7 research outputs found
Residential histories of Munich's Turkish population : a biographical approach to urban residential mobility.
This thesis examines the residential histories of Munich's Turkish population and evaluates
the application of a biographical approach to the explanation of residential mobility. The
analysis focuses on three different, but complementary, levels of analysis. The first
examines the changing aggregate patterns of residential location and migration of Munich's
Turkish population in the 1980s and 1990s. Secondly, the analysis turns from the crosssectional
to the longitudinal and examines the residential histories of a cohort of 72
respondents. Thirdly, and moving further from the aggregate to the individual, the study
explains residential histories by incorporating people's experiences, and evaluates the
usefulness of a biographical explanation of residential mobility, based within a theoretical
framework connecting identity and action.
The research adopts a 'mixed methods' approach combining qualitative and
quantitative methods to address the three levels of analysis effectively. Analysis of
population and housing data from the census examines aggregate patterns of location and
migration for Munich's Turks. The results of a questionnaire survey outline movement
through space and through the housing market for one particular cohort. Finally, in-depth
biographical interviews examine people's residential histories in more detail by
incorporating their experiences, focusing both on primary immigrants and their children
joining them in Germany later (secondary immigrants). The in-depth part of the study also
provides the opportunity of outlining and evaluating a biographical approach to urban
residential mobility.
The research shows that, for both primary and secondary immigrants, residence has
a significance that makes housing a crucial issue, important for feeling at home in Germany.
Finding adequate places to live, however, has always been difficult for Munich's Turks as a
result of their inferior position in the housing market. As a consequence, this population has
undergone a marked sequence of movement through housing sectors, that has also resulted
in processes of deconcentration and selective suburbanisation. These spatial patterns have
not been the result of choice by the people concerned but are determined significantly by
the structure and mechanisms of the housing market in Munich. At the level of migration
theory, the research demonstrates that action (movement) and non-action (non-movement)
are significantly located in people's biographies. Thereby, it is also shown that placing a
biographical approach within a theoretical framework connecting action, narrative and
identity is one way of addressing the demands of overcoming the structure/agency dualism,
and contextualising migration and non-migration more fully
WarenlagergebÀude in Deutschland: Eine neue Methodik zur regionalen Quantifizierung der FlÀcheninanspruchnahme
Rund ein Viertel der neu errichteten NutzflĂ€che in deutschen NichtwohngebĂ€uden entfiel im Jahr 2018 auf das Segment der WarenlagergebĂ€ude. Trotz dieser groĂen Bedeutung mangelt es an tiefergehenden Analysen bezĂŒglich der regionalen und sektoralen BautĂ€tigkeit. In der Folge ist bisher wenig ĂŒber die FlĂ€cheninanspruchnahme durch diese BautĂ€tigkeit bekannt. In vorliegendem Beitrag wird eine Methodik zur regionalen Quantifizierung der deutschlandweiten FlĂ€cheninanspruchnahme von WarenlagergebĂ€uden vorgestellt. Auf der Basis eines Datensatzes des Forschungsdatenzentrums der Jahre 2000 bis 2015 sowie durch Anwendung GIS-gestĂŒtzter Umrechnungsparameter sind Aussagen zur kleinrĂ€umigen AusprĂ€gung der FlĂ€cheninanspruchnahme bis auf Gemeindeebene möglich. Es zeigt sich, dass das Segment der WarenlagergebĂ€ude in dreifacher Hinsicht durch Konzentrationseffekte gekennzeichnet ist: Die GebĂ€ude werden immer gröĂer, sie werden in zunehmendem MaĂe durch spezialisierte