3,526 research outputs found

    The Sivashinsky equation for corrugated flames in the large-wrinkle limit

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    Sivashinsky's (1977) nonlinear integro-differential equation for the shape of corrugated 1-dimensional flames is ultimately reducible to a 2N-body problem, involving the 2N complex poles of the flame slope. Thual, Frisch & Henon (1985) derived singular linear integral equations for the pole density in the limit of large steady wrinkles (N≫1)(N \gg 1), which they solved exactly for monocoalesced periodic fronts of highest amplitude of wrinkling and approximately otherwise. Here we solve those analytically for isolated crests, next for monocoalesced then bicoalesced periodic flame patterns, whatever the (large-) amplitudes involved. We compare the analytically predicted pole densities and flame shapes to numerical results deduced from the pole-decomposition approach. Good agreement is obtained, even for moderately large Ns. The results are extended to give hints as to the dynamics of supplementary poles. Open problems are evoked

    The turbulent spectrum created by non-Abelian plasma instabilities

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    Recent numerical work on the fate of plasma instabilities in weakly-coupled non-Abelian gauge theory has shown the development of a cascade of energy from long to short wavelengths. This cascade has a steady-state spectrum, analogous to the Kolmogorov spectrum for turbulence in hydrodynamics or for energy cascades in other systems. In this paper, we theoretically analyze processes responsible for this cascade and find a steady-state spectrum f_k ~ k^-2, where f_k is the phase-space density of particles with momentum k. The exponent -2 is consistent with results from numerical simulations. We also discuss implications of the emerging picture of instability development on the "bottom-up" thermalization scenario for (extremely high energy) heavy ion collisions, emphasizing fundamental questions that remain to be answered.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figure

    Molecular Spiders on the Plane

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    Synthetic bio-molecular spiders with "legs" made of single-stranded segments of DNA can move on a surface covered by single-stranded segments of DNA called substrates when the substrate DNA is complementary to the leg DNA. If the motion of a spider does not affect the substrates, the spider behaves asymptotically as a random walk. We study the diffusion coefficient and the number of visited sites for spiders moving on the square lattice with a substrate in each lattice site. The spider's legs hop to nearest-neighbor sites with the constraint that the distance between any two legs cannot exceed a maximal span. We establish analytic results for bipedal spiders, and investigate multileg spiders numerically. In experimental realizations legs usually convert substrates into products (visited sites). The binding of legs to products is weaker, so the hopping rate from the substrates is smaller. This makes the problem non-Markovian and we investigate it numerically. We demonstrate the emergence of a counter-intuitive behavior - the more spiders are slowed down on unvisited sites, the more motile they become.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures; added references, published versio

    Mean-field theory of temperature cycling experiments in spin-glasses

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    We study analytically the effect of temperature cyclings in mean-field spin-glasses. In accordance with real experiments, we obtain a strong reinitialization of the dynamics on decreasing the temperature combined with memory effects when the original high temperature is restored. The same calculation applied to mean-field models of structural glasses shows no such reinitialization, again in accordance with experiments. In this context, we derive some relations between experimentally accessible quantities and propose new experimental protocols. Finally, we briefly discuss the effect of field cyclings during isothermal aging.Comment: Some misprints corrected, references updated, final version to apper in PR

    Microwave observations of spinning dust emission in NGC6946

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    We report new cm-wave measurements at five frequencies between 15 and 18GHz of the continuum emission from the reportedly anomalous "region 4" of the nearby galaxy NGC6946. We find that the emission in this frequency range is significantly in excess of that measured at 8.5GHz, but has a spectrum from 15-18GHz consistent with optically thin free-free emission from a compact HII region. In combination with previously published data we fit four emission models containing different continuum components using the Bayesian spectrum analysis package radiospec. These fits show that, in combination with data at other frequencies, a model with a spinning dust component is slightly preferred to those that possess better-established emission mechanisms.Comment: submitted MNRA

    Ages and fundamental properties of Kepler exoplanet host stars from asteroseismology

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    We present a study of 33 {\it Kepler} planet-candidate host stars for which asteroseismic observations have sufficiently high signal-to-noise ratio to allow extraction of individual pulsation frequencies. We implement a new Bayesian scheme that is flexible in its input to process individual oscillation frequencies, combinations of them, and average asteroseismic parameters, and derive robust fundamental properties for these targets. Applying this scheme to grids of evolutionary models yields stellar properties with median statistical uncertainties of 1.2\% (radius), 1.7\% (density), 3.3\% (mass), 4.4\% (distance), and 14\% (age), making this the exoplanet host-star sample with the most precise and uniformly determined fundamental parameters to date. We assess the systematics from changes in the solar abundances and mixing-length parameter, showing that they are smaller than the statistical errors. We also determine the stellar properties with three other fitting algorithms and explore the systematics arising from using different evolution and pulsation codes, resulting in 1\% in density and radius, and 2\% and 7\% in mass and age, respectively. We confirm previous findings of the initial helium abundance being a source of systematics comparable to our statistical uncertainties, and discuss future prospects for constraining this parameter by combining asteroseismology and data from space missions. Finally we compare our derived properties with those obtained using the global average asteroseismic observables along with effective temperature and metallicity, finding an excellent level of agreement. Owing to selection effects, our results show that the majority of the high signal-to-noise ratio asteroseismic {\it Kepler} host stars are older than the Sun.Comment: 25 pages, 17 figures, MNRAS accepte

    Further Sunyaev-Zel'dovich observations of two Planck ERCSC clusters with the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager

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    We present follow-up observations of two galaxy clusters detected blindly via the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich (SZ) effect and released in the Planck Early Release Compact Source Catalogue. We use the Arcminute Microkelvin Imager, a dual-array 14-18 GHz radio interferometer. After radio source subtraction, we find a SZ decrement of integrated flux density -1.08+/-0.10 mJy toward PLCKESZ G121.11+57.01, and improve the position measurement of the cluster, finding the centre to be RA 12 59 36.4, Dec +60 04 46.8, to an accuracy of 20 arcseconds. The region of PLCKESZ G115.71+17.52 contains strong extended emission, so we are unable to confirm the presence of this cluster via the SZ effect.Comment: 4 tables, 3 figures, revised after referee's comments and resubmitted to MNRA
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