13 research outputs found

    Laboratory study of initial sea-ice growth: properties of grease ice and nilas

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    We investigate initial sea-ice growth in an ice-tank study by freezing an NaCl solution of about 29 g kg−1 in three different setups: grease ice grew in experiments with waves and in experiments with a current and wind, while nilas formed in a quiescent experimental setup. In this paper we focus on the differences in bulk salinity, solid fraction and thickness between these two ice types. The bulk salinity of the grease-ice layer in our experiments remained almost constant until the ice began to consolidate. In contrast, the initial bulk-salinity evolution of the nilas is well described by a linear decrease of about 2.1 g kg−1 h−1 independent of air temperature. This rapid decrease can be qualitatively understood by considering a Rayleigh number that became maximum while the nilas was still less than 1 cm thick. Comparing three different methods to measure solid fraction in grease ice based on (a) salt conservation, (b) mass conservation and (c) energy conservation, we find that the method based on salt conservation does not give reliable results if the salinity of the interstitial water is approximated as being equal to the salinity of the underlying water. Instead the increase in salinity of the interstitial water during grease-ice formation must be taken into account. In our experiments, the solid fraction of grease ice was relatively constant with values of 0.25, whereas it increased to values as high as 0.50 as soon as the grease ice consolidated at its surface. In contrast, the solid fraction of the nilas increased continuously in the first hours of ice formation and reached an average value of 0.55 after 4.5 h. The spatially averaged ice thickness was twice as large in the first 24 h of ice formation in the setup with a current and wind compared to the other two setups, since the wind kept parts of the water surface ice free and therefore allowed for a higher heat loss from the water. The development of the ice thickness can be reproduced well with simple, one dimensional models that only require air temperature or ice surface temperature as input.publishedVersio

    Structure and variability of the shelfbreak East Greenland Current north of Denmark Strait

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    Author Posting. © American Meteorological Society, 2017. This article is posted here by permission of American Meteorological Society for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Physical Oceanography 47 (2017): 2631-2646, doi:10.1175/JPO-D-17-0062.1.Data from a mooring array deployed north of Denmark Strait from September 2011 to August 2012 are used to investigate the structure and variability of the shelfbreak East Greenland Current (EGC). The shelfbreak EGC is a surface-intensified current situated just offshore of the east Greenland shelf break flowing southward through Denmark Strait. This study identified two dominant spatial modes of variability within the current: a pulsing mode and a meandering mode, both of which were most pronounced in fall and winter. A particularly energetic event in November 2011 was related to a reversal of the current for nearly a month. In addition to the seasonal signal, the current was associated with periods of enhanced eddy kinetic energy and increased variability on shorter time scales. The data indicate that the current is, for the most part, barotropically stable but subject to baroclinic instability from September to March. By contrast, in summer the current is mainly confined to the shelf break with decreased eddy kinetic energy and minimal baroclinic conversion. No other region of the Nordic Seas displays higher levels of eddy kinetic energy than the shelfbreak EGC north of Denmark Strait during fall. This appears to be due to the large velocity variability on mesoscale time scales generated by the instabilities. The mesoscale variability documented here may be a source of the variability observed at the Denmark Strait sill.Support for this work was provided by the Norwegian Research Council under Grant Agreement 231647 (LH and KV) and the Bergen Research Foundation under Grant BFS2016REK01 (KV). Additional funding was provided by the National Science Foundation under Grants OCE-0959381 and OCE-1558742 (RP)

    Evolution of the East Greenland Current from Fram Strait to Denmark Strait : synoptic measurements from summer 2012

