517 research outputs found

    How to reach compromises in life satisfaction: a conflicting and multidimensional task

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    Recent concerns around the importance of job and life satisfaction on firms’ productivity have been brought to the policy debate in the European Union. Irrespective of the numerous scientific publications that have been studying the main determinants of workers’ life satisfaction, a gap remains on how to grasp compromises between these. The importance of finding such compromises can be particularly relevant, in face of the multiple factors, seldom intertwined and at the same time conflicting, which have a well-known influence on workers’ well-being. Therefore, policymakers should be supported with sound methodological tools to help them shape policies that will further promote workers’ life satisfaction. With this reasoning in mind, we have developed a multiobjective interval programming model through the use of econometric techniques, where four different workers’ life satisfaction determinants (i.e. satisfaction with education, present work, family life and social life) are viewed as objective functions. Furthermore, we have made a separate assessment of the factors that have an influence on life satisfaction for both genders, because of the discrepancies that might arise with this regard. Overall, we were able to conclude that female workers usually have to devote more time to their work than men to get the highest levels of satisfaction regardless of the features under evaluation. Additionally, having one child is sufficient to obtain the highest levels of well-being both for female and male workers. One of the possible implications of these findings is that the existing work-family priorities are clearly not in line with the current falling birth rates all over Europe. Thus, new supportive workplace policies should be in place that could change people’s priorities regarding their work and family life.Universidad de Málaga. Campus de Excelencia Internacional Andalucía Tech Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad under research project ECO2017-88883-R PAI group SEJ-532 Fundação para a Ciência e aTecnologia (FCT) under project grant UID/MULTI/00308/201

    Impact of Confinement on Coping Strategies and Psychosocial Factors among University Students

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    The pandemic has had psychological effects on the university population. Factors such as emotional intelligence, coping strategies and levels of anxiety, depression and stress have been affected by the situation generated by COVID-19. This study aims to analyze how EI, coping strategies and levels of anxiety, depression and stress have been affected by the situation generated by the pandemic in a population of 567 students from the University of Jaén (Spain). For this purpose, we administered three instruments: theWong and Law emotional intelligence scale (WLEIS), the Spanish version of the coping strategies inventory (CSI) and the depression anxiety stress scales (DASS-21). At the same time, we asked students to describe their personal circumstances during confinement and their tendency to follow the measures and recommendations promoted by the Ministry of Health. The results obtained showed a positive relationship between EI and coping strategies and a negative relationship with levels of depression, anxiety and stress. A positive relationship was also found between coping and levels of anxiety, depression and stress. It was also found that the circumstances in which students experienced the period of confinement also modulated their levels of EI, coping strategies and their levels of depression, anxiety and stress.Research Plan of the University of Granada PPJIA2021-2


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    El espacio público se ha convertido, recientemente, en el protagonista de las transformaciones urbanas. Gracias a nuevos planteamientos y propuestas urbanísticas, se ha recuperado y revalorizado las funciones que los espacios públicos cumplen dentro de los entramados urbanos. Una de estas funciones está vinculada directamente con la construcción de condiciones de seguridad para los ciudadanos. Este enfoque ha sido retomado desde el modelo y las políticas de seguridad ciudadana, y se gradualmente se ha ido incorporando a las políticas públicas. En México, como en otros países que han pasado graves crisis de inseguridad, se han planteado estos enfoques. Este trabajo retoma el caso del municipio de Toluca, para el que se revisan los documentos que desde los tres niveles inciden en espacios públicos de este municipio, a fin de explorar la incidencia y la congruencia entre instrumentos de planeación, en tanto este tipo de iniciativas parte de la necesidad de integración y vinculación de dichos instrumentos. Este análisis permite concluir que, aunque se han incorporado nuevas perspectivas de seguridad y urbanísticas, la falta de coodinación entre políticas, en la realidad, no permite identificar el verdadero impacto de los cambios. Los efectos no pueden ser medidos a partir de parámetros tradicionales que se han planteado. Es necesario incorporar nuevos mecanismos y herramientas para visibilizar el efecto del espacio público recuperado o mejorado y que las políticas públicas realmente se diseñen con una perspectiva de integralidad

    Políticas urbanas en espacios públicos con enfoque de seguridad ciudadana: el caso del Municipio de Toluca, México

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    El presente artículo describe el abordaje teórico de la investigación sobre la política pública de prevención social del delito en México, a partir de la confluencia disciplinaria del análisis urbanístico, la seguridad ciudadana y la evaluación de políticas públicas, aplicadas al espacio público intervenido. De forma específica, en el municipio de Toluca, Estado de México. Se parte de la relación entre la disciplina del urbanismo, la importancia de los espacios públicos; el enfoque de la seguridad ciudadana, concepto relativamente nuevo que alude a una forma de interpretar la seguridad en términos del ejercicio de derechos y libertades, con una perspectiva amplia de la acción del Estado, con la prevención como prioridad; así como el reconocimiento de la importancia de la influencia política del Estado, a través de las políticas públicas tanto urbanas como de seguridad. Con ello, se describe la propuesta metodológica para abordar la investigación, así como los resultados y aportaciones que se espera obtener.This article describes the theoretical approach of research on public policy social crime prevention in Mexico, from the disciplinary confluence of urban analysis, public safety and public policy evaluation, applied to interventions on public space. Specifically, in the city of Toluca, Mexico. It is part of the relationship between the discipline of planning, the importance of public spaces; the focus of public safety, relatively new concept that refers to a way of interpreting security in terms of exercise of rights and freedoms, with a broad view of the action of the State, with prevention as a priority; as well as recognition of relevance of State political influence, through both urban and security policies. From this, it describes the methodological approach of research, and expected results and contributions

    Imagen social del bibliotecario : Indagación de la imagen social del bibliotecario que construye el usuario de bibliotecas

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    This work is based on the investigation of the image that is currently having the / the library / as by library users. Inquire about this in a society where the book is not the mainstay of the information, and new technologies (internet, virtual databases, digital archives, etc.) come increasingly different views is necessary for informational revalue the importance of human contact. In the theoretical literature outlines a path in various authors on the capabilities and roles of the traditional figure of the drive current and librarian. We find that the emphasis is on what should be, and the negative image that is mentioned librarian. In the methodological part is chosen to survey library users "Jean Jeaurés" Luján and Leandro N. Alem of General Rodriguez. We decided to compare two pieces of information to view in contrasting claims users see differences and similarities in the perception of / librarians. Also, we analyze the total vision users scored both libraries

    Altitudinal effects on life history parameters in populations of Liolaemus pictus argentinus (Sauria: Liolaemidae)

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    We used skeletochronology to assess the age structure, body size and sexual maturity in two populations of Liolaemus pictus argentinus from San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. The species occupies a wide Altitudinal range within the Patagonian Lake District which enabled us to choose populations from two climatic extremes: 771 m a.s.l. and 1615-1769 m a.s.l. Age of sexual maturity in both populations of L. p. argentinus is achieved with a minimum body size of 49 mm. