164 research outputs found

    Movement and Participation: Journeys within Everyday Environments

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    Motion is an elementary part of our everyday life; it determines our perception and appropriation of environmental features. We are immersed in the world while on foot, grounding awareness of the three-dimensionality of the world and ourselves through movement. As a site-specific installation artist, movement is a crucial aspect of my practice in the sense that it makes the work occur. I argue that the installation comprises the experience of the participant through his or her interaction with the space and the intervention that has occurred through movement. The experience is one which unfolds and changes as the participant walks through the installation and its location. How does the encounter through movement of the work of art affect our experience of it, in particular, location- (site-) specific art work outside of the gallery? Together with this, how does the sense of narrative develop through the movements within the installation and location

    Birth order and college major in Sweden

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    Previous research on birth order has consistently shown that later-borns have lower educational attainment than first-borns, however it is not known whether there are birth order patterns in college major. Given empirical evidence that parents disproportionately invest in first-born children, there are likely to be birth order patterns attributable to differences in both opportunities and preferences, related to ability, human capital specialization through parentchild transfers of knowledge, and personality. Birth order patterns in college major specialization may shed light on these explanatory mechanisms, and may also account for long-term birth order differences in educational and labour market outcomes. Using Swedish population register data and sibling fixed effects we find large birth order differences in university applications. First-borns are more likely to apply to, and graduate from, medicine and engineering programs at university, while later-borns are more likely to study journalism and business programs, and to attend art school. We also find that these birth order patterns are stronger in high SES families, and that differences in college major explain approximately half of the within-family birth order differences in long-term earnings. These results indicate that early life experiences and parental investment shapes sibling differences in ability, preferences, and ambitions even within the shared environment of the family

    Ups and Downs in Finance, Ups without Downs in Inequality

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    The upswing in finance over the past several decades has led to rising inequality, but do downswings in finance lead to a symmetric decline in inequality? In this paper, we analyze the asymmetry of the effect of ups and downs in financial markets, as well as the effect of increased capital requirements and the bonus cap on national earnings in- equality. We use administrative employer–employee linked data on earnings from 1990 to 2017 for twelve countries. Additionally, we use data on earnings from bank reports, from 2009 to 2017 in thirteen European countries. We find a strong asymmetry in the effects of financial ups and downs on earnings inequality, a mitigating effect of rising capital requirements on the contribution of finance to inequality, and a restructuring ef- fect of the bonus cap for the earnings of financiers, while neither policy affects absolute levels of earnings inequality.La hausse de la finance au cours des dernières décennies a entraîné une hausse des inégalités, mais les ralentissements de la finance entraînent-ils une baisse symétrique des inégalités? Dans cet article, nous examinons l'asymétrie de l'effet des hausses et des ralentissements des marchés financiers, ainsi que l'effet de l'augmentation des exi- gences en matière de capital et du plafonnement des primes sur l'inégalité des salaires nationaux. Nous utilisons des données administratives couplées employeur-employé sur les salaires de 1990 à 2017 pour douze pays. De plus, nous employons des données sur les salaires provenant des rapports bancaires, de 2009 à 2017, dans 13 pays euro- péens. Nous constatons une forte asymétrie dans les effets des hausses et des ralentis- sements financières sur l'inégalité des salaires, un effet de mitigation de l'augmentation des exigences de capitalisation sur la contribution de la finance à l'inégalité, et un effet de restructuration du plafonnement des primes pour les salaires des financiers, alors qu'aucune des deux mesures n'affecte les niveaux absolus d'inégalité des salaires.iv MaxPo Discussion Paper 21/2 1 Introduction 2 Data Administrative employer–employee linked data World Bank GFDD database European bank reports 3 The contribution of financiers’ earnings to inequality and its asymmetry in upswings and downswings Less finance, less inequality? The asymmetry of the redistribution of earnings through financialization 4 Finance, regulation, and inequality Capital requirements and inequality The bonus cap 5 Conclusion Appendices A1 Data description A2 Supplementary tables and figures Reference

    Helsingin seisminen asemaverkko ja seismisyys 2022

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    Vuosi 2022 oli Seismologian instituutin ja Helsingin kaupungin yhteistyönä perustetun seismologisen HelsinkiNet-havaintoverkon toinen täysi toimintavuosi. Verkkoon kuuluvat asemat KUNI, LAUT, RSUO ja VUOS jatkoivat valtakunnallisen havaintojärjestelmän yhteydessä. Lisäksi St1 Oy:n lämpövoimalahankkeen valvontaan perustetut asemat HEL1, HEL2 ja HEL5 olivat toiminnassa koko vuoden ja HEL3 kesäkuuhun saakka. Vuoden aikana 30 km:n säteellä Helsingin Rautatientorista tapahtuneita seismisiä tapauksia käsiteltiin instituutin päivittäisanalyysissa 440. Alueella havaittiin kolme luonnollista maanjäristystä, kaikki niistä Espoossa. Ensimmäinen tapahtui 25.7. saaristossa, toinen 23.9. ja kolmas 27.9. Sepänkylässä. Kaikki tapaukset olivat pieniä, voimakkuuksiltaan 0,2–0,3. Niitä ei kyetty yhdistämään kansalaishavaintoihin. Ihmistoiminnan aiheuttamia maanjäristyksiä ei havaittu.2022 was the second fully operational year of the HelsinkiNet, a collaborative seismological observation network of the Institute of Seismology and City of Helsinki. The stations KUNI, LAUT, RSUO, and VUOS continued in association with the national automatic detection system. In addition, stations HEL1, HEL2 and HEL5 that were established for monitoring the geothermal plant project of St1 Inc. were in operation for the entire year and HEL3 until June. A total of 440 seismic events within 30 km of the Central Railway Square of Helsinki were handled in the daily analysis of the institute. Three of them were natural earthquakes in Espoo. The first one occurred on the 25th of July in the archipelago, the second one on the 23rd of September and the third one on the 27th of September in Sepänkylä. All events were small with magnitude 0.2–0.3. No macroseismic reports could be assigned to them. No induced earthquakes occurred

