7 research outputs found

    Reflections on the regional approach for Open Science in Europe – EOSC-Pillar and the other “5b projects”

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    Das H2020-Projekt „EOSC Pillar“ und seine drei „Schwesterprojekte“ (5b Projekte) sind ein hervorragendes Beispiel dafĂŒr, wie unterschiedliche europĂ€ische Projekte geeint in einer ernsthaften, entschlossenen Weise, die durch eine Konsensualvereinbarung zwischen den Projekten formalisiert wird, effektiv am EOSC-Aufbauprozess teilnehmen können. Der regionale Ansatz, der auf individuelle, regionale BedĂŒrfnisse eingeht, hat gezeigt, wie wichtig es ist, gemeinsam Herausforderungen im Zusammenhang mit der European Open Science Cloud anzugehen, um die vielfĂ€ltige und fragmentierte europĂ€ische Forschungsinfrastrukturlandschaft zu erreichen. Die daraus resultierenden FAIR Daten und Schlussfolgerungen bilden wesentliche Bausteine fĂŒr die Fortsetzung Ă€hnlicher BemĂŒhungen.The H2020 project “EOSC Pillar” and its three “sister projects” (5b Projects) are an excellent example of how different European projects can effectively participate in the EOSC building process united in a serious, determined effort formalized by a consensual agreement between the projects. The regional approach, responding to individual, regional needs, has demonstrated the importance of jointly addressing challenges related to the European Open Science Cloud in order to reach the diverse and fragmented European research infrastructure landscape. The resulting FAIR data and conclusions are essential building blocks for continuing similar efforts

    EOSC Pillar "National Initiatives" Survey (SUF edition)

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    Full edition for scientific use. The EOSC-Pillar ”National Initiatives” Survey is a cross-section study in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy. The survey aims at landscaping national initiatives of open research data and services with relevance to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC). Four target groups are part of the study: e-infrastructures, research infrastructures, universities and funding bodies. The survey contains questions on the perception of EOSC as well as detailed questions assessing e.g. the e-infrastructures’ business models, technical characteristics, access conditions, FAIRness of the data holdings and adopted policies related to open science

    D4.6 Legal and Policy Framework and Federation Blueprint

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    Development of EOSC is influenced by the parallel development at the national and regional levels. Requirements for open data, data protection and cross border data access rely on a common understanding of existing regulations procedures in countries and their differences. This deliverable presents the legal and organisational aspects of services delivery in a federated environment and recommends actions that enable service providers to position their services for improved interoperation in the context of the EOSC services landscape. The objectives of this deliverable are: a study of the legal and policy state of the art in the involved countries, highlighting commonalities to be leveraged and gaps or challenges to be tackled in order to help harmonise and improve the national policies and strategies related to FAIR data and Open Science, proposing recommendations for the rules and procedures with respect to legal issues regarding open access and open data, proposing policy recommendations for services management, focusing on the management of service level agreements, and delivering a blueprint for EOSC which can be used by service providers as a guideline for legal aspects of service and data provisioning in a European and an international context The document sketches a policy and legal framework by building upon the existing national policies, delivers recommendations, and considers the aspects that come with agreement on service delivery in a federated IT landscape. These can help to establish a governance structure for service providers and other organisations that handle scientific data. The checklist is also available as a separate, actionable, document: interactive digital version: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6327668 printable version: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.6327691 The recommendations are also available as a separate digital document: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.645131

    D3.1 Summary report of the EOSC-Pillar National Initiatives Survey

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    EOSC-Pillar invited 2,204 organisations (funding bodies, universities, research infrastructures, and e-infrastructures) in five countries (Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, Italy) to participate in the ‘National Initiatives’ Survey. 688 representatives (31%) responded to the survey and answered various questions on business models, sustainability, users, Service Level Agreements (SLAs), access to data and services, FAIRness of data, data management in repositories, regulations on open science and open data as well as on perceptions of EOSC. This document contains the main results in terms of frequency analysis

    EOSC Pillar Researcher Survey (SUF edition)

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    Full edition for scientific use. The survey aimed at understanding researchers' data reuse behavior and was carried out at selected universities in Austria, Belgium, France, Germany, and Italy. The survey encompasses researchers' views on 1) the importance of different kinds of data reuse and reuse, 2) the importance of different tools for finding data, and the main aspects influencing whether a researcher reuses data or not, 3) whether reuse is encouraged, and 4) perspectives on different aspects of reusability. The survey also asks how important different services are, how available they are, the relevance of international collaboration and factors that influence data sharing along with potential services that might help with research

    Die österreichische EOSC Mandated Organisation / Das EOSC Support Office Austria

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    This report offers some reflections for a better understanding of the realization of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) at a local level, describing the implementation of the newly established Austrian EOSC Mandated Organisation and the EOSC Support Office Austria.Dieser Bericht bietet einige Überlegungen zum besseren Ver-stĂ€ndnis der Umsetzung der European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) auf nationaler Ebene und schildert die Entstehung der neu gegrĂŒndeten österreichischen EOSC Man-dated Organisation und des EOSC Support Office Austria.1431622

    The Austrian EOSC Mandated Organisation / The EOSC Support Office Austria

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    Dieser Bericht bietet einige Überlegungen zum besseren VerstĂ€ndnis der Umsetzung der European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) auf nationaler Ebene und schildert die Entstehung der neu gegrĂŒndeten österreichischen EOSC Mandated Organisation und des EOSC Support Office Austria.This report offers some reflections for a better understanding of the realization of the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) at a local level, describing the implementation of the newly established Austrian EOSC Mandated Organisation and the EOSC Support Office Austria