7,305 research outputs found

    Multi-Omic Biomarkers for Patient Stratification in Sjogren's Syndrome—A Review of the Literature

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    Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is a heterogeneous autoimmune rheumatic disease (ARD) characterised by dryness due to the chronic lymphocytic infiltration of the exocrine glands. Patients can also present other extra glandular manifestations, such as arthritis, anaemia and fatigue or various types of organ involvement. Due to its heterogenicity, along with the lack of effective treatments, the diagnosis and management of this disease is challenging. The objective of this review is to summarize recent multi-omic publications aiming to identify biomarkers in tears, saliva and peripheral blood from SS patients that could be relevant for their better stratification aiming at improved treatment selection and hopefully better outcomes. We highlight the relevance of pro-inflammatory cytokines and interferon (IFN) as biomarkers identified in higher concentrations in serum, saliva and tears. Transcriptomic studies confirmed the upregulation of IFN and interleukin signalling in patients with SS, whereas immunophenotyping studies have shown dysregulation in the immune cell population frequencies, specifically CD4+and C8+T activated cells, and their correlations with clinical parameters, such as disease activity scores. Lastly, we discussed emerging findings derived from different omic technologies which can provide integrated knowledge about SS pathogenesis and facilitate personalised medicine approaches leading to better patient outcomes in the future

    Comparative ergonomic workflow and user experience analysis of MRI versus fluoroscopy-guided vascular interventions:an iliac angioplasty exemplar case study

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    Purpose A methodological framework is introduced to assess and compare a conventional fluoroscopy protocol for peripheral angioplasty with a new magnetic resonant imaging (MRI)-guided protocol. Different scenarios were considered during interventions on a perfused arterial phantom with regard to time-based and cognitive task analysis, user experience and ergonomics. Methods Three clinicians with different expertise performed a total of 43 simulated common iliac angioplasties (9 fluoroscopic, 34 MRI-guided) in two blocks of sessions. Six different configurations for MRI guidance were tested in the first block. Four of them were evaluated in the second block and compared to the fluoroscopy protocol. Relevant stages’ durations were collected, and interventions were audio-visually recorded from different perspectives. A cued retrospective protocol analysis (CRPA) was undertaken, including personal interviews. In addition, ergonomic constraints in the MRI suite were evaluated. Results Significant differences were found when comparing the performance between MRI configurations versus fluoroscopy. Two configurations [with times of 8.56 (0.64) and 9.48 (1.13) min] led to reduce procedure time for MRI guidance, comparable to fluoroscopy [8.49 (0.75) min]. The CRPA pointed out the main influential factors for clinical procedure performance. The ergonomic analysis quantified musculoskeletal risks for interventional radiologists when utilising MRI. Several alternatives were suggested to prevent potential low-back injuries. Conclusions This work presents a step towards the implementation of efficient operational protocols for MRI-guided procedures based on an integral and multidisciplinary framework, applicable to the assessment of current vascular protocols. The use of first-user perspective raises the possibility of establishing new forms of clinical training and education

    Design of a control architecture for an underwater remotely operated vehicle (ROV) used for search and rescue operations

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    summary:A control system architecture design for an underwater ROV, primarily Class I - Pure Observation underwater ROV is presented in this paper. A non-linear plant model was designed using SolidWorks 3D modeling tool and is imported to MATLAB as a 3D model. The non-linear modeled plant is linearized using the MATLAB linear analysis toolbox to have a linear approximate model of the system. The authors designed controllers for the linear plant model of underwater ROV. PID controllers are utilized as a controller of the modeled plant. The PID tuning tools by MATLAB are utilized to tune the controller of the plant model of underwater ROV. The researchers test the control design of underwater ROV using MATLAB Simulink by analyzing the response of the system and troubleshoot the control design to achieve the objective parameters for the control design of underwater ROV

