34 research outputs found

    World Graph Formalism for Feynman Amplitudes

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    A unified treatment of Schwinger parametrised Feynman amplitudes is suggested which addresses vertices of arbitrary order on the same footing as propagators. Contributions from distinct diagrams are organised collectively. The scheme is based on the continuous graph Laplacian. The analogy to a classical statistical diffusion system of vector charges on the graph is explored.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figures. Added DFG project details. Added further comments on some topics; omitted some well-known material. v4: Added a citation; shortened some passage


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    Beside European beavers (Castor fiber) from Poland, Belarus and Sweden also individuals of C. canadensis have been released to the Austrian Danube watershed east of Vienna during the years 1976 and 1990. Based on reintroduction activities the Lower Austrian beaver population developed well to a current size of more than 3000 individuals. However, it remains ambiguous, which of the originally released animals account for this success. Here, we present mitochondrial (mt) DNA data to answer the questions whether C. canadensis is still traceable in Lower Austria and which intraspecific lineages of C. fiber are currently present?Our Maximum Likelihood (ML) analysis based on 81 newly generated DNA sequences from the mitochondrial control region plus 30 reference beaver samples from the literature, revealed no evidence for the existence of C. canadensis in Lower Austria. With respect to C. fiber, three different intraspecific lineages (mainly corresponding to different subspecies) were identified. While the majority of samples represent either Scandinavian (subsp. fiber) or Central European beavers (likely C. f. albicus x belorussicus/orientoeuropaeus), one sample of C. f. pohlei was rather genetically distinct and unexpected from the documented reintroduction history. In addition, possible hybridisation among intraspecific beaver lineages is discussed, although the maternally inherited mtDNA analysed here did not give the ultimate answer to this question.SažetakPored europskog dabra (Castor fiber) podrijetlom iz Poljske, Bjelorusije i Švedske, u razdoblju od 1976. do 1990. godine u porječje Dunava istočno od Beča u Republici Austriji unešene su i jedinke kanadskog dabra (C. canadensis). Zahvaljujući naporima oko reintrodukcije populacija dabra dobro se razvijala i danas se procjenjuje na više od 3000 jedinki. Postavlja se pitanje koje su od svojedobno unešenih jedinki (linija) "zaslužne" za ovaj uspjeh. U radu se prikazuje analiza mitohondrijske DNA (mtDNA) prikupljena iz uzoraka tkiva i dlake dabrova odstrijeljenih u razdoblju 2007–2011. Istraživanjem se željelo odgovoriti na pitanja o današnjoj zastupljenosti unutarvrsnih linija kojima su pripadale jedinke kod reintrodukcije te pitanje detekcije prisutnost gena udaljene vrste C. canadensis. Analiza metodom najveće vjerojatnosti (ML) bazirana na 81 generiranih DNA sekvenci mitohondrijskog kontrolnog područja u sprezi s 30 referentnih uzoraka dabra iz literaturnih izvora nije potvrdila prisutnost vrste C. canadensis u Donjoj Austriji. Što se pak europskog dabra (C. fiber) tiče, utvrđena je prisutnost tri unutarvrsne linije, uglavnom korespondirajuće sa tri različite podvrste. Dok je najveći broj uzoraka odgovarao skandinavskoj (ssp. fiber) ili srednjoeuropskoj podvrsti (vrlo vjerojatno C. f. albicus x belorussicus/orientoeuropaeus), jedan je uzorak genetički odstupao (definiran kao C. f. Pohlei) i pojavio se neočekivano s obzirom na poznate podatke o izvršenoj reintrodukciji. U radu se također razmatraju mogući aspekti križanja između prisutnih unutarvrsnih linija, mada mtDNA analiza nije uspjela u potpunosti odgovoriti na ova pitanja.In addition, possible hybridisation among intraspecific beaver lineages is discussed, although the maternally inherited mtDNA analysed here did not give the ultimate answer to this question

