134 research outputs found

    A gyenge emergencia kritikája

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    Book Review: Applied Concept Mapping: Capturing, Analyzing and Organizing Knowledge

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    Útban a kisebbségek nyelvi jogainak filozófiájához

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    This paper is an examination of the philosophies relating to linguistic minorities, most specifically in Canada and Hungary from the mid 19th to the end of the 20th century. I review some relevant philosophers and their work as it might relate to linguistic minorities, and follow with a more detailed examination of Canadian and Hungarian thinkers. I also reviewed recent research and discoveries by neuroscientists about the operation and responses of the human brain, especially as they relate to fear, reason and the electronic media, and the effect this has on relationships between minorities and majorities. New evidence from environmental and space science points to all life being totally interdependent and this will also lead to a change regarding our view of minorities. My method is a review of relevant literature as well as personal observations based on a lifetime of experience. My purpose is not just to understand, but to suggest how we might change our philosophy about linguistic minorities. In this study there are some important questions we want ask and try to answer. What are the characteristics of linguistic minorities? How multi-layered, how multi-dimensional is the concept of linguistic minority? What is the difference between linguistic and cultural identity? What is the value for the linguistic majority of the presence of the linguistic minority and why should the minority be protected? If we lose language, do we also lose irreplaceable cultural treasures. With globalization and increased mobility, the probability of becoming a member of a linguistic minority increases. I conclude that increasingly linguistic and cultural identities and loyalties can be chosen, can be multiple and can change throughout a lifetime. Just treatment of linguistic minorities is not only beneficial for both the majority and the minority, but essential because it contributes to peace. This is attainable because the main force of evolution and progress is not competition but cooperation

    Munkaerő- vagy tehetséghiány?: Fogalmi különbségek feltárása a hatékony gyakorlati alkalmazás érdekében

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    Regarding the issue of unemployment, a number of researches have been done at national level. Deliberately, public awareness has a particular emphasis on this situation from employee aspect. However, from the labour market point, the issue of labour shortage has just as serious consequences like unemployment, although its extent is detectable mainly at employers side. Nowadays, employers are negatively affected by the very nature of labour shortage, and the issue of talented shortage became the most sensitive issue. It has a prominent importance to distinguish labour and talent shortage. Despite the fact that these phrases are frequently used as synonyms these have different meanings. The aim of my research is to determine main differences between labour and talent shortage by seconder data to help in correct use and understanding at organisational level.A hazai munkaerőpiac kettős állapotot elszenvedve párhuzamosan éli meg a munkaerőhiány és munkanélküliség helyzetét. Munkaerőpiaci* szempontból mindkét eset súlyos következményekkel járhat, azonban, míg a munkanélküliség oldaláról a munkavállalók érintettek, addig a munkaerőhiány mértékét leginkább munkáltatói oldalról lehet érzékelni. A munkaerőhiány jellegéből fakadóan napjainkra több szinten sújtja a munkaadókat (tudás hiány, szakember hiány, szakmunkás hiány stb.), melyek közül az egyik legérzékenyebb területté a tehetséges munkavállalók hiánya vált napjainkra. Nagyon fontos azonban a két fogalom között különbséget tenni, hiszen nem ugyanazt jelentik, gyakran mégis szinte szinonimaként használják a munkaerőhiány és tehetséghiány kifejezéseket. A kutatás célja szekunder elemzések révén meghatározni a munkaerőhiány és tehetséghiány közötti főbb különbségeket melyek mentén a fogalmak helyes értelmezése és a gyakorlati azonosíthatóság támogatható szervezeti szinten

    DBpedia Mashups

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    If you see Wikipedia as a main place where the knowledge of mankind is concentrated, then DBpedia – which is extracted from Wikipedia – is the best place to find machine representation of that knowledge. DBpedia constitutes a major part of the semantic data on the web. Its sheer size and wide coverage enables you to use it in many kind of mashups: it contains biographical, geographical, bibliographical data; as well as discographies, movie meta-data, technical specifications, and links to social media profiles and much more. Just like Wikipedia, DBpedia is a truly cross-language effort, e.g., it provides descriptions and other information in various languages. In this chapter we introduce its structure, contents, its connections to outside resources. We describe how the structured information in DBpedia is gathered, what you can expect from it and what are its characteristics and limitations. We analyze how other mashups exploit DBpedia and present best practices of its usage. In particular, we describe how Sztakipedia – an intelligent writing aid based on DBpedia – can help Wikipedia contributors to improve the quality and integrity of articles. DBpedia offers a myriad of ways to accessing the information it contains, ranging from SPARQL to bulk download. We compare the pros and cons of these methods. We conclude that DBpedia is an un-avoidable resource for pplications dealing with commonly known entities like notable persons, places; and for others looking for a rich hub connecting other semantic resources