    Perceived Sensations in Architectural Spaces through Immersive Virtual Reality

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    [EN] To design architectural spaces that not only respond to the basic needs of users, but also seek their emotional well-being, it is necessary for the architecture students to have a special sensitivity and be aware of the different sensations that their designs should and can evoke. To achieve this competence without exploring real spaces, Immersive Virtual Reality technology offers an important contribution to the field of architecture. The purpose of this research is to determine if the sensations perceived in virtual architectural spaces by students are similar to the real ones and to determine the characteristics of this technology that allow a better perception of sensations. Six architectural modules were designed to be walked through and experienced at real scale using a Head Mounted Display by 22 students of the first and fifth year of studies of Architecture career in Peru. An ad-hoc questionnaire allowed to know the perceived sensations and the benefits of the tool. The results obtained showed that the perception of sensations of the fifth year students is a little closer to those expressed by a group of seven experts compared to that of the first year students and that the students consider the characteristics of accessibility, real scale of the space and the possibility of going through and looking at the space in all directions are those that have given more realism to the experience and therefore better perception of the space, while the characteristics of natural light and shadows, construction materials and external environment have been less valued in the realism of the experience. It is concluded that the sensory experimentation in architectural spaces modelled realistically in virtual environments allows the perception of sensations very similar to those that the architect seeks to convey initially.Universidad Nacional de San Agustin de ArequipaGomez-Tone, HC.; Martin-Gutierrez, J.; Bustamante-Escapa, J.; Bustamante-Escapa, P.; Valencia-Anci, BK. (2021). Perceived Sensations in Architectural Spaces through Immersive Virtual Reality. VITRUVIO - International Journal of Architectural Technology and Sustainability. 6(2):70-81. https://doi.org/10.4995/vitruvio-ijats.2021.16253OJS708162Alatta, R. A., & Freewan, A. 2017. Investigating the Effect of Employing Immersive Virtual Environment on Enhancing Spatial Perception within Design Process. ArchNet-IJAR: International Journal of Architectural Research, 11(2), 219. https://doi.org/10.26687/archnetijar.v11i2.1258Almagro Holgado, M. 2020. Límites de la noción de'affordance''y de la concepción de lo mental en el marco de la psicología ecológica. Teorema: Revista Internacional de Filosofía, 39(1), 135-149.Angulo, A. 2013. On the design of architectural spatial experiences using immersive simulation. EAEA 11 Conference Proceedings, Envisioning Architecture: Design, Evaluation, Communication. Italy: Milan, 151-158.Arnheim, R. 1986. A plea for visual thinking. In New essays on the psychology of art (pp. 135-152). University of California Press. https://doi.org/10.1525/9780520907843-013Brandão, G. V. L., do Amaral, W. D. H., de Almeida, C. A. R., & Castañon, J. A. B. 2018. Virtual reality as a tool for teaching architecture. International Conference of Design, User Experience, and Usability, 73-82. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-319-91803-7_6Dezcallar Sáez, T. 2012. Relación entre procesos mentales y sentido háptico emociones y recuerdos mediante el análisis empírico de texturas. Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona,.Ergan, S., Radwan, A., Zou, Z., Tseng, H., & Han, X. 2019. Quantifying human experience in architectural spaces with integrated virtual reality and body sensor networks. Journal of Computing in Civil Engineering, 33(2), 04018062. https://doi.org/10.1061/(ASCE) CP.1943-5487.0000812Fieandt, K., Järvinen, E., & Korkala, P. 2007. Space perception. Encyclopaedia Britannica.Ghani, I., Rafi, A., & Woods, P. 2020. The effect of immersion towards place presence in virtual heritage environments. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, 24(6), 861-872. https://doi.org/10.1007/s00779-019-01352-8Gomes, R., Aquilué, I., & Roca, E. 2017. Cuerpo, espacio y el dibujo arquitectónico. ACE: Architecture, City and Environment. https://doi.org/10.5821/ace.12.34.5289Gómez-Tone, H. C., Bustamante Escapa, J., Bustamante Escapa, P., & Martin-Gutierrez, J. 2021. The Drawing and Perception of Architectural Spaces through Immersive Virtual Reality. Sustainability, 13(11), 6223. https://doi.org/10.3390/su13116223Hermund, A., Bundgaard, T. S., & Klint, L. S. 2017. Speculations on the representation of architecture in virtual reality: How can we (continue to) simulate the unseen? 10.Holth, J., & Schnabel, M. A. 2017. Immersive virtual environments as a tool for exploring perceptional space. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems, 32(sup1), S155-S162. https://doi.org/10.1080/17445760.2017.1390090Homolja, M., Maghool, S. A. H., & Schnabel, M. A. 2020. The Impact of Moving through the Built Environment on Emotional and Neurophysiological State-A Systematic Literature Review.Keenan, M. 2020. Perception. In Salem Press Encyclopedia of Health. Salem Press. http://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?direct=true&db=ers&AN=109057209&lang=es&site=eds-live&scope=siteKuliga, S. F., Thrash, T., Dalton, R. C., & Hölscher, C. 2015. Virtual reality as an empirical research tool-Exploring user experience in a real building and a corresponding virtual model. Computers, Environment and Urban Systems, 54, 363-375. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compenvurbsys.2015.09.006Li, J., Jin, Y., Lu, S., Wu, W., & Wang, P. 2020. Building environment information and human perceptual feedback collected through a combined virtual reality (VR) and electroencephalogram (EEG) method. Energy & Buildings, 224, N.PAG-N.PAG. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.enbuild.2020.110259Lizondo Sevilla, L., Santatecla Fayos, J., Martínez García, S. J., & Bosch Reig, I. 2014. La influencia de la arquitectura efímera en la arquitectura construida. El caso de Mies van der Rohe. ACE: Architecture, City and Environment, 8(24), 73-94. https://doi.org/10.5821/ace.8.24.2717Maghool, S. A. H., Homolja, M., & Schnabel, M. A. 2020. Cybernetics Approach to Virtual Emotional Spaces-An electrodermal activity actuated adaptive space. https://doi.org/10.26686/wgtn.13019327Mitrache, A. 2013. Spatial Sensibility in Architectural Education. Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences, 93, 544-548. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.sbspro.2013.09.236Moloney, J., Globa, A., Wang, R., & Khoo, C. 2019. Principles for the application of mixed reality as pre-occupancy evaluation tools (P-OET) at the early design stages. Architectural Science Review, 1-10.Nisha, B. 2019. The pedagogic value of learning design with virtual reality. Educational Psychology, 39(10), 1233-1254.Norberg-Schulz, C. 1980. Existencia,espacio y arquitectura. Barcelona: Blume.Pallasma, J. 2006. Los ojos de la piel. Barcelona: Gustavo Gili.Rasmussen, S. E. 2004. La experiencia de la arquitectura (Vol. 5). Reverté.Roberts, G., Holmes, N., Alexander, N., Boto, E., Leggett, J., Hill, R. M., Shah, V., Rea, M., Vaughan, R., Maguire, E. A., Kessler, K., Beebe, S., Fromhold, M., Barnes, G. R., Bowtell, R., & Brookes, M. J. 2019. Towards OPM-MEG in a virtual reality environment. NeuroImage, 199, 408-417. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.neuroimage.2019.06.010Saldarriaga Roa, A. 2002. La arquitectura como experiencia: Espacio, cuerpo y sensibilidad. Univ. Nacional de Colombia.Sánchez, O., & Hessman, D. 2018. El aprendizaje de la percepción del espacio arquitectónico: Una aproximación a su comprensión desde la experiencia en el taller de diseño uno [Universidad Nacional de Colombia]. https://repositorio.unal.edu.co/handle/unal/64112Sánchez Vidiella, A. 2016. Arquitectura efímera: 100 proyectos, 1000 ideas (1ra ed.). Promopress.Shemesh, A., Talmon, R., Karp, O., Amir, I., Bar, M., & Grobman, Y. J. 2017. Affective response to architecture-investigating human reaction to spaces with different geometry. Architectural Science Review, 60(2), 116-125.Yeom, D., Choi, J.-H., & Kang, S.-H. 2019. Investigation of the physiological differences in the immersive virtual reality environment and real indoor environment: Focused on skin temperature and thermal sensation. Building and Environment, 154, 44-54

