14 research outputs found

    Perfusion lung injury

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    The ischemia-reperfusion injury is a common pathophysiologic phenomenon in many diseases seen in daily clinical practice. The lung can be affected both directly, as in pulmonary edema after lung transplant or after resolution of pulmonary thromboembolism, and indirectly, as in shock states or after reperfusion injury in distant organs as intestine or lower extremities. The latter situation can occur secondary to aortic occlusion for surgical procedures. Many mediators have been implicated in the ischemia-reperfusion injury: oxygen free radicals, lipid products as thromboxane, adhesion molecules involved in leukocyte-endothelial interaction, tumor necrosis factor, among others. Therapeutic strategies for the reperfusion injury are used only at the experimental level and in very few clinical studies. Antioxidants, inhibitors of lipid mediators and of the leukocyte-endothelial interaction and promoters of blood flow in post-ischemic vessels have been used.A lesão de isquemia-reperfusão constitui-se em um evento fisiopatológico comum a diversas doenças da prática clínica diária. O pulmão pode ser alvo da lesão de isquemia-reperfusão diretamente, como no edema pulmonar após transplante ou na resolução de tromboembolismo; ou ainda ser atingido à distância, como nos casos de choque ou por lesão de reperfusão em intestino ou em membros inferiores, como ocorre no pinçamento da aorta, utilizado nas cirurgias de aneurisma. Dentre os mediadores envolvidos na lesão de isquemia-reperfusão, foram identificados espécies reativas tóxicas de oxigênio (ERTO), mediadores lipídicos, como a tromboxana, moléculas de adesão em neutrófilos e endotélio, fator de necrose tumoral, dentre outros. As medidas terapêuticas para a lesão de reperfusão ainda são utilizadas no plano experimental e em poucos estudos clínicos. São utilizados: antioxidantes, bloqueadores de mediadores lipídicos, inibidores da interação entre leucócito e endotélio ou substâncias que favoreçam o fluxo sanguíneo pós-isquêmico

    Metabolic and hemodynamic effects of saline infusion to maintain volemia on temporary abdominal aortic occlusion

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze hemodynamic and metabolic effects of saline solution infusion in the maintenance of blood volume in ischemia-reperfusion syndrome during temporary abdominal aortic occlusion in dogs. METHODS: We studied 20 dogs divided into 2 groups: the ischemia-reperfusion group (IRG, n=10) and the ischemia-reperfusion group with saline solution infusion aiming at maintaining mean pulmonary arterial wedge pressure between 10 and 20 mmHg (IRG-SS, n=10). All animals were anesthetized with sodium thiopental and maintained on spontaneous ventilation. Occlusion of the supraceliac aorta was obtained with inflation of a Fogarty catheter inserted through the femoral artery. After 60 minutes of ischemia, the balloon was deflated, and the animals were observed for another 60 minutes of reperfusion. RESULTS: IRG-SS dogs did not have hemodynamic instability after aortic unclamping, and the mean systemic blood pressure and heart rate were maintained. However, acidosis worsened, which was documented by a greater reduction of arterial pH that occurred especially due to the absence of a respiratory response to metabolic acidosis that was greater with the adoption of this procedure. CONCLUSION: Saline solution infusion to maintain blood volume avoided hemodynamic instability after aortic unclamping. This procedure, however, caused worsening in metabolic acidosis in this experimental model

    Pulmonary function in paracoccidiioidomycosis (South American blastomycosis)

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    Air pollution cardiovascular effects: the source of health data modulating effect estimates.

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    Univ São Paulo, Sch Med, Dept Pathol, LEAP, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Sch Med, Dept Internal Med, São Paulo, BrazilUniversidade Federal de São Paulo, Sch Med, Dept Internal Med, São Paulo, BrazilWeb of Scienc