68 research outputs found

    Bidirectional Relationship Between Family Accommodation and Youth Anxiety During Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment

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    Family accommodation is associated with an increase in anxiety and has recently received attention as a target for intervention for youth anxiety. Existing theories posit that the increase in family accommodation increases youth anxiety and can attenuate the effect of psychotherapy. However, the directionality between family accommodation and youth anxiety has not been investigated. A cross-lagged cross-panel design was used to assess accommodation and anxiety for 10 sessions for 73 youths with an anxiety disorder, who were receiving cognitive-behavioral therapy. The analysis revealed a bidirectional relationship, such that to some extent previous session family accommodation increased youth anxiety symptoms (β = 0.11, 95% CI [0.06, 0.17]), but to an even greater extent previous session youth-rated anxiety symptoms increased family accommodation (β = 0.23, 95% CI [0.08, 0.38]). Family accommodation is an important target for reducing youth anxiety but should be addressed simultaneously as interventions directly targeting youth anxiety.publishedVersio

    Implementing a care pathway for elderly patients, a comparative qualitative process evaluation in primary care

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    Background: In Central Norway a generic care pathway was developed in collaboration between general hospitals and primary care with the intention of implementing it into everyday practice. The care pathway targeted elderly patients who were in need of home care services after discharge from hospital. The aim of the present study was to investigate the implementation process of the care pathway by comparing the experiences of health care professionals and managers in home care services between the participating municipalities. Methods: This was a qualitative comparative process evaluation using data from individual and focus group interviews. The Normalization Process Theory, which provides a framework for understanding how a new intervention becomes part of normal practice, was applied in our analysis. Results: In all of the municipalities there were expectations that the generic care pathway would improve care coordination and quality of follow-up, but a substantial amount of work was needed to make the regular home care staff understand how to use the care pathway. Other factors of importance for successful implementation were involvement of the executive municipal management, strong managerial focus on creating engagement and commitment among all professional groups, practical facilitation of work processes, and a stable organisation without major competing priorities. At the end of the project period, the pathway was integrated in daily practice in two of the six municipalities. In these municipalities the care pathway was found to have the potential of structuring the provision of home care services and collaboration with the GPs, and serving as a management tool to effect change and improve knowledge and skills. Conclusion: The generic care pathway for elderly patients has a potential of improving follow-up in primary care by meeting professional and managerial needs for improved quality of care, as well as more efficient organisation of home care services. However, implementation of this complex intervention in full-time running organisations was demanding and required comprehensive and prolonged efforts in all levels of the organisation. Studies on implementation of such complex interventions should therefore have a long follow-up time to identify whether the intervention becomes integrated into everyday practice

    Benchmarked effectiveness of family and school involvement in group exposure therapy for adolescent anxiety disorder

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    Although cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) is an effective treatment for adolescents with anxiety disorders, the majority remain impaired following treatment. We developed a group CBT program (RISK) with high degrees of exposure practice and family and school involvement delivered in a community-based setting and investigated its effectiveness. The treatment involved adolescents (N = 90), with a primary diagnosis of anxiety disorder (82%) or obsessive-compulsive disorder (18%), and their families who received 38 hours of group treatment over 10 weeks. Diagnostic status and symptom severity were assessed at pre- and post-treatment, and a 12-month follow-up and benchmarked against previous effectiveness studies. Our results showed that, at post-treatment, the RISK-treatment was comparably effective as benchmarks on measures of diagnostic status, parent-rated measures, adolescent-rated measures, and clinician-rated measures. At 12-month follow-up all outcomes were superior to benchmarks, including the proportion of participants in remission (79.5%, 95% Highest Posterior Density Interval [74.7, 84.2]), indicating that the RISK-treatment enhanced effectiveness over time. The combination of group format, a high degree of exposure practice, and school and family involvement is a promising format for real-world settings that may help sustain and increase treatment effectiveness. Trial registered at helseforskning.etikkom.no (reg. nr. 2017/1367).publishedVersio

    Cardiac Mechanical Alterations and Genotype Specific Differences in Subjects With Long QT Syndrome

