82 research outputs found

    Extensión del Collections Framework de Java con una orientación docente

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    El Collections Framework de Java ofrece un conjunto amplio de tipos pero no está orientado a la docencia. Otras bibliotecas que incluyen algunos libros de texto sobre estructuras de datos y algoritmos o bien no están actualizadas (no usan tipos parametrizados por ejemplo) o no contienen algunos tipos que consideramos interesantes para implementar algoritmos sobre grafos (por ejemplo una cola con prioridad modificable). En este trabajo se presenta una biblioteca de tipos en Java que incluye algunas características que la hacen idónea para ser usada en cursos de estructuras de datos y algoritmos. En concreto: ofrece tipos adicionales (árbol general, grafo y cola con prioridad modificable); cada tipo tiene un método para obtener el coste (número de operaciones realizadas sobre los datos) del último método ejecutado; todos los tipos disponen de un método para mostrar la estructura interna; ofrece tipos para la generación gráficas de costes; y la obtención de las instancias se realiza a través de clases de factoría. Mediante el uso de esta biblioteca es posible diseñar actividades (presenciales o autónomas) para que los alumnos analicen las implicaciones que tienen diferentes implementaciones del tipo de datos sobre el coste de las operaciones o visualicen la evolución de la estructura al llamar a una serie de métodos.SUMMARY -- The Java Collections Framework offers a considerable amount of types (possible too many for introductory courses on data structures and algorithms). Other libraries included in textbooks are not up to date (they do not offer parametrized types for instance) or do not contain some data types that are interesting to implement graph algorithms (as a modifiable priority queue). In this work we present a Java data type library that includes some valuable characteristics to teach data structures and algorithms. These are: it offers additional types such as general tree, graph, and modifiable priority queue; all the data types offer methods to obtain the cost of the last operation, and to show the internal structure; it offers a type that allows to create cost plots hidding details about Input/Output and gnuplot; and, only interfaces and factory clases are public thus hidding the implementation.With this library it is possible to design learning activities, so that students can study how the different implementations affect the cost or to see how the internal structure evolves as a result of calling some methods.Peer Reviewe

    Cloud media video encoding:review and challenges

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    In recent years, Internet traffic patterns have been changing. Most of the traffic demand by end users is multimedia, in particular, video streaming accounts for over 53%. This demand has led to improved network infrastructures and computing architectures to meet the challenges of delivering these multimedia services while maintaining an adequate quality of experience. Focusing on the preparation and adequacy of multimedia content for broadcasting, Cloud and Edge Computing infrastructures have been and will be crucial to offer high and ultra-high definition multimedia content in live, real-time, or video-on-demand scenarios. For these reasons, this review paper presents a detailed study of research papers related to encoding and transcoding techniques in cloud computing environments. It begins by discussing the evolution of streaming and the importance of the encoding process, with a focus on the latest streaming methods and codecs. Then, it examines the role of cloud systems in multimedia environments and provides details on the cloud infrastructure for media scenarios. After doing a systematic literature review, we have been able to find 49 valid papers that meet the requirements specified in the research questions. Each paper has been analyzed and classified according to several criteria, besides to inspect their relevance. To conclude this review, we have identified and elaborated on several challenges and open research issues associated with the development of video codecs optimized for diverse factors within both cloud and edge architectures. Additionally, we have discussed emerging challenges in designing new cloud/edge architectures aimed at more efficient delivery of media traffic. This involves investigating ways to improve the overall performance, reliability, and resource utilization of architectures that support the transmission of multimedia content over both cloud and edge computing environments ensuring a good quality of experience for the final user

    GSaaS: A service to cloudify and schedule GPUs

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    Cloud technology is an attractive infrastructure solution that provides customers with an almost unlimited on-demand computational capacity using a pay-per-use approach, and allows data centers to increase their energy and economic savings by adopting a virtualized resource sharing model. However, resources such as graphics processing units (GPUs), have not been fully adapted to this model. Although, general-purpose computing on graphics processing units (GPGPU) is becoming more and more popular, cloud providers lack of flexibility to manage accelerators, because of the extended use of peripheral component interconnect (PCI) passthrough techniques to attach GPUs to virtual machines (VMs). For this reason, we design, develop, and evaluate a service that provides a complete management of cloudified GPUs (cGPUs) in public cloud platforms. Our solution enables an effective, anonymous, and transparent access from VMs to cGPUs that are previously scheduled and assigned by a full resource manager, taking into account new GPU selection policies and new working modes based on the locality of the physical accelerators and the exclusivity when accessing them. This easy-to-adopt tool improves the resource availability through different cGPUs configurations for end-users, whilst cloud providers are able to achieve a better utilization of their infrastructures and offer more competitive services. Scalability results in a real cloud environment demonstrate that our solution introduces a virtually null overhead in the deployment of VMs. Besides, performance experiments reveal that GPU-enabled clusters based on cloud infrastructures can benefit from our proposal not only exploiting better the accelerators, but also serving more jobs requests per unit of time

