65 research outputs found

    Potential Contributions of Korean Pleistocene Hominin Fossils to Palaeoanthropology: A View from Ryonggok Cave

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    Traditionally, one of the primary problems hindering a better understanding of the “origin of modern humans” debate is the paucity of information coming out of eastern Asia. Here, we report a set of hominin fossils from Ryonggok, a late Pleistocene cave site located in the paleoanthropologically poorly known region of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea. Ryonggok is best known for the presence of vertebrate fossils that represent the remains of at least five individuals. We focus our study on the two fairly well-preserved crania — #3 and #7 — and analyze published dental metric data. The primary conclusion we draw from this study is that Ryonggok #3 and #7, while retaining some archaic characteristics, likely represent early modern humans. Because the earliest cultural deposits in Ryonggok appear to date to older than 40,000 years ago, it is likely that these remains may be part of the earliest dispersals of early modern humans into the area. An alternative scenario is that this is evidence of some degree of admixture between indigenous mid-Pleistocene Homo or possibly a late appearing Homo erectus and new modern human migrants to the region. Further study is necessary to determine which of these two scenarios best fits the Korean record. In addition, we present additional linear metric cranial and mandibular data for difficult-to-access North Korean fossils (e.g., Ryonggok, Mandalli, Seungrisan, Geumchun)

    Experimental study of the recombination of a drifting low temperature plasma in the divertor simulator Mistral-B

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    In a new divertor simulator, an ultra-cold (Te<1 eV) high density recombining magnetized laboratory plasma is studied using probes, spectroscopic measurements, and ultra-fast imaging of spontaneous emission. The Mistral-B device consists in a linear high density magnetized plasma column. The ionizing electrons originate from a large cathode array located in the fringing field of the solenoid. The ionizing electrons are focused in a 3 cm diameter hole at the entrance of the solenoid. The typical plasma density on the axis is close to 2.10^18 m-3. The collector is segmented into two plates and a transverse electric field is applied through a potential difference between the plates. The Lorentz force induces the ejection of a very-low temperature plasma jet in the limiter shadow. The characteristic convection time and decay lengths have been obtained with an ultra-fast camera. The study of the atomic physics of the recombining plasma allows to understand the measured decay time and to explain the emission spectra.Comment: 12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France

    Statistical analysis of correlations and intermittency of a turbulent rotating column in a magnetoplasma device

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    12th International Congress on Plasma Physics, 25-29 October 2004, Nice (France)A detailed statistical analysis of density fluctuations in the cylindrical non-fusion device "Mistral" is performed. The experimental set-up is implemented in order to reach turbulent behavior in the rotating plasma column. Two different turbulent regimes are obtained corresponding to two selected sets of values for the anode potential and the biasing of the collecting plate. The first regime displays a slowly-rotating column characterized by the presence of a shear layer separating the plasma bulk from the scrape-off layer (SOL), the latter showing a strong intermittent behavior. The second regime corresponds to a weakly-rotating column in which coherence is lost in the plasma bulk and a standard diffusive process takes place in the SOL. These findings are supported by the calculation of the Hurst exponent of the turbulent signals using Wavelet-analysis techniques

    Formation of spiral structures and radial convection in the edge region of a magnetized rotating plasma

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    The rotation of a cylindrical plasma column in a magnetic field has been studied in the linear section of the new plasma device Mistral. Under suitable conditions we observe a transition to a turbulent regime characterized by strong, bursty fluctuations at the edge of the column. The detection and the study of the spatio-temporal evolution of structures in the turbulent regime have been performed by means of a new enhanced conditional sampling technique. We have collected evidence of the development of a bent tail emanating from the plasma column. The charged particles inside the structure move along a spiral trajectory resulting in a net radial convection of the plasma to the walls. We show experimentally that a poloidal electric field is present inside the structures leading to the observed outwards radial E × B drift, in agreement with the expectations of recent and past theoretical works

