99 research outputs found

    Low weight additive manufacturing FBG accelerometer: design, characterization and testing

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    Structural Health Monitoring is considered the process of damage detection and structural characterization by any type of on-board sensors. Fibre Bragg Gratings (FBG) are increasing their popularity due to their many advantages like easy multiplexing, negligible weight and size, high sensitivity, inert to electromagnetic fields, etc. FBGs allow obtaining directly strain and temperature, and other magnitudes can also be measured by the adaptation of the Bragg condition. In particular, the acceleration is of special importance for dynamic analysis. In this work, a low weight accelerometer has been developed using a FBG. It consists in a hexagonal lattice hollow cylinder designed with a resonance frequency above 500 Hz. A Finite Element Model (FEM) was used to analyse dynamic behaviour of the sensor. Then, it was modelled in a CAD software and exported to additive manufacturing machines. Finally, a characterization test campaign was carried out obtaining a sensitivity of 19.65 pm/g. As a case study, this paper presents the experimental modal analysis of the wing of an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle. The measurements from piezoelectric, MEMS accelerometers, embedded FBGs sensors and the developed FBG accelerometer are compared.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIA2013-43085-P y BIA2016-75042-C2-1-

    Reconocimiento en Rawls: Un acercamiento interpretativo a la problemática con las minorías sobre el proceso de protección por violencia intrafamiliar con radicación: 66572-40-89-001-2008-00005-00

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    Este trabajo consiste en un acercamiento interpretativo desde la teoría rawlsiana a la realidad colombiana. De esta manera, términos como pluralismo razonable y reconocimiento entran a jugar un papel fundamental en un análisis a las minorías dentro del territorio colombiano; dejando como evidencia, una vez realizada la interpretación, el sentido pluralista encontrado en la Sociedad y la constitución colombiana, al igual que el mal ejercicio del reconocimiento en cuanto a la realidad de las minorías.This work consist of an interpretative approach from the Rawlsian theory to the colombian reality. In this way, terms such as reasonable pluralism and recognition come to play a fundamental role in an analysis of minorities within colombian territory; leaving as evidence, once the interpretation is made, the pluralistic sense found in the colombian society and constitution, as well as the poor exercise of recognition regarding the reality of minorities.PregradoLicenciado(a) en FilosofíaÍNDICE INTRODUCCIÓN................................................................................................................ 4 CAPITULO I: EL CONCEPTO DE MINORÍAS EN JOHN RAWLS................................ 7 1.1 Contexto para el empleo del concepto ................................................................................... 7 1.2 El uso del concepto de minoría en Rawls. ............................................................................. 10 1.3 Hacía una definición del concepto......................................................................................... 13 CAPITULO II: RECONOCIMIENTO Y PLURALISMO RAZONABLE DESDE RAWLS............................................................................................................................... 17 2.1 La idea del pluralismo razonable........................................................................................... 18 2.2 El reconocimiento en Rawls................................................................................................... 22 2.3 Qué entender por reconocimiento: un acercamiento al debate y la relevancia actual de Rawls...................................................................................................................................... 28 CAPITULO III: COLOMBIA: MINORIAS, DEMOCRACIA Y PARTICIPACIÓN....... 33 3.1 Democracia y participación en Colombia. ............................................................................. 34 3.2 Proceso de protección por violencia intrafamiliar con radicación 66572-40-89-001-2008- 00005-00: contexto y temática. ............................................................................................ 37 3.3 Proceso de protección por violencia intrafamiliar con radicación 66572-40-89-001-2008- 00005-00 una vista desde el liberalismo político de Rawls. .................................................. 41 El sentido pluralista. .................................................................................................................. 41 El alcance del reconocimiento................................................................................................... 44 El problema: choque de derechos............................................................................................. 46 CONCLUSIONES.............................................................................................................. 51 BIBLIOGRAFÍA ................................................................................................................ 5

    Allelic Frequency of DPYD Genetic Variants in Patients With Cancer in Spain: The PhotoDPYD Study

