298 research outputs found

    Intramural Duodenal Haematoma after Endoscopic Biopsy: Case Report and Review of the Literature

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    The development of intramural duodenal haematoma (IDH) after small bowel biopsy is an unusual lesion and has only been reported in 18 children. Coagulopathy, thrombocytopenia and some special features of duodenal anatomy, e.g. relatively fixed position in the retroperitoneum and numerous submucosal blood vessels, have been suggested as a cause for IDH. The typical clinical presentation of IDH is severe abdominal pain and vomiting due to duodenal obstruction. In addition, it is often associated with pancreatitis and cholestasis. Diagnosis is confirmed using imaging techniques such as ultrasound, magnetic resonance imaging or computed tomography and upper intestinal series. Once diagnosis is confirmed and intestinal perforation excluded, conservative treatment with nasogastric tube and parenteral nutrition is sufficient. We present a case of massive IDH following endoscopic grasp forceps biopsy in a 5-year-old girl without bleeding disorder or other risk for IDH, which caused duodenal obstruction and mild pancreatitis and resolved within 2 weeks of conservative management. Since duodenal biopsies have become the common way to evaluate children or adults for suspected enteropathy, the occurrence of this complication is likely to increase. In conclusion, the review of the literature points out the risk for IDH especially in children with a history of bone marrow transplantation or leukaemia

    Effect of transverse gap-junction channels on transverse propagation in an enlarged PSpice model of cardiac muscle

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    BACKGROUND: In previous PSpice modeling studies of simulated action potentials (APs) in parallel chains of cardiac muscle, it was found that transverse propagation could occur between adjacent chains in the absence of gap-junction (gj) channels, presumably by the electric field (EF) generated in the narrow interstitial space between the chains. Transverse propagation was sometimes erratic, the more distal chains firing out of order. METHODS: In the present study, the propagation of complete APs was studied in a 2-dimensional network of 100 cardiac muscle cells (10 × 10 model). Various numbers of gj-channels (assumed to be 100 pS each) were inserted across the junctions between the longitudinal cells of each chain and between adjacent chains (only at the end cells of each chain). The shunt resistance produced by the gj-channels (R(gj)) was varied from 100,000 MΩ (0 gj-channels) to 1,000 MΩ (10 channels), 100 MΩ (100 channels) and 10 MΩ (1,000 channels). Total propagation time (TPT) was measured as the difference between the times when the AP rising phase of the first cell (cell # A1) and the last cell (in the J chain) crossed 0 mV. When there were no gj-channels, the excitation was transmitted between cells by the EF, i.e., the negative potential generated in the narrow junctional clefts (e.g., 100 Å) when the prejunctional membrane fired an AP. For the EF mechanism to work, the prejunctional membrane must fire a fraction of a millisecond before the adjacent surface membrane. When there were many gj-channels (e.g., 100 or 1,000), the excitation was transmitted by local-circuit current flow from one cell to the next through these channels. RESULTS: TPT was measured as a function of four different numbers of transverse gj-channels, namely 0, 10, 100 and 1,000, and four different numbers of longitudinal gj-channels, namely 0, 10, 100 and 1,000. Thus, 16 different measurements were made. It was found that increasing the number of transverse channels had no effect on TPT when the number of longitudinal channels was low (i.e., 0 or 10). In contrast, when the number of longitudinal gj-channels was high (e.g., 100 or 1,000), then increasing the number of transverse channels decreased TPT markedly. CONCLUSION: Thus, complete APs could propagate along a network of 100 cardiac muscle cells even when no gj-channels were present between the cells. Insertion of transverse gj-channels greatly speeded propagation through the 10 × 10 network when there were also many longitudinal gj-channels