    Reconstitution faciale par imagerie 3d : variabilité morphométrique et mise en oeuvre informatique

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    La reconstitution faciale a pour but de restituer le visage d’un individu Ă  partir de la morphologie de son crĂąne. Cette technique est utilisĂ©e en anthropologie mĂ©dico-lĂ©gale pour apporter de nouveaux tĂ©moignages dans l’identification de restes humains. Les objectifs de thĂšse sont d’établir une base de donnĂ©es crĂąnio-faciale 3D de Français grĂące Ă  l’imagerie mĂ©dicale, de tester les rĂšgles traditionnelles de reconstitution, et de quantifier les corrĂ©lations morphologiques entre tissus osseux et cutanĂ©s. Des examens hospitaliers par scanner tomodensitomĂ©trique (18 – 96 ans ; sexe ratio 1,16:1) ont Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©s avec le logiciel TIVMI pour reconstruire avec prĂ©cision les surfaces osseuses et cutanĂ©es. Plus de 200 points de repĂšre ont pu ĂȘtre positionnĂ©s sur 500 individus, en suivant un protocole prĂ©cis (rĂ©pĂ©tabilitĂ© et reproductibilitĂ© vĂ©rifiĂ©es). L’extraction de distances Euclidiennes a permis de tester plusieurs rĂšgles traditionnelles, et d’étudier la spĂ©cificitĂ© et la variabilitĂ© des Ă©paisseurs de tissus mous. ParallĂšlement, les coordonnĂ©es 3D des points ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es par morphomĂ©trie gĂ©omĂ©trique. Les covariations entre groupes de points osseux et cutanĂ©s ont pu ĂȘtre quantifiĂ©es, ainsi que les asymĂ©tries, allomĂ©tries, et influences de l’ñge et du sexe sur les variations de conformation. Ces rĂ©sultats ont permis l’élaboration d’une mĂ©thode d’estimation de la position des points de repĂšre du visage, et la crĂ©ation (en collaboration avec le LaBRI) d’un module de reconstitution faciale nommĂ© AFA3D. BasĂ© sur le principe de dĂ©formation d’un visage synthĂ©tique, ce logiciel restitue la forme la plus probable du visage en fonction de la position de 78 points crĂąniomĂ©triques.Facial approximation aims at the production of a face based on the skull morphology. This technique is performed in forensic anthropology to bring new testimonies in cases of human remains identification. The goals of this research are to establish a database of French skulls and faces in 3D through medical imaging, to test traditional guidelines, and to quantify the morphological correlations between soft and hard tissues. Computed tomography exams, collected in French hospitals (18 – 96 years; sex ratio 1.16:1), were treated with TIVMI software to reconstruct accurately the bone and skin surfaces. More than 200 landmarks have been placed on 500 subjects, following a protocol which repeatability and reproducibility have been checked. The extraction of Euclidian distances allowed testing traditional guidelines, and studying specificity and variability of soft tissue depths. In parallel, the 3D coordinates were analyzed with geometric morphometrics. Covariations between groups of bone landmarks and groups of skin landmarks were quantified, along with asymmetry, allometry, and influences of age and sex on the shape changes. These results allowed for the creation of a method to estimate the position of skin landmarks, and for the development of a facial approximation module in TIVMI, called AFA3D (in collaboration with the LaBRI). Based on the warping of a synthetic face, this software renders the most probable face depending on the position of 78 cranial landmarks

    Reconstitution faciale par imagerie 3d : variabilité morphométrique et mise en oeuvre informatique

