11 research outputs found


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    The research location is in the PPSDM Geominerba field campus. The campus is located in Padalarang, West Java that is surrounded by the open-pit mining of limestone and marble. This limestone was formed in Oligo-Miocene of Rajamandala Formation. The research objective was to determine the condition of the slopes around the campus based on geomechanical characteristics. Based on field observations, the slope angle in the area is dominated by steep slopes. The rock hardness level is dominated by hard rock with a hardness ranging from 50-100 MPa. Rock Mass Rating shows that the area is dominated by good rocks. While the Slope Mass Rating calculation show that the maximum slope angle is between 52-75°. Level of deformation and intensive weathering process will reduce the strength of the rock in the future. Several rock fall occurrences on this research area support this assumption. Yet, some local open pit mining area activity near the toe hill of the area need to be concerned regarding the effect of the local rock fall occurrences


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui pengaruh aplikasi garam terhadap produksi padi varietas Situ Bagendit. Penelitian dilaksanakan 4 bulan mulai  Agustus 2017 s/d Desember 2017 menggunakan metode Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) Non Faktorial dengan faktor tunggal yang terdiri dari 4 perlakuan, yaitu A1 (Kontrol), A2 (Urea 100%), A3 (Garam 100%), A4 (Urea 50% + Garam 50%) yang diulang sebanyak 6 kali mengacu rumus (t-1)(r-1) > 15. Perlakuan A4 menjadi yang terbaik karena memberikan pengaruh sangat nyata pada parameter tinggi tanaman 30 dan 45 HST, jumlah anakan 30 dan 42 HST, jumlah malai 110 HST, berat basah per sampel, berat basah per plot, berat kering per sampel, dan berat kering per plot. Kesimpulan dari penelitian ini adalah aplikasi garam memberikan pengaruh yang sangat nyata, sehingga dapat dijadikan sebagai pupuk alternatif karena terbukti mampu meningkatkan produksi padi sebesar 5,676 ton perhektar dibandingkan rata-rata 5,5 ton perhektar produksi nasional


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    ABSTRAK Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui besarnya pengaruh implementasi sistem informasi terhadap kualiatas laporan keuangan. Unit penelitiannya pada PT Pindad (Persero) Kota Bandung dan sasran penelitiannya adalah karyawan divisi keuangan PT Pindad (Persero) dengan jumlah sample sebanyak 40 orang. Jenis metode dalam penelitian yang akan digunakan oleh penulis menggunakan metode kuantitatif dengan penelitian survey, adapun pendekatan yang penulis gunakan dengan menggunakan pendekatan analisis deskriptif verifikatif dengan menggunakan data primer. Teknik analisa yang digunakan adalah regresi linier sederhana. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian yang dilakukan dapat diketahui bahwa penerapan sistem informasi akuntansi memberikan pengaruh sebesar 67,7% terhadap kualitas laporan keuangan. Sedangkan sisanya yaitu sebesar 32,3% merupakan pengaruh faktor lain di luar variabel sistem informasi akuntansi seperti faktor audit laporan keuangan, good corporate governance, pengendalian Internal, dan lain-lain. Kata Kunci: Sistem Informasi Akuntansi, Kualitas Laporan Keuanga

    Pengaruh Kadar Air dan Nilai Matric Suction dalam Penentuan Parameter Teknis Tanah Jenuh Sebagian ( 22-28 )

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    A change partially saturated soil conditions(unsaturated) becomes saturated(saturated) as a result of the changing seasons will cause problems in the geotechnical field. Changes in water contentdue to precipitation, evaporation and evapotranspiration will affect the soil shear stress. Partially saturated soil behavioris more complex than the saturated soil. The extent to which the influence of matric suction value, a measure of the soil saturated portion of the soil shear strength changes the purpose of this study. The soil type is silt kelempungan used in Unggaran Sta18+600. Specimens made by field density(γd, field) with variations in water content. Measurement of matric suction values was conducted using filter paper which refers to the ASTM D5298-03. Direct shear testing performed by water content variation store present changes inthe value o fmatric suction. According to the USCS , the soil including soil type MH with field water content in the soil subgrade 50.7 % did not meet highway subgrade . The relationship between water content and degree of saturation and matric suction can be described through the SWCC curve fitting and estimates contained in SoilVision 4.19. SWCC fitting is suitable for use while Brooks and Corey Fredlund and Wilson PTF suitable to represent the SWCC curve estimation . SWCC curve estimates are quite far from the experimental data to test the filter paper still needs to be done .SoilVision program is very useful for describing both the SWCC curve fitting and estimation methods . From the research , it was found that the water content contained in the soil will affect value of matric suction , shear strength parameters of the soil and its CBR value.The higher water content or degree saturation of the soil , the more value of matric suction , the soil shear strength parameters ( cohesion and angle of friction in )as well as its CBR value will fall

    Analysis of the Utilization of VCO as A Glucose Level Reducing Material in Brown Rice Using A UV-VIS Spectrophotometer