    Activated Met Signalling in the Developing Mouse Heart Leads to Cardiac Disease

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    BACKGROUND: The Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) is a pleiotropic cytokine involved in many physiological processes, including skeletal muscle, placenta and liver development. Little is known about its role and that of Met tyrosine kinase receptor in cardiac development. METHODOLOGY/PRINCIPAL FINDINGS: In this study, we generated two transgenic mice with cardiac-specific, tetracycline-suppressible expression of either Hepatocyte Growth Factor (HGF) or the constitutively activated Tpr-Met kinase to explore: i) the effect of stimulation of the endogenous Met receptor by autocrine production of HGF and ii) the consequence of sustained activation of Met signalling in the heart. We first showed that Met is present in the neonatal cardiomyocytes and is responsive to exogenous HGF. Exogenous HGF starting from prenatal stage enhanced cardiac proliferation and reduced sarcomeric proteins and Connexin43 (Cx43) in newborn mice. As adults, these transgenics developed systolic contractile dysfunction. Conversely, prenatal Tpr-Met expression was lethal after birth. Inducing Tpr-Met expression during postnatal life caused early-onset heart failure, characterized by decreased Cx43, upregulation of fetal genes and hypertrophy. CONCLUSIONS/SIGNIFICANCE: Taken together, our data show that excessive activation of the HGF/Met system in development may result in cardiac damage and suggest that Met signalling may be implicated in the pathogenesis of cardiac disease

    Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction: prevalence, pathophysiology and burden

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    As a result of the undesired action of opioids on the gastrointestinal (GI) tract, patients receiving opioid medication for chronic pain often experience opioid-induced bowel dysfunction (OBD), the most common and debilitating symptom of which is constipation. Based on clinical experience and a comprehensive MEDLINE literature review, this paper provides the primary care physician with an overview of the prevalence, pathophysiology and burden of OBD. Patients with OBD suffer from a wide range of symptoms including constipation, decreased gastric emptying, abdominal cramping, spasm, bloating, delayed GI transit and the formation of hard dry stools. OBD can have a serious negative impact on quality of life (QoL) and the daily activities that patients feel able to perform. To relieve constipation associated with OBD, patients often use laxatives chronically (associated with risks) or alter/abandon their opioid medication, potentially sacrificing analgesia. Physicians should have greater appreciation of the prevalence, symptoms and burden of OBD. In light of the serious negative impact OBD can have on QoL, physicians should encourage dialogue with patients to facilitate optimal symptomatic management of the condition. There is a pressing need for new therapies that act upon the underlying mechanisms of OBD

    CRISPR-Cas9 In Vivo Gene Editing for Transthyretin Amyloidosis

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    BACKGROUND: Transthyretin amyloidosis, also called ATTR amyloidosis, is a life-threatening disease characterized by progressive accumulation of misfolded transthyretin (TTR) protein in tissues, predominantly the nerves and heart. NTLA-2001 is an in vivo gene-editing therapeutic agent that is designed to treat ATTR amyloidosis by reducing the concentration of TTR in serum. It is based on the clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats and associated Cas9 endonuclease (CRISPR-Cas9) system and comprises a lipid nanoparticle encapsulating messenger RNA for Cas9 protein and a single guide RNA targeting TTR. METHODS: After conducting preclinical in vitro and in vivo studies, we evaluated the safety and pharmacodynamic effects of single escalating doses of NTLA-2001 in six patients with hereditary ATTR amyloidosis with polyneuropathy, three in each of the two initial dose groups (0.1 mg per kilogram and 0.3 mg per kilogram), within an ongoing phase 1 clinical study. RESULTS: Preclinical studies showed durable knockout of TTR after a single dose. Serial assessments of safety during the first 28 days after infusion in patients revealed few adverse events, and those that did occur were mild in grade. Dose-dependent pharmacodynamic effects were observed. At day 28, the mean reduction from baseline in serum TTR protein concentration was 52% (range, 47 to 56) in the group that received a dose of 0.1 mg per kilogram and was 87% (range, 80 to 96) in the group that received a dose of 0.3 mg per kilogram. CONCLUSIONS: In a small group of patients with hereditary ATTR amyloidosis with polyneuropathy, administration of NTLA-2001 was associated with only mild adverse events and led to decreases in serum TTR protein concentrations through targeted knockout of TTR. (Funded by Intellia Therapeutics and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals; ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT04601051. opens in new tab.

    O desastre de Mariana/MG : um estudo de caso na perspectiva das alterações legislativas ambientais

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    A fim de contribuir com o caráter interdisciplinar e prático da pesquisa concretizando argumentos com base no estudo de caso do rompimento da barragem no município de Mariana/MG, o artigo visa ampliar a discussão sobre o tratamento legislativo brasileiro às demandas ambientais e a necessidade existente de fiscalização e cumprimento das leis. Há um projeto de lei tramitando no Congresso Nacional para modificar a regulamentação legal vigente sobre licenciamento ambiental e algumas tentativas de alteração do Código de Mineração de 1967. Será que as mudanças legislativas trariam um tratamento legal diferente para o desastre de Mariana? O artigo conclui que não adiantam mudanças legislativas para garantir responsabilidade ambiental, se os interesses políticos e econômicos não estiverem alinhados ao cumprimento das leis, à preservação dos recursos naturais e à qualidade da vida humana