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    La reconstitution faciale a pour but de restituer le visage d’un individu Ă  partir de la morphologie de son crĂąne. Cette technique est utilisĂ©e en anthropologie mĂ©dico-lĂ©gale pour apporter de nouveaux tĂ©moignages dans l’identification de restes humains. Les objectifs de thĂšse sont d’établir une base de donnĂ©es crĂąnio-faciale 3D de Français grĂące Ă  l’imagerie mĂ©dicale, de tester les rĂšgles traditionnelles de reconstitution, et de quantifier les corrĂ©lations morphologiques entre tissus osseux et cutanĂ©s. Des examens hospitaliers par scanner tomodensitomĂ©trique (18 – 96 ans ; sexe ratio 1,16:1) ont Ă©tĂ© traitĂ©s avec le logiciel TIVMI pour reconstruire avec prĂ©cision les surfaces osseuses et cutanĂ©es. Plus de 200 points de repĂšre ont pu ĂȘtre positionnĂ©s sur 500 individus, en suivant un protocole prĂ©cis (rĂ©pĂ©tabilitĂ© et reproductibilitĂ© vĂ©rifiĂ©es). L’extraction de distances Euclidiennes a permis de tester plusieurs rĂšgles traditionnelles, et d’étudier la spĂ©cificitĂ© et la variabilitĂ© des Ă©paisseurs de tissus mous. ParallĂšlement, les coordonnĂ©es 3D des points ont Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©es par morphomĂ©trie gĂ©omĂ©trique. Les covariations entre groupes de points osseux et cutanĂ©s ont pu ĂȘtre quantifiĂ©es, ainsi que les asymĂ©tries, allomĂ©tries, et influences de l’ñge et du sexe sur les variations de conformation. Ces rĂ©sultats ont permis l’élaboration d’une mĂ©thode d’estimation de la position des points de repĂšre du visage, et la crĂ©ation (en collaboration avec le LaBRI) d’un module de reconstitution faciale nommĂ© AFA3D. BasĂ© sur le principe de dĂ©formation d’un visage synthĂ©tique, ce logiciel restitue la forme la plus probable du visage en fonction de la position de 78 points crĂąniomĂ©triques.Facial approximation aims at the production of a face based on the skull morphology. This technique is performed in forensic anthropology to bring new testimonies in cases of human remains identification. The goals of this research are to establish a database of French skulls and faces in 3D through medical imaging, to test traditional guidelines, and to quantify the morphological correlations between soft and hard tissues. Computed tomography exams, collected in French hospitals (18 – 96 years; sex ratio 1.16:1), were treated with TIVMI software to reconstruct accurately the bone and skin surfaces. More than 200 landmarks have been placed on 500 subjects, following a protocol which repeatability and reproducibility have been checked. The extraction of Euclidian distances allowed testing traditional guidelines, and studying specificity and variability of soft tissue depths. In parallel, the 3D coordinates were analyzed with geometric morphometrics. Covariations between groups of bone landmarks and groups of skin landmarks were quantified, along with asymmetry, allometry, and influences of age and sex on the shape changes. These results allowed for the creation of a method to estimate the position of skin landmarks, and for the development of a facial approximation module in TIVMI, called AFA3D (in collaboration with the LaBRI). Based on the warping of a synthetic face, this software renders the most probable face depending on the position of 78 cranial landmarks

    Contraintes et limites temporelles en archéologie forensique

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    Facial soft tissue depth measurement: validation of the 75-shormax

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    The shorth and 75-shormax were recently posited as an improved alternative to the arithmetic mean for describing facial soft tissue thicknesses in craniofacial identification. The shorth better estimates the data peak, while the 75-shormax provides improved provisions for a long right tail. When first proposed, the 75-shormax was subjectively gauged. Herein, shormax errors are calculated at every whole percentile to quantitatively determine zones of error minimization in two large samples: (a) CT data of French adults, n-range = 211–469 individuals; and (b) all C-Table data, n-range = 60–1065 individuals [including part but not all of sample (a)]. The smallest residuals were found at the 79th percentile (mean of raw residuals) and the 74th percentile (mean of absolute residuals). The 75-shormax is subsequently verified as good error minimizer since the absolute differences carry the greatest weight and the 74th percentile closely approximates the 75th percentile

    Quantification of perspective-induced shape change of clavicles at radiography and 3D scanning to assist human identification

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