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    AbstractObjectivesThis study aimed to explore systolic and diastolic function and to investigate genotype-specific differences in subjects with long QT syndrome (LQTS).BackgroundLQTS is an arrhythmogenic cardiac ion channelopathy that traditionally has been considered a purely electrical disease. The most commonly affected ion channels are the slow potassium channel, IKs (KCNQ1 gene/LQT1), and the rapid potassium channel, IKr (KCNH2 gene/LQT2). Recent reports have indicated mechanical abnormalities in patients with LQTS.MethodsWe included 192 subjects with genotyped LQTS (139 LQT1, 53 LQT2). Healthy persons of similar age and sex as patients served as controls (n = 60). Using echocardiography, we assessed systolic function by left ventricular (LV) ejection fraction (EF), global longitudinal strain (GLS), and contraction duration (16 LV segments). Mechanical dispersion was calculated as standard deviation of contraction duration. Time difference between contraction duration and QT interval from electrocardiography (ECG) was defined as electromechanical time difference. We assessed diastolic function by transmitral filling velocities, early diastolic myocardial velocity (e′), and left atrial volume index (LAVI). Heart rate corrected QT interval (QTc) was assessed from 12-lead ECG.ResultsSystolic function by GLS was reduced in subjects with LQTS compared with healthy controls (−22.1 ± 2.1% vs. −23.0 ± 2.0%, p = 0.01), and GLS was worse in subjects with LQT2 compared with subjects with LQT1 (p = 0.01). Subjects with LQTS had longer contraction duration (426 ± 41 ms vs. 391 ± 36 ms, p < 0.001) and more dispersed contractions (33 ± 14 ms vs. 21 ± 7 ms, p < 0.001) compared with healthy controls. Diastolic function was also reduced in subjects with LQTS compared with healthy controls; e′ was lower (10.7 ± 2.7 cm/s vs. 12.5 ± 2.0 cm/s, p < 0.001), and LAVI was increased (30 ± 8 ml/m2 vs. 26 ± 5 ml/m2, p = 0.01), also when adjusted for age and other possible confounders.ConclusionsSubjects with LQTS had a consistent reduction in both systolic and diastolic function compared with healthy controls. Differences in myocardial function between subjects with LQT1 and subjects with LQT2 may indicate that mechanical alterations in LQTS are genotype specific

    New high precision measurements of the cosmic charged particle rate beyond the Arctic Circle with the PolarquEEEst experiment

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    The goal of the PolarquEEEst experiment was to measure the cosmic charged particle rate at latitudes greater than 66° N, where no systematic and accurate measurements at sea level have ever been performed. A latitude range well above the Arctic Circle was explored on board of a sailboat, up to the unprecedented northernmost value of 82° 07' N. In this paper a description of the experimental set-up is reported, then the procedures for calibration and ata analysis are described in detail. The results show that the rate measured in this latitude range stays constant within a novel accuracy of ±1%

    Kollsnes prosessanlegg. Oppfølgende miljøundersøkelser 2008. Ferskvann og terrestrisk botanikk.

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    Rapporten redegjør for oppfølgende miljøundersøkelser i nærområdet til Kollsnes prosessanlegg i 2008. Som en del av et langsiktig overvåkingsprogram omfattet undersøkelsene kjemiske og biologiske forhold i to innsjøer, samt vegetasjon og jordkjemiske forhold ved fem faste ruter på One og Blomøy. Innsjøene Stølevatn og Steinsvatn var begge næringsfattige. Innholdet av nitrogenforbindelser har variert tidligere år, men var ved undersøkelsene i 2008 lavt. Ingen langsiktige trender i vannkjemiske forhold kunne spores. Begge innsjøene er preget av tette bestander av stingsild, og særlig Stølevatn hadde høy algebiomasse i forhold til mengde næringssalter. Undersøkelser av vannplanter bekrefter at begge innsjøene er lite påvirket av næringssalter, men viste også at de er påvirket av forsuring. Vegetasjonsanalyser i fastrutene påviste bare mindre endringer i artssammensetning i forhold til tidligere år. Innholdet av karbon og nitrogen i jord og røsslyng var som forventet ut fra naturlig suksesjon og skjøtsel, og synes upåvirket av utslipp fra prosessanlegget. Jordens innhold av kationer varierte mellom ruter og mellom år, trolig som følge av variabel deposisjon av salter fra havet

