10 research outputs found

    Recenti dati di scavo e prospettive di ricerca a Megara Hyblaea e nel suo comprensorio

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    L’article publie les découvertes réalisées entre 2006 et 2008 dans la rade d’Augusta. Outre la mise en lumière des modifications structurelles de la ligne de côte, les travaux sur l’île de Forte Vittoria et sur le site même de la future colonie mégarienne ont révélé des structures de stockage et des traces d’occupation préhistoriques qui datent du 2e millénaire av. J.-C. Sur le site même du phare de Mégara Hyblaea de nombreux trous de poteaux correspondent à des occupations d’époques diverses, non seulement préhistoriques, mais également de peu antérieures, voire contemporaines, à la phase initiale de la cité. L’auteur suggère alors, à partir des alignements de ces trous de poteaux, l’éventualité d’un temple proto-archaïque en bois, comme on en connaît ailleurs, notamment à Sélinonte, qui précéderait le temple C et serait peut-être dédié à Héra.This paper publishes the results of the excavations in Augusta Bay between 2006 and 2008. In addition to the structural evolution of the coast, work on the island of Forte Vittoria and on the future Megara site itself revealed storage structures and Prehistoric traces of occupation carried out during the second millenium B.C. On the lighthouse site, the Author found different types of post holes that attest a Prehistoric occupation and even the probable remains of a wooden Protoarchaic temple, a type known elsewhere, notably at Selinus, which may announce the later temple C and could be dedicated to Hera


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    This paper analyses a series of female tombs recently excavated in Syracuse, associated with funerary contexts typical of the passage from the 1st to the 2nd Iron Age on the island of Sicily within the Greek sphere, and which represent a review of concepts of iidentity and gender within the field of the archaeology of death in protohistory.La presente contribución analiza una serie de tumbas femeninas recientemente excavadas en Siracusa, asociadas a contextos funerarios típicos del paso de la I a la II Edad del Hierro en la isla de Sicilia en ámbito griego, y que representan una revisión del concepto de identidad y de género en el ámbito de la arqueología de la muerte en la Protohistoria.La presente contribución analiza una serie de tumbas femeninas recientemente excavadas en Siracusa, asociadas a contextos funerarios típicos del paso de la I a la II Edad del Hierro en la isla de Sicilia en ámbito griego, y que representan una revisión del concepto de identidad y de género en el ámbito de la arqueología de la muerte en la Protohistoria

    Spina Bifida Sacralis Occulta from Ancient Greek Sicily (Pozzanghera Necropolis, Leontinoi, 6th–4th Century BC): Anatomical, Anthropological and Ethnomedical Considerations on the Insular Presentation of this Congenital Anomaly

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    In this article a case of spina bifida sacralis occulta (SBSO) from the Pozzanghera necropolis of the ancient Greek colony of Leontinoi (Sicily) and archaeologically dated to the 6th–4th century BC is morphologically analysed and discussed. An ethnomedical excursus on the knowledge and impact of this condition in Sicilian history is offered. Although SBO is one of the most frequent congenital anomalies in the global palaeopathological record, a comprehensive literature search did not yield results for the history of Sicily before Christ, hence this case enriches existing knowledge on the historical presentation of this vertebral congenital anomaly in this region

    LʼOccident grec de Marseille à Mégara Hyblaea

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    La recherche sur l’expansion grecque en Méditerranée occidentale à l’époque archaïque a largement progressé en France pendant les quarante dernières années grâce aux travaux d’Henri Tréziny et aux pistes qu’il a lancées dans l’interprétation des découvertes archéologiques de Sicile et du Sud de la Gaule. En présentant ces études sur l’urbanisme, l’architecture et divers artefacts de la vie matérielle dans ces régions occupées par les Grecs à partir du VIIIe siècle av. J.-C., ses amis, collègues et élèves ont voulu lui rendre hommage en centrant en particulier leurs réflexions sur les deux sites qui ont constitué les piliers de sa carrière, Marseille et Mégara Hyblaea. Vingt-trois contributions dues à quelques-uns des meilleurs spécialistes de ces questions, français, italiens et espagnols, mettent ici en évidence le dynamisme de la recherche dans ces régions périphériques du monde grec où populations locales et Grecs ont constitué une culture spécifique, faite de brassages et d’emprunts respectifs dans les domaines de la ville, de la religion ou des pratiques culturelles. Le volume s’ouvre sur la publication de découvertes récentes des chercheurs turcs à Phocée, la métropole de Marseille et une des cités grecques les plus actives dans cette expansion vers l’Ouest

    Malta in the Hybleans, the Hybleans in Malta : Malta negli Iblei, gli Iblei a Malta

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    La presenza del Paleolitico a Malta è rimasta solo un’ipotesi, perché non si possiede alcun dato certo riconducibile alla presenza dell’uomo nell’arcipelago per le fasi che precedono il Neolitico. Il vecchio rinvenimento a Għar Dalam di denti taurodontici da contesti incerti, esposti presso il Museo di Għar Dalam, può essere tuttavia riproposto all’attenzione alla luce della recente revisione condotta presso il Museo Archeologico Regionale «Paolo Orsi» di Siracusa sui reperti di Fontana Nuova (Chilardi et al. 1996): fra questi ultimi si segnalano alcuni denti umani di un unico individuo adulto, in cui sono stati intravisti elementi di arcaicità quali il taurodontismo, pur non accentuato rispetto a quello caratteristico dell’Homo Neanderthalensis.peer-reviewe

    Antiche pietre : la cultura dei dolmen nella preistoria della Sicilia sud-orientale

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    I dolmen, spersi tra boschi e montagne di mezzo mondo, hanno costituito per secoli un mistero che ha dato alimento alle più fantastiche interpretazioni. In realtà, essi furono il prodotto di una Cultura che scorgeva nell’Universo il Centro regolatore dell’esistenza umana: una preistorica abilità manuale diffusasi ovunque nel vecchio continente. Negli ultimi anni anche la Sicilia va svelando la presenza di megaliti, sebbene di taglia inferiore rispetto a quelli atlantici..

