397 research outputs found

    Marriage Policy in the Philippines: A Case Study in Agenda Setting

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    This thesis asks why there is no legal provision for divorce in the Philippines despite obvious public interest in change in this area of policy. It draws on the public policy theories of Sabatier (1988), Kingdon (1995) and Lukes (1974) in seeking to understand this situation. In so doing it gives attention to questions about the influence of relevant policy actors, the core belief systems behind competing policy positions, the relation of the Catholic Church in this policy issue, the power of the Church compared with groups advocating for the re-establishment of divorce, and the implications of this for the prevailing policy. Law reform initiatives to re-establish divorce have been kept off the government agenda as a consequence of the sustained exercise of influence by the Catholic Church on the government. This often hidden and indirect exercise of power has organized the divorce issue out of politics in the Philippines. The lessons drawn here provide a deeper understanding of why some issues and not others come to be issues that are given attention by governments

    Molecular Requirements for Ethanol Differential Allosteric Modulation of Ligand-Gated Ion Channels Based on Selective G Beta Gamma Modulation

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    It is now believed that the allosteric modulation produced by ethanol in glycine receptors (GlyRs) depends on alcohol binding to discrete sites within the protein structure. Thus, the differential ethanol sensitivity of diverse GlyR isoforms and mutants was explained by the presence of specific residues in putative alcohol pockets. Here, we demonstrate that ethanol sensitivity in two LGIC members, the GlyR adult alpha1 and embryonic alpha2 subunits, can be modified through selective mutations that rescued or impaired Gbetagamma modulation. Even though that both isoforms were able to physically interact with Gbetagamma, only the alpha1 GlyR was functionally modulated by Gbetagamma and pharmacological ethanol concentrations. Remarkably, the simultaneous switching of two transmembrane and a single extracellular residue in alpha2 GlyRs was enough to generate GlyRs modulated by Gbetagamma and low ethanol concentrations. Interestingly, while we found that these TM residues were different to those in the alcohol binding site, the extracellular residue was recently implicated in conformational changes important to generate a pre-open activated state that precedes ion channel gating. Thus, these results support the idea that the differential ethanol sensitivity of these two GlyR isoforms rests on conformational changes in transmembrane and extracellular residues within the ion channel structure rather than in differences in alcohol binding pockets. Our results describe the molecular basis for the differential ethanol sensitivity of two LGIC members based on selective Gbetagamma modulation and provide a new mechanistic framework for allosteric modulations of abuse drugs


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    A liberdade negativa é um conceito importante para a filosofia do directo, e mesmo a política, porque permite aos seres humanos dizer não às estipulações arbitrárias das várias formas de poder, incluindo o estado. Norberto Bobbio é um dos primeiros autores a empreender a tarefa de estudar a liberdade negativa, propondo uma análise que permita a proteção dos direitos de liberdade. Este artigo mostra como bobbio sustenta sua concepção de liberdade negativa, propondo como hipótese que tal reflexão permite um desenvolvimento da democracia formal. O artigo mostra também uma constante entre a concepção bobbiana de liberdade negativa e as de F. Hayek e I. Berlin que permite abrir o debate atual sobre a liberdade e seus possíveis pontos de encontro com a democracia

    Transcriptional and Microenvironmental Landscape of Macrophage Transition in Cancer: A Boolean Analysis

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    The balance between pro- and anti-inflammatory immune system responses is crucial to face and counteract complex diseases such as cancer. Macrophages are an essential population that contributes to this balance in collusion with the local tumor microenvironment. Cancer cells evade the attack of macrophages by liberating cytokines and enhancing the transition to the M2 phenotype with pro-tumoral functions. Despite this pernicious effect on immune systems, the M1 phenotype still exists in the environment and can eliminate tumor cells by liberating cytokines that recruit and activate the cytotoxic actions of TH1 effector cells. Here, we used a Boolean modeling approach to understand how the tumor microenvironment shapes macrophage behavior to enhance pro-tumoral functions. Our network reconstruction integrates experimental data and public information that let us study the polarization from monocytes to M1, M2a, M2b, M2c, and M2d subphenotypes. To analyze the dynamics of our model, we modeled macrophage polarization in different conditions and perturbations. Notably, our study identified new hybrid cell populations, undescribed before. Based on the in vivo macrophage behavior, we explained the hybrid macrophages’ role in the tumor microenvironment. The in silico model allowed us to postulate transcriptional factors that maintain the balance between macrophages with anti- and pro-tumoral functions. In our pursuit to maintain the balance of macrophage phenotypes to eliminate malignant tumor cells, we emulated a theoretical genetically modified macrophage by modifying the activation of NFκB and a loss of function in HIF1-α and discussed their phenotype implications. Overall, our theoretical approach is as a guide to design new experiments for unraveling the principles of the dual host-protective or -harmful antagonistic roles of transitional macrophages in tumor immunoediting and cancer cell fate decisions

