52 research outputs found

    Physiological basis of interactive responses to temperature and salinity in coastal marine invertebrate: Implications for responses to warming

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    Developing physiological mechanistic models to predict species’ responses to climate‐driven environmental variables remains a key endeavor in ecology. Such approaches are challenging, because they require linking physiological processes with fitness and contraction or expansion in species’ distributions. We explore those links for coastal marine species, occurring in regions of freshwater influence (ROFIs) and exposed to changes in temperature and salinity. First, we evaluated the effect of temperature on hemolymph osmolality and on the expression of genes relevant for osmoregulation in larvae of the shore crab Carcinus maenas. We then discuss and develop a hypothetical model linking osmoregulation, fitness, and species expansion/contraction toward or away from ROFIs. In C. maenas, high temperature led to a threefold increase in the capacity to osmoregulate in the first and last larval stages (i.e., those more likely to experience low salinities). This result matched the known pattern of survival for larval stages where the negative effect of low salinity on survival is mitigated at high temperatures (abbreviated as TMLS). Because gene expression levels did not change at low salinity nor at high temperatures, we hypothesize that the increase in osmoregulatory capacity (OC) at high temperature should involve post‐translational processes. Further analysis of data suggested that TMLS occurs in C. maenas larvae due to the combination of increased osmoregulation (a physiological mechanism) and a reduced developmental period (a phenological mechanisms) when exposed to high temperatures. Based on information from the literature, we propose a model for C. maenas and other coastal species showing the contribution of osmoregulation and phenological mechanisms toward changes in range distribution under coastal warming. In species where the OC increases with temperature (e.g., C. maenas larvae), osmoregulation should contribute toward expansion if temperature increases; by contrast in those species where osmoregulation is weaker at high temperature, the contribution should be toward range contraction

    La osmoregulación como factor potencial de la distribución diferencial de dos especies crípticas de góbido, Pomatoschistus microps y P. marmoratus, en las lagunas mediterráneas francesas

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    This study was aimed at the detection of potential differences in the osmoregulatory capacity of two cryptic species of gobies, Pomatoschistus microps (Krøyer, 1838) and P. marmoratus (Risso, 1810), that have different distributions in French Mediterranean lagoons characterised by different salinity regimes. Specimens of both species were experimentally exposed to different salinities, their salinity tolerance was evaluated and their blood osmolality was measured. Both species are strong osmoregulators over a wide range of salinities but P. microps showed higher performances of hyper-regulation at very low salinities (10 and 40 mosm/kg, i.e. freshwater 0.3 and 1.4) and of hypo-regulation at high salinities (1500 mosm/kg, 51). Only P. microps was able to tolerate freshwater exposure over 4 days. We conclude that the high osmoregulatory capacity found in P. microps is linked to its better survival at very low salinities and is a physiological requirement for living in areas such as the Mauguio lagoon where salinity is highly variable. In contrast, as osmoregulation of P. marmoratus is less efficient at extreme salinities, this species cannot colonise such environments and is restricted to habitats where salinity is more stable, such as the Thau lagoon.Este estudio tuvo por objeto la detección de diferencias potenciales en la capacidad osmorreguladora de dos especies crípticas de góbido, Pomatoschistus microps (Krøyer, 1838) y P. marmoratus (Risso, 1810), que presentan diferentes áreas de distribución en lagunas mediterráneas francesas caracterizadas por regímenes de salinidad distintos. Especímenes de ambas especies fueron expuestos experimentalmente a diferentes salinidades, evaluándose su tolerancia a la salinidad y midiéndose su osmolalidad sanguínea. Ambas especies tienen una amplia capacidad osmoreguladora en un amplio rango de salinidades. Sin embargo, en comparación con P. marmoratus, P. microps mostró mayores rendimientos hiper-regulatorios a salinidades muy bajas (10 y 40 mosm/kg, es decir agua dulce 0.3 y 1.4) e hipo-regulatorios a salinidades altas (1500 mosm/kg, 51). Sólo P. microps fue capaz de tolerar la exposición al agua dulce durante 4 días. Podemos concluir que la gran capacidad osmoreguladora encontrada en P. microps está ligada a su mayor supervivencia a salinidades muy bajas, siendo un requerimiento fisiológico para vivir en áreas tales como la laguna de Mauguio, donde la salinidad es muy variable. Por el contrario, puesto que la osmoregulación de P. marmoratus es menos eficiente en salinidades extremas, esta especie no puede colonizar tales ambientes y se ve restringida a hábitats donde la salinidad es más estable, como la laguna de Tha

    Osmoregulation and salinity tolerance in zoeae and juveniles of the snow crab

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    Osmoregulation and salinity tolerance were studied in zoeae 1 and instar IX juveniles of Chionoecetes opilio. In zoeae 1, the lower and upper lethal salinities for 50% of the animals (LS 50) at 14 °C were about 10 and 42‰ at 24 h, 18 and 41‰ at 48 h, 25 and 38‰ at 96 h. In juveniles, the approximate 48 h LS 50 s at 6 °C were 13.5 and 46‰. Both developmental stages are able to withstand relatively ample but brief variations of salinity. Their short-term euryhalinity is discussed in relation to the salinity of their habitat. Zoeae were hyper-osmoconformers. Juveniles were osmoconformers and isoionic to the external medium except for Mg++ which was hypo-regulated. Isosmotic and isoionic regulation in post-metamorphic stages are presumably an attribute of the family Majidae. The pattern of osmoregulation in zoeae 1 and juveniles relate C. opilio to the first of three groups of species previously characterized by their pattern of ontogeny of osmoregulation

    Expression and localization of Aquaporin 1a in the sea-bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) during ontogeny

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    The successful establishment of a species in a given habitat depends on the ability of each of its developing stages to adapt to the environment. In order to understand this process we have studied the adaptation of a euryhaline fish, the sea-bass Dicentrarchus labrax, to various salinities during its ontogeny. The expression and localization of Aquaporin 1a (AQP1a) mRNA and protein were determined in different osmoregulatory tissues. In larvae, the sites of AQP1a expression are variable and they shift according to age, implying functional changes. In juveniles after metamorphosis (D32–D48 post-hatch, 15–25mm) and in pre-adults, an increase in AQP1a transcript abundance was noted in the digestive tract, and the AQP1a location was observed in the intestine. In juveniles (D87–D100 post-hatch, 38–48 mm), the transcript levels of AQP1a in the digestive tract and in the kidney were higher in sea water (SW) than at lower salinity. These observations, in agreement with existing models, suggest that in SW-acclimated fish, the imbibed water is absorbed via AQP1a through the digestive tract, particularly the intestine and the rectum. In addition, AQP1a may play a role in water reabsorption in the kidney. These mechanisms compensate dehydration in SW, and they contribute to the adaptation of juveniles to salinity changes during sea-lagoon migrations. These results contribute to the interpretation of the adaptation of populations to habitats where salinity varies.Publisher PDFPeer reviewe

    Ontogeny of Osmoregulation in Crustaceans: The Embryonic Phase

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    Crabs conquer freshwater and land: Ontogeny of osmoregulation and life-history strategies

