298 research outputs found

    Diasporic Cross-Currents in Michael Ondaatje’s Anil’s Ghost and Anita Rau Badami’s The Hero’s Walk

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    Both Anil's Ghost and The Hero's Walk advance conceptual cross-fertilizations between Canadian literature and diaspora studies and intervene into current discourses of diaspora. While Michael Ondaatje's novel envisions diaspora in largely ahistorical terms as a condition of Anil's nomadic identity, cultural relativism, and political failure, Anita Rau Badami's novel fashions patterns of diasporic identification — rather than identity — around moments of stillness and disruption that generate new forms of communal and individual autonomy. From different perspectives, then, both novels illuminate the theoretical fallacies that consist in turning the concept of diaspora into another all-encompassing allegory of postcolonial subjectivity

    Prognostische Ansätze und Aussagen in den IAB-Veröffentlichungen. Eine Bibliographie

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    Übersicht über IAB-Veröffentlichungen, die konkrete, entweder quantifizierte oder tendenzielle Aussagen zu künftigen Entwicklungen enthalten.Berufsforschung, IAB, Bibliografie, Arbeitsmarktforschung

    "Chokecherry Tree(s)": Operative Modes of Metaphor in Toni Morrison's "Beloved"

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    Konstruktion des Teichmüllerraumes Riemannscher Flächen mittels Integration von Vektorfeldern

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    In dieser Arbeit werden Deformationen Riemannscher Flächen auf elementare Weise mittels Integration von Vektorfeldern konstruiert. Diese Deformationen werden zum feinen Modulraum der Riemannschen Flächen mit Teichmüller-Markierung zusammengeklebt. Die Vorgehensweise unterscheidet sich wesentlich von den analytischen Beweisen Teichmüllers und den algebraisch geometrischen Beweisen Grothendiecks

    Scopic Regimes of the Anthropocene: War, (Im)Mobility, and the Planetary Now in Cuarón’s Children of Men (2006)

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    Although Alfonso Cuarón’s dystopic film Children of Men (2006) received much critical attention, its prescient engagement with the planet’s current anthropogenic transformations has been largely overlooked. Drawing from the work of the art and activist collective Forensic Architecture, this essay argues that the film’s “investigative aesthetics” and its complex orchestration of mobility and immobility destabilise the apocalyptic scopic regimes of the Anthropocene while imagining shared planetary futures for all life on the planet. On the one hand, the film develops a critical genealogy of normalised visualisations of anthropogenic violence and reveals how, since the Columbian Exchange, a continuous and asymmetrical “war of attrition” (Mbembe) has been waged against human and nonhuman mobility and life itself. On the other hand, the film’s use of a mobile camera and its cinematography of referencing generate a countervisual practice of the Anthropocene and envision the heterotemporality of the planetary now

    Reaction-diffusion-ODE systems: de-novo formation of irregular patterns and model reduction

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    Classical models of pattern formation in systems of reaction-diffusion equations are based on diffusion-driven instability (DDI) of constant stationary solutions. The destabilisation may lead to emergence of stable, regular Turing patterns formed around the destabilised equilibrium. In this thesis it is shown that coupling reaction-diffusion equations with ordinary differential equations may lead to de-novo formation of far from equilibrium steady states. In particular, conditions for so called (ε0 , A)-stability (resp. stability in epi-graph-topology) are given, yielding from bistability and hysteresis effects in the null sets of nonlinearities. A model exhibiting coexistence of Turing-type destabilisation and stable far from equilibrium steady states, is proposed. It is shown, under suitable conditions, that DDI and (in)stability can be derived from so called quasi-stationary model reduction. Moreover, similar to a result for ordinary differential equations, proved by Tikhonov, the dynamical behaviour of the reduced and the unreduced model are similar. It is shown that the spectral properties of the operators resulting from linearisation of the unreduced system, determining the long-term behaviour around a steady state, are reflected in the spectral properties of the operators resulting from linearisation of the reduced system. The given conditions are satisfied by a larger range of classical models, as illustrated by application to a degenerate version of the Lengyel-Epstein model. The dynamical behaviour of reaction-diffusion equations for large diffusion and on finite time intervals is essentially reflected by their so called shadow systems. In this hesis, existence and stability of steady states with jump-type discontinuity is investigated and compared for this reduction. The results show that, in case of static patterns, not only the short-term behaviour, but also the long-term behaviour of the reduced system is reflected in the unreduced system. Moreover, a result showing Turing-type destabilisation for such shadow systems, given in a joint-paper, is generalised. Finally, such shadow systems are reduced by application of a quasi-stationary model reduction leading to a scalar integro-differential equation. It is shown that the quasi-stationary model reduction is regular in the sense of Turing-type destabilisation and dynamical behaviour on finite time intervals. Hence, reaction-diffusion-ODE models may be reduced to scalar integro-differential equations in order to investigate the qualitative behaviour around homogeneous steady states and the qualitative behaviour on finite time intervals. A hypothesis is that the long-term behaviour is similar, but a proof is missing. The result shows that a link between reaction-diffusion-ODE systems and scalar integro-differential equations exists and that the mechanisms of pattern formation may be investigated based on the reduction
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