    Bidirectional Relationship Between Family Accommodation and Youth Anxiety During Cognitive-Behavioral Treatment

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    Family accommodation is associated with an increase in anxiety and has recently received attention as a target for intervention for youth anxiety. Existing theories posit that the increase in family accommodation increases youth anxiety and can attenuate the effect of psychotherapy. However, the directionality between family accommodation and youth anxiety has not been investigated. A cross-lagged cross-panel design was used to assess accommodation and anxiety for 10 sessions for 73 youths with an anxiety disorder, who were receiving cognitive-behavioral therapy. The analysis revealed a bidirectional relationship, such that to some extent previous session family accommodation increased youth anxiety symptoms (β = 0.11, 95% CI [0.06, 0.17]), but to an even greater extent previous session youth-rated anxiety symptoms increased family accommodation (β = 0.23, 95% CI [0.08, 0.38]). Family accommodation is an important target for reducing youth anxiety but should be addressed simultaneously as interventions directly targeting youth anxiety

    User Evaluation of the Smartphone Screen Reader VoiceOver with Visually Disabled Participants

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    Touchscreen assistive technology is designed to support speech interaction between visually disabled people and mobile devices, allowing hand gestures to interact with a touch user interface. In a global perspective, the World Health Organization estimates that around 285 million people are visually disabled with 2/3 of them over 50 years old. This paper presents the user evaluation of VoiceOver, a built-in screen reader in Apple Inc. products, with a detailed analysis of the gesture interaction, familiarity and training by visually disabled users, and the system response. Six participants with prescribed visual disability took part in the tests in a usability laboratory under controlled conditions. Data were collected and analysed using a mixed methods approach, with quantitative and qualitative measures. The results showed that the participants found most of the hand gestures easy to perform, although they reported inconsistent responses and lack of information associated with several functionalities. User training on each gesture was reported as key to allow the participants to perform certain difficult or unknown gestures. This paper also reports on how to perform mobile device user evaluations in a laboratory environment and provides recommendations on technical and physical infrastructure

    Implementing a care pathway for elderly patients, a comparative qualitative process evaluation in primary care

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    Background: In Central Norway a generic care pathway was developed in collaboration between general hospitals and primary care with the intention of implementing it into everyday practice. The care pathway targeted elderly patients who were in need of home care services after discharge from hospital. The aim of the present study was to investigate the implementation process of the care pathway by comparing the experiences of health care professionals and managers in home care services between the participating municipalities. Methods: This was a qualitative comparative process evaluation using data from individual and focus group interviews. The Normalization Process Theory, which provides a framework for understanding how a new intervention becomes part of normal practice, was applied in our analysis. Results: In all of the municipalities there were expectations that the generic care pathway would improve care coordination and quality of follow-up, but a substantial amount of work was needed to make the regular home care staff understand how to use the care pathway. Other factors of importance for successful implementation were involvement of the executive municipal management, strong managerial focus on creating engagement and commitment among all professional groups, practical facilitation of work processes, and a stable organisation without major competing priorities. At the end of the project period, the pathway was integrated in daily practice in two of the six municipalities. In these municipalities the care pathway was found to have the potential of structuring the provision of home care services and collaboration with the GPs, and serving as a management tool to effect change and improve knowledge and skills. Conclusion: The generic care pathway for elderly patients has a potential of improving follow-up in primary care by meeting professional and managerial needs for improved quality of care, as well as more efficient organisation of home care services. However, implementation of this complex intervention in full-time running organisations was demanding and required comprehensive and prolonged efforts in all levels of the organisation. Studies on implementation of such complex interventions should therefore have a long follow-up time to identify whether the intervention becomes integrated into everyday practice
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