    Innovative evaluation by projects for course with mixed computer science degrees

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    This paper explains the evaluationmethod applied to a specific capstone course, called "Ubiquitous computing", taught in different Computer Science Degrees of the University of Alcala (Spain). Along the previous editions of the course several issues have been discovered, which are intended to be solved with the proposedmethod thatwas used as evaluation system of the subject in year 2016&-2017. The issues are related to the number of students of each degree that compose the group each year, the contents' deviation, the lowmarks obtained in previous years, themethodologicalmismatch in relationwith other subjects and the bad alignment of the evaluation method used before. With the idea of obtaining better marks, a closer experience to the real situation in software companies and higher satisfaction level of the students, the learning experience proposed implies teamwork, a project-based learning perspective and a balanced use of the technologies. Taking the results obtained through its implantation along the last academic year, it can be concluded that the evaluation method shown in this document enhances the learning process and the contents are closer to the course initial conception, and students got more involved and obtained better results

    Aumento del espacio entre caracteres: ¿mejora la lectura de alumnos con dificultades?

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    Some recent research suggests the possibility of improving the reading of students with dyslexia through a simple manipulation to increase the space between characters in the texts. We studied the effects of this change in the number of errors and correct words per minute in the reading of 14 students from first through third grade (elementary school) with reading difficulties. Students read two versions of the same text, one written with normal space between characters and another with increased space. Reading evaluations were blind. No significant differences were found in the number of reading errors or in the number of correct words per minute in the reading of these students, so caution and further research including a control of the difficulty of the texts are recommended before developing and implementing interventions for students with dyslexia based on space between characters.Algunas investigaciones recientes señalan la posibilidad de mejorar la lectura del alumnado con dislexia mediante una sencilla manipulación que aumenta el espacio entre los caracteres de los textos. Estudiamos los efectos de este cambio en el número de errores y de palabras correctamente leídas por minuto de 14 alumnos de primer a tercer curso de educación primaria con dificultades de lectura. Los alumnos leían dos versiones del mismo texto, una escrita con el espacio normal entre caracteres y otra con un aumento del espacio. La valoración de la lectura fue realizada mediante un sistema ciego. No se encontraron diferencias significativas en el número de errores de lectura ni en el número de palabras correctamente leídas por minuto, de modo que se recomienda cautela y nuevas investigaciones que controlen la dificultad de los textos antes de desarrollar e implantar intervenciones para el alumnado con dislexia basadas en el espacio entre caracteres

    Accessibility in video games: a systematic review

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    Video games are software products with several purposes that are growing in strength and weight in society. However, thereis one noticeable problem about them; in most cases, their developers most often do not take into consideration peoplewith disabilities when they are creating video game applications. People with disabilities are thus partially or completelyexcluded from their use. Prior to any additional work, it is required to have an updated state of the art about this topic. Thispaper shows the results of a systematic literature review conducted to define the current status of video games accessibility.The type of review is broader than usual, so it is a systematic mapping study (a specific class of systematic review). Besideselaborating the state of the art (qualitative information), we identified and analyzed related works (45 relevant studies) toprovide quantitative information of the performed search (including graphs and tables), such as the number of articles foundby phases, their sources, their research type, the research questions answered, the kind of disability addressed, and the typeand year of publications. None of the studied initiatives can guarantee universally accessible video game applications. Ourproposal is to create an integral software engineering methodology that considers accessibility guidelines, techniques, strategies,human factors, etc. in the video game software development process.European Commisio

