396 research outputs found

    Interpersonal Violence and Psychotic-Like Experiences: The Mediation of Ideas of Reference, Childhood Memories, and Dissociation

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    Previous studies have demonstrated the relationship between the accumulation of situations involving interpersonal violence (IV) and psychotic-like experiences. This study explored whether IV is related to aberrant salience (AS), using a sequential mediation model that included memories of relationship with parents (submission, devaluation, and threat; Early Life Experiences Scale (ELES)), ideas of reference (IR), and dissociative symptoms (absorption and depersonalization), and whether the patient/nonpatient condition moderated this effect. The sample was made of 401 participants (including 43 patients with psychotic disorders) aged 18 to 71 years (Mage = 30.43;SD= 11.19). Analysis of a serial multiple mediator model revealed that IR, ELES, absorption, and depersonalization fully mediated the effect of IV on AS, explaining 39% of the variance, regardless of the patient/nonpatient condition. The indirect paths, which place IR and dissociation (especially absorption, the variable to which the IR and ELES lead) in a primordial position for being related to AS, are discussed. This continuum model could be useful for understanding processes related to the onset of psychosis unmoderated by the patient/nonpatient condition

    Geologic mapping of the Comet 67P/Churyumov-Gerasimenko's Northern hemisphere

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    The Optical, Spectroscopic, and Infrared Remote Imaging System (OSIRIS), the scientific imaging system onboard the Rosetta mission, has been acquiring images of the nucleus of the comet 67P/Churyumov¿Gerasimenko since 2014 August with a resolution which allows a detailed analysis of its surface. Indeed, data reveal a complex surface morphology which is likely the expression of different processes which occurred at different times on the cometary nucleus. In order to characterize these different morphologies and better understand their distribution, we performed a geologic mapping of comet¿s 67P Northern hemisphere in which features have been distinguished based on their morphological, textural and stratigraphic characteristics. For this purpose, we used narrow-angle camera images acquired in 2014 August and September with a spatial scale ranging from 1.2 to 2.4 m pixel¿1. Several different geologic units have been identified on the basis of their different surface textures, granulometry and morphology. Some of these units are distinctive and localized, whereas others are more common and distributed all over the Northern hemisphere. Moreover, different types of linear features have been distinguished on the basis of their morphology. Some of these lineaments have never been observed before on a comet and can offer important clues on the internal structures of the nucleus itself. The geologic mapping results presented here will allow us to better understand the processes which affected the nucleus¿ surface and thus the origin and evolutionary history of comet 67P/Churyumov¿Gerasimenko. © 2016 The Authors.The support of the national funding agencies of Germany (DLR), France(CNES), Italy(ASI), Spain(MEC), Sweden(SNSB) and the ESA Technical Directorate is gratefully acknowledged.Peer Reviewe

    Pathogenicity island cag, vacA and IS605 genotypes in Mexican strains of Helicobacter pylori associated with peptic ulcers

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p><it>Helicobacter pylori </it>is associated with chronic gastritis, peptic ulcers, and gastric cancer. Two major virulence factors of <it>H. pylori </it>have been described: the pathogenicity island <it>cag </it>(<it>cag </it>PAI) and the vacuolating cytotoxin gene (<it>vacA</it>). Virtually all strains have a copy of <it>vacA</it>, but its genotype varies. The <it>cag </it>PAI is a region of 32 genes in which the insertion of IS<it>605 </it>elements in its middle region has been associated with partial or total deletions of it that have generated strains with varying virulence. Accordingly, the aim of this work was to determine the <it>cag </it>PAI integrity<it>, vacA </it>genotype and IS<it>605 </it>status in groups of isolates from Mexican patients with non-peptic ulcers (NPU), non-bleeding peptic ulcers (NBPU), and bleeding peptic ulcers (BPU).</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>The <it>cag </it>PAI integrity was performed by detection of eleven targeted genes along this locus using dot blot hybridization and PCR assays. The <it>vacA </it>allelic, <it>cag </it>PAI genotype 1 and IS<it>605 </it>status were determined by PCR analysis.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Groups of 16-17 isolates (n = 50) from two patients with NPU, NBPU, and BPU, respectively, were studied. 90% (45/50) of the isolates harbored a complete <it>cag </it>PAI. Three BPU isolates lacked the <it>cag </it>PAI, and two of the NBPU had an incomplete <it>cag </it>PAI: the first isolate was negative for three of its genes, including deletion of the <it>cagA </it>gene, whereas the second did not have the <it>cagM </it>gene. Most of the strains (76%) had the <it>vacA </it>s1b/m1 genotype; meanwhile the IS<it>605 </it>was not present within the <it>cag </it>PAI of any strain but was detected elsewhere in the genome of 8% (4/50).</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The patients had highly virulent strains since the most of them possessed a complete <it>cag </it>PAI and had a <it>vacA </it>s1b/m1 genotype. All the isolates presented the <it>cag </it>PAI without any IS<it>605 </it>insertion (genotype 1). Combined <it>vacA </it>genotypes showed that 1 NPU, 2 NBPU, and 1 BPU patients (66.6%) had a mixed infection; coexistence of <it>H. pylori </it>strains with different <it>cag </it>PAI status was observed in 1 NBPU and 2 BPU (50%) of the patients, but only two of these patients (NBPU and BPU) had different <it>vacA </it>genotypes.</p

    Changes in population age-structure obscure the temperature-size rule in marine cyanobacteria

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    The temperature-size Rule (TSR) states that there is a negative relationship between ambient temperature and body size. This rule has been independently evaluated for different phases of the life cycle in multicellular eukaryotes, but mostly for the average population in unicellular organisms. We acclimated two model marine cyanobacterial strains (Prochlorococcus marinus MIT9301 and Synechococcus sp. RS9907) to a gradient of temperatures and measured the changes in population age-structure and cell size along their division cycle. Both strains displayed temperature-dependent diel changes in cell size, and as a result, the relationship between temperature and average cell size varied along the day. We computed the mean cell size of new-born cells in order to test the prediction of the TSR on a single-growth stage. Our work reconciles previous inconsistent results when testing the TSR on unicellular organisms, and shows that when a single-growth stage is considered the predicted negative response to temperature is revealed.Versión del edito

    Detection of antibodies to denatured human leucocyte antigen molecules by single antigen Luminex

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    The anti-HLA antibody detection has been improved in sensitivity and specificity with solid-phase antigen bead (SAB) assays based on Luminex. However, false positive results due to denatured HLA (dHLA) may arise after single antigen test. The aim of this study was to compare the performance of the two Luminex technology-based anti-HLA detection kits available in the market in showing undesired anti-HLA antibody results. A prospective cohort was assessed for anti-HLA antibodies with single antigen A manufacturer (AM) kit and a comparison cohort with single antigen B manufacturer (BM) kit. A total of 11 out of 90 patients in a prospective cohort presented monospecific HLA-I antibodies with AM, and 5 out of 11 confirmed monospecific reaction with BM. Despite the confirmation of monospecific reaction with both manufacturers, 80% were assigned as dHLA reaction by specific crossmatch. Further comparative cohorts detected four out of six monospecific reactions with BM that were confirmed as possible dHLA reactions. A positive SAB test should rule out a reaction against a dHLA molecule, thus avoidance of prolonged waitlist periods or misattribution of anti-HLA reactions after transplantation


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    Since 2001, ichthyoplankton and hydrographic surveys directed to tuna species have been conducted in the Balearic Islands, a main tuna spawning ground in the Mediterranean. These campaigns provide today key information about the interannual changes on larval abundances for Bluefin tuna and albacore, also allowing the investigation of the early-life ecology of various species. The Balearic Islands have been identified as a prominent oceanographic retention area within the western Mediterranean as well as the main spawning area for tuna species. Hence, the regular ichthyoplankton surveys become an opportunity to increase the knowledge of those species whose pelagic early-life stages are encountered during the summer in this area. This is the case of swordfish (Xiphias gladius). Here we analyse the possibility of applying those surveys to investigate the early life ecology of the Mediterranean swordfish, exploring the interannual changes on larval abundances and the hydrographic preferences of larval habitatsEn prens

    Integrative analysis of DNA copy number, DNA methylation and gene expression in multiple myeloma reveals alterations related to relapse

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    Multiple myeloma (MM) remains incurable despite the introduction of novel agents, and a relapsing course is observed in most patients. Although the development of genomic technologies has greatly improved our understanding of MM pathogenesis, the mechanisms underlying relapse have been less thoroughly investigated. In this study, an integrative analysis of DNA copy number, DNA methylation and gene expression was conducted in matched diagnosis and relapse samples from MM patients. Overall, the acquisition of abnormalities at relapse was much more frequent than the loss of lesions present at diagnosis, and DNA losses were significantly more frequent in relapse than in diagnosis samples. Interestingly, copy number abnormalities involving more than 100 Mb of DNA at relapse significantly affect the gene expression of these samples, provoking a particular deregulation of the IL-8 pathway. On the other hand, no significant modifications of gene expression were observed in those samples with less than 100 Mb affected by chromosomal changes. Although several statistical approaches were used to identify genes whose abnormal expression at relapse was regulated by methylation, only two genes that were significantly deregulated in relapse samples (SORL1 and GLT1D1) showed a negative correlation between methylation and expression. Further analysis revealed that DNA methylation was involved in regulating SORL1 expression in MM. Finally, relevant changes in gene expression observed in relapse samples, such us downregulation of CD27 and P2RY8, were most likely not preceded by alterations in the corresponding DNA. Taken together, these results suggest that the genomic heterogeneity described at diagnosis remains at relapse.This work was partially supported by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III-Cofinanciación con fondos FEDER (PI080568, PS0901897 and PI13/00111), the Gerencia Regional de Salud, Junta de Castilla y León (GRS202/A08 and GRS 702/A/11), the Spanish Myeloma Network Program (RD06/0020/0006) and the Asociación Española Contra el Cáncer (AECC, GCB120981SAN).Peer Reviewe

