1,251 research outputs found

    Knowledge Transfer Mechanisms Involved In The Reactive Production Capacity Of The Jalisco, Mexico, Cluster Of Electronic Manufacturing

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    The development of the electronic manufacturing cluster in Guadalajara, Jalisco, has become one of the most important spearheads of Mexicos industrial strategy. The knowledge transfer process in the region has enabled the growth of global supply chains by making them more agile, adaptable, and aligned in order to meet the requirements of technological products whose demand remains highly uncertain. The reactive capacity of supply chains towards market conditions has increased local competitiveness with lower labor costs compared with operations in other parts of the world. Through a review of literature related to supply chain and knowledge management, in addition to the analysis of case studies and industry reports, it is possible to identify some conditions that have empowered the development of knowledge and some mechanisms by which it has been transferred inside the cluster. The importance of understanding the knowledge transfer inside the cluster lies in its potential to be applied to other sectors or regions

    CTZS Thin Films Grown by a Sequential Deposition of Precursors

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    A comparative study of the structural, optical and morphological properties of Cu2ZnSnS4 (CZTS) thin films prepared by two different techniques was performed. One consists of sequential evaporation of the elemental metallic precursors under a flux of sulphur supplied by evaporation from an effusion cell (physical vapor deposition-PVD) and the second one is a solution-based chemical route where thin layers of CuS, SnS and ZnS are deposited sequentially by diffusion membrane- assisted chemical bath deposition techniques; the membranes are used to optimize the kinetic growth through a moderate control of the release of the metal into CBD solution by osmosis. The present comparative study is helpful to the synthesis of kesterite nanostructured thin films.Comment: Published 201

    Abscisic Acid as an Emerging Modulator of the Responses of Plants to Low Oxygen Conditions

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    Different environmental and developmental cues involve low oxygen conditions, particularly those associated to abiotic stress conditions. It is widely accepted that plant responses to low oxygen conditions are mainly regulated by ethylene (ET). However, interaction with other hormonal signaling pathways as gibberellins (GAs), auxin (IAA), or nitric oxide (NO) has been well-documented. In this network of interactions, abscisic acid (ABA) has always been present and regarded to as a negative regulator of the development of morphological adaptations to soil flooding: hyponastic growth, adventitious root emergence, or formation of secondary aerenchyma in different plant species. However, recent evidence points toward a positive role of this plant hormone on the modulation of plant responses to hypoxia and, more importantly, on the ability to recover during the post-hypoxic period. In this work, the involvement of ABA as an emerging regulator of plant responses to low oxygen conditions alone or in interaction with other hormones is reviewed and discussed

    Design of a Virtual Assistant to Improve Interaction Between the Audience and the Presenter

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    This article presents a novel design of a Virtual Assistant as part of a human-machine interaction system to improve communication between the presenter and the audience that can be used in education or general presentations for improving interaction during the presentations (e.g., auditoriums with 200 people). The main goal of the proposed model is the design of a framework of interaction to increase the level of attention of the public in key aspects of the presentation. In this manner, the collaboration between the presenter and Virtual Assistant could improve the level of learning among the public. The design of the Virtual Assistant relies on non-anthropomorphic forms with ‘live’ characteristics generating an intuitive and self-explainable interface. A set of intuitive and useful virtual interactions to support the presenter was designed. This design was validated from various types of the public with a psychological study based on a discrete emotions’ questionnaire confirming the adequacy of the proposed solution. The human-machine interaction system supporting the Virtual Assistant should automatically recognize the attention level of the audience from audiovisual resources and synchronize the Virtual Assistant with the presentation. The system involves a complex artificial intelligence architecture embracing perception of high-level features from audio and video, knowledge representation, and reasoning for pervasive and affective computing and reinforcement learning to teach the intelligent agent to decide on the best strategy to increase the level of attention of the audience

    Influencia de los Geosintéticos en el Dimensionamiento de los Espesores de las Capas del Pavimento Flexible

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    En el presente trabajo se formula como problema general: ¿Cómo influye los geosintéticos en el dimensionamiento de los espesores de las capas del pavimento flexible?, siendo el objetivo: establecer la influencia de los geosintéticos en el dimensionamiento de los espesores de las capas del pavimento flexible, la hipótesis que debe verificarse es: el hecho de aplicar los geosintéticos en el dimensionamiento logra reducir los espesores de las capas del pavimento flexible. Por naturaleza del estudio el tipo de investigación es aplicada, nivel descriptiva-explicativa, con un método deductivo y diseño no experimental transversal explicativo, la población considerada es la zona urbana del distrito de Huamalí, y la muestra conformada por 7 vías locales con un promedio de 3.4 km. Se concluye que, del dimensionamiento de los espesores de las capas del pavimento flexible, se logró determinar que el geosintético tipo geomalla ó BPBX12 (30 KN/m) influye en la reducción del espesor de las capas diseñadas entre 3 a 5 cm.Tesi

