718 research outputs found

    Dilepton decays of baryon resonances

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    Dalitz decay of baryon resonances is studied and expressions for the decay width are derived for resonances with arbitrary spin and parity. Contributions of the various terms in the transition matrix element are compared and relevance of spin-parity and the resonance mass is discussed. Explicite algebraic expressions are cited for spin\le5/2 resonances. The results can be used in models of dielectron production in elementary reactions and heavy ion collisions.Comment: 16 pages, 4 figure

    The phase diagram in the vector meson extended linear sigma model

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    We investigate the chiral phase transition of the strongly interacting matter at nonzero temperature and baryon chemical potential μB\mu_B within an extended (2+1) flavor Polyakov constituent quark-meson model which incorporates the effect of the vector and axial vector mesons. The parameters of the model are determined by comparing masses and tree-level decay widths with experimental values. We examine the restoration of the chiral symmetry by monitoring the temperature evolution of condensates. We study the TρBT-\rho_B phase diagram of the model and find that a critical end point exists, although at very low density.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, Presented at CPOD 2016, Wrocla

    Baryonic contributions to the dilepton spectrum of nucleon-nucleon collisions

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    We study the production of dileptons in relativistic nucleon-nucleon collisions. Additionally to the traditional dilepton production channels (vector meson decays, meson and Delta(1232) Dalitz decays) we included in our model as new dilepton sources the Dalitz decay of higher unflavored baryon resonances with spin<=5/2 and mass<=2.25 GeV/c^2. The contributions of these new channels are estimated using experimental information about the Ngamma decays of the resonances and have large uncertainties. The obtained dilepton spectra are compared to the experimental data by the DLS collaboration. Predictions for the HADES detector (SIS, GSI) are also discussed. In spite of the large uncertainties of the higher resonance Dalitz decay contributions we are able to draw the conclusion that these contributions are negligible compared to the other dilepton sources and do not influence the detectability of the phi and omega vector meson peaks.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures, version accepted for publication in Phys. Rev.

    Chiral phase transition in an extended linear sigma model: initial results

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    We investigate the scalar meson mass dependence on the chiral phase transition in the framework of an SU(3), (axial)vector meson extended linear sigma model with additional constituent quarks and Polyakov loops. We determine the parameters of the Lagrangian at zero temperature in a hybrid approach, where we treat the mesons at tree-level, while the constituent quarks at 1-loop level. We assume two nonzero scalar condensates and together with the Polyakov-loop variables we determine their temperature dependence according to the 1-loop level field equations.Comment: Presented at the Workshop on Unquenched Hadron Spectroscopy: Non-Perturbative Models and Methods of QCD vs. Experiment, At the occasion of Eef van Beveren's 70th birthda

    Probing in-medium vector meson decays by double-differential di-electron spectra in heavy-ion collisions at SIS energies

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    Within a transport code simulation for heavy-ion collisions at bombarding energies around 1 AGeV, we demonstrate that double-differential di-electron spectra with suitable kinematical cuts are useful to isolate (i) the ρ\rho meson peak even in case of strong broadening, and (ii) the in-medium ω\omega decay contribution. The expected in-medium modifications of the vector meson spectral densities can thus be probed in this energy range via the di-electron channel

    Scattering of vector mesons off nucleons

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    We construct a relativistic and unitary approach to 'high' energy pion- and photon-nucleon reactions taking the πN,πΔ\pi N, \pi \Delta, ρN\rho N, ωN\omega N, ηN,KΛ,KΣ\eta N, K \Lambda, K \Sigma final states into account. Our scheme dynamically generates the s- and d-wave nucleon resonances N(1535), N(1650) and N(1520) and isobar resonances Δ(1620)\Delta(1620) and Δ(1700)\Delta(1700) in terms of quasi-local interaction vertices. The description of photon-induced processes is based on a generalized vector-meson dominance assumption which directly relates the electromagnetic quasi-local 4-point interaction vertices to the corresponding vertices involving the ρ\rho and ω\omega fields. We obtain a satisfactory description of the elastic and inelastic pion- and photon-nucleon scattering data in the channels considered. The resulting s-wave ρ\rho- and ω\omega-nucleon scattering amplitudes are presented. Using these amplitudes we compute the leading density modification of the ρ\rho and ω\omega energy distributions in nuclear matter. We find a repulsive energy shift for the ω\omega meson at small nuclear density but predict considerable strength in resonance-hole like ω\omega-meson modes. Compared to previous calculations our result for the ρ\rho-meson spectral function shows a significantly smaller in-medium effect. This reflects a fairly small coupling strength of the N(1520) resonance to the ρN\rho N channel.Comment: 78 pages, 19 figures, moderately revised version, accepted in Nucl. Phys.

    From meson- and photon-nucleon scattering to vector mesons in nuclear matter

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    We present a relativistic and unitary approach to pion- and photon-nucleon scattering taking into account the πN\pi N, ρN\rho N, ωN\omega N, ηN\eta N, πΔ\pi\Delta, KΛK \Lambda and KΣK \Sigma channels. Our scheme dynamically generates the s- and d-wave nucleon resonances N(1535), N(1650), N(1520) and N(1700) and isobar resonances Δ(1620)\Delta(1620) and Δ(1700)\Delta(1700) in terms of quasi-local two-body interaction terms. We obtain a fair description of the experimental data relevant for slow vector-meson propagation in nuclear matter. The s-wave ρ\rho - and ω\omega -meson nucleon scattering amplitudes, which define the leading density modification of the ρ\rho- and ω\omega -meson spectral functions in nuclear matter, are predicted.Comment: 6 pages, 1 figure; contribution to the Int. Workshop XXX on Gross Properties of Nuclei and Nuclear Excitations: Ultrarelativistic Heavy Ion Collisions, Hirschegg, Jan. 13-19, 200