25 research outputs found

    An Integrated Ecosystem Approach for Assessing the Potential Role of Cultivated Bivalve Shells as Part of the Carbon Trading System

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    The role of bivalve mariculture in the CO2 cycle has been commonly evaluated as the balance between respiration, shell calcium carbonate sequestration and CO2 release during biogenic calcification. However, this approach neglects the ecosystem implications of cultivating bivalves at high densities, e.g. the impact on phytoplankton dynamics and benthic-pelagic coupling, which can significantly contribute to the CO2 cycle. Therefore, an ecosystem approach that accounts for the trophic interactions of bivalve aquaculture, including dissolved and particulate organic and inorganic carbon cycling, is needed to provide a rigorous assessment of the role of bivalve mariculture in the CO2 cycle. On the other hand, the discussion about the inclusion of shells of cultured bivalves into the carbon trading system should be framed within the context of ecosystem goods and services. Humans culture bivalves with the aim of producing food, not sequestering CO2 in their shells, therefore the main ecosystem good provided by bivalve aquaculture is meat production, and shells should be considered as by-products of this human activity. This reasoning provides justification for dividing up respired CO2 between meat and shell when constructing a specific bivalve CO2 budget for potential use of bivalve shells in the carbon trading system. Thus, an integrated ecosystem approach, as well as an understanding of the ecosystems goods and services of bivalve aquaculture, are 2 essential requisites for providing a reliable assessment of the role of bivalve shells in the CO2 cycle

    Ecosystem models of bivalve aquaculture: Implications for supporting goods and services

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    In this paper we focus on the role of ecosystem models in improving our understanding of the complex relationships between bivalve farming and the dynamics of lower trophic levels. To this aim, we review spatially explicit models of phytoplankton impacted by bivalve grazing and discuss the results of three case studies concerning an estuary (Baie des Veys, France), a bay, (Tracadie Bay, Prince Edward Island, Canada) and an open coastal area (Adriatic Sea, Emilia-Romagna coastal area, Italy). These models are intended to provide insight for aquaculture management, but their results also shed light on the spatial distribution of phytoplankton and environmental forcings of primary production. Even though new remote sensing technologies and remotely operated in situ sensors are likely to provide relevant data for assessing some the impacts of bivalve farming at an ecosystem scale, the results here summarized indicate that ecosystem modelling will remain the main tool for assessing ecological carrying capacity and providing management scenarios in the context of global drivers, such as climate change

    Probabilistic approach of water residence time and connectivity using Markov Chains with application to tidal embayments

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    Markov Chain analysis was recently proposed to assess the time scales and preferential pathways into biological or physical networks by computing residence time, first passage time, rates of transfer between nodes and number of passages in a node. We propose to adapt an algorithm already published for simple systems to physical systems described with a high resolution hydrodynamic model. The method is applied to bays and estuaries on the Eastern Coast of Canada for their interest in shellfish aquaculture. Current velocities have been computed by using a 2 dimensional grid of elements and circulation patterns were summarized by averaging Eulerian flows between adjacent elements. Flows and volumes allow computing probabilities of transition between elements and to assess the average time needed by virtual particles to move from one element to another, the rate of transfer between two elements, and the average residence time of each system. We also combined transfer rates and times to assess the main pathways of virtual particles released in farmed areas and the potential influence of farmed areas on other areas. We suggest that Markov chain is complementary to other sets of ecological indicators proposed to analyse the interactions between farmed areas - e.g. depletion index, carrying capacity assessment. Markov Chain has several advantages with respect to the estimation of connectivity between pair of sites. It makes possible to estimate transfer rates and times at once in a very quick and efficient way, without the need to perform long term simulations of particle or tracer concentration

    Effect of hypoxia on cod bioenergetics

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    Climate Change Influences Carrying Capacity in a Coastal Embayment Dedicated to Shellfish Aquaculture

