12 research outputs found

    Bioprocess dessign for D-mannitol production from low cost substrate

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    Part 1 : Analysis of production alternatives and project overview / Bernat Coll. Part 2 : Upstream and bioreaction / Albert Serrano. Part 3 : Product recovery / Ivette Parera. Part 4 : Project analysis and next steps / Héctor Sangües

    A case series of pure neural leprosy in patients diagnosed in a specialized center for the control of Hansen’s disease in Colombia

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    Pure neural leprosy, defined as a peripheral neuropathy in which the patient has no skin lesions, is difficult to diagnose. Its verification by bacteriological index and histopathology is not possible in the majority of the patients. We describe four cases of pure neural leprosy diagnosed by clinical criteria. The clinical outcome of three of the patients after specific treatment was satisfactory, while the other one developed progressive neural damage despite the therapy. All patients were treated in a specialized center for the management and control of Hansen’s disease in the municipality of Contratación, Santander, Colombia

    High Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in an Indigenous Community of the Colombian Amazon Region

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    Introduction. COVID-19 is a pathology caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported more than 225 million cases and 4.5 million deaths worldwide. Objective: To describe the seropositivity, spatial distribution, and clinical and sociodemographic variables of SARS-CoV-2 in a community of the Colombian Amazon region. Methods. In December 2020, a cross-sectional observational study was carried out in a population located in the Colombian Amazon in the municipality of Mitú. Sociodemographic and clinical data were taken. Besides, 589 blood samples were taken, and an antibody detection was carried out with an ELISA and a recombinant protein N antigen of SARS-CoV-2. Results. A seropositivity of 57.6% was observed. The highest proportion of the infection is located in inter-municipal transport zones. The bivariate analysis did not show differences in the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate concerning the variables sex, age range, and the presence of comorbidities (p > 0.05). The bivariate and multivariate analysis showed that being symptomatic and presenting neurological manifestations of the upper respiratory tract are clinical variables associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection (p < 0.05). One of the causes of this virus’s high spread in this community could be that 53.3% of the people were asymptomatic. Conclusions. Our data showed a high burden and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the indigenous community. This could be linked to cultural behaviors and the high infection rate in asymptomatic patients

    Papel de la vía de señalización Notch en la diferenciación de las células inmunes

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     AbstractThe Notch signaling pathway is evolutionarily preserved and is involved in the control of several events during the development of eukaryotic cells. This pathway has been linked to expression and differentiation of immune cells, therefore it´s activation is critical in the expression of the innate immune and acquired response that allows mammals to defend themselves against external antigens.La vía de señalización Notch es una vía conservada evolutivamente y está involucrada en el control de diversos eventos durante el desarrollo de las células eucariotas. Esta vía se ha relacionado con la expresión y la diferenciación de las células inmunes, por lo tanto, su activación es fundamental en la expresión de la respuesta inmune innata y adquirida que permite a los mamíferos defenderse frente antígenos externos

    Neuropatía leprótica: una mirada integral de la afección periférica causada por Mycobacterium leprae

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    La lepra es una enfermedad infecciosa granulomatosa crónica, causada por Mycobacterium leprae . El curso natural de esta enfermedad está relacionado con una neuropatía periférica denominada neuropatía leprótica, la cual es responsable de la aparición de discapacidades en ojos, manos y pies. Se realizó una búsqueda estructurada en la base de datos de Pubmed y OVID utilizando los siguientes términos MeSH : lepra, neuropatía, nervio periférico, célula de Schwann, discapacidad, biomarcadores. El 83,8 % de los artículos referenciados en esta revisión fueron seleccionados a través de esta búsqueda. El daño neural en lepra es una patología en la que intervienen múltiples mecanismos fisiopatógenicos, que incluyen: la respuesta inmune del hospedero, la interacción de M. leprae a diferentes ligandos en las células Schwann, lo que permite la activación de vías de señalización celular que inducen inflamación, desmielinización y daños a nivel del axón, que se traducen en discapacidad sensitiva y motora en el paciente con lepra. Pero a pesar de que en las últimas décadas se han realizado avances importantes en el entendimiento de esta neuropatía, esto no se ha visto reflejado en herramientas o biomarcadores que sean útiles en la detección temprana del daño periférico causado por la lepra

    Micotoxicosis y micotoxinas: generalidades y aspectos básicos

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    Mycotoxicosis refers to a large group of poisoningby inhalation, contact or ingestion of foodthat has been contaminated with mycotoxins,toxic secondary metabolites, produced by a varietyof filamentous fungi, Aspergillus, Fusarium,Claviceps, Penicillium and Stachybotrys. This is a reviewthat analyzes the clinical impact of certainmycotoxins (aflatoxins, ochratoxins, fumonisins,trichothecenes) in the genesis of mycotoxicosisin human beings.El término micotoxicosis hace referencia a un amplio grupo de intoxicaciones causadas porla inhalación, el contacto directo o la ingestión de alimentos que han sido contaminadoscon micotoxinas, las cuales son metabolitos tóxicos producidos por una gran variedad de hongosfilamentosos, entre los que se destacan los géneros Aspergillus, Fusarium, Claviceps, Penicillium yStachybotrys. Esta es una revisión que analiza el impacto clínico de ciertas micotoxinas (aflatoxinas,ocratoxinas, fumonisinas, tricotecenos) en la génesis de las micotoxicosis en los seres humanos.