    Übertraining im Sport

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    Absicht: Aufgrund der ständigen Leistungsoptimierung im Sport und dem Streben nach Rekorden, versuchen Sportler ständig ihre individuellen Leistungskapazitäten auszu-schöpfen. Die Balance zwischen Belastung und Erholung stellt sich als Gratwanderung heraus und endet nicht selten in Zuständen des Overreaching und Overtrainings und betrifft Sportler verschiedener Leistungsniveaus. In dieser Arbeit wird versucht die aktuellsten Marker zur Diagnostik von Overtraining auf ihre Wirksamkeit zu prüfen. Ob es einzelne, praxistaugliche Marker gibt oder ob das Modell des sympathischen und para-sympathischen Overtrainings noch gültig ist sollte geklärt werden. Methodik: Die Litera-tur wird schwerpunktmäßig im Zeitraum von 1998 bis 2009 auf hermeneutischem Wege geprüft. Bestehende Verwirrung der Begrifflichkeiten sowie Ansichten und Hypothesen zum Overtraining werden im allgemeinen Teil erörtert. Aktuelle Versuche der Diagnostik werden im speziellen Teil diskutiert und kritisch hinsichtlich ihrer Praxistauglichkeit un-tersucht. Resultate: Nicht vollständig geklärt bleibt die Gültigkeit des Bestehens eines sympathischen und parasympathischen Overtrainings. Die neuere Ansicht eines O-vertraining- Kontinuums scheint sich durchzusetzen. Endokrine Tendenzen eines „O-vershots“ des ACTH- Systems im Overreaching und einer Hemmung im Overtraining sind zu sehen, können jedoch nicht bestätigt werden. Profile of Mood State und Recove-ry- Stress- Questionnaire scheinen sensitiv zu sein, eine multifaktorieller Anwendung wird jedoch als geeigneter erachtet. Das Glutamin/Glutamat- Verhältnis, das Corti-sol/Cortison- Verhältnis, Herzfrequenzvariabilität und psychomotorische Geschwindigkeit scheinen viel versprechend, bedürfen jedoch weiterer standardisierter Untersuchungen. Conclusio: Bis dato bleibt ein Leistungsverlust der Goldstandard in der Overtrai-ningsproblematik. Kein einzelner Marker lässt bestätigte Ergebnisse und die Bildung von Grenzwerten zu. Auch weiterhin wird es aufgrund der komplexen und individuell unter-schiedlichen Genese des Overtrainings schwierig sein einzelne Marker zu finden. Multi-faktorielle Ansätze bzw. geeignetes Monitoring im Sinne einer Prävention von Overtrai-ning scheinen als sehr viel versprechend.Purpose: Because of performance optimization and the aspiration for records, athletes try to max out there individual performance capacity. The balance between stress and regeneration is a balance act that often ends in Overreaching and Overtraining in ath-letes of different performance levels. In this study the efficacy of the actual diagnostic tools of overtraining is being verified. If there exists a single practical tool, or if the model of the sympathetic and parasympathetic overtraining is still valid should be proven. Methods: This study reviews and concentrates on the literature between 1998 and 2009 in a hermeneutic way. Existing confusion of terms, as well as models and hypothesis of overtraining are discussed in the general part. Actual diagnostic trials are discussed and analyzed critically from a practical view in the special part. Results: It could not be proven if the existing model of the sympathetic and parasympathetic overtraining is still valid or not. Recent literature prefers the model of the overtraining continuum. Endocrine ACTH- Systems tends to overshot in Overreaching and suppress in overtraining, but without being scientific significant. Profile of mood state and the recovery- stress- ques-tionnaire seem to be sensitive, but are just considered as suitable for multifactorial appli-cation. Glutamin/Glutamat- ratio, Cortisol/Cortison- ratio, heart rate variability and psy-chomotor speed are promising tools, but require further standardized investigation. Con-clusion: To date performance decrements are the gold standard in overtraining problem and it’s not possible to determine any threshold values. Also in future it will be difficult to find single diagnostic tools because of the complex and individual genesis of overtrain-ing. A multifactorial approach respectively an adequate monitoring as prevention of over-training seems to be more suitable

    SNAREs in native plasma membranes are active and readily form core complexes with endogenous and exogenous SNAREs

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    During neuronal exocytosis, the vesicle-bound soluble NSF attachment protein (SNAP) receptor (SNARE) synaptobrevin 2 forms complexes with the plasma membrane–bound SNAREs syntaxin 1A and SNAP25 to initiate the fusion reaction. However, it is not known whether in the native membrane SNAREs are constitutively active or whether they are unable to enter SNARE complexes unless activated before membrane fusion. Here we used binding of labeled recombinant SNAREs to inside-out carrier supported plasma membrane sheets of PC12 cells to probe for the activity of endogenous SNAREs. Binding was specific, saturable, and depended on the presence of membrane-resident SNARE partners. Our data show that virtually all of the endogenous syntaxin 1 and SNAP-25 are highly reactive and readily form SNARE complexes with exogenously added SNAREs. Furthermore, complexes between endogenous SNAREs were not detectable when the membranes are freshly prepared, but they slowly form upon prolonged incubation in vitro. We conclude that the activity of membrane-resident SNAREs is not downregulated by control proteins but is constitutively active even if not engaged in fusion events

    Species richness in dry grassland patches of eastern Austria: A multi-taxon study on the role of local, landscape and habitat quality variables

