16 research outputs found

    New Mexico\u27s Changing Climate

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    Facilitation of Male Sexual Behavior in Syrian Hamsters by the Combined Action of Dihydrotestosterone and Testosterone

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    Testosterone (T) controls male Syrian hamster sexual behavior, however, neither of T's primary metabolites, dihydrotestosterone (DHT) and estradiol (E(2)), even in highly supraphysiological doses, fully restores sexual behavior in castrated hamsters. DHT and T apparently interact with androgen receptors differentially to control male sexual behavior (MSB), but whether these two hormones act synergistically or antagonistically to control MSB has received scant experimental attention and is addressed in the present study.Sexually experienced male Syrian hamsters were gonadectomized and monitored 5 weeks later to confirm elimination of the ejaculatory reflex (week 0), at which time they received subcutaneous DHT-filled or empty capsules that remained in situ for the duration of the experiment. Daily injections of a physiological dose of 25 µg T or vehicle commenced two weeks after capsule implantation. MSB was tested 2, 4 and 5 weeks after T treatment began. DHT capsules were no more effective than control treatment for long-term restoration of ejaculation. Combined DHT + T treatment, however, restored the ejaculatory reflex more effectively than T alone, as evidenced by more rapid recovery of ejaculatory behavior, shorter ejaculation latencies, and a greater number of ejaculations in 30 minute tests.DHT and T administered together restored sexual behavior to pre-castration levels more rapidly than did T alone, whereas DHT and vehicle were largely ineffective. The additive actions of DHT and T on MSB are discussed in relation to different effects of these androgens on androgen receptors in the male hamster brain mating circuit

    Assessing the Effects of Climate Change on Middle Rio Grande Surface Water Supplies Using a Simple Water Balance Reservoir Model

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    The middle Rio Grande is a vital source of water for irrigation in the region. Climate change is impacting regional hydrology and is likely to put additional stress on a water supply that is already stretched thin. To gain insight on the hydrologic effects of climate change on reservoir storage, a simple water balance model was used to simulate the Elephant Butte–Caballo Reservoir system (southern New Mexico). The water balance model was forced by hydrologic in-puts generated by 97 climate simulations derived from CMIP5 global climate models, coupled to a surface hydrologic model. Results suggest that the percentage of years that reservoir releases satisfy agricultural water rights allocations over the next 50 years (2021–70) will decrease relative to the past 50 years (1971–2020). The modeling also projects an increase in multiyear drought events that hinder reservoir management strategies to maintain high storage levels. In most cases, changes in reservoir inflows from distant upstream snowmelt is projected to have a greater influence on reservoir storage and water availability downstream of the reservoirs than will changes in local evaporation and precipitation from the reservoir surfaces

    The economics of aquifer protection plans under climate water stress: New insights from hydroeconomic modeling

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    Where surface and groundwater are managed conjunctively, the stress on water supplies from climate change can significantly influence water use patterns as well as the economic value and sustainability of those uses. However, aquifer protection can be an expensive proposition because water uses that currently rely on aquifer pumping may produce considerable economic value that would be lost if protection measures are carried out. Evidence from climate-stressed regions has attracted research addressing the costs and benefits of aquifer protection plans. Despite these efforts, few peer-reviewed papers have examined water use patterns that minimize the economic costs of aquifer protection. This work presents an original approach to address that gap by developing and applying a basin scale hydroeconomic optimization model of North America’s Middle Rio Grande Basin to explore impacts of new policies not yet implemented supporting aquifer protection. It also gives model access to readers or stakeholders to experiment with their own scenarios to assess impacts of alternative aquifer protection plans. The model accounts for surface and groundwater storage, irrigation, urban, environmental, and recreational demands, surface water inflows under various climate scenarios, groundwater pumping and recharge, substitute water prices, crop water use, evaporation, as well as institutional constraints governing water use. The objective is implemented by finding the optimized discounted net present value of economic benefits summed over uses, sectors, and regions from use of surface water and connected aquifers. Results are shown for each of six water supply scenarios, two substitute water prices, and two system operation rules. To address impacts of aquifer protection targets, groundwater sustainability targets are specified and enforced as constraints for each of the region’s two major aquifers. We assess total and marginal cost of achieving two targeted aquifer protection levels by identifying optimized surface use and groundwater pumping for each of 24 scenarios. Results show that climate change, in the form of reduced and highly variable inflows, considerably drives up the cost of protecting aquifer sustainability, amplified by the conjunctive nature of the system. Future work points to a need to assess economic performance of various water conservation measures as well as reducing costs of substitute water through measures such as technical advance in desalination, recycling and reuse, substitution of other resources for water, better characterization of existing aquifers, and development of new groundwater supplies

    Causes of interannual to decadal variability of Gila River streamflow over the past century

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    Study region: The Gila River, New Mexico, is characterized by two peaks in streamflow: one in the winter–spring (December–May), and summer (August–September). The region is influenced both by Pacific SST variability as well as the North American Monsoon. Study focus: The mechanisms responsible for the variability of the winter–spring and summer streamflow peaks are investigated by correlation of streamflow with precipitation and sea surface temperature for 1928–2012. Decadal variability in the flow record is examined for a longer term perspective on Gila River streamflow using tree ring-based reconstructions of the Palmer Drought Severity Index (PDSI) and the Standardized Precipitation Index (SPI). New hydrological insights for the region: Results indicate a strong influence of winter–spring precipitation and Pacific SST anomalies on the winter–spring streamflow, with El Niño conditions in the Pacific causing increased precipitation and streamflow. Decadal Pacific variability helps explain the transition from high winter flow in the late 20th century to lower flows in the most recent decade. The summer streamflow has a somewhat weaker correlation with precipitation and Pacific SST than the winter–spring streamflow. Its variability is more likely influenced by local North American Monsoon precipitation variability. PDSI and SPI reconstructions indicate much more severe and extended periods of droughts and pluvials in past centuries as well as periods of concurrent winter and summer drought. Keywords: Streamflow decadal variability, Drought, Pluvials, Treering, Teleconnections, North American Monsoo

    Complex seasonal cycle of ecohydrology in the Southwest United States

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    This study investigates the causes for, and distribution of, unimodal versus bimodal seasonal cycle of vegetation greenness in the Southwest United States using extensive site observations, climate data, satellite data, and the Lund-Potsdam-Jena (LPJ) vegetation model. Peak vegetation greenness is achieved in a clockwise manner across the Southwest, beginning in spring in the Sonoran Desert following winter rains, then in Utah-Colorado with snowmelt/summer rains, and finally in New Mexico–eastern Arizona with late summer monsoon rains. At high elevations, spring-summer snowmelt is critical for supplying the necessary soil moisture to trigger vegetation growth. A bimodal seasonal cycle of vegetation greenness is evident in satellite data and LPJ simulations across eastern Arizona and western New Mexico, characterized by peaks during late spring–early summer and late summer–early autumn. This bimodal green-up remains a pressing paradox for which many competing hypotheses exist. The mechanism for this seasonal pattern is demonstrated using LPJ and observational data and is found to deviate from the traditional pulse-reserve paradigm. This paradigm states that rainfall events in arid lands produce nearly immediate pulses of vegetation growth and accumulation of reserves but does not consider cold dormancy, time-lagged vegetation responses, or rainfall seasonality. The following soil moisture based mechanism for bimodal greening is proposed. The initial peak in vegetation greenness during late spring–early summer results from a break in cold dormancy and benefits from the gradual winter-long accumulation of deep soil moisture from weak synoptic rain events and snowmelt in colder regions. Limited precipitation and ongoing transpiration, from the initial vegetation greening, trigger a midsummer drying of the soil and a consequential minimum in vegetation activity. Later, pulses of monsoon rainfall in late summer–early autumn support the secondary greening, although significant runoff of brief, intense rainstorms and substantial soil evaporation limit moisture to the upper soil layers