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    Author Posting. © American Geophysical Union, 2017. This article is posted here by permission of American Geophysical Union for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Journal of Geophysical Research: Oceans 122 (2017): 1974–1994, doi:10.1002/2016JC012228.We present measurements from two shipboard surveys conducted in summer 2012 that sampled the rim current system around the Nordic Seas from Fram Strait to Denmark Strait. The data reveal that, along a portion of the western boundary of the Nordic Seas, the East Greenland Current (EGC) has three distinct components. In addition to the well-known shelfbreak branch, there is an inshore branch on the continental shelf as well as a separate branch offshore of the shelfbreak. The inner branch contributes significantly to the overall freshwater transport of the rim current system, and the outer branch transports a substantial amount of Atlantic-origin Water equatorward. Supplementing our measurements with historical hydrographic data, we argue that the offshore branch is a direct recirculation of the western branch of the West Spitsbergen Current in Fram Strait. The total transport of the shelfbreak EGC (the only branch sampled consistently in all of the sections) decreased toward Denmark Strait. The estimated average transport of dense overflow water (rh > 27.8 kg/m3 and h>08C) in the shelfbreak EGC was 2.860.7 Sv, consistent with previous moored measurements. For the three sections that crossed the entire EGC system the freshwater flux, relative to a salinity of 34.8, ranged from 127613 to 8168 mSv. The hydrographic data reveal that, between Fram Strait and Denmark Strait, the core of the Atlantic-origin Water in the shelfbreak EGC cools and freshens but changes very little in density.Norwegian Research Council Grant Number: 231647; European Union 7th Framework Grant Number: 308299; National Science Foundation Grant Number: OCE-09593812017-09-1

    Upstream sources of the Denmark Strait Overflow : observations from a high-resolution mooring array

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This is the author's version of the work and is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 112 (2016): 94-112, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2016.02.007.We present the first results from a densely instrumented mooring array upstream of the Denmark Strait sill, extending from the Iceland shelfbreak to the Greenland shelf. The array was deployed from September 2011 to July 2012, and captured the vast majority of overflow water denser than 27.8 kgm-3 approaching the sill. The mean transport of overflow water over the length of the deployment was 3.54 ± 0.16 Sv. Of this, 0.58 Sv originated from below sill depth, revealing that aspiration takes place in Denmark Strait. We confirm the presence of two main sources of overflow water: one approaching the sill in the East Greenland Current and the other via the North Icelandic Jet. Using an objective technique based on the hydrographic properties of the water, the transports of these two sources are found to be 2.54 ± 0.17 Sv and 1.00 ± 0.17 Sv, respectively. We further partition the East Greenland Current source into that carried by the shelfbreak jet (1.50 ± 0.16 Sv) versus that transported by a separated branch of the current on the Iceland slope (1.04 ± 0.15 Sv). Over the course of the year the total overflow transport is more consistent than the transport in either branch; compensation takes place among the pathways that maintains a stable total overflow transport. This is especially true for the two East Greenland Current branches whose transports vary out of phase with each other on weekly and longer time scales. We argue that wind forcing plays a role in this partitioning.The mooring and analysis work was supported by NSF OCE research grants OCE-0959381 and OCE-1433958, by the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP7 2007-2013) under grant agreement n. 308299 NACLIM, and and by the Research Council of Norway through the Fram Centre Flaggship project 6606-299.2017-03-2

    Upstream sources of the Denmark Strait Overflow : observations from a high-resolution mooring array

