A method based on a simple light response model whose parameters were parameterised based on broad-band NDVI allowed to improve predictions of daily NEE and is suggested to hold promise for filling gaps in the NEE time series. Relationships of CO<sub>2</sub> flux metrics with broad-band NDVI and SR however generally differed between the two studied grassland sites indicting an influence of additional factors not yet accounted for

    Innovation capability and culture: How time-orientation shapes owner-managers' perceptions

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    This study offers a cross-cultural perspective to better understand how time orientation shapes tourism small and medium enterprises' (SMEs) innovation capability. We synthesise the extant literature and determine SME owner - managers' internal and external innovation capability. Distinguishing between short- and long-term cultures and comparing data from Australian and German, Austrian and Swiss (DACH country cluster) SMEs, results confirm that perceptions of innovation capability vary across cultures. Results for SMEs in short term-oriented cultures show stronger appreciation for consumer orientation, creating prospective profit and staff incentives; by contrast, SMEs in long term-oriented cultures place higher value on accessible knowledge, commitment to learning, and adaptation. To effectively manage innovation capability in SMEs, we suggest a balanced approach of considering both short- and long-term factors. Acknowledging the scarcity of SMEs' resources, we propose that owner-managers first focus on strengthening their internal organisational drivers of innovation to enhance their innovation capability. We also discuss implications for tourism policy, offer recommendations for the field of innovation research and note the study's limitations

    The bacterial community composition of the surface microlayer in a high mountain lake

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    The existence of bacterioneuston in aquatic ecosystems is well established, but little is known about its composition and dynamics, particularly in lakes. The bacterioneuston underlies extreme conditions at the air-water boundary, which may influence its dynamics in a different way compared with the bacterioplankton. In this study, we assessed quantitative changes in major bacterial groups of the surface microlayer (SML) (upper 900 ÎĽm) and the underlying water (ULW) (0.2-0.5 m depth) of an alpine lake during two consecutive ice-free seasons. Analysis of the bacterial community composition was done using catalyzed reporter deposition FISH with oligonucleotide probes. In addition, several physicochemical parameters were measured to characterize these two water layers. Dissolved organic carbon was consistently enriched in the SML and the dissolved organic matter pool presented clear signals of photodegradation and photobleaching. The water temperature was generally colder in the SML than in the subsurface. The bacterial community of the SML and the ULW was dominated by Betaproteobacteria and Actinobacteria. The bacterial community composition was associated with different combinations of physicochemical factors in these two layers, but temporal changes showed similar trends in both layers over the two seasons. Our results identify the SML of alpine lakes as a microhabitat where specific bacterial members such as of Betaproteobacteria seem to be efficient colonizer
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