251 research outputs found

    Effective results for discriminant equations over finitely generated domains

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    Let AA be an integral domain with quotient field KK of characteristic 00 that is finitely generated as a Z\mathbb{Z}-algebra. Denote by D(F)D(F) the discriminant of a polynomial F∈A[X]F\in A[X]. Further, given a finite etale algebra Ω\Omega, we denote by DΩ/K(α)D_{\Omega/K}(\alpha ) the discriminant of α\alpha over KK. For non-zero δ∈A\delta\in A, we consider equations D(F)=δ D(F)=\delta to be solved in monic polynomials F∈A[X]F\in A[X] of given degree n≥2n\geq 2 having their zeros in a given finite extension field GG of KK, and D_{\Omega/K}(\alpha)=\delta\,\,\mbox{ in } \alpha\in O, where OO is an AA-order of Ω\Omega, i.e., a subring of the integral closure of AA in Ω\Omega that contains AA as well as a KK-basis of Ω\Omega. In our book ``Discriminant Equations in Diophantine Number Theory, which will be published by Cambridge University Press we proved that if AA is effectively given in a well-defined sense and integrally closed, then up to natural notions of equivalence the above equations have only finitely many solutions, and that moreover, a full system of representatives for the equivalence classes can be determined effectively. In the present paper, we extend these results to integral domains AA that are not necessarily integrally closed.Comment: 20 page

    Effective results for hyper- and superelliptic equations over number fields

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    We consider hyper- and superelliptic equations f(x)=bymf(x)=by^m with unknowns x,y from the ring of S-integers of a given number field K. Here, f is a polynomial with S-integral coefficients of degree n with non-zero discriminant and b is a non-zero S-integer. Assuming that n>2 if m=2 or n>1 if m>2, we give completely explicit upper bounds for the heights of the solutions x,y in terms of the heights of f and b, the discriminant of K, and the norms of the prime ideals in S. Further, we give a completely explicit bound C such that f(x)=bymf(x)=by^m has no solutions in S-integers x,y if m>C, except if y is 0 or a root of unity. We will apply these results in another paper where we consider hyper- and superelliptic equations with unknowns taken from an arbitrary finitely generated integral domain of characteristic 0.Comment: 31 page

    Effective results for Diophantine equations over finitely generated domains

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    Let A be an arbitrary integral domain of characteristic 0 which is finitely generated over Z. We consider Thue equations F(x,y)=bF(x,y)=b with unknowns x,y from A and hyper- and superelliptic equations f(x)=bymf(x)=by^m with unknowns from A, where the binary form F and the polynomial f have their coefficients in A, where b is a non-zero element from A, and where m is an integer at least 2. Under the necessary finiteness conditions imposed on F,f,m, we give explicit upper bounds for the sizes of x,y in terms of suitable representations for A,F,f,b Our results imply that the solutions of Thue equations and hyper- and superelliptic equations over arbitrary finitely generated domains can be determined effectively in principle. Further, we generalize a theorem of Schinzel and Tijdeman to the effect, that there is an effectively computable constant C such that f(x)=bymf(x)=by^m has no solutions in x,y from A with y not 0 or a root of unity if m>C. In our proofs, we use effective results for Thue equations and hyper- and superelliptic equations over number fields and function fields, some effective commutative algebra, and a specialization argument.Comment: 37 page

    On the denominators of equivalent algebraic numbers

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    Decomposable form equations

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    On unit equations and decomposable form equations

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    On the number of polynomials and integral elements of given discriminant

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