    Network Activity Monitoring Against Malware in Android Operating System

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    Google’s Android is the most used Operating System in mobile devices but as its popularity has increased hackers have taken advantage of the momentum to plague Google Play (Android’s Application Store) with multipurpose Malware that is capable of stealing private information and give the hacker remote control of smartphone’s features in the worst cases. This work presents an innovative methodology that helps in the process of malware detection for Android Operating System, which addresses aforementioned problem from a different perspective that even popular Anti-Malware software has left aside. It is based on the analysis of a common characteristic to all different kinds of malware: the need of network communications, so the victim device can interact with the attacker. It is important to highlight that in order to improve the security level in Android, our methodology should be considered in the process of malware detection. As main characteristic, it does not need to install additional kernel modules or to root the Android device. And finally as additional characteristic, it is as simple as can be considered for non-experienced users

    Understanding the effects of N-terminal acetylation on the oligomeric state of Tau

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    Protein production, purification, and analysis done in order to find the effects of N-terminal acetylation on microtubule associated protein tau

    Factores asociados al uso del DIU como método anticonceptivo en usuarias del servicio de planificacion familiar del Centro de Salud Callao. Enero-Diciembre 2009

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    El presente trabajo tuvo como objetivo identificar cuales eran los factores demográficos, socio-económicos, psicológicos, de información, sexuales y reproductivos asociados al uso del Dispositivo Intrauterino (DIU) en mujeres de 15 a 49 años que acuden al servicio de Planificación Familiar del C.S. Callao y se les fue colocado el DIU, entre los meses de enero y diciembre del año 2009. Se aplicó una encuesta sobre el uso del DIU a 108 mujeres. El análisis cuantitativo de las variables incluyo un análisis descriptivo (distribución de frecuencias) y un análisis inferencial (técnica estadística no paramétrica del chi cuadrado). Como resultado se obtuvo que el DIU fue utilizado por adolescentes en un 3.7%. El estado civil predominante fue el conviviente con un 69.4% y la mayoría procedía de la costa (89.8%). Las usuarias del DIU son en un 3.7% de educación primaria; 83.3% con educación secundaria y 13% con educación superior. Las tres cuartas partes son amas de casa (75%) y las restantes se desempeñan como obreras, empleadas o comerciantes (25%). Con respecto al estrato social, el 66.7% pertenece al Estrato III. La mayoría de usuarias (42.6%) no tenia decidido escoger el DIU como método anticonceptivo al momento de llegar a la consulta, el 18.5% si lo tenia decidido y el 38.9% de las usuarias estaban indecisas. El total de usuarias recibió información sobre Planificación Familiar por la Obstetriz del centro de salud. En el campo sexual y reproductivo, el 34.3% tuvo su primer embarazo en la adolescencia; el numero de hijos vivos es de tres en el 39.8% de usuarias, de dos en el 24.1% y de cuatro en 16.7%; el 48.1% considera que el número ideal de hijos es tres, el 44.4% considera que el número ideal es dos. Ninguna tuvo antecedente de embarazo ectópico; el 26.9% tuvo antecedente de flujo vaginal y el 2.8% tuvo antecedente de ITS. Poco más de la mitad (54.6%) inicio sus relaciones sexuales en la adolescencia. La mitad de las usuarias del DIU (50.9%) uso antes el inyectable y el 37% uso las píldoras combinadas. De la totalidad de usuarias, el 33.3% abandonó el método anticonceptivo previo al DIU por los efectos secundarios. Existe asociación estadísticamente significativa entre la edad del primer embarazo y el estrato social con un p=0.000 a su vez también se encuentra asociación entre la calificación que le da la usuaria al DIU y la motivación que tenia esta por usarlo con un p=0.041. Se concluye que el factor sexual y reproductivo esta asociado al uso del DIU como método anticonceptivo en mayor medida respecto a los demás factores, encontrándose asociaciones estadísticamente significativas entre el ideal reproductivo y el número de hijos vivos, entre la edad del primer embarazo y el estrato social, entre el ideal reproductivo y el grado de instrucción.Tesi