884 research outputs found

    Wine routes in Spain: A case study

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    Spain is a country with an enormous wine-growing tradition and with a huge tourist industry, although it has not made the importance of wine tourism profitable. Thus, it was not until 2000 that different official wine routes seemed to appear, with the main objective, amongst others, being to help develop rural areas where wine production is of crucial importance and to offer alternatives to traditional sun and beach tourism. In this paper, we will present an analysis of wine tourism in Spain based on the premise that wine (and regional cuisine) may be, and very frequently is, the main reason for visiting a certain area. To investigate this, we will present the results of an empirical study carried out in one of the official wine routes of Andalusia, a Spanish region where sun and beach tourism and cultural tourism represent a highly significant part of tourist activity. We have analysed how this tourist route is bringing about significant socioeconomic changes to the geographical area. To achieve this aim, we have conducted a survey of the companies involved in the wine route in order to ascertain their opinions on the impact and influence of the route. The main results of the study demonstrate the need to consolidate the development of such routes through collaboration between public institutions, ensuring the participation of all the different social actors involved

    Community-based tourism in Cape Verde - a case study

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    Community-based tourism is taking its place in the world as an alternative to traditional tourist destinations, especially in developing countries. This form of tourism allows for greater contact with the local community and for the tourist to experience new sensations while enabling the economic and social development of the geographic area. In this paper, the results of fieldwork carried out in the island of Fogo (Cape Verde) are presented, assessing the opinion and perception tourists visiting this island have of both the quality of the services offered by community-based tourism enterprises, as well as the potential of the tourism resources in the area. The main results of the investigation endorse the quality of services offered to tourists by local businesses and highlight the hospitality of the local community, a key element for the development of this kind of tourism, particularly in different african countries. Similarly, it highlights the passenger satisfaction with services received and the need to strengthen the training to tourism staff through aid, for example, international cooperation, NGOs and universities. The originality of this research comes from analysis of the demand made on a concrete island of Cape Verde, a country which is producing a huge economic development through the tourism sector

    Desarrollo socioeconómico endógeno-local y enoturismo: el Marco de Jerez-Sherry (España).

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    En los albores del siglo XXI, los turistas buscan nuevas experiencias que le permitan conectar con la herencia cultural y social de los lugares que visita. En este sentido, surgen nuevas oportunidades como la creación y gestión de rutas turísticas. En esta comunicación presentamos los resultados de una investigación que aborda el análisis de la ruta del vino en el Marco de Jerez-Sherry (Jerez de la Frontera-España). Esta ruta del vino permite la articulación de un producto turístico (enoturismo) que implica dar respuesta a las exigencias de esta nueva tipología de turista y, al mismo tiempo, presenta una nueva vía para la comercialización y la promoción del vino de jerez-sherry. Los resultados de dicha investigación proceden de la realización de un trabajo de campo donde se ha analizado, desde el punto de vista de la oferta, cómo la articulación de una ruta del vino puede fomentar el desarrollo socioeconómico de esta área geográfica, poniendo en practica e implementando mucho de los instrumentos y políticas que emplea la corriente de pensamiento Desarrollo Económico Territorial Endógeno (DETE).Los principales resultados de la investigación reflejan la importancia de reforzar el enoturismo en esta zona geográfica, ya que podría servir para promocionar, además de la zona geográfica, las diferentes clases de vinos elaborados en la zona, sobre todo, en los mercados internacionales, y, asimismo, servir como nueva vía de potenciación del tejido productivo (Pymes) y de comercialización de los productos vinícolas  y una  oportunidad en su proyección internacional de la   imagen de la industria bodeguera y sus productos

    México y Ecuador: un estudio comparativo de remesas e impacto macroeconómico / Mexico and Ecuador: a comparative study of remittances and macroeconomic impact

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    Las remesas de los emigrantes han sido una fuente monetaria que ha ayudado a los hogares menos favorecidos y por ende a las economías de los países de los que vienen esos emigrantes. El presente artículo busca a través de un estudio descriptivo e histórico, hacer un análisis comparativo de las remesas mexicanas y ecuatorianas durante el periodo 1995 a 2009, años en los que ambos países afrontaron severas crisis económicas. El estudio responderá las semejanzas y diferencias en evolución de remesas y el impacto de las mismas en las variables macroeconómicas propias del comercio internacional. AbstractRemittances from migrants have been a monetary source that has helped underprivileged households and consequently the economies of the countries from which these migrants come. This article provides a descriptive and historical study in order to carry out a comparative analysis of Mexican and Ecuadorian remittances during the period 1995 to 2009, years in which both countries faced severe economic crises. The study will identify similarities and differences in the evolution of remittances and their impact on the macroeconomic variables in international trade

    Designation of origin Alicante (Spain): a preliminary study for the introduction of enotourism