    Equidad de género como derecho humano en estudiantes del programa de Psicología UCC Villavicencio

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    El proyecto de investigación “Equidad de género como derecho humano en estudiantes del programa de psicología de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, sede Villavicencio”, pertenece a la investigación macro, titulada “Promoción de los Derechos Humanos en la Educación Superior”, cuyo objetivo principal fue analizar los derechos humanos en estudiantes universitarios y comunidades vulnerables. En primer lugar, es necesario tener en cuenta que, según Castañeda (2007) el género se manifiesta a partir de la construcción social que define lo masculino y lo femenino, sobre las características biológicas establecidas por el sexo. Incluye aspectos subjetivos como los rasgos de la personalidad, las actitudes, los valores, las conductas y las actividades que diferencian a hombres y mujeres. Conforme a lo anterior, el entorno educativo tiene un papel protagónico en la construcción de normas y conceptos mediante el aprendizaje y la interacción, según Colás y Villaciervos (2007), la equidad en el aspecto de la educación, facilita el conocimiento de las diferencias entre hombres y mujeres que permite evitar, intervenir y corregir la inequidad de género. Por consiguiente, es necesario ampliar este conocimiento en las instituciones educativas, además la inequidad de género actualmente se manifiesta a través de diferentes polémicas de pensamientos, emociones y actuaciones que están generando en las relaciones del ser humano disconformidad (Ramos, 2011). Por otro lado el Centro Latinoamericano para el Desarrollo Rural (2015), en el informe “Pobreza y Desigualdad” postula que el tema de inequidad de género tiene influencia en la pobreza misma, al impedir que la sociedad aproveche las habilidades y talentos de las mujeres por causas discriminatorias; más aún, esta inequidad permea las creencias, las acciones y las relaciones de los sujetos que interactúan. A partir de lo anteriormente mencionado, la investigación tiene como propósito describir el conocimiento que tienen los estudiantes del programa psicología de la Universidad Cooperativa de Colombia, acerca de la equidad de género como derecho humano y así lograr un acercamiento y una mirada de la equidad de género, de qué manera lo viven y cuáles son sus implicaciones en su propia relación.Introducción -- Planteamiento del problema -- Justificación del proyecto -- Objetivos -- Marco de referencia -- Metodología -- Consideraciones éticas -- Resultados -- Discusiones -- Conclusiones -- Referencias -- Apéndic

    La imagen y la narrativa como herramientas para el abordaje psicosocial en escenarios de violencia. Departamentos de Antioquia, Boyacá y Risaralda

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    El siguiente trabajo derivado del análisis de relatos de violencia y emergentes psicosociales en Colombia, aborda mediante conceptos disciplinares pertinentes, las devastadoras circunstancias que durante décadas como nación se ha padecido debido al conflicto armado, la confrontación violenta, las pérdidas, los desplazamientos, el dolor, el sufrimiento intenso, y las diferentes secuelas físicas, psicológicas, sociales, culturales, políticas y económicas, que, si bien no permiten dimensionar con un grado de certeza la afectación psicosocial que ha victimizado a un gran número de los habitantes en Colombia, si ha promovido la reflexión, construcción y diseño de estrategias psicosociales orientadas al abordaje de las subjetividades presentes, para contrarrestar los efectos de alto impacto que se han generado tanto a nivel individual como colectivo y que exige del profesional actual, una visión renovada y una praxis transformadora mediada por la adquisición de recursos creativos y una perspectiva emancipatoria. Además, se puede apreciar como a partir de las experiencias consultadas en los diferentes momentos, se propicia el análisis crítico y la conexión con el posicionamiento subjetivo de los actores participantes desde la óptica de víctimas y sobrevivientes, de manera que su reconocimiento y comprensión condujo desde las consideraciones psicosociales, a la realización de propuestas estratégicas con enfoque diferencial, e incluso, enfoque interseccional, que incluyeron la imagen y la narrativa como herramientas de co-construcción de memorias colectivas para la apertura a nuevas alternativas positivas, transformadoras y resilientes. Finalmente, se reflexiona conjuntamente sobre las conexiones expresivas visualizadas en el salón de exposiciones virtual denominado “Reminiscencias y resurrección” donde se sistematiza narrativas visuales realizadas de manera individual en un ejercicio de agudeza razonada acerca de algunos fenómenos sociales que promueven la creación de acciones propositivas articuladas desde los nuevos significados otorgados a las dimensiones micro y macrosociales, anexos a los escenarios de violencia trabajados.The following work derived from the analysis of reports of violence and psychosocial emergents in Colombia, approaches through relevant disciplinary concepts, the devastating circumstances that for decades as a nation has suffered due to armed conflict, violent confrontation, losses, displacements, pain, the intense suffering, and the different physical, psychological, social, cultural, political and economic sequelae, which, although they do not allow us to measure with a degree of certainty the psychosocial affectation that has victimized a large number of the inhabitants of Colombia, It has promoted the reflection, construction and design of psychosocial strategies aimed at approaching the present subjectivities, to counteract the high-impact effects that have been generated both individually and collectively and that requires from the current professional, a renewed view and a transformative praxis mediated by the acquisition of creative resources and a emancipatory perspective. In addition, it can be seen how, based on the experiences consulted at different times, critical analysis and connection with the subjective positioning of the participating actors from the perspective of victims and survivors are fostered, so that their recognition and understanding led from psychosocial considerations, to the realization of strategic proposals with a differential approach, and even an intersectional approach, which included the image and the narrative as tools for the co-construction of collective memories for the opening to new positive, transformative and resilient alternatives. Finally, there are a jointly reflection on the expressive connections visualized in the virtual exhibition hall called "Reminiscences and resurrection" where visual narratives made individually are systematized in an exercise of reasoned acuity about some social phenomena that promote the creation of prepositive actions articulated from the new meanings given to the micro and macrosocial dimensions, related to the violence scenarios worked on