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    Genetic variants; Cancer; SpainVariants genètiques; Càncer; EspanyaVariantes genéticas; Cáncer; EspañaIntroduction Identifying polymorphisms in the dihydropyrimidine dehydrogenase (DPYD) gene is gaining importance to be able to predict fluoropyrimidine-associated toxicity. The aim of this project was to describe the frequency of the DPYD variants DPYD*2A (rs3918290); c.1679T>G (rs55886062); c.2846A>T (rs67376798) and c.1129-5923C>G (rs75017182; HapB3) in the Spanish oncological patients. Material and Methods Cross-sectional and multicentric study (PhotoDPYD study) conducted in hospitals located in Spain designed to register the frequency of the most relevant DPYD genetic variants in oncological patients. All oncological patients with DPYD genotype were recruited in the participant hospitals. The measures determined where the presence or not of the 4 DPYD previously described variants. Results Blood samples from 8054 patients with cancer from 40 different hospitals were used to determine the prevalence of the 4 variants located in the DPYD gene. The frequency of carriers of one defective DPYD variant was 4.9%. The most frequently identified variant was c.1129-5923C>G (rs75017182) (HapB3), in 2.9%, followed by c.2846A>T (rs67376798) in 1.4%, c.1905 + 1G>A (rs3918290, DPYD*2A) in 0.7% and c.1679T>G (rs55886062) in 0.2% of the patients. Only 7 patients (0.08%) were carrying the c.1129-5923C>G (rs75017182) (HapB3) variant, 3 (0.04%) the c.1905 + 1G>A (rs3918290, DPYD*2A) and one (0.01%) the DPYD c.2846A>T (rs67376798, p.D949V) variant in homozygosis. Moreover, 0.07% were compound heterozygous patients, 3 carrying the DPYD variants DPYD*2A + c.2846A>T, 2 the DPYD c.1129-5923C>G + c.2846A>T and one the DPYD*2A + c.1129-5923C>G variants. Conclusions Our results demonstrate the relatively high frequency of DPYD genetic variants in the Spanish patient with cancer population, which highlights the relevance of their determination before initiating a fluoropirimidine-containing regimen

    Fiber Bragg grating application to study an unmanned aerial system composite wing

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    Structural health monitoring consists of structural integrity assessment by means of data acquisition and analysis from on-board sensors. Fiber Bragg grating–based monitoring is increasingly attracting the scientific community working on structural health monitoring due to its multiple advantages such as electromagnetic immunity, negligible weight and size, and multiplexing availability. However, the integration of fiber optics within a structure still requires new procedures and signal treatment techniques for increasing technology reliability and exploiting its full potential. In this article, five embedded Fiber Bragg grating sensors are installed in an unmanned aerial system wing for correlating operational conditions with structural strain in real time. Sensor locations are determined by a finite element model accounting for manufacturing limitations of the fiber line. The developed Fiber Bragg grating system and processing techniques are used in static and dynamic tests showing the capacities of this powerful technology. The assessment includes deflection shape estimation, strain cycles counting, audible and visual strain alarms, aileron control based on strain levels, and structural resonance response detection.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad BIA2016-75042-C2-1-RMinisterio de Economía y Competitividad BIA2013-43085 -

    Amygdaloid Projections to the Ventral Striatum in Mice: Direct and Indirect Chemosensory Inputs to the Brain Reward System

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    Rodents constitute good models for studying the neural basis of sociosexual behavior. Recent findings in mice have revealed the molecular identity of the some pheromonal molecules triggering intersexual attraction. However, the neural pathways mediating this basic sociosexual behavior remain elusive. Since previous work indicates that the dopaminergic tegmento-striatal pathway is not involved in pheromone reward, the present report explores alternative pathways linking the vomeronasal system with the tegmento-striatal system (the limbic basal ganglia) by means of tract-tracing experiments studying direct and indirect projections from the chemosensory amygdala to the ventral striato-pallidum. Amygdaloid projections to the nucleus accumbens, olfactory tubercle, and adjoining structures are studied by analyzing the retrograde transport in the amygdala from dextran amine and fluorogold injections in the ventral striatum, as well as the anterograde labeling found in the ventral striato-pallidum after dextran amine injections in the amygdala. This combination of anterograde and retrograde tracing experiments reveals direct projections from the vomeronasal cortex to the ventral striato-pallidum, as well as indirect projections through different nuclei of the basolateral amygdala. Direct projections innervate mainly the olfactory tubercle and the islands of Calleja, whereas indirect projections are more widespread and reach the same structures and the shell and core of nucleus accumbens. These pathways are likely to mediate innate responses to pheromones (direct projections) and conditioned responses to associated chemosensory and non-chemosensory stimuli (indirect projections). Comparative studies indicate that similar connections are present in all the studied amniote vertebrates and might constitute the basic circuitry for emotional responses to conspecifics in most vertebrates, including humans

    Accounting History Research: Traditional and New Accounting History Perspectives

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    There is an ongoing debate in accounting history around the ways in which historical material should be gathered, interpreted, analysed and written. Lying at the heart of this debate is the perennial concern with 'objective/interpretive' modes of investigation. The mainstream orthodoxy of accounting history embraces the 'objective' view of history, whereas the alternative approach promotes interpretive and critical stances. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the achievements of NAH. This is attempted here by contrasting NAH with TAH along four dimensions: what counts as accounting; origins versus genealogies; roles of accounting; and sources of historical material. Under each of these dimensions, we show the differences between the two approaches and comment on the extent to which NAH may contribute to the study of accounting history. We argue that, although TAH and NAH approaches exhibit fundamental differences, both contribute significantly to the field, and indeed to the sharpening of each other's research agenda.Existe un debate en historia de la contabilidad acerca de las distintas formas cómo los materiales históricos deben ser recopilados, interpretados, analizados y, finalmente, sobre la forma cómo los mismos deben ser redactados. En cierta manera, el centro de este debate descansa en torno a la eternal polémica acerca de la "objetividad/subjetividad" de la investigación histórica. Así, mientras que la corriente más ortodoxa sostiene la idea de una interpretación objetiva de la historia, el enfoque alternativo defiende una interpretación de carácter crítico. En este artículo, nosotros pretendemos hacer una valoración del debate entre los enfoques tradicional y de nueva historia de la contabilidad. En concreto, pretendemos contrastar la aproximación tradicional y de nueva historia de la contabilidad en torno a cuatro dimensiones: qué es lo que cuenta como contabilidad, el debate entre orígenes y genealogías, los distintos papeles y roles que se atribuyen a la contabilidad, y las fuentes de historia de la contabilidad. En este artículo examinamos las diferencias entre la historia tradicional de la contabilidad y la nueva historia en torno a cada una de estas dimensiones, concluyendo que a pesar de las posiciones tan diversas que sostienen, las dos aproximaciones han contribuido sustancialmente a elevar el rigor investigador en historia de la contabilidad, así como a fortalecer el programa de investigación en esta disciplina

    Gramática y Literatura un Matrimonio Inconveniente

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    La lectura es la forma más amena de llegar al conocimiento. Sin moverse de una silla, el lector viaja por diversos rincones del mundo y por diferentes épocas de la historia. Va no sólo hasta las más escondidas y profundas raíces en el devenir de los seres humanos, sino que se adelanta siglos al presente. Sabe de pasiones y de virtudes que marcaron el auge y la caída de los imperios, y se mueve empujado por las alas de la imaginación sin que lo limite una sola frontera. Leer es como un baño de luz para el alma. Nada hay comparable a la sensación de plenitud que produce la lectura, y quien la disfruta se siente dueño de su destino y de la vida y milagros de los ciudadanos del mundo. Pero en el medio colombiano, que es el que nos toca de cerca, se lee muy poco. Los factores son múltiples, unos más importantes que otros. Se lee poco porque la gran mayoría de la gente no dispone del dinero necesario para comprar un libro, que generalmente tiene un precio demasiado alto. Lo que en otros países del mundo es un asunto de primera necesidad, aquí se considera - y se grava - como un artículo suntuario. Los libros importados son muy caros, y los que se escriben, procesan y editan en el país deben soportar toda suerte de impuestos y gravámenes, de infraestructuras y demás palabras que les caen encima para que se conviertan, de cara a la mayoría de las personas, en elementos inalcanzables

    Efficacy and safety of high doses of irinotecan in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer treated with the FOLFIRI regimen based on the UGT1A1 genotype: A systematic review

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    Efficacy; Metastatic colorectal cancerEficacia; Cáncer colorrectal metastásicoEficàcia; Càncer colorectal metastàticObjetivo: El objetivo de la presente revisión sistemática es analizar los datos publicados sobre la eficacia y seguridad de las dosis superiores a los 180 mg/m2 de irinotecán recomendadas en la ficha técnica en pacientes con cáncer colorrectal metastásico tratados con el esquema FOLFIRI y con genotipo UGT1A1*1/*1 y *1/*28. Método: Se realizó una revisión sistemática mediante una búsqueda bibliográfica en Medline y Embase de los artículos publicados hasta diciembre de 2021. Los métodos utilizados se basaron en los recomendados según Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and MetaAnalyses (PRISMA). Los criterios para la inclusión de los estudios se definieron previamente en base a los dos objetivos secundarios que aborda esta revisión: 1) Analizar la magnitud de la diferencia de la respuesta clínica y 2) estudiar la magnitud de la diferencia de los efectos adversos a irinotecán a dosis altas, en comparación con las dosis descritas en la ficha técnica para el esquema FOLFIRI en pacientes con cáncer colorrectal metastásico con el genotipo UGT1A1*1/*1 o *1/*28. Resultados: La estrategia de búsqueda reportó un total de 98 referencias, de las que 13 fueron seleccionadas para el análisis, 7 (53,8%) evaluando tanto eficacia como seguridad y 6 (46,2%) únicamente seguridad. En relación con los estudios que evaluaron eficacia y seguridad, 6 (85,7%) se mostraron favorables al aumento de dosis en términos de tasa de respuesta objetiva y supervivencia libre de progresión e, incluso, en 2 de ellos en supervivencia global. Los estudios que evaluaron seguridad apuntan a que dosis de irinotecán superiores a 180 mg/m2 son toleradas por la mayor parte de los pacientes UGT1A1*1/*1 y *1/*28. Conclusiones: La presente revisión sistemática muestra la conveniencia de valorar el ajuste de dosis de irinotecán dentro del esquema FOLFIRI en función de los polimorfismos del gen UGT1A1, con un potencial aumento de las probabilidades de una adecuada respuesta clínica.Objective: The purpose of this systematic review is to analyze the published data on the efficacy and safety of doses higher than 180 mg/m2 of irinotecan recommended in the drug’s summary of product characteristics in metastatic colorectal cancer patients with genotypes UGT1A1*1/*1 or *1/*28 who are treated with the FOLFIRI regimen. Method: A systematic review of the literature was carried out in Medline and Embase searching for articles published up to December 2021. The methods used were based on the recommendations of the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) statement. The criteria for the inclusion of studies were previously defined based on the two secondary goals addressed in this review: 1) To analyze the magnitude of the differences in clinical responses and 2) To study the magnitude of the differences in adverse effects of irinotecan at high doses, as compared to the doses described in the summary of product characteristics corresponding to the FOLFIRI regimen in patients with metastatic colorectal cancer with genotypes UGT1A1*1/* 1 or *1/*28. Results: The search yielded a total of 985 references, of which 13 were selected for analysis. Seven evaluated both efficacy and safety and six only safety. With regard to the studies that evaluated both efficacy and safety, six out of seven (85.7%) were in favor of increasing irinotecan dose according to the objective response rate and progression-free survival. Two of them even recommended dose increases based on overall survival. Irinotecan safety studies suggest that doses higher than 180 mg/m2 are tolerated by most UGT1A1*1/*1 and *1/*28 patients. Conclusions: The present systematic review shows the advisability of considering adjusting the dose of irinotecan when used as part of the FOLFIRI regimen based on the polymorphisms of the UGT1A1 gene as this may increase the likelihood of an adequate clinical response

    Competence assessment of final year projects for undergraduate telecommunication students

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    The value of project-based learning has lead to the inclusion of project development activities in engineering courses, being the Final Year Project (FYP) the most remarkable one. Several approaches have been proposed for assessing and grading FYPs but, among them, rubrics are becoming a standard for such type of assessment. However, due to the different characteristics and orientations of the projects (some are more practically oriented, some more theoretically), and the high amount of different competences to be evaluated (knowledge, working capability, communication skills, etc.), the definition of one unique rubric suitable for the evaluation of all FYPs presented in different degree programs, is a big challenge. In a former work, the educational outcomes expected from the FYP were defined and resulted in a proposal for their assessment. Afterwards, the proposal has been tested during one year within an educational innovation-project at the Universidad Politécnica de Madrid which involved the follow-up of 8 undergraduate telecommunication students elaborating their FYPs. In this publication, our experience will be described, based on the emerging work taking place through the formalisation of the process which consisted in the following steps: i) establishment of a schedule for the whole process (publication of FYPs topics, selection of applying students and their enrolment, assignation of a jury to each FYP, elaboration and follow-up of FYPs, final report submission, oral presentation, etc.); ii) design of rubrics for each of three assessment parts: working process, final report and oral presentation; and iii) follow-up and evaluation of the involved FYPs. Finally, problems that appeared during this experience (e.g. administrative aspects, criticisms and suggestions from the students, tutors and juries involved) are discussed and some modifications in the assessment system will be proposed in order to solve or minimize these problems