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    A necessidade de conseguir um desenvolvimento rural sustentável, que combine respeito ao meio ambiente com a geração de riqueza e a criação de novos postos de trabalho, leva as diferentes administrações públicas e empresas privadas a incentivar atividades paralelas e complementares das tradicionais nas zonas rurais. No presente trabalho apresentamos um estudo econométrico onde se avalia o potencial econômico da introdução da atividade de enoturismo numa área geográfica determinada, baseada numa denominação de origem (Alicante- Espanha). Para tal, fazemos a análise de como se está estruturando um movimento associativo que, tendo como base as tradicionais cooperativas vitivinícolas da região, possibilita a criação de novos segmentos de mercado para dar resposta à procura originada por esta incipiente atividade turística. Palavras-chave: Enoturismo - Desenvolvimento Rural - Cooperativas - Espanha.La necesidad de conseguir un desarrollo rural sostenible, que combine el respeto al medio ambiente con la generación de riqueza y la creación de nuevos puestos de trabajo, está llevando a las diferentes administraciones públicas y empresas privadas a estimular actividades paralelas y complementarias de las clásicas de las zonas rurales. En este trabajo presentamos un estudio econométrico donde se evalúa la potencialidad económica de la introducción de la actividad de enoturismo en un área geográfica determinada, basada en una denominación de origen (Alicante - España). Para ello, analizamos cómo se está vertebrando un movimiento asociativo que, teniendo como base las tradicionales cooperativas vitivinícolas de la zona, está posibilitando la creación de nuevos segmentos de mercado para dar respuesta a la demanda originada por esta incipiente actividad turística. Palabras clave: Enoturismo - Desarrollo Rural - Cooperativas - España.The need to obtain sustainable rural development, which combines respect for the environment with the generation of wealth and the creation of jobs, is leading various public and private administrations and companies to promote activities which are parallel and complementary to the traditional activities of the rural areas. This work presents an econometric study which evaluates the economic potential of the introduction of the activity of enotourism (wine tourism) in the geographic area of Alicante (Spain) as a designation of origin. For this, it analyzes the structure of an associative movement based on the traditional wine producing cooperatives in this area, enabling the creation of new market sectors in response to the demand based on this emerging tourism activity. Key words: Enotourism - Rural Development – Cooperatives - Spain


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    Our aim was to develop a novel medium for the large-scale production of protein-rich Arthrospira with potential applications as a biofertilizer. The novel culture medium, termed as FM-II, was formulated using low-cost commercial chemicals and specifically designed to improve protein production. Both Arthrospira platensis and Arthrospira maxima were produced using FM-II and Arnon medium, which was used as a control. Photosynthetic status of the cells, which was checked by measuring chlorophyll fluorescence, biomass dry weight and protein content, was assessed daily. Arthrospira platensis had higher biomass and protein productivities than A. maxima when cultured in both control and FM-II media. Incorporation of varied micronutrients into FM-II formulation did not improve biomass productivity. Maximum biomass dry weight in FM-II and control medium was 2.9 and 2.5 g · L−1, respectively. Total protein content of the biomass ranged between 55% and 65%, suggesting potential for being used in the development of high-value agricultural products. As some nutrients were discarded unused, the initial content of phosphates and bicarbonates was reduced by 75% and 50%, respectively, without affecting the process productivity. Results reported herein could promote the production and utilization of Arthrospira platensis by significantly reducing productions costs and therefore increasing the feasibility of the process

    Contenido proteico del forraje de Opuntia ficus indica (L.) Mill fertilizada en condiciones de secano

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    PosterOpuntia ficus-indica es una forrajera introducida de alta eficiencia en el uso del agua y buena productividad, que se distribuye en zonas áridas y semiáridas del país. Se caracteriza por un alto contenido de humedad de los cladodios, alta digestibilidad, alto contenido de carbohidratos solubles, vitaminas y bajo contenidos de proteína bruta. Usualmente, se la considera una forrajera de emergencia para rumiantes.EEA La RiojaFil: Diaz, Raul Fernando. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria La Rioja; ArgentinaFil: Ricarte, Ramon Armando. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria La Rioja; ArgentinaFil: Leal, Karina Viviana. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria La Rioja; ArgentinaFil: Vera, Tomas Anibal. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Instituto De Investigación Investigación y Desarrollo Tecnológico para la Agricultura Familiar, Región NOA; ArgentinaFil: Guzman, Luis Miguel. Instituto Nacional de Tecnología Agropecuaria (INTA). Estación Experimental Agropecuaria La Rioja; Argentin

    Effects of different plyometric training frequencies on physical performance in youth male volleyball players: a randomized trial

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    This study aimed to analyze the effect of plyometric training (PT) at different frequencies on jump performance, running sprint speed, and service speed in youth male volleyball players. The participants were randomly assigned to one PT session per week (Experimental Group 1, EG1, n = 15), two PT sessions per week (Experimental Group 2, EG2, n = 14), and a control group (CG, n = 13). The total weekly jumping ranged between 98 and 196 jumps (equalized between, EG1 and, EG2). The assessments performed were squat jump (SJ), countermovement jump (CMJ), CMJ-arms, drop jump (DJ), 5-m sprint, 10-m sprint, and service speed. The intragroup comparisons showed that, EG1 significantly (p < 0.001) improved SJ (Δ = 12.74%; d = 1.30), CMJ (Δ = 11.94%; d = 1.71), CMJ-arms (Δ = 12.02%; d = 1.47), DJ (Δ = 10.93%; d = 1.30), 5-m sprint (Δ = −4.61%; d = 0.29), 10-m sprint (Δ = −3.95%; d = 0.40) and service speed (Δ = 8.17%; d = 1.53). Similarly, EG2 significantly (p˂ 0.001) improved SJ (Δ = 11.52%; d = 1.25), CMJ (Δ = 11.29%; d = 1.38), CMJ-arms (Δ = 11.42%; d = 1.26), DJ (Δ = 13.90%; d = 2.17), 5-m sprint (Δ = −3.85%; d = 0.25), 10-m sprint (Δ = −2.73%; d = 0.25) and service speed (Δ = 6.77%; d = 1.44). The CG significantly (p < 0.05) improved SJ (Δ = 2.68; d = 0.28), CMJ-arms (Δ = 2.30; d = 0.35), 5-m sprint (Δ = −1.27; d = 0.10) and service speed (Δ = 1.42; d = 0.30). Intergroup comparisons revealed significantly greater improvements in all variables (p < 0.001) in, EG1 and, EG2 concerning to CG. However, no significant differences were found between, EG1 and, EG2. A moderate weekly PT volume, distributed in one or two sessions per week, seems equally effective