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    © The Author(s), 2016. This is the author's version of the work and is distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License. The definitive version was published in Deep Sea Research Part I: Oceanographic Research Papers 112 (2016): 94-112, doi:10.1016/j.dsr.2016.02.007.We present the first results from a densely instrumented mooring array upstream of the Denmark Strait sill, extending from the Iceland shelfbreak to the Greenland shelf. The array was deployed from September 2011 to July 2012, and captured the vast majority of overflow water denser than 27.8 kgm-3 approaching the sill. The mean transport of overflow water over the length of the deployment was 3.54 ± 0.16 Sv. Of this, 0.58 Sv originated from below sill depth, revealing that aspiration takes place in Denmark Strait. We confirm the presence of two main sources of overflow water: one approaching the sill in the East Greenland Current and the other via the North Icelandic Jet. Using an objective technique based on the hydrographic properties of the water, the transports of these two sources are found to be 2.54 ± 0.17 Sv and 1.00 ± 0.17 Sv, respectively. We further partition the East Greenland Current source into that carried by the shelfbreak jet (1.50 ± 0.16 Sv) versus that transported by a separated branch of the current on the Iceland slope (1.04 ± 0.15 Sv). Over the course of the year the total overflow transport is more consistent than the transport in either branch; compensation takes place among the pathways that maintains a stable total overflow transport. This is especially true for the two East Greenland Current branches whose transports vary out of phase with each other on weekly and longer time scales. We argue that wind forcing plays a role in this partitioning.The mooring and analysis work was supported by NSF OCE research grants OCE-0959381 and OCE-1433958, by the European Union 7th Framework Programme (FP7 2007-2013) under grant agreement n. 308299 NACLIM, and and by the Research Council of Norway through the Fram Centre Flaggship project 6606-299.2017-03-2

    Growing Ice in a Tank: Young Sea Ice Evolution and Turbulence in the Under Ice Boundary Layer

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    Thin sea ice and its modifications of the oceanic boundary layer are important in the context of the recent retreat of the Arctic sea ice cover. To study turbulence in the under ice boundary layer during thin sea ice growth, tank experiments in an ice laboratory were conducted under varying atmospheric and oceanographic conditions. Two main groups of experiments were investigated; circular current and stagnant water. Salinity data revealed that the ice releases brine both during freezing and melting conditions, before the solid ice starts melting. Four different methods were tested to quantify heat and salt fluxes. The covariance method underestimated the fluxes with up to two orders of magnitude, and hence did not resolve the fluxes present in the tank. The turbulent kinetic energy budget suggests non-uniform turbulence in the tank, leading to large differences in sources and sinks of turbulence over the relatively small surface area. The typical mixing length decreased downstream from 0.06 m to 0.03 m over a horizontal distance of 43 cm. Brine plumes leaving the ice were detected during all experiments, and enhanced the upper ocean mixing. The total importance of the large instantaneous salt and heat fluxes during brine plumes was less than 3 %, and did not considerably affect the heat and salt budgets in the tank

    Water mass transformation in the Greenland Sea during the period 1986-2016

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    Hydrographic measurements from ships, autonomous profiling floats, and instrumented seals over the period 1986–2016 are used to examine the temporal variability in open-ocean convection in the Greenland Sea during winter. This process replenishes the deep ocean with oxygen and is central to maintaining its thermohaline properties. The deepest and densest mixed layers in the Greenland Sea were located within its cyclonic gyre and exhibited large interannual variability. Beginning in winter 1994, a transition to deeper (>500 m) mixed layers took place. This resulted in the formation of a new, less dense class of intermediate water that has since become the main product of convection in the Greenland Sea. In the preceding winters, convection was limited to <300-m depth, despite strong atmospheric forcing. Sensitivity studies, performed with a one-dimensional mixed layer model, suggest that the deeper convection was primarily the result of reduced water-column stability. While anomalously fresh conditions that increased the stability of the upper part of the water column had previously inhibited convection, the transition to deeper mixed layers was associated with increased near-surface salinities. Our analysis further suggests that the volume of the new class of intermediate water has expanded in line with generally increased depths of convection over the past 10–15 years. The mean export of this water mass from the Greenland Sea gyre from 1994 to present was estimated to be 0.9 ± 0.7 Sv (1 Sv ≡ 10^6 m^3 s^−1), although rates in excess of 1.5 Sv occurred in summers following winters with deep convection

