323 research outputs found

    Innovation through interaction - the concept of open innovation in theory and in practice

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    Open innovation is one of the most discussed topics connected to innovation, based not only on the search for new ideas and solutions but also on the emphasis for cooperation and the benefit of the diffusion of knowledge and dialogue. An innovative company should not construct an iron curtain separating it from the influence of the market and competition but participate in the exchange of ideas whether internal or external. The concept of open innovation is the foundation of the above idea, meaning an innovation management strategy which benefits from both internal and external sources, the constant monitoring of the latest scientific achievements, investment in patents, competitor’s licences and making unutilised research projects available to others. This paper will show the characteristics and examples of the above strategy application, which prove that innovation processes, appropriately applied to market needs, may generate concrete benefits, both for worldwide corporations and small and medium-sized companies, as it is the consumer that significantly builds the market of innovations and therefore can be considered its co-constructor.Preparation and printing funded by the National Agency for Research and Development under project “Kreator Innowacyjności – wparcie dla Przedsiębiorczości akademickiej

    Phonaesthetic Phonological Iconicity in Literary Analysis Illustrated by Angela Carter’s “The Bloody Chamber”

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    The article offers a phonosemantic analysis of Angela Carter’s “The Bloody Chamber.” The phonosemantic investigation has been based on the corpus of nineteen relevant sound-related descriptions of the sea. Although most excerpts identified contain aural metaphors and are not phonologically iconic per se, there seem to exist at least three fragments which are particularly interesting from a phonosemantic point of view. Most notably, phonaesthemes /gl/, /l/, /r/ have been found to carry substantial meaning contributing to the overall interpretation of the story in question. Accounting for the inevitable subjectivity concerning iconicity, and in this case phonological iconicity, a few theories are presented in order to support the author’s reading of each phonaestheme’s contextual significance. The paper briefly reviews the chronological development of the field of phonosemantics and then combines the aural images theory (proposed by Richard Rhodes) with the “aural semiotic process” theory (the term coined by the author). Each analysis is further supplemented with scholarly views on respective phonaesthemes. On the whole, the paper does not aim to polemicize with the well-established definition of a phoneme and its generally accepted arbitrariness. Nevertheless, it has been observed that a speculative phonosemantic analysis of a literary work may yield noteworthy results

    Aspects of Television Temporality

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    ON SOME ASPECTS OF TELEVISION TEMPORALITY If there is a film that makes the way of existence of its images the object of its discourse, then Cinema Paradiso (Nuovo Cinema Paradiso, by Giuseppe Tornatore, France/Italy, 1989) undoubtedly is that film. It is just here that in an almost demonstrative way the duality of a film iconosphere is shown: a pictorial passage on a film reel on the one hand, and immateriality of die luminous screen phantom on the other, a "film-reel" and a "film-projection."(1) It is here that the cinema shows its ontology as a mechanism of difference between materiality of a fundamental cinematographic apparatus and immateriality of a cinematic mechanism that actually results in the source of the cinema. If we were to look for a similar justification for the ontology of television, we would surely have to locate it within the "time of expression," that is,..

    Romantyzm jako etykietka pseudohistorycznoliteracka (In margine czeskich międzywojennych dyskusji i polemik literackich)

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    The article deals with the specific presence of the term romanticism in the interwar period (1918–1939) in Czechoslovakia. In the introduction, the author stresses the lack of a precise definition of the term as well as two ways of understanding it. On the one hand, the term romanticism refers to the complex historical and literary movement that originated in the second half of the 18th century. On the other hand, however, it is associated with something trivial, which does not deserve much attention. The author attempts to analyse the way  the  term  is  used  in  literary  discussions  and  polemics  in  the  interwar period in Czechoslovakia. The author comes to the conclusion that the term 'romanticism' was a sort of historical and literary label stuck to adversaries in order to belittle them and their ideas.The article deals with the specific presence of the term romanticism in the interwar period (1918–1939) in Czechoslovakia. In the introduction, the author stresses the lack of a precise definition of the term as well as two ways of understanding it. On the one hand, the term romanticism refers to the complex historical and literary movement that originated in the second half of the 18th century. On the other hand, however, it is associated with something trivial, which does not deserve much attention. The author attempts to analyse the way  the  term  is  used  in  literary  discussions  and  polemics  in  the  interwar period in Czechoslovakia. The author comes to the conclusion that the term 'romanticism' was a sort of historical and literary label stuck to adversaries in order to belittle them and their ideas

    Proverbs in Martin Amis’s London Fields: A Stylistic Analysis

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    The aim of this paper is to present how Martin Amis uses proverbs in order to achieve a particular stylistic effect. The study draws on the corpus of 18 proverbs identified in London Fields of which paremias used in the canonical form represent precisely 50%. The findings show that the most qualitatively considerable alteration of proverbial structure includes changes in terms of lexical substitution. Examples are provided in order to examine the hypothesis that the proverbs altered by means of lexical substitution display polemics with traditional wisdom, whereas adages used in the canonical form are an attempt to re-evaluate proverbial truths. It has been observed that the use of structural changes or canonical forms has a different value for a given discourse. As regards the methodological tools used in this study, the analysis of proverbs with different paradigmatic relations and their literary relevance is largely based on the semiotic commutation test and the systemic-functional grammar approach applied as a component of discourse analysis. In particular, the transitivity theory proposed by M.A.K. Halliday is used to investigate the semantic links between proverbs and discourse. The conclusions drawn from this analysis may be further used for stating that Martin Amis’s novel displays a high level of stylistic dexterity as regards the use of proverbs to suit literary purposes