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    A spatially explicit coupled hydrodynamic-biogeochemical model was developed to study a coastal ecosystem under the combined effects of mussel aquaculture, nutrient loading and climate change. The model was applied to St Peter's Bay (SPB), Prince Edward Island, Eastern Canada. Approximately 40 % of the SPB area is dedicated to mussel (Mytilus edulis) longline culture. Results indicate that the two main food sources for mussels, phytoplankton and organic detritus, are most depleted in the central part of the embayment. Results also suggest that the system is near its ultimate capacity, a state where the energy cycle is restricted to nitrogen-phytoplankton-detritus-mussels with few resources left to be transferred to higher trophic levels. Annually, mussel meat harvesting extracts nitrogen (N) resources equivalent to 42 % of river inputs or 46.5 % of the net phytoplankton primary production. Under such extractive pressure, the phytoplankton biomass is being curtailed to 1980's levels when aquaculture was not yet developed and N loading was half the present level. Current mussel stocks also decrease bay-scale sedimentation rates by 14 %. Finally, a climate change scenario (year 2050) predicted a 30 % increase in mussel production, largely driven by more efficient utilization of the phytoplankton spring bloom. However, the predicted elevated summer temperatures (> 25 A degrees C) may also have deleterious physiological effects on mussels and possibly increase summer mortality levels. In conclusion, cultivated bivalves may play an important role in remediating the negative impacts of land-derived nutrient loading. Climate change may lead to increases in production and ecological carrying capacity as long as the cultivated species can tolerate warmer summer conditions

    Survival and growth performance of Crassostrea virginica along an estuarine gradient

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    In Eastern Canada, an increasing number of pests, predators and pathogens in downriver areas (close to the ocean) have led the aquaculture industry to consider growing oysters in upriver areas (close to the river source). In this study, oyster growth performance was compared between downriver and upriver environments by means of stock transfer experiments within the Richibucto estuary. In May 2009, seed oysters (~26 mm shell height) originating from two downriver sites (salinity ~20–30 ‰) were transferred upriver (salinity ~5–20 ‰). Follow-up measurements in October 2009 revealed that the seed transferred upriver grew and survived as well as seed that remained downriver, while the mortality rates of adult oysters (shell height ~66 mm) were lower at the upriver site. Meat content was unaffected in adult oysters transferred upriver. However, there were indications that the upriver environment promoted shell growth (mm) in adult oysters. Oysters transferred upriver had a gain in shell height (LSM ± SE) over the oysters that remained downriver (2.7 ± 0.5 vs. 1.8 ± 0.5 mm) and in shell width [Median (95 % CI); 2.8 mm (1.9, 3.6) vs. 1.0 mm (0.3, 1.2)]. Therefore, the holding of adult oysters upriver during the spring–summer period confers productivity advantages on top of protection from diseases and predation. By contrast, productivity losses were recorded when relocating adult oysters originating from the upriver environment. More specifically, final organic meat content were approximately 35 % less in adult oysters transferred downriver compared to those that remained upriver (0.48 ± 0.04 vs. 0.74 ± 0.04 g). Results suggest that transfers along the river impact physiological processes such as gametogenesis and shell formation in adult oysters

    An integrated ecosystem approach for assessing the potential role of cultivated bivalve shells as part of the carbon trading system

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    The role of bivalve mariculture in the CO2 cycle has been commonly evaluated as the balance between respiration, shell calcium carbonate sequestration and CO2 release during biogenic calcification. However, this approach neglects the ecosystem implications of cultivating bivalves at high densities, e.g. the impact on phytoplankton dynamics and benthic-pelagic coupling, which can significantly contribute to the CO2 cycle. Therefore, an ecosystem approach that accounts for the trophic interactions of bivalve aquaculture, including dissolved and particulate organic and inorganic carbon cycling, is needed to provide a rigorous assessment of the role of bivalve mariculture in the CO2 cycle. On the other hand, the discussion about the inclusion of shells of cultured bivalves into the carbon trading system should be framed within the context of ecosystem goods and services. Humans culture bivalves with the aim of producing food, not sequestering CO2 in their shells, therefore the main ecosystem good provided by bivalve aquaculture is meat production, and shells should be considered as by-products of this human activity. This reasoning provides justification for dividing up respired CO2 between meat and shell when constructing a specific bivalve CO2 budget for potential use of bivalve shells in the carbon trading system. Thus, an integrated ecosystem approach, as well as an understanding of the ecosystems goods and services of bivalve aquaculture, are 2 essential requisites for providing a reliable assessment of the role of bivalve shells in the CO2 cycle