    Effects of different plyometric training frequencies on physical performance in youth male volleyball players: a randomized trial

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of plyometric training (PT) at different frequencies on jump performance, running sprint speed, and service speed in youth male volleyball players. The participants were randomly assigned to one PT session per week (Experimental Group 1, EG1, n = 15), two PT sessions per week (Experimental Group 2, EG2, n = 14), and a control group (CG, n = 13). The total weekly jumping ranged between 98 and 196 jumps (equalized between, EG1 and, EG2). The assessments performed were squat jump (SJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), CMJ-arms, drop jump (DJ), 5-m sprint, 10-m sprint, and service speed. The intragroup comparisons showed that, EG1 significantly (p < 0.001) improved SJ (Δ = 12.74%; d = 1.30), CMJ (Δ = 11.94%; d = 1.71), CMJ-arms (Δ = 12.02%; d = 1.47), DJ (Δ = 10.93%; d = 1.30), 5-m sprint (Δ = −4.61%; d = 0.29), 10-m sprint (Δ = −3.95%; d = 0.40) and service speed (Δ = 8.17%; d = 1.53). Similarly, EG2 significantly (p˂ 0.001) improved SJ (Δ = 11.52%; d = 1.25), CMJ (Δ = 11.29%; d = 1.38), CMJ-arms (Δ = 11.42%; d = 1.26), DJ (Δ = 13.90%; d = 2.17), 5-m sprint (Δ = −3.85%; d = 0.25), 10-m sprint (Δ = −2.73%; d = 0.25) and service speed (Δ = 6.77%; d = 1.44). The CG significantly (p < 0.05) improved SJ (Δ = 2.68; d = 0.28), CMJ-arms (Δ = 2.30; d = 0.35), 5-m sprint (Δ = −1.27; d = 0.10) and service speed (Δ = 1.42; d = 0.30). Intergroup comparisons revealed significantly greater improvements in all variables (p < 0.001) in, EG1 and, EG2 concerning to CG. However, no significant differences were found between, EG1 and, EG2. A moderate weekly PT volume, distributed in one or two sessions per week, seems equally effective

    Noninvasive Biomarkers for the Diagnosis of Liver Fibrosis and Cirrhosis

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    The clinical importance of monitoring liver fibrosis lies in the morbidity and mortality of the chronic liver diseases in relation to the stage and progression of fibrosis. Whether the fibrosis stabilizes or regresses depends on the specific treatment. Liver biopsy, the current standard for the diagnosis, has implicit limitations due to sampling heterogeneity. There are noninvasive imaging methods, such as transient elastography that measures the stiffness of the liver, but it has some limitations (feasibility and unreliability), particularly in obese patients. FibroTest is the most widely used noninvasive serological method worldwide which is efficacious in the extreme stages of fibrosis, but these methods cannot discern intermediate stages. Liver fibrosis is a dynamic response that involves multiple cellular and molecular events with an excessive deposit of extracellular matrix. Even though there is much information on the pathophysiology of fibrosis, that knowledge is still incomplete, greatly hindering the development of both an accurate treatment and a noninvasive diagnostic method with adequate sensitivity for all the stages of fibrosis. It is known that IGFBP participates in liver homeostasis, and thus these proteins can be used as serum biomarkers during the progression of liver fibrosis in chronic hepatitis C