    Connexin-43 prevents hematopoietic stem cell senescence through transfer of reactive oxygen species to bone marrow stromal cells

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    Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) aging has become a concern in chemotherapy of older patients. Humoral and paracrine signals from the bone marrow (BM) hematopoietic microenvironment (HM) control HSC activity during regenerative hematopoiesis. Connexin-43 (Cx43), a connexin constituent of gap junctions (GJs) is expressed in HSCs, down-regulated during differentiation, and postulated to be a self-renewal gene. Our studies, however, reveal that hematopoietic-specific Cx43 deficiency does not result in significant long-term competitive repopulation deficiency. Instead, hematopoietic Cx43 (H-Cx43) deficiency delays hematopoietic recovery after myeloablation with 5-fluorouracil (5-FU). 5-FU-treated H-Cx43-deficient HSC and progenitors (HSC/P) cells display decreased survival and fail to enter the cell cycle to proliferate. Cell cycle quiescence is associated with down-regulation of cyclin D1, up-regulation of the cyclin-dependent kinase inhibitors, p21cip1. and p16INK4a, and Forkhead transcriptional factor 1 (Foxo1), and activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK), indicating that H-Cx43-deficient HSCs are prone to senescence. The mechanism of increased senescence in H-Cx43-deficient HSC/P cells depends on their inability to transfer reactive oxygen species (ROS) to the HM, leading to accumulation of ROS within HSCs. In vivo antioxidant administration prevents the defective hematopoietic regeneration, as well as exogenous expression of Cx43 in HSC/P cells. Furthermore, ROS transfer from HSC/P cells to BM stromal cells is also rescued by reexpression of Cx43 in HSC/P. Finally, the deficiency of Cx43 in the HM phenocopies the hematopoietic defect in vivo. These results indicate that Cx43 exerts a protective role and regulates the HSC/P ROS content through ROS transfer to the HM, resulting in HSC protection during stress hematopoietic regeneration

    Transverse propagation of action potentials between parallel chains of cardiac muscle and smooth muscle cells in PSpice simulations

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    BACKGROUND: We previously examined transverse propagation of action potentials between 2 and 3 parallel chain of cardiac muscle cells (CMC) simulated using the PSpice program. The present study was done to examine transverse propagation between 5 parallel chains in an expanded model of CMC and smooth muscle cells (SMC). METHODS: Excitation was transmitted from cell to cell along a strand of 5 cells not connected by low-resistance tunnels (gap-junction connexons). The entire surface membrane of each cell fired nearly simultaneously, and nearly all the propagation time was spent at the cell junctions, the junctional delay time being about 0.3 – 0.5 ms (CMC) or 0.8 – 1.6 ms (SMC). A negative cleft potential (V(jc)) develops in the narrow junctional clefts, whose magnitude depends on the radial cleft resistance (R(jc)), which depolarizes the postjunctional membrane (post-JM) to threshold. Propagation velocity (θ) increased with amplitude of V(jc). Therefore, one mechanism for the transfer of excitation from one cell to the next is by the electric field (EF) that is generated in the junctional cleft when the pre-JM fires. In the present study, 5 parallel stands of 5 cells each (5 × 5 model) were used. RESULTS: With electrical stimulation of the first cell of the first strand (cell A1), propagation rapidly spread down that chain and then jumped to the second strand (B chain), followed by jumping to the third, fourth, and fifth strands (C, D, E chains). The rapidity by which the parallel chains became activated depended on the longitudinal resistance of the narrow extracellular cleft between the parallel strands (R(ol2)); the higher the R(ol2 )resistance, the faster the θ. The transverse resistance of the cleft (R(or2)) had almost no effect. Increasing R(jc )decreases the total propagation time (TPT) over the 25-cell network. When the first cell of the third strand (cell C1) was stimulated, propagation spread down the C chain and jumped to the other two strands (B and D) nearly simultaneously. CONCLUSIONS: Transverse propagation of excitation occurred at multiple points along the chain as longitudinal propagation was occurring, causing the APs in the contiguous chains to become bunched up. Transverse propagation was more erratic and labile in SMC compared to CMC. Transverse transmission of excitation did not require low-resistance connections between the chains, but instead depended on the value of R(ol2). The tighter the packing of the chains facilitated transverse propagation
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