119 research outputs found

    Metodología para valoración y adquisición de equipos biomédicos

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    El producto del presente proyecto es una guía práctica que describe los pasos para llevar a cabo valoración y adquisición de equipos biomédicos efectivos, reflejándose en el mejoramiento y la reducción de costos de los servicios de salud en las instituciones. Lo que busca esta metodología es evitar sobrecostos tanto al momento de adquirir los equipos biomédicos como en su vida útil y permanencia en la institución, ayudando a los funcionarios a emplear adecuadamente el presupuesto en elegir el mejor equipo biomédico, auxiliar al personal médico respecto a los equipos, optimar la vida útil del equipo o sistema. El desarrollo de los equipos obliga a enfrentar con racionalidad y juicio los cambios que se deben adoptar, lo que permitirá obtener una correcta relación costo-beneficio para la institución y los pacientes. Con la aplicación de esta metodología se obtendrán una reducción de costos brindando seguridad, oportunidad de un óptimo servicio por parte de los equipos biomédicos en función de la capacidad de producción en términos de calidad y cantidadPregradoIngeniero(a) Biomédico(a

    Extensión del Estándar IEEE LOM para Describir Aplicaciones Interactivas Educativas: un Enfoque sobre Accesibilidad

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    This work focuses on the use of Interactive Applications (IA) as an educational resources applied in the context of inclusive education. The Learning Object Metadata standard (LOM) is often used to facilitate the share and reuse of Learning Objects (LO). This standard suggests a wide set of metadata to describe a LO from the general, educational or even technical points of view. However this standard is not enough to describe overall the accessibility aspects and proper considerations of the Educational Interactive Applications. Therefore, this work presents a proposal to extend the LOM standard for the purpose to get extensive descriptions on the use of interactive applications as educational resources in inclusive education

    The Effect of Reproductive System on Invasiveness: Lessons from South American Weevils

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    Successful invasion of a species into novel, marginal areas often requires the ability to face different ecological characteristics than those prevailing in its native environment. In insects, one of the factors that affect invasiveness is the reproductive system. Unisexuality provides advantages because a single specimen can initiate a new population. Unisexual reproduction precludes breakup of genetic combinations that promote ecological specialization, although it may limit evolutionary potential for colonization. In order to assess the importance of the reproductive mode in the colonization ability of the weevils that are native to South America, we compared 1 bisexual and 2 parthenogenetic species that expanded their ranges in the last 2 centuries. First, for parthenogenetic species we tested clonality of the sample. Second, we proposed central and marginal areas through phylogeographic and habitat modeling analyses, and identified the pathways of dispersal for each species. Bisexual Naupactus xanthographus (Germar) (Coleoptera: Curculionidae) expanded its range westward to areas with similar environmental constraints than in its native ecosystem. Conversely, parthenogenetic Naupactus leucoloma Boheman and Naupactus cervinus Boheman (both Coleoptera: Curculionidae) invaded other continents where they had low to null predicted habitat suitability. While a single clone of N. cervinus successfully established around the world in areas with apparently adverse conditions, clones of N. leucoloma expanded their range to areas only moderately suitable. We conclude that parthenogenesis is a driver in these particular species for colonization of marginal habitats. However, N. cervinus also would have pre-existing adaptations that allowed it to establish in areas with apparently low potential to survive.Fil: Rodriguero, Marcela Silvina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Guzman, Noelia Veronica. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Lanteri, Analia Alicia. Universidad Nacional de La Plata. Facultad de Ciencias Naturales y Museo; Argentina. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - La Plata; ArgentinaFil: Confalonieri, Viviana Andrea. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Departamento de Ecología, Genética y Evolución. Grupo de Investigación en Filogeografía y Filogenias Moleculares; Argentin

    An ALMA survey of DCN/H13^{13}CN and DCO+^+/H13^{13}CO+^+ in protoplanetary disks

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    The deuterium enrichment of molecules is sensitive to their formation environment. Constraining patterns of deuterium chemistry in protoplanetary disks is therefore useful for probing how material is inherited or reprocessed throughout the stages of star and planet formation. We present ALMA observations at ∼0.6"\sim0.6" resolution of DCO+^+, H13^{13}CO+^+, DCN, and H13^{13}CN in the full disks around T Tauri stars AS 209 and IM Lup, the transition disks around T Tauri stars V4046 Sgr and LkCa 15, and the full disks around Herbig Ae stars MWC 480 and HD 163296. We also present ALMA observations of HCN in the IM Lup disk. DCN, DCO+^+, and H13^{13}CO+^+ are detected in all disks, and H13^{13}CN in all but the IM Lup disk. We find efficient deuterium fractionation for the sample, with estimates of disk-averaged DCO+^+/HCO+^+ and DCN/HCN abundance ratios ranging from ∼0.02−0.06\sim0.02-0.06 and ∼0.005−0.08\sim0.005-0.08, respectively, which is comparable to values reported for other ISM environments. The relative distributions of DCN and DCO+^+ vary between disks, suggesting that multiple formation pathways may be needed to explain the diverse emission morphologies. In addition, gaps and rings observed in both H13^{13}CO+^+ and DCO+^+ emission provide new evidence that DCO+^+ bears a complex relationship with the location of the midplane CO snowline.Comment: 36 pages, 14 figures, updated to match figure order of published version in Ap

    Comparativo de la Medición de la Huella de Carbono del Proceso Constructivo del Concreto Estampado Frente a los Adoquines Prefabricados en el Espacio Público de la Avenida Carrera 68 en la Ciudad de Bogotá