    Proverbs in Martin Amis’s London Fields: A Stylistic Analysis

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    The aim of this paper is to present how Martin Amis uses proverbs in order to achieve a particular stylistic effect. The study draws on the corpus of 18 proverbs identified in London Fields of which paremias used in the canonical form represent precisely 50%. The findings show that the most qualitatively considerable alteration of proverbial structure includes changes in terms of lexical substitution. Examples are provided in order to examine the hypothesis that the proverbs altered by means of lexical substitution display polemics with traditional wisdom, whereas adages used in the canonical form are an attempt to re-evaluate proverbial truths. It has been observed that the use of structural changes or canonical forms has a different value for a given discourse. As regards the methodological tools used in this study, the analysis of proverbs with different paradigmatic relations and their literary relevance is largely based on the semiotic commutation test and the systemic-functional grammar approach applied as a component of discourse analysis. In particular, the transitivity theory proposed by M.A.K. Halliday is used to investigate the semantic links between proverbs and discourse. The conclusions drawn from this analysis may be further used for stating that Martin Amis’s novel displays a high level of stylistic dexterity as regards the use of proverbs to suit literary purposes


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    The work reads about the subject of the efficiency evaluation in the food industry enterprises over the economic crisis in Poland. The authors tried to prove the theorem that the applied assumption of using the constant discount rate in assessing enterprises efficiency is incorrect. In the first step, the definition of enterprises efficiency as well as the factors molding economic efficiency are shown. The measures of assessing enterprises efficiency are also shown. The fundamental part of the work is the empirical research, which proves the aim of the work. The content of the work consists of the research results related to ROE, own equity multiplier, risk premium, and weighted average cost of capital. The discount rate can be influenced by many factors e.g. Central Bank monetary policy, fiscal policy, capital structure, exchange rate, the value of gross domestic product. It is hard to expect that they will not change. To evaluate the real enterprise efficiency, its authentic measures should be assessed. If we assume that there is only positive risk premium and constant discount rate, the real efficiency level is counterfeited, especially during the periods of market crises. It is deceptive for investors and enterprise capital managers. The real assessment of efficiency measures is important because of the ambiguity of efficiency concept. In our case, it is simultaneously implied as effectiveness, economy, and proficiency. Considering the aim of the work, the measures of efficiency put to the research process were expressed by authoritative financial factors

    Influence of dipole-dipole interactions on structural properties of Gay-Berne particles

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    Molecular dynamics simulations were performed for a liquid crystal system composed of the Gay—Berne particles with terminal transverse dipole moments. When the dipole—dipole interactions are weak, the isotropic-smectic transition is observed and the transition point shifts towards lower densities as the dipole moment increases. For higher dipole moments the system shows isotropic structure in the whole range of density, and strong dipole—dipole interactions produce two types of dimers that cannot be accommodated into smectic layers

    Przymierze : fundamentalne założenia prawodawstwa małżeńskiego Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego i kościołów ewangelickich

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    This publication is an analysis of the fundamental premises of marriage legislation of the Catholic Church and Evangelical Churches. In chapter one, starting from the etymology of basic terms, the biblical idea of covenant and the idea of marital covenant are presented. In chapter two, citing the statements of the Fathers of the Church and Christian authors, the development of the doctrine in this regard is described, whereas the next chapter is devoted to the evangelical idea of marriage arising in the sixteenth century. The analysis is preceded with a presentation of the profiles of select main reformers. Given the fact that the Catholic Church’s response to reformers’ teachings was an announcement of the dogma of the sacramentality of marriage, the development of the Catholic doctrine is discussed in chapter four. The monograph is completed with an analysis of the issue on the plane of theological anthropology, wherein common elements are recognized, making it possible to enter an ecumenical dialogue

    Elektroniczne przestrzenie widzenia

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    "Jednym z kłopotów badacza imającego się współczesnej audiowizualności jest to, iż wikła się on niechybnie w dylematy, które trafnie opisał Merleau-Ponty: ,,[ ... ] Kiedy zadajemy pytanie, co to jest my, co to jest to widzieć i co to jest rzecz czy świat, to wkraczamy w labirynt trudności i sprzeczności"'. Sprawa komplikuje się niepomiernie, kiedy to „my", „widzieć", ,,rzecz" i „świat" próbujemy oddać w pacht refleksji na temat czasoprzestrzeni audiowizualnych przełomu wieków. Przyglądając się bowiem medialnym czasoprzestrzeniom coraz częściej natrafiamy na argumenty to przemawiające za awansem temporalności, to na rzecz ekspansji przestrzeni w audiowizji przekaźników elektronicznych, niejako wbrew temu, czego nauczyliśmy się od Euklidesa i Kartezjusza, i co stanow i ło o aksjomatach naszej wiedzy o świecie jako „istoczącym się" w czasoprzestrzeni." [...] (fragm.