    Psicología jurídica aplicada

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    El presente texto académico muestra algunas aplicaciones específicas del área de la psicología jurídica, campo de conocimiento especializado cuyo objeto de estudio lo constituyen los procesos cognitivos, afectivos y emocionales que explican las conductas jurídico-legales de las personas que se involucran con el sistema judicial. La intención fue articular en una sola publicación diferentes temas relacionados con los fundamentos teóricos y epistemológicos de la psicología criminológica, la conducta feminicida vista desde un enfoque psicojurídico, la teoría del sentido de comunidad observada en un centro penitenciario, y, por último, una revisión sobre la calidad de la metodología de los estudios en psicología del testimonio, analizando los aspectos psicofisiológicos del engaño; todo ello para mostrar los elementos conceptuales o técnicos aplicados a contextos penales, brindándole al lector, sea este psicólogo, abogado, policía, juez, fiscal, funcionario de prisiones, investigador de las ciencias de la conducta o estudiante universitario de pregrado o posgrado la oportunidad de entender que el ámbito forense no solo es de utilidad para los operadores jurídicos. Con esto se espera contribuir a una mejor comprensión de esta disciplina, tanto para los expertos como para los neófitos en el área.A los lectores. Prólogo. Presentación. Capítulo I La psicología criminal: fundamentos teóricos y epistemológicos. Capítulo II Perspectiva psicojurídica del feminicidio. Capítulo III Sentido de comunidad en establecimientos carcelarios. Capítulo IV Evaluación de la calidad metodológica de estudios en psicología del testimonio: psicofisiológica del engaño.2ª ed

    (Pre)treatment risk factors for late fatigue and fatigue trajectories following radiotherapy for breast cancer

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    Breast cancer; Fatigue; RadiotherapyCáncer de mama; Fatiga; RadioterapiaCàncer de mama; Fatiga; RadioteràpiaFatigue is common in breast-cancer survivors. Our study assessed fatigue longitudinally in breast cancer patients receiving adjuvant radiotherapy (RT) and aimed to identify risk factors associated with long-term fatigue and underlying fatigue trajectories. Fatigue was measured in a prospective multicenter cohort (REQUITE) using the Multidimensional Fatigue Inventory (MFI-20) and analyzed using mixed models. Multivariable logistic models identified factors associated with fatigue dimensions at 2 years post-RT and latent class growth analysis identified individual fatigue trajectories. A total of 1443, 1302, 1203 and 1098 patients completed the MFI-20 at baseline, end of RT, after 1 and 2 years. Overall, levels of fatigue significantly increased from baseline to end of RT for all fatigue dimensions (P < .05) and returned to baseline levels after 2 years. A quarter of patients were assigned to latent trajectory high (23.7%) and moderate (24.8%) fatigue classes, while 46.3% and 5.2% to the low and decreasing fatigue classes, respectively. Factors associated with multiple fatigue dimensions at 2 years include age, BMI, global health status, insomnia, pain, dyspnea and depression. Fatigue present at baseline was consistently associated with all five MFI-20 fatigue dimensions (ORGeneralFatigue = 3.81, P < .001). From latent trajectory analysis, patients with a combination of factors such as pain, insomnia, depression, younger age and endocrine therapy had a particularly high risk of developing early and persistent high fatigue years after treatment. Our results confirmed the multidimensional nature of fatigue and will help clinicians identify breast cancer patients at higher risk of having persistent/late fatigue so that tailored interventions can be delivered.We thank all patients who participated in the REQUITE study and all the REQUITE staff involved in this project. Belgium: Ghent University Hospital; KU Leuven. France: ICM Montpellier, CHU Nîmes (Department of Radiation Oncology, CHU Nîmes, Nîmes, France). Germany: Zentrum für Strahlentherapie Freiburg (Dr. Petra Stegmaier); Städtisches Klinikum Karlsruhe (Dr. Bernhard Neu); ViDia Christliche Kliniken Karlsruhe (Prof. Johannes Claßen); Klinikum der Stadt Ludwigshafen GmbH (PD Dr. Thomas Schnabel); Universitätsklinikum Mannheim: Anette Kipke and Christiane Zimmermann; Strahlentherapie Speyer (Dr. Jörg Schäfer). The researchers at DKFZ also thank Anusha Müller, Irmgard Helmbold, Thomas Heger, Sabine Behrens, Axel Benner, Nicholas Schreck. Petra Seibold is supported by ERA PerMed 2018 funding (BMBF #01KU1912) and BfS funding (#3619S42261). Italy: Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milano; Candiolo Cancer Institute – FPO, IRCCS. Tiziana Rancati was partially funded by Fondazione Italo Monzino. The Netherlands: Sylvie Canisius at Maastro Clinics, Maastricht. Spain: Barcelona: Vall d'Hebron Hospital Universitari, Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus; VHIO acknowledge the Cellex Foundation for providing research facilities and thank CERCA Programme/Generalitat de Catalunya for institutional support. Sara Gutiérrez-Enríquez is supported by ERAPerMed JTC2018 funding (ERAPERMED2018-244 and SLT011/18/00005). Santiago: Complexo Hospitalario Universitario de Santiago. Ana Vega: supported by Spanish Instituto de Salud Carlos III (ISCIII) funding, an initiative of the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Innovation partially supported by European Regional Development FEDER Funds (PI22/00589, PI19/01424; INT20/00071); the ERAPerMed JTC2018 funding (AC18/00117); the Autonomous Government of Galicia (Consolidation and structuring program: IN607B), by the Fundación Mutua Madrileña (call 2018) and by the AECC (PRYES211091VEGA); UK: University Hospitals of Leicester NHS Trust; Theresa Beaver, Kaitlin Walker and Sara Barrows. Dr Tim Rattay was funded by a National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Clinical Lectureship (CL 2017-11-002) and is currently supported by the NIHR Leicester Biomedical Research Centre. He was previously funded by a National Institute of Health Research (NIHR) Doctoral Research Fellowship (DRF 2014-07-079). This publication presents independent research funded by the NIHR. The views expressed are those of the authors and not necessarily those of the NHS, the NIHR or the Department of Health. Manchester: Catharine West and Rebecca Elliott are supported by NIHR Manchester Biomedical Research Centre and Catharine West is supported by Cancer Research UK (C1094/A18504, C147/A25254). USA: Mount Sinai Hospital, New York. Open Access funding enabled and organized by Projekt DEAL

    Effects of Sex, Age and Height on Symphysis–Ischial Spine Distance Measured on a Pelvic CT

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    Objective: To examine the influence of age, sex and height on the symphysis–ischial spine distance (SID) measured on pelvic Computed tomography (CT)images in subjects of reproductive age, and to determine the interobserver reproducibility. This measurement (SID) is of great importance because the use of intrapartum ultrasound is based on the assumption of a specific value (30 mm) of such a measurement. Methods: This was a cross-sectional descriptive study in which SID was measured in subjects aged 20 to 44 years who had been scheduled for pelvic CT at our centre from January 2018 to May 2021 for different reasons. Radiographic measurements of the pelvis were obtained through the multiplanar reconstruction of the CT image. The images obtained from all of the participants were independently assessed by three senior radiologists, and the SID measurements made by each one were blinded from those of the remaining observers. Correlations between the SID and patient age, height and sex were analyzed by univariate and multivariate linear regression. Results: The mean SID for 87 of the enrolled participants (45 women, 42 men) was 28.2 ± 6.25 mm. Among the observers, the mean difference in this distance was 1 to 2 mm, and was scarcely related to measurement size, with agreement being greater than 70%. The mean SID was significantly related to sex and height (SID = −24.9 − 6.51 × sex (0 or 1) + 0.34 × height (cm); p = 0.01; sex equals 1 for a man and 0 for a woman), such that it was a mean of 2.5 mm greater in women than men (29.50 mm vs. 26.99 mm). Conclusion: Measurements of SID on CT images show good interobserver reproducibility, and are related to sex and height.Depto. de Salud Pública y Materno - InfantilFac. de MedicinaTRUEUnión EuropeaComunidad de MadridInstituto de Salud Carlos IIIHalekulani S.L.pu

    Simulación del comportamiento del subsistema de potencia del satélite Lian-He bajo unos parámetros de misión típicos = Simulation of the Lian-Hé satellite power subsystem under typical LEO mission requirements

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    En el proceso de diseño de sistemas espaciales, el subsistema de generación y distribución de potencia resulta crítico. Para percibirlo basta con pensar en la dependencia energética de gran parte de los demás subsistemas. En el presente informe se describirá en detalle el modelizado del sistema de generación y distribución de potencia del satélite Lian-He. También se realizarán análisis para comprobar durabilidad de la batería durante la misión, así como la robustez del diseño en caso de fallo de algún panel solar. El presente trabajo es parte del contenido docente de la asignatura de Generación y Gestión de Potencia Eléctrica correspondiente al Máster Universitario en Sistemas Espaciales (MUSE), impartido en el curso 2016-2017. Los tutores de este trabajo han sido los profesores Elena Roibás-Millán, Javier Cubas y Santiago Pindado. The proper design of the power subsystem in a space mission is a critical factor, as the correct performance of all the other subsystems of a satellite depend on the power generation and distribution. In the present work, the power subsystem of Lian-Hé satellite (generation, storage and distribution), is thoroughly described and analyzed for a typical LEO misión requeriments. Besides, a failure analysis of key parts of the subsystem such as oneot two solar panels, or half of the battery strings has been included in the work. This work was carried out as part of the subject Power Subsystems of the Master in Space Systems(MUSE)of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid. The supervisors of this work were professors elena Roibás-Millán, Javier Cubas and Santiago Pindado