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    This research aims to determine the effect of adding VCO on glucose levels in brown rice that cooked by rice cooker and steamer. Sample preparation is done by adding VCO to brown rice and cooking simultaneously. The samples were measured for their glucose levels by adding phenol and sulfuric acid to the sample and then measuring their absorbance using a UV-VIS spectrophotometer. The results showed that the addition of VCO affected glucose levels in brown rice. The highest level of glucose in brown rice was 32,178 ppm without the addition of VCO and the lowest level was 0.946 ppm with the addition of 5% VCO. Meanwhile, the highest level of glucose in brown rice in a steamer was 22,268 ppm without the addition of VCO and the lowest was 0,768 ppm with the addition of 5% VCO

    Kebutuhan Angkutan pada Koridor Bus Rapid Transit (Brt) Kota Palembang: Brt di Kota Palembang

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    Kota Palembang sebagai salah satu kota besar yang mengalami peningkatan jumlah kendaraan pribadi. Sehingga mengakibatkan kemacetan diruas-ruas jalan Palembang. Pertumbuhan kendaraan pribadi baik mobil atau sepeda motor mengakibatkan tidak nyamannya lingkungan meningkat, kemacetan dan kapasitas jalan yang sudah tidak mampu lagi menampung kendaraan-kendaraan di masa mendatang. Oleh karena itu pemerintah Kota Palembang mengembangkan transportasi misal yaitu Bus Rapid Transit. Namun masyarakat kurang minat untuk menggunakan angkutan umum karena merasa pelayanan yang tidak baik. Studi ini bertujuan untuk merumuskan kinerja pelayanan BRT Koridor Kota Palembang secara berkelanjutan dengan pengoptimalisasi penggunaan BRT rute Pusri – PS Mall. Sehingga dapat menemukan faktor – faktor permasalahan yang mempengaruhinya sehingga dapat dirumuskan langkah – langkah perbaikan dan peningkatan mutu pelayanannya, dan rekomendasi perbaikan kualitas pelayanan kepada operator. Studi ini dengan menerapkannya sustainable transportation atau transportasi berkelanjutan. Berdasarkan hasil analisis diketahui bahwa kinerja pelayanan berdasarkan persepsi menunjukkan cukup memuaskan. Namun ada beberapa persepsi yang merasa kurang yaitu pelayanan operator, perpindahan moda, ketetapan waktu dan waktu tunggu. Sedangkan berdasarkan penelitian dengan standar Departemen Perhubungan telah menunjukkan baik

    Learning Media and Strategies Used by English Students in Practice Teaching During the Pandemic

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    Practice teaching, indisputably, is one of the school activities distorted significantly due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Practice teachers should adapt online learning to convey teaching and learning activities. This study aimed at finding out the internet device (wi-fi) available at schools in Pekanbaru municipality and learning media used by practicum teachers with the stable internet connectivity at schools in Pekanbaru municipality. There were 47 out of 51 English Education Students of Universitas Lancang Kuning involved in this research. They filled in 27 items of close-ended questions in the Likert scale. The findings revealed that most schools (83%) had wi-fi devices accessed by practicum teachers for teaching activities. With this device, practice teachers used more diverse applications (Google Classroom, Google Form, and Zoom video conference) more frequently (often), shown in the mean score of 4.0, to convey learning materials and tasks delivery. In schools with unstable internet connectivity, they chose the Whattsapp application to convey learning activities, including the delivery of the tasks. In conclusion, the availability of a wi-fi device with stable internet connectivity supports practice teachers in conducting online teaching activities during the pandemic. They can maximize the use of more diverse applications, namely Google Classroom, Google Form, and Zoom conferenc

    Workshop Model Pembelajaran Project-Based Learning Berbasis Penggunaan ICT Bagi Guru SMAN 2 Kampar Kiri Tengah

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    WORKSHOP ON ICT-BASED PROJECT-BASED LEARNING MODEL FOR TEACHERS OF SMAN 2 KAMPAR KIRI TENGAH. This community service activity was carried out at SMAN 2 Kampar Kiri Tengah in Riau Province due to the lack of knowledge, understanding and creativity of teachers in implementing innovative and creative learning in the classroom so that learning becomes monotonous where students are very dependent on teachers. Therefore, the team seeks to facilitate teachers in improving the quality of learning by implementing project-based learning with ICT use. The methods of implementing this activity begins with a situation analysis stage in the form of field observations and interviews with school principal and teachers, identifying teachers' problems, providing a training on project-based learning model based on the use of ICT which is continued with questions and answers, discussion followed by providing revisions and suggestions for PBL work papers designed by the teachers with assistance. The results showed that participants could design (1) PBL worksheets, (2) project names and objectives, (3) products produced, (4) time allocation for project completion, (5) ICT facilities used (YouTube links, Google websites, blogs, social media, etc.), and (6) the assignment of students in PBL groups. The PBL projects designed by teachers include instructional videos (Mathematics, Physics, PPKn, Economics), Sociology Glossary, Dictionary/Glossary, Daily Vocabulary Dictionary, Worship Practice Book, Genetic Disease Book, Hero Biography History Book, Geography Glossary, and the chemical product of PBL results. Finally, the community service team concluded that the instructional training with the PBL model based on the use of ICT for teachers of SMAN 2 Kampar Kiri Tengah can provide knowledge, understanding and abilities to participants to design this learning model in their respective subjects