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    La Huella de Carbono se define como la cantidad y volumen de emisión de gases de efecto invernadero (GEI) emitidos a la atmosfera que puedan llegar a ser relevantes en el cambio climático. Para el sector de la construcción se estima que la emisión de Dióxido de Carbono (CO2) es proporcional a la cantidad generada. Esto hace necesario la búsqueda de nuevas alternativas que logren controlar y disminuir los GEI emitidos. Es por esto, que el presente trabajo busca realizar la comparación de la medición de Huella de Carbono del concreto estampado frente a los adoquines prefabricados en los procesos constructivos del espacio público en un tramo del corredor de la avenida carrera 68 de la ciudad de Bogotá, durante un periodo de medición de 12 meses iniciando en el mes de enero del año 2022. Esta comparación se realizó bajo la metodología GHG Protocol el cual establece el inventario de las emisiones para diferentes sectores productivos teniendo en cuenta las emisiones de GEI directas por fuentes fijas, combustión de fuentes móviles, generación de electricidad y otras emisiones indirectas como la extracción y producción de materiales. Una vez analizados los dos resultados de la medición de la huella de carbono se pudo concluir que el concreto estampado genera menos emisiones de GEI con un total de tCO2e/año de 319,97, frente a los adoquines prefabricados con un total de tCO2e/año de 334,67. Es importante resaltar que el aporte de la huella de carbono fue principalmente por la cantidad y volumen de los materiales usados para cada proceso constructivo.Universidad Libre-Ingeniería-Especialización en gerencia ambientalThe Carbon Footprint is defined as the amount and volume of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions emitted into the atmosphere that may become relevant in climate change. For the construction sector, it is estimated that the emission of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is proportional to the quantity produced. This makes it necessary to search for new alternatives that achieve and reduce the published GHG. For this reason, the present work seeks to compare the measurement of the Carbon Footprint of stamped concrete against precast paving stones in the construction processes of public space in a section of the corridor of Carrera 68 avenue in the city of Bogotá, during a measurement period of 12 months starting in January 2022. This comparison was made under the GHG Protocol methodology, which establishes the inventory of emissions for different productive sectors taking into account the sources of direct GHG emissions by fixed, combustion from mobile sources, electricity generation and other indirect emissions such as the extraction and production of materials. Once the two results of the carbon footprint measurement were analyzed, it was possible to conclude that stamped concrete generates fewer GHG emissions with a total of tCO2e/year of 319.97, compared to precast pavers with a total of tCO2e/year of 334.67. It is important to highlight that the contribution of the carbon footprint was mainly due to the quantity and volume of the materials used for each construction process

    Dental damage:Creating 3d anatomical models to illustrate destructive effects on human teeth

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    Forensic odontologists often must identify human remains with damaged teeth. This damage is due to high-impact accidents, violence, or disasters. This 2-part study aimed to create two 3D digital models. They should show the destructive effects of physical and chemical agents on human teeth and popular dental materials. Researchers created an e-survey to investigate how digital models are perceived as an educational tool for Forensic Odontology. Also, a systematic review assessed experimental studies on the effects of high temperature on various prosthodontic materials. According to the results of the survey, most participants (n = 69; 79%) agreed that they would find a 3D model useful for training. Participants misidentify images of burned and broken teeth under Ellis and Davey system (1970). The systematic review identified dental implant and dental crown as the most studied prosthodontic materials exposed to heat. The researchers designed dental damage model 1 to represent restored and unrestored burnt teeth, postmortem pink teeth, and traumatic injuries. The dental damage model 2 was created to demonstrate the effects of various types of damage to different prosthetic and restorative dental materials, as well as the impact of acid, water, and burial on restorative materials as additional information. Both models were edited, sculpted and painted using 3D modelling software ZBrush (2020. 1.4) and Blender (version 3.6.2). The dental damage models were uploaded and labelled on Sketchfab (Cédric Pinson, Paris, France). The study's materials could transform the teaching of complex tooth changes

    Citocinas proinflamatorias en relación con la presentación clínica de COVID-19 por variantes pre Ómicron: Articulo de Revisión

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    The SARS-CoV-2 virus, which causes the COVID-19 disease, produces an infection that can progress to severe cases of COVID-19 as a result of an inadequate and uncontrolled immune response characterized by the massive release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, which are part of the innate immune response and are important for infection control. The objective of this review was to demonstrate the importance of the pleiotropic action of pro-inflammatory cytokines that lead to a hyper activated state of immune response with serious organic tissue involvement causing severe functional alterations, for which it is considered, based on the review of the available information, as imperative to determine the plasma concentration of these cytokines as early, reliable biomarkers of the evolution of COVID-19.El virus SARS-CoV-2, causante de la enfermedad COVID-19, produce una infección que   puede evolucionar a casos severos de COVID-19 como resultado de una inadecuada y descontrolada respuesta inmunológica caracterizada por la liberación masiva de citocinas proinflamatorias, las cuales constituyen parte de la respuesta inmune innata y son importantes para el control de las infecciones. El objetivo de la presente revisión fue   evidenciar la importancia de la acción pleiotrópica de las citocinas proinflamatorias que conducen a un estado hiper activado de respuesta inmune con grave afectación tisular orgánico ocasionado alteraciones funcionales severas, por lo que se considera, en base a la revisión de la información disponible, como imperiosa la determinación de la concentración plasmática de estas citocinas como biomarcadores precoces, confiables de la evolución de la COVID-19
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