    Laboratory study of initial sea-ice growth: properties of grease ice and nilas

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    We investigate initial sea-ice growth in an ice-tank study by freezing an NaCl solution of about 29 g kg−1 in three different setups: grease ice grew in experiments with waves and in experiments with a current and wind, while nilas formed in a quiescent experimental setup. In this paper we focus on the differences in bulk salinity, solid fraction and thickness between these two ice types. The bulk salinity of the grease-ice layer in our experiments remained almost constant until the ice began to consolidate. In contrast, the initial bulk-salinity evolution of the nilas is well described by a linear decrease of about 2.1 g kg−1 h−1 independent of air temperature. This rapid decrease can be qualitatively understood by considering a Rayleigh number that became maximum while the nilas was still less than 1 cm thick. Comparing three different methods to measure solid fraction in grease ice based on (a) salt conservation, (b) mass conservation and (c) energy conservation, we find that the method based on salt conservation does not give reliable results if the salinity of the interstitial water is approximated as being equal to the salinity of the underlying water. Instead the increase in salinity of the interstitial water during grease-ice formation must be taken into account. In our experiments, the solid fraction of grease ice was relatively constant with values of 0.25, whereas it increased to values as high as 0.50 as soon as the grease ice consolidated at its surface. In contrast, the solid fraction of the nilas increased continuously in the first hours of ice formation and reached an average value of 0.55 after 4.5 h. The spatially averaged ice thickness was twice as large in the first 24 h of ice formation in the setup with a current and wind compared to the other two setups, since the wind kept parts of the water surface ice free and therefore allowed for a higher heat loss from the water. The development of the ice thickness can be reproduced well with simple, one dimensional models that only require air temperature or ice surface temperature as input

    Atlantic-Origin Overflow Water in the East Greenland Current

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    Dense water masses transported southward along the east coast of Greenland in the East Greenland Current (EGC) form the largest contribution to the Denmark Strait Overflow. When exiting Denmark Strait these dense water masses sink to depth and feed the deep circulation in the North Atlantic. Based on one year of mooring observations upstream of Denmark Strait and historical hydrographic profiles between Fram Strait and Denmark Strait, we find that a large part (75%) of the overflow water (⁠ ≄ 27.8 kg m−3) transported by the EGC is of Atlantic origin (potential temperature Ξ > 0°C). The along-stream changes in temperature of the Atlantic-origin Water are moderate north of 69°N at the northern end of Blosseville basin, but southward from this point the temperature decreases more rapidly. We hypothesize that this enhanced modification is related to the bifurcation of the EGC taking place close to 69°N into the shelfbreak EGC and the separated EGC. This is associated with enhanced eddy activity and strong water mass modification reducing the intermediate temperature and salinity maxima of the Atlantic-origin Water. During periods with a large (small) degree of modification the separated current is strong (weak). Output from a high-resolution numerical model supports our hypothesis and reveals that large eddy activity is associated with an offshore shift of the surface freshwater layer that characterizes the Greenland shelf. The intensity of the eddy activity regulates the density and the hydrographic properties of the Denmark Strait Overflow Water transported by the EGC system

    Physical oceanography from gliders in the Greenland Sea

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    Warm subtropical-origin Atlantic water flows northward across the Greenland-Scotland Ridge into the Nordic Seas, where it relinquishes heat to the atmosphere and gradually transforms into dense Atlantic-origin water. Returning southward along east Greenland, this water mass is situated beneath a layer of cold, fresh surface water and sea ice. Here we show, using measurements from autonomous ocean gliders, that the Atlantic-origin water was re-ventilated while transiting the western Iceland Sea during winter. This re-ventilation is a recent phenomenon made possible by the retreat of the ice edge toward Greenland. The fresh surface layer that characterises this region in summer is diverted onto the Greenland shelf by enhanced onshore Ekman transport induced by stronger northerly winds in fall and winter. Severe heat loss from the ocean offshore of the ice edge subsequently triggers convection, which further transforms the Atlantic-origin water. This re-ventilation is a counterintuitive occurrence in a warming climate, and highlights the difficulties inherent in predicting the behaviour of the complex coupled climate system