    Family history of breast and ovarian cancer and triple negative subtype in hispanic/latina women.

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    Familial breast and ovarian cancer prevalence was assessed among 1150 women of Mexican descent enrolled in a case-only, binational breast cancer study. Logistic regression was conducted to compare odds of triple negative breast cancer (TNBC) to non-TNBC according to family history of breast and breast or ovarian cancer among 914 of these women. Prevalence of breast cancer family history in a first- and first- or second-degree relative was 13.1% and 24.1%, respectively; that for breast or ovarian cancer in a first-degree relative was 14.9%. After adjustment for age and country of residence, women with a first-degree relative with breast cancer were more likely to be diagnosed with TNBC than non-TNBC (OR=1.98; 95% CI, 1.26-3.11). The odds of TNBC compared to non-TNBC were 1.93 (95% CI, 1.26-2.97) for women with a first-degree relative with breast or ovarian cancer. There were non-significant stronger associations between family history and TNBC among women diagnosed at age <50 compared to ≥50 years for breast cancer in a first-degree relative (P-interaction = 0.14) and a first- or second-degree relative (P-interaction = 0.07). Findings suggest that familial breast cancers are associated with triple negative subtype, possibly related to BRCA mutations in Hispanic/Latina women, which are strongly associated with TNBC. Family history is an important tool to identify Hispanic/Latina women who may be at increased risk of TNBC, and could benefit from prevention and early detection strategies

    Fluorescent and Electroactive Monoalkyl BTD-Based Liquid Crystals with Tunable Self-Assembling and Electronic Properties

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    We report here on a series of redox active benzothiadiazole-based luminophores ffinctionalized on one edge with a phenyl-nonyl substituent, which confers these molecules a rodlike shape and a tendency to self-assemble into layered superstructures. On the other edge, the molecules are endowed with different p-substituted phenyl rings, which allows the modulation of their redox and optical properties on the basis of the electronic nature of the terminal substituents. We have found that just one lateral alkyl chain is sufficient to induce mesomorphism in these molecules, which present nematic or smectic mesophases upon therinal treatment. Single-crystal analysis allows us to get an insight into the nature of the forces responsible for different supramolecular assemblies in these derivatives, and point to a strong contribution of the terminal groups in the different arrangements observed. The interesting redox and optical properties together with their self-assembling tendencies render these new materials interesting candidates for optoelectromcs