    Mechanical thrombectomy in acute limb ischemia: ad Interim results of the INDIAN UP Trial

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    BACKGROUND: Penumbra/Indigo aspiration thrombectomy Systems (Penumbra Inc.) in patients with acute lower limb ischemia (ALLI) is becoming a fundamental alternative to surgical and intra-arterial thrombolysis. The INDIAN UP trial represents the second phase of the Italian national multicenter trial evaluating the safety and effectiveness of the device in the treatment of ALLI.METHODS: To assess vessel patency, the TIPI (Thrombo-aspiration In Peripheral Ischemia), is used. The TIPI flow in three different moments: at presentation, immediately after thromboaspiration, and after all adjuvant procedures. The primary outcome is the technical success of the thrombo-aspiration with the investigative system, defined as near complete or complete revascularization TIPI 2 -3. Safety and clinical success rate were collected at one month follow-up.RESULTS: A total of 250 patients were enrolled. The mean age was 72.2 & PLUSMN;13.1 years and 72.1% were male. Rutherford grade on enrolment was I in 10.8%, IIa in 34.9%, and IIb in 54.4%. Primary technical success (TIPI 2-3 flow) was achieved in 90.8% of patients. Adjunctive procedures were needed in 158 cases. After all interventions, assisted primary technical success was 96.4%. No systemic bleeding complications or device related serious adverse events were reported. At one month follow up, survival rate was 97.2%, limb salvage was 97.6%. Primary patency was 89.6% and 13 (5.4%) reinterventions were registered.CONCLUSIONS: The updated results of the INDIAN UP trial have confirmed the high value of the mechanical thromboaspiration device Indigo Penumbra in the treatment of ALLI in a large variety of clinical and anatomical settings

    Exposure to artificial light at night: A common link for obesity and cancer?

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    Exposure to artificial light at night (ALAN) has been associated with disruption of the circadian system, which has been pointed out to have detrimental effects on health. Exposure to outdoor ALAN is very frequent in industrialised countries due to nocturnal light pollution and the relevant involvement of the total workforce in shift work and night work. Ecological and epidemiologic studies highlight the association between exposure to ALAN and several diseases, mainly obesity and cancer. More recently, also indoor ALAN exposure has been investigated. Among several multifactorial mechanisms linking ALAN exposure and health risks, suppression of melatonin secretion plays a pivotal role leading to alterations in circadian rhythm patterns, that are detrimental in terms of appetite regulation, and dysfunctions in metabolic signalling and cell growth in cancer. In addition, gut dysbiosis, inflammation, hypovitaminosis D, imbalance in cytokine secretion and levels are responsible for the multiple relationship linking circadian dysregulation due to ALAN exposure and obesity, and cancer. Therefore, the current manuscript summarises human and basic studies pointing out the impact of ALAN exposure on health, mostly focusing on obesity and cancer. Based on extant evidence, prevention strategies for obesity and cancer should be prompted, targeting exposure to ALAN. (C) 2022 Published by Elsevier Ltd

    The Indigo System in acute lower-limb malperfusion (INDIAN) registry. Protocol

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    Background: Acute lower limb ischemia (ALLI) poses a major threat to limb survival. For many years, surgical thromboembolectomy was the mainstay of treatment. Recent years have brought an endovascular revolution to the management of ALLI. It seems that the newly designed endovascular thrombectomy devices may shift treatment recommendations toward endovascular options. This protocol study aims to collect evidence supporting the latest hypothesis. Objective: The devices under investigation are the Penumbra/Indigo Systems (Penumbra Inc). The objective of this clinical investigation is to evaluate, in a controlled setting, the early safety and effectiveness of the devices and to define the optimal technique for the use of these systems in patients with confirmed peripheral acute occlusions. Methods: This study will be an interventional prospective trial of patients with a diagnosis of ALLI treated with Penumbra/Indigo devices. This project is intended to be a national platform where every physician invited to participate could register his or her own data procedure. The primary outcome is the technical success of thromboaspiration with the Indigo System. Assessment of vessel patency will be recorded using the Thrombolysis in Myocardial Infarction (TIMI) score classifications before and after use of the device. Clinical success at follow-up is defined as an improvement of Rutherford classification at 1-month follow-up of one class or more as compared to the preprocedure Rutherford classification. Secondary endpoints include the following: (1) safety rate at discharge, defined as the absence of any serious adverse events; (2) primary patency at 1 month, defined as a target lesion without a hemodynamically significant stenosis or reocclusion on duplex ultrasound (>50%) and without target lesion reintervention within 1 month; and (3) limb salvage at 1 month. Results: The study is currently in the recruitment phase and the final patient is expected to be treated by the end of March 2019. A total of 150 patients will be recruited. Analyses will focus on primary and secondary endpoints. Conclusions: These new endovascular thrombectomy devices that are specifically designed for peripheral intervention in this difficult set of patients, as those under investigation in the proposed registry, may offer improved clinical outcomes with lower rates of major systemic and local complications. Following completion of this study, it is expected that the value of the Indigo Thrombectomy System in the treatment of ALLI will be better defined. As a result, a shift of treatment recommendations toward endovascular options may be observed in the near future