    Toward a unified view of the American Monsoon Systems

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    An important goal of the Climate Variability and Predictability (CLIVAR) research on the American monsoon systems is to determine the sources and limits of predictability of warm season precipitation, with emphasis on weekly to interannual time scales. This paper reviews recent progress in the understanding of the American monsoon systems and identifies some of the future challenges that remain to improve warm season climate prediction. Much of the recent progress is derived from complementary international programs in North and South America, namely, the North American Monsoon Experiment (NAME) and the Monsoon Experiment South America (MESA), with the following common objectives: 1) to understand the key components of the American monsoon systems and their variability, 2) to determine the role of these systems in the global water cycle, 3) to improve observational datasets, and 4) to improve simulation and monthly-to-seasonal prediction of the monsoons and regional water resources. Among the recent observational advances highlighted in this paper are new insights into moisture transport processes, description of the structure and variability of the South American low-level jet, and resolution of the diurnal cycle of precipitation in the core monsoon regions. NAME and MESA are also driving major efforts in model development and hydrologic applications. Incorporated into the postfield phases of these projects are assessments of atmosphere–land surface interactions and model-based climate predictability experiments. As CLIVAR research on American monsoon systems evolves, a unified view of the climatic processes modulating continental warm season precipitation is beginning to emerge.UCR::Vicerrectoría de Investigación::Unidades de Investigación::Ciencias Básicas::Centro de Investigaciones Geofísicas (CIGEFI

    The future of water in a desert river basin facing climate change and competing demands: A holistic approach to water sustainability in arid and semi-arid regions

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    Study region The Middle Rio Grande (MRG), defined by the portion of the basin from Elephant Butte Reservoir in New Mexico to the confluence with the Rio Conchos in Far West Texas, U.S.A. and Northern Chihuahua, Mexico. Study focus The future of water for the MRG and many other arid and semi-arid regions of the world is challenged by a changing climate, agricultural intensification, growing urban populations, and a segmented governance system in a transboundary setting. The core question for such settings is: how can water be managed so that competing agricultural, urban, and environmental sectors can realize a sustainable future? We synthesize results from interdisciplinary research aimed at “water futures”, considering possible, probable, and preferable outcomes from the known drivers of change in the MRG in a stakeholder participatory mode. We accomplished this by developing and evaluating scenarios using a suite of scientifically rigorous computer models, melded with the input from diverse stakeholders. New hydrological insights for the region Under likely scenarios without significant interventions, relatively cheap and easy to access water will be depleted in about 40 years. Interventions to mitigate this outcome will be very costly. A new approach is called for based on “adaptive cooperation” among sectors and across jurisdictions along four important themes: information sharing, water conservation, greater development and use of alternative water sources, and new limits to water allocation/withdrawals coupled with more flexibility in uses

    The future of water in a desert river basin facing climate change and competing demands: A holistic approach to water sustainability in arid and semi-arid regions

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    Study region: The Middle Rio Grande (MRG), defined by the portion of the basin from Elephant Butte Reservoir in New Mexico to the confluence with the Rio Conchos in Far West Texas, U.S.A. and Northern Chihuahua, Mexico. Study focus: The future of water for the MRG and many other arid and semi-arid regions of the world is challenged by a changing climate, agricultural intensification, growing urban pop ulations, and a segmented governance system in a transboundary setting. The core question for such settings is: how can water be managed so that competing agricultural, urban, and envi ronmental sectors can realize a sustainable future? We synthesize results from interdisciplinary research aimed at “water futures”, considering possible, probable, and preferable outcomes from the known drivers of change in the MRG in a stakeholder participatory mode. We accomplished this by developing and evaluating scenarios using a suite of scientifically rigorous computer models, melded with the input from diverse stakeholders. New hydrological insights for the region: Under likely scenarios without significant interventions, relatively cheap and easy to access water will be depleted in about 40 years. Interventions to mitigate this outcome will be very costly. A new approach is called for based on “adaptive cooperation” among sectors and across jurisdictions along four important themes: information sharing, water conservation, greater development and use of alternative water sources, and new limits to water allocation/withdrawals coupled with more flexibility in uses