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    Ontogeny of osmoregulation and salinity tolerance were investigated throughout the larval development of two congeneric species of sesarmid crab, Armases ricordi (H. Milne Edwards) and A. roberti (H. Milne Edwards), and compared with previous observations from two further congeners, A. miersii (Rathbun) and A. angustipes (Dana). In the semiterrestrial coastal species A. ricordi, the zoeal stages were only at moderately reduced salinities (17-25.5) capable of hyper-osmoregulation, being osmoconformers at higher concentrations. The megalopa was the first ontogenetic stage of this species, which exhibited significant hyper-osmoregulation at further reduced salinities (≥5), as well as a moderately developed function of hypo-regulation at high concentrations (32-44). The riverine species A. roberti showed similar overall patterns in the ontogeny of osmoregulation, however, also some striking differences. In particular, its first zoeal stage showed already at hatching a strong capability of hyper-osmoregulation in salinities down to 5. Interestingly, this early expressed function became significantly weaker in the subsequent zoeal stages, where survival and capabilities of hyper-osmoregulation were observed only at salinities down to 10. The function of hyper-regulation in strongly dilute media re-appeared later, in the megalopa stage, which tolerated even an exposure to freshwater (0.2). Differential species- and stage-specific patterns of osmoregulation were compared with contrasting life styles, reproductive behaviours, and life-history strategies. In A. ricordi, the larvae are released into coastal marine waters, where salinities are high, and thus, no strong hyper-osmoregulation is needed throughout the zoeal phase. The megalopa stage of this species, by contrast, may invade brackish mangrove habitats, where osmoregulatory capabilities are required. Strong hyper-osmoregulation occurring in both the initial and final larval stages (but not in the intermediate zoeal stages) of A. roberti correspond to patterns of ontogenetic migration in this species, including hatching in freshwater, larval downstream transport, later zoeal development in estuarine waters, and final re-immigration of megalopae and juvenile crabs into limnic habitats, where the conspecific adults live. Similar developmental changes in the ecology and physiology of early life-history stages seem to occur also in A. angustipes. A. miersii differs from all other species, showing an early expression and a gradual subsequent increase of the function of hyper-osmoregulation. This ontogenetic pattern corresponds with an unusual reproductive biology of this species, which breeds in supratidal (i.e. land-locked) rock pools, where variations in salinity are high and unpredictable. Matching patterns in the ontogeny of osmoregulation and life-history strategies indicate a crucial adaptive role of osmoregulation for invasions of (by origin marine) crabs into brackish, limnic and terrestrial environments

    Tolérance à la salinité et osmorégulation chez les post-larves de

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    Chez deux espèces de crevettes pénéides, Penaeus japonicus et P. chinensis, les conditions de survie en fonction de la température et de la salinité ont été déterminées sur les post-larves P20, P40 et P60. Les SL50, 96 heures moyennes pour les trois stades sont respectivement de 19,3 ‰ à 10 °C, 12,1 ‰ à 14 °C, 6,4 ‰ à 18 °C et 5,4 ‰ à 25 °C pour P. japonicus et de 11,3 ‰ à 14 °C, 7,2 ‰ à 18 °C et 11,1 ‰ à 25 °C pour P. chinensis. L'abaissement de la température de 18-25 °C à 10-14 °C diminue fortement la tolérance des post-larves de P. japonicus aux faibles salinités alors que pour P. chinensis ce phénomène est beaucoup moins marqué. Quelle que soit la température, la mortalité est minimum dans les milieux à peu près isosmotiques à l'hémolymphe. Des essais de survie à long terme (35 jours) ont été effectués sur les post-larves des deux espèces. La régulation osmotique des post-larves et des adultes des deux espèces est hyper-osmotique en milieu dilué et hypo-osmotique en eau de mer et 900 mosm.kg−1. Chez P. japonicus il n'y a pas de différence significative entre les courbes de régulation osmotique des P20, P40 et P60 en milieu dilué. Par contre les capacités osmorégulatrices des adultes sont inférieures à celles des post-larves. Chez P. chinensis l'intensité de la régulation en milieu dilué augmente avec l'âge des post-larves et les adultes présentent une capacité hyper-régulatrice supérieure à celle des P60. L'étude de l'action de la température sur l'osmorégulation des P40 de P. japonicus a montré que l'abaissement de la température de 18 à 10 °C pendant 8 jours modifie fortement la régulation qui devient isosmotique en eau de mer. Les différents résultats obtenus permettent de définir les conditions optimales de température et de salinité pour les élevages de post-larves et les ensemencements en bassins ou lagunes