Logistikdienstleister errichtet und konzentrieren sich rĂ€umlich auf einige wenige, gut angebundene Standorte. In der Folge nimmt kontrĂ€r zur allgemeinen Entwicklung die FlĂ€cheninanspruchnahme in diesem Segment stetig zu. FĂŒr das Gelingen nationaler FlĂ€chenhaushaltsziele scheint zukĂŒnftig eine differenzierte Betrachtung spezifischer Nutzungsarten, Raumkontexte sowie damit verbundener EinflussgröĂen ratsam.In 2018, the building segment of warehouse buildings accounted for around a quarter of all newly constructed floor space in German non-residential buildings. Despite this great significance, there is a lack of in-depth analyses that look at construction activity in a differentiated manner by region and sector. As a consequence, little is known about the land-use implications of construction in this building segment. This paper presents a methodology to quantify the land use of warehouse buildings on a regional scale. Based on a dataset from the Research Data Centre for the years 2000 to 2015 and by applying GIS-supported conversion parameters, propositions on the small-scale nature of land use down to the municipal level are possible. It is apparent that the segment of warehouse buildings is characterized by concentration effects in three respects: the buildings are becoming larger and larger, they are increasingly being constructed by specialized logistics service providers and are spatially concentrated in only a few well-connected municipalities. As a result, contrary to the general trend, the land use of this segment is steadily increasing over time. A differentiated consideration of land use along spatial and functional contexts seems to be advisable for the success of national land-use targets
Wohnbaulandprognosen - StÀrken, SchwÀchen, neue AnsÀtze
Wohnbaulandprognosen werden oft noch sehr normativ aus dem Trend der Bevölkerungsentwicklung und dem steigenden WohnflĂ€chenkonsum der Einwohner erstellt. Unter den Bedingungen des demografischen Wandels gerĂ€t diese Praxis jedoch in erhebliche Schwierigkeiten. Warum sind Wohnbaulandausweisungen noch notwendig, wenn sowohl die Einwohnerzahl sinkt als auch die Zahl leer stehender Wohnungen zunimmt? Handelt es sich hier vorrangig um steigende FlĂ€chenansprĂŒche der Haushalte oder um Effekte verĂ€nderter Lebensweisen? In Schrumpfungsregionen lassen schnelle EinschĂ€tzungen zunĂ€chst keinen zusĂ€tzlichen kommunalen FlĂ€chenbedarf fĂŒr Wohnen erkennen und dennoch nimmt die FlĂ€chenneuinanspruchnahme fĂŒr Wohnzwecke weiter zu. So wird deutlich, dass die herkömmlichen methodischen AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr kommunale Wohnbaulandprognosen nicht mehr ausreichen und weitere Einflussfaktoren der FlĂ€chenentwicklung berĂŒcksichtigt werden mĂŒssen. Neue Modelle, welche die kleinrĂ€umigen Nachfrageentwicklungen sowie die Divergenzen zwischen Angebots- und Nachfragestruktur abbilden können, sind noch rar. Der folgende Beitrag zeigt, welche methodischen StĂ€rken und SchwĂ€chen kommunale PrognoseansĂ€tze haben und stellt wichtige Grundgedanken der kommunalen Wohnungsprognosen des Leibniz-Instituts fĂŒr ökologische Raumentwicklung (IĂR) vor
Wohnbaulandprognosen - StÀrken, SchwÀchen, neue AnsÀtze
Wohnbaulandprognosen werden oft noch sehr normativ aus dem Trend der Bevölkerungsentwicklung und dem steigenden WohnflĂ€chenkonsum der Einwohner erstellt. Unter den Bedingungen des demografischen Wandels gerĂ€t diese Praxis jedoch in erhebliche Schwierigkeiten. Warum sind Wohnbaulandausweisungen noch notwendig, wenn sowohl die Einwohnerzahl sinkt als auch die Zahl leer stehender Wohnungen zunimmt? Handelt es sich hier vorrangig um steigende FlĂ€chenansprĂŒche der Haushalte oder um Effekte verĂ€nderter Lebensweisen? In Schrumpfungsregionen lassen schnelle EinschĂ€tzungen zunĂ€chst keinen zusĂ€tzlichen kommunalen FlĂ€chenbedarf fĂŒr Wohnen erkennen und dennoch nimmt die FlĂ€chenneuinanspruchnahme fĂŒr Wohnzwecke weiter zu. So wird deutlich, dass die herkömmlichen methodischen AnsĂ€tze fĂŒr kommunale Wohnbaulandprognosen nicht mehr ausreichen und weitere Einflussfaktoren der FlĂ€chenentwicklung berĂŒcksichtigt werden mĂŒssen. Neue Modelle, welche die kleinrĂ€umigen Nachfrageentwicklungen sowie die Divergenzen zwischen Angebots- und Nachfragestruktur abbilden können, sind noch rar. Der folgende Beitrag zeigt, welche methodischen StĂ€rken und SchwĂ€chen kommunale PrognoseansĂ€tze haben und stellt wichtige Grundgedanken der kommunalen Wohnungsprognosen des Leibniz-Instituts fĂŒr ökologische Raumentwicklung (IĂR) vor