    Conocimiento de la microbiota de la cavidad oral a través de la metagenómica

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     Knowledge of the microbiota of the oral cavity through the metagenomic The oral microbiota is one of the oldest microbial ecosystems recognized. The oral microbiota description began in 1863 when Anton van Leeuwenhoek observed, using the microscope, microorganisms in dental plaque. Recently, DNA sequencing and genome analysis have allowed researchers to build large-scale genomic databases, characterize specific microbial lineages, and discover that the human oral microbiota is compose by approximately 600 to 700 taxa and 19000 phylotypes. All this knowledge is a valuable tool for the precise identification of the bacteria that are involved in complex oral biofilms. In addition, the characterization of oral microbiota will allow us to understand different oral pathologies, and to know whether changes that predispose to a disease, occur first in the host or conversely at the microbial level. In conclusion, the study of the metagenome of the oral cavity microbiota is key to develop new diagnostic and therapeutic tools that will improve the quality of the patients life. This review puts into context what has been published in recent years on this subject.La microbiota oral es uno de los ecosistemas microbianos más antiguos en ser  reconocido, y su descripción inicia en 1863 cuando Anton van Leeuwenhoek observa por primera vez en el microscopio a estos  microorganismos en placas dentales. En la actualidad, las técnicas de secuenciación  y el análisis del genoma a gran escala ha permitido construir bases de datos genómicas, realizar linajes microbianos específicos y  conocer que no solamente hacen parte de la microbiota oral humana unos 600 o 700 taxones,  sino que  se estima que el número de filotipos podrían estar en alrededor de 19000.  Todo este conocimiento es en  una herramienta valiosa para la identificación  correcta de las bacterias que están involucradas en complejas biopelículas orales y nos facilitaría así comprender su potencial genético. Además, nos permitiría  entender y dilucidar mejor la patología oral,  y conocer si los cambios que predisponen a la enfermedad ocurren primero en el huésped  o por el contrario a nivel microbiano. En conclusión, el estudio del metagenoma de la microbiota no solo de la cavidad oral es clave para la creación de herramientas diagnósticas y terapéuticas que repercutirán en la calidad de vida de los pacientes. Esta revisión pone en contexto lo que se ha publicado en los últimos años en este tema

    Lepromatous leprosy and human immunodeficiency virus co-infection associated with phenomenon of Lucio versus immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome

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    Abstract: Diffuse lepromatous leprosy (DLL) is a severe clinical outcome of lepromatous leprosy (LL). The aetiologic cause is believed to be different from Mycobacterium leprae. A new species, Mycobacterium lepromatosis, was identified from a group of Mexican patients with DLL, and severe leprosy reactional state type 3 (Lucio's phenomenon). However, a total sequencing of its genome is necessary to prove the existence of this new species. This is a report on a non-typical Colombian case of leprosy - HIV coinfection, associated with an immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome clinically compatible with a leprosy reaction type 3 or Lucio's phenomenon

    Prevalence and risk factors of anemia in the mother–child population from a region of the Colombian Caribbean

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    Abstract Background Despite Colombia's robust well-child visits program, Colombian children and mothers still suffer from anemia, especially in populations of lower socioeconomic status. In this study, we aimed to quantify the prevalence and risk factors among mothers and their children attending their well-child visits in Apartadó, a municipality in the Urabá region of the Colombian Caribbean. Methods There were 100 mother–child pairs enrolled in this secondary data-analysis study from a health facility in the municipality of Apartadó, Urabá, Colombia, during well-child visits. Self-reported data included child illnesses in the past two weeks (diarrheal, fever, or respiratory symptoms), child feeding practices (breastfeeding, complementary feeding), child vaccinations, and demographic characteristics (mother’s and child’s age, mother’s education, marital status, race, and child sex) and socioeconomic status. Mother and child anthropometry data were collected via standardized weight and height measurements. Mother or child anemia status was collected via a blood test. Chi-squared tests and multivariable logistic regression were used to assess associations between risk factors and anemia. Result The anemia prevalence in children (74%) and mothers (47%) was higher than the Colombian national prevalence. Reported child comorbidities in the preceding two weeks were not significantly associated with child anemia and included respiratory illnesses (60%), fever (46%), and diarrhea (30%). Stunting (8%) was not significantly associated with anemia. Wasting (0%) was not observed in this study. Reported child breastfeeding and complementary feeding were also not significantly associated with child anemia. In adjusted models, the child's significant risk factors for anemia included the mother's "Mestiza" race (OR: 4.681; 95% CI: 1.258, 17.421) versus the Afro-Colombian race. Older children (25–60 months) were less likely to develop anemia than younger (6–24 months) children (OR: 0.073; 95% CI: 0.015, 0.360). Conclusions The finding of high anemia prevalence in this study advances our understanding of child and maternal anemia in populations of low socioeconomic status where health care is regularly accessed through well-child programs

    High Prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in an Indigenous Community of the Colombian Amazon Region

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    Introduction. COVID-19 is a pathology caused by the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The World Health Organization (WHO) has reported more than 225 million cases and 4.5 million deaths worldwide. Objective: To describe the seropositivity, spatial distribution, and clinical and sociodemographic variables of SARS-CoV-2 in a community of the Colombian Amazon region. Methods. In December 2020, a cross-sectional observational study was carried out in a population located in the Colombian Amazon in the municipality of Mitú. Sociodemographic and clinical data were taken. Besides, 589 blood samples were taken, and an antibody detection was carried out with an ELISA and a recombinant protein N antigen of SARS-CoV-2. Results. A seropositivity of 57.6% was observed. The highest proportion of the infection is located in inter-municipal transport zones. The bivariate analysis did not show differences in the SARS-CoV-2 infection rate concerning the variables sex, age range, and the presence of comorbidities (p > 0.05). The bivariate and multivariate analysis showed that being symptomatic and presenting neurological manifestations of the upper respiratory tract are clinical variables associated with SARS-CoV-2 infection (p Conclusions. Our data showed a high burden and transmission of SARS-CoV-2 in the indigenous community. This could be linked to cultural behaviors and the high infection rate in asymptomatic patients