258 research outputs found

    Eine netnografische Analyse der Nutzererfahrungen mit E-Rollern

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    Die Verbreitung der Elektromobilität im Individualverkehr wird derzeit politisch gefördert, da sie als eine Maßnahme zur Senkung der Treibhausgasemissionen gesehen wird. Neben elektrisch angetriebenen Pkw bringen Automobilhersteller zunehmend auch elektrische Zweiräder auf den Markt. Diese haben in den vergangenen Jahren zunehmenden Absatz erfahren, so dass schätzungsweise fast 60.000 elektrische angetriebene Roller (Klein-/Leicht-/Krafträder) auf Deutschlands Straßen fahren. Zur Analyse der Nutzererfahrungen mit E-Rollern ist im Sommer 2011 eine netnografische Analyse in Online-Foren durchgeführt worden. Es zeigt sich, dass die Nutzer mit ihrer Kaufentscheidung zufrieden sind und ihre ERoller vor allem zum Berufspendeln einsetzen. Im Schnitt werden Reichweiten von etwa 50 km zurückgelegt. Gerade bei kalter oder nasser Witterung erreicht aber nicht jeder Fahrzeug-Akku die gewünschte Reichweite. Den Erfahrungen nach sind von diesen technischen Einbußen insbesondere importierte E-Roller aus China betroffen, weswegen den Interessenten in den Foren geraten wird, den Kauf bei einem Händler vor Ort zu tätigen. Scheinbar ist das Händlernetz noch nicht dicht genug, was auch ein Grund für die -mit Fahrrädern mit elektrischer Tretunterstützung (Pedelecs) vergleichsweise - geringe Verbreitung von ERollern im Markt sein kann

    School Division Policies Related to Suicide Prevention and Response

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    Suicide is one of the leading causes of death among youth age 10-19, and is an increasing concern in the wake of COVID-19. K-12 schools are crucial spaces for offering mental health support to students, and can implement policies to help prevent suicidal thoughts and behaviors. This MERC research and policy brief focuses on education policy related to suicide prevention and response. It is structured to answer five questions: 1) What are recent trends in youth suicide? 2) What does research show about school division policies that are effective in suicide prevention and response? 3) What policies in Virginia and the MERC region guide the prevention of suicide in school divisions? 4) What are the key takeaways and recommendations for preventing youth suicide through education policy

    Emerging Issues and Innovations in Public PK-12 Education: Implications for Strategic Planning

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    This research and policy brief from the Metropolitan Educational Research Consortium (MERC) explores emerging issues and innovations that PK-12 school districts should consider when engaging in strategic planning. It includes a discussion of peer reviewed literature related to how PK-12 school districts engage in strategic planning, a thematic analysis of strategic plans across Virginia (as well as the largest school districts in the United States), and an exploration of Google trends related to prominent topics in PK-12 education over the previous five years. It explores the following questions: 1) How do PK-12 school systems engage in strategic planning?, 2) What are the priorities, goals, and strategies in strategic plans across Virginia and the country? 3) What trends in public PK-12 education should school districts consider in their strategic plans? The brief concludes with a series of key takeaways and recommendations for strategic planning in PK-12 school districts

    Adolescent THC Usage in Virginia: Post-Legalization Challenges and Strategies for Schools

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    Recreational marijuana was legalized for anyone over the age of 21 in Virginia in 2021. This research and policy brief explores evidence of the impact of such legalization on Tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) usage in PK-12 aged youth, including smoking, vaping, edibles, and dabbing. It addresses the following questions: 1) What are the recent trends in marijuana usage among PK-12 aged youth? 2) What are the impacts of THC usage in schools, particularly after legalization? 3) How can schools and school systems effectively respond to THC usage? 4) What are relevant federal, state, and school division policies that guide responses to youth THC usage in the MERC region? It concludes with a series of key takeaways and recommendations for curbing THC usage in schools

    Particularized protection: UNSC mandates and the protection of civilians in armed conflict

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    The protection of civilians at risk in armed conflict has, since the late 1990s, become institutionalized at the United Nations (UN), gaining acceptance as a normative rationale for UN peacekeeping. However, the bulk of civilians in need of protection in armed conflict are unlikely to attain it. The article develops an argument on ‘particularized protection’ - particularized in that UN Security Council (SC) mandates are formulated and adjusted over time to direct mission protection to specific subsets of civilian populations, that is, those relevant to the UN itself, the host state, other states, NGOs and the media, leaving most local civilians receiving little effective protection. Particularized protection, we argue, is a result of the institutional dynamics involving actors producing mandates - the UNSC - and those providing protection - peacekeeping missions - whereby mandates are specified to direct mission protection to selected, particularized groups. We demonstrate these dynamics in two cases, Côte d’Ivoire and Somalia

    Implementing The Prison Rape Elimination Act: A Toolkit for Jails

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    Minor edits. “The goal of this Toolkit is to provide jails of all sizes, political divisions, and geographic locations with a step-by-step guide for preventing, detecting, and eliminating sexual abuse of inmates in their custody – and for responding effectively to abuse when it occurs. Prison rape includes all forms of inmate sexual abuse within a correctional facility, including state and federal prisons, county and municipal jails, police lock-ups, holding facilities, inmate transportation vehicles, juvenile detention facilities, and community corrections facilities. Protecting arrestees, detainees, and inmates from sexual violence is part of a jail’s core mission. This toolkit will help assess your jail’s operations with an eye to improvements.” The Toolkit is divided into folders holding materials related to: introductory information about PREA [Prison Rape Elimination Act] and it Standards; a Self-Assessment Checklist with supporting forms “to provide a step-by-step process for jails to review and assess policies, procedures, and practices in light of the PREA Standards and accepted best practices”; and additional resources to assist you in PREA-readiness

    Epidemiology of basal-like breast cancer

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    Risk factors for the newly identified “intrinsic” breast cancer subtypes (luminal A, luminal B, basal-like and human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive/estrogen receptor-negative) were determined in the Carolina Breast Cancer Study, a population-based, case–control study of African-American and white women. Immunohistochemical markers were used to subtype 1,424 cases of invasive and in situ breast cancer, and case subtypes were compared to 2,022 controls. Luminal A, the most common subtype, exhibited risk factors typically reported for breast cancer in previous studies, including inverse associations for increased parity and younger age at first full-term pregnancy. Basal-like cases exhibited several associations that were opposite to those observed for luminal A, including increased risk for parity and younger age at first term full-term pregnancy. Longer duration breastfeeding, increasing number of children breastfed, and increasing number of months breastfeeding per child were each associated with reduced risk of basal-like breast cancer, but not luminal A. Women with multiple live births who did not breastfeed and women who used medications to suppress lactation were at increased risk of basal-like, but not luminal A, breast cancer. Elevated waist-hip ratio was associated with increased risk of luminal A in postmenopausal women, and increased risk of basal-like breast cancer in pre- and postmenopausal women. The prevalence of basal-like breast cancer was highest among premenopausal African-American women, who also showed the highest prevalence of basal-like risk factors. Among younger African-American women, we estimate that up to 68% of basal-like breast cancer could be prevented by promoting breastfeeding and reducing abdominal adiposity