Achieving consistent multiple daily low-dose Bacillus anthracis spore inhalation exposures in the rabbit model
Repeated low-level exposures to Bacillus anthracis could occur before or after the remediation of an environmental release. This is especially true for persistent agents such as Bacillus anthracis spores, the causative agent of anthrax. Studies were conducted to examine aerosol methods needed for consistent daily low aerosol concentrations to deliver a low-dose (less than 106 colony forming units (CFU) of B. anthracis spores) and included a pilot feasibility characterization study, acute exposure study, and a multiple fifteen day exposure study. This manuscript focuses on the state-of-the-science aerosol methodologies used to generate and aerosolize consistent daily low aerosol concentrations and resultant low inhalation doses. The pilot feasibility characterization study determined that the aerosol system was consistent and capable of producing very low aerosol concentrations. In the acute, single day exposure experiment, targeted inhaled doses of 1 x 102, 1 x 103, 1 x 104, and 1 x 105 CFU were used. In the multiple daily exposure experiment, rabbits were exposed multiple days to targeted inhaled doses of 1 x 102, 1 x 103, and 1 x 104 CFU. In all studies, targeted inhaled doses remained fairly consistent from rabbit to rabbit and day to day. The aerosol system produced aerosolized spores within the optimal mass median aerodynamic diameter particle size range to reach deep lung alveoli. Consistency of the inhaled dose was aided by monitoring and recording respiratory parameters during the exposure with real-time plethysmography. Overall, the presented results show that the animal aerosol system was stable and highly reproducible between different studies and multiple exposure days
Myotubularin-related protein 7 activates peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma
Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-gamma (PPARÎł) is a transcription factor drugable by agonists approved for treatment of type 2 diabetes, but also inhibits carcinogenesis and cell proliferation in vivo. Activating mutations in the Kirsten rat sarcoma viral oncogene homologue (KRAS) gene mitigate these beneficial effects by promoting a negative feedback-loop comprising extracellular signal-regulated kinase 1/2 (ERK1/2) and mitogen-activated kinase kinase 1/2 (MEK1/2)-dependent inactivation of PPARÎł. To overcome this inhibitory mechanism, we searched for novel post-translational regulators of PPARÎł. Phosphoinositide phosphatase Myotubularin-Related-Protein-7 (MTMR7) was identified as cytosolic interaction partner of PPARÎł. Synthetic peptides were designed resembling the regulatory coiled-coil (CC) domain of MTMR7, and their activities studied in human cancer cell lines and C57BL6/J mice. MTMR7 formed a complex with PPARÎł and increased its transcriptional activity by inhibiting ERK1/2-dependent phosphorylation of PPARÎł. MTMR7-CC peptides mimicked PPARÎł-activation in vitro and in vivo due to LXXLL motifs in the CC domain. Molecular dynamics simulations and docking predicted that peptides interact with the steroid receptor coactivator 1 (SRC1)-binding site of PPARÎł. Thus, MTMR7 is a positive regulator of PPARÎł, and its mimicry by synthetic peptides overcomes inhibitory mechanisms active in cancer cells possibly contributing to the failure of clinical studies targeting PPARÎł.ISSN:2157-902