    Helsingin seisminen asemaverkko ja seismisyys 2021

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    Vuosi 2021 oli Seismologian instituutin ja Helsingin kaupungin yhteistyönä perustetun seismologisen HelsinkiNet-havaintoverkon ensimmäinen täysi toimintavuosi. Verkkoon kuuluvat asemat KUNI, LAUT ja VUOS jatkoivat valtakunnallisen ja pääkaupunkiseudun asemaverkon automaattisten havaintojärjestelmien yhteydessä. Toukokuussa 2021 aloitti toimintansa Ruskeasuon lämpövoimalan valvontaan rakennettu asema RSUO. Lisäksi Espoon ja Helsingin alueella toimivat St1:n lämpövoimalahankkeen valvontaan perustetut asemat HEL1-HEL5, joista HEL4 lopetti toimintansa huhtikuussa 2021. Vuonna 2021 vahvistettuja seismisiä tapauksia oli 30 km:n säteellä Rautatientorista 3483. Näistä vain yksi oli luonnollinen maanjäristys. Se tapahtui Kirkkonummen merialueella 28.8.2021 aamulla. Yksittäiset indusoidut maanjäristykset havaittiin 2.3. ja 4.7.2021 Kaakkois-Espoossa/Laajalahdella ja lisäksi 27.12.2021 samalla alueella tapahtui indusoitu kuuden matalan maanjäristyksen sarja 29.12.2021. Havaituista seismisistä tapauksista ylivoimaisesti suurin osa oli räjäytyksiä. Erityistä huomiota herätti 11.9.2021 Pohjois-Pasilassa matalalla ilmakehässä tapahtunut räjähdys, jonka sijainnin ja todennäköisen syyn Seismologian instituutti selvitti yhteistyössä Tähtitieteellinen yhdistys Ursa ry:n kanssa.2021 was the first fully operational year of the HelsinkiNet, a collaborative seismological observation network of the Institute of Seismology and City of Helsinki. The stations KUNI, LAUT, and VUOS continued in association with the national and regional automatic detection systems. In May 2021, operation of the station RSUO began for monitoring the geothermal heat plant of Ruskeasuo. In addition, stations HEL1-HEL5 were in operation in Helsinki and Espoo, although HEL4 stopped operating in April 2021. A total of 3483 confirmed seismic events occurred within 30 km of the Central Railway Square of Helsinki. Only one of them was a natural earthquake. It occurred in the sea area of Kirkkonummi on the 28th of August 2021. A single induced earthquake was observed in southeastern Espoo on the 2nd of March 2021, and again on the 4th of July 2021. A swarm of probably induced earthquakes occurred in the same area on the 27th and 29th of December 2021. The vast majority of observed seismic events were explosions. Particular attention was paid to a detonation in the low atmosphere in northern Pasila on the 11th of September 2021. The location and the probable reason for the event were resolved in cooperation between the Institute of Seismology and the Ursa Astronomical Association

    Rosiglitazone RECORD study: glucose control outcomes at 18 months

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    AIMS: To compare glucose control over 18 months between rosiglitazone oral combination therapy and combination metformin and sulphonylurea in people with Type 2 diabetes. METHODS: RECORD, a multicentre, parallel-group study of cardiovascular outcomes, enrolled people with an HbA(1c) of 7.1-9.0% on maximum doses of metformin or sulphonylurea. If on metformin they were randomized to add-on rosiglitazone or sulphonylurea (open label) and if on sulphonylurea to rosiglitazone or metformin. HbA(1c) was managed to < or = 7.0% by dose titration. A prospectively defined analysis of glycaemic control on the first 1122 participants is reported here, with a primary outcome assessed against a non-inferiority margin for HbA(1c) of 0.4%. RESULTS: At 18 months, HbA(1c) reduction on background metformin was similar with rosiglitazone and sulphonylurea [difference 0.07 (95% CI -0.09, 0.23)%], as was the change when rosiglitazone or metformin was added to sulphonylurea [0.06 (-0.09, 0.20)%]. At 6 months, the effect on HbA(1c) was greater with add-on sulphonylurea, but was similar whether sulphonylurea was added to rosiglitazone or metformin. Differences in fasting plasma glucose were not statistically significant at 18 months [rosiglitazone vs. sulphonylurea -0.36 (-0.74, 0.02) mmol/l, rosiglitazone vs. metformin -0.34 (-0.73, 0.05) mmol/l]. Increased homeostasis model assessment insulin sensitivity and reduced C-reactive protein were greater with rosiglitazone than metformin or sulphonylurea (all P < or = 0.001). Body weight was significantly increased with rosiglitazone compared with sulphonylurea [difference 1.2 (0.4, 2.0) kg, P = 0.003] and metformin [difference 4.3 (3.6, 5.1) kg, P < 0.001]. CONCLUSIONS: In people with diabetes, rosiglitazone in combination with metformin or sulphonylurea was demonstrated to be non-inferior to the standard combination of metformin + sulphonylurea in lowering HbA(1c) over 18 months, and produces greater improvements in C-reactive protein and basal insulin sensitivity but is also associated with greater weight gain
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