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    AbstractAccording to island biogeography theory, the species richness of patches is determined by their size and spatial isolation, while in conservation practice, it is patch quality that determines protection and guides management. We analysed whether size, isolation or habitat quality are most important for the species richness in a set of 50 dry grassland fragments in agricultural landscapes of eastern Austria. We studied two plant taxa (vascular plants, bryophytes) and 11 invertebrate taxa (gastropods, spiders, springtails, grasshoppers, true bugs, leafhoppers and planthoppers, ground beetles, rove beetles, butterflies and burnets, ants and wild bees). The species richness of three categories was analysed: (1) dry grassland specialist species, (2) all grassland species and (3) all species. We used regression and hierarchical partitioning techniques to determine the relationship between species richness and environmental variables describing patch size and shape, patch quality, landscape configuration and landscape quality. The area-isolation paradigm was only applicable for dry grassland specialists, which comprised 12% of all species. Richness of all grassland species was determined mostly by landscape heterogeneity parameters. Total species richness was highly influenced by spillover from adjacent biotopes, and was significantly determined by the percentage of arable land bordering the patches. When analysing all taxa together, species richness of dry grassland specialists was significantly related to historical patch size but not to current patch size, indicating an extinction debt. At the landscape scale, the variable ‘short-grass area’ was a better predictor than the less specific variable ‘area of extensively used landscape elements’. ‘Distance to mainland’ was a good predictor for specialists of mobile animal taxa. Plant specialists showed a pronounced dependence on quality measures at the patch scale and at the landscape scale, whereas animal specialists were influenced by patch size, patch quality, landscape quality and isolation measures. None of the taxa benefited from linear structures in the surroundings. In conclusion, high patch quality and a network of high-quality areas in the surrounding landscape should be the best conservation strategy to ensure conservation of dry grassland specialists. This goal does not conflict with the specific demands of single taxa

    AdS/CFT Holographie der O(N)-symmetrischen ϕ4\phi^4 Vektortheorie

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    Wir untersuchen die AdS/CFT-Korrespondenz am Beispiel der IR- und UV-Renormierungsgruppenfixpunkttheorien einer O(N)-symmetrischen Euklidischen Vektorfeldtheorie mit (ϕ2)2(\underline \phi^2)^2-Wechselwirkung in 2 Dimensionen. Diese konformen Feldheorien nehmen wir als Ausgangspunkt für eine holographische Rekonstruktion von korrespondierenden Theorien im Inneren („bulk“) des Euklidischen AdS-Raumes (EAdS). Diese wird basiert auf der störungstheoretischen 1/N1/N-Entwicklung und stützt sich auf die Annahme einer Familie von fundamentalen Tensorfeldern beliebigen, geraden Spins im Inneren des EAdS. Wir untersuchen insbesondere die Vertizes im „bulk“, die drei oder mehr Tensorfelder koppeln, und zeigen, wie all diese Vertizes durch den trivalenten Vertex dargestellt werden können. Die Analyse stützt sich technisch zum einen auf eine funktionale Beziehung zwischen den erzeugenden Funktionalen der UV- und IR-Fixpunkt Theorien („UV/IR-Dualität“), zum anderen auf die durchgehende Verwendung eines Einbettungsformalismus des EAdS-Hyperboloids in einen Raum höherer Dimension. Als Resultat erhalten wir semiklassische Pfadintegrale für beide „bulk“-Theorien, die zu den Fixpunkttheorien auf dem Rand holographisch korrespondieren. Diese Darstellungen tragen teils stringtheoretische Erscheinungsform und werfen ein interessantes Licht auf die Frage der Lokalisierung von Freiheitsgraden in der AdS/CFT-Korrespondenz

    Attitude of Working Women to Work in the German Democratic Republic

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    The author, presenting the attitude of women to work in the GDR, proves a hypothesis that work for women is more of a life need than a condition of existence. Comparing the attitude to work and to problems connected with it of women and men she finds confirmation for deep transformations which have been effected and are taking place in the GDR’s society. The second part of the article deals with the problem of the place held by the family life and duties ensuing from it in the life of women against the background of attitude to work. The author points out that majority of women in the German Democratic Republic place on the same level professional tasks and family duties. Since — as it was confirmed by studies — women perform less complex functions, their integration with the enterprise is slower, which exerts some impact on the analyzed participation of women in the rationalization movement, involvement with production problems, and interest in improvement of professional qualifications.Zadanie pt. „Digitalizacja i udostępnienie w Cyfrowym Repozytorium Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego kolekcji czasopism naukowych wydawanych przez Uniwersytet Łódzki” nr 885/P-DUN/2014 dofinansowane zostało ze środków MNiSW w ramach działalności upowszechniającej naukę


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    Attitude of Working Women to Work in the German Democratic Republic

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    The author, presenting the attitude of women to work in the GDR, proves a hypothesis that work for women is more of a life need than a condition of existence. Comparing the attitude to work and to problems connected with it of women and men she finds confirmation for deep transformations which have been effected and are taking place in the GDR’s society. The second part of the article deals with the problem of the place held by the family life and duties ensuing from it in the life of women against the background of attitude to work. The author points out that majority of women in the German Democratic Republic place on the same level professional tasks and family duties. Since — as it was confirmed by studies — women perform less complex functions, their integration with the enterprise is slower, which exerts some impact on the analyzed participation of women in the rationalization movement, involvement with production problems, and interest in improvement of professional qualifications

    Theorie und Technik der Pulsmodulation

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