    Evolución del suelo y vegetación en zonas restauradas de las Marismas de Doñana, en presencia y ausencia de ganadería

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    We have studied the effect of restoration practices on soil and plant cover in banks of wetland areas surrounding the Doñana National Park, which had formerly been partially drained for agricultural purposes (for further details, see another related communication in these same proceedings). We used 6 100m2 fenced and 6 100m2 unfenced plots to evaluate the effect of cattle on the regeneration process, since previous studies (Garcia et al. 2003) suggested that a high cattle pressure might be responsible for the observed low regeneration rates of plant communities in the restored areas. We measured 13 soil variables, bare soil, plant cover (woody species), and aerial biomass (for herbaceous species) along the two years following the restoration.Se evalúan los efectos de las obras de restauración en los suelos y en la cubierta vegetal en las áreas más elevadas de la Marisma Gallega (parcialmente drenada hace 30 años), a partir de datos obtenidos dentro y fuera de cercados dispuestos en zonas afectadas y no afectadas por las obras de restauración, así como determinar la evolución de algunos parámetros del suelo y de la cubierta vegetal transcurridos uno y dos años desde la finalización de las últimas obras de restauración efectuadas en la zona, en el marco del Plan Doñana 2005


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    Abstract THE VARIETIES CC 85-92 and CC 84-75 are grown on more than 80% of the area planted with cane in the Colombian sugar industry; these varieties were initially resistant to brown rust disease. Brown rust has been present in Colombia since 1979. Genetic variability in Puccinia melanocephala is thought to have affected resistance in some varieties through the appearance of what are thought to be new races of the pathogen. This situation has been observed in some resistant varieties (e.g. CC [85][86][87][88][89][90][91][92], where recently the disease has occurred at low severity. Therefore, an evaluation was made of the severity and possible variability of brown rust in the varieties selected by CENICAÑA in the Cauca River Valley. Samples were taken from plants from 1-14 months of age in the varieties CC 84-75, CC 85-92, CC 93-3895, CC 92-2804 and MZC 74-275 on 91 estates (10 sugar mills). On each plantation 20 stalks were selected at random, and the third leaf from the top visible dewlap leaf was taken from each stalk. Both disease reaction and severity were evaluated. Morphological and microscopic analyses of the structures found in the rust pustules were undertaken in leaf samples taken from each variety. Simultaneously, pathogen samples were collected and molecular techniques used (focusing on initiators of the ribosomal DNA (rDNA)) to detect possible genetic variation of P. melanocephala. The results showed that the disease reaction type in the varieties evaluated was 5 or less, with severities ranging from 0-12% leaf area affected. Variety MZC 74-275 showed susceptibility, with a reaction of 6 and a severity of 20% on the estates where it was evaluated. No differences were found among the morphological structures in the samples evaluated, all of which corresponded to P. melanocephala. The results obtained from the amplification of the ITS1 and ITS2 regions of the rDNA and from the PCR-RFLP did not show differences among the samples evaluated. These results could indicate that the variation of the pathogen is not reflected in its rDNA or that the molecular technique used was not sufficiently sensitive to detect small variations in the genome. Initial results about the presence or absence of gene Bru1 and susceptibility to brown rust are discussed

    Transcriptome analysis reveals molecular profiles associated with evolving steps of monoclonal gammopathies

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    This is an open-access paper.-- et al.A multistep model has been proposed of disease progression starting in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance continuing through multiple myeloma, sometimes with an intermediate entity called smoldering myeloma, and ending in extramedullary disease. To gain further insights into the role of the transcriptome deregulation in the transition from a normal plasma cell to a clonal plasma cell, and from an indolent clonal plasma cell to a malignant plasma cell, we performed gene expression profiling in 20 patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, 33 with high-risk smoldering myeloma and 41 with multiple myeloma. The analysis showed that 126 genes were differentially expressed in monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, smoldering myeloma and multiple myeloma as compared to normal plasma cell. Interestingly, 17 and 9 out of the 126 significant differentially expressed genes were small nucleolar RNA molecules and zinc finger proteins. Several proapoptotic genes (AKT1 and AKT2) were down-regulated and antiapoptotic genes (APAF1 and BCL2L1) were up-regulated in multiple myeloma, both symptomatic and asymptomatic, compared to monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance. When we looked for those genes progressively modulated through the evolving stages of monoclonal gammopathies, eight snoRNA showed a progressive increase while APAF1, VCAN and MEGF9 exhibited a progressive downregulation. In conclusion, our data show that although monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance, smoldering myeloma and multiple myeloma are not clearly distinguishable groups according to their gene expression profiling, several signaling pathways and genes were significantly deregulated at different steps of the transformation process.This study was partially supported by Spanish FIS (PI080568, PS09/01450 and PS0901897), “Gerencia Regional de Salud, Junta de Castilla y León” (GRS 702/A/11) grant, and the Spanish Myeloma Network Program (RD06/0020/0006, RD12/0036/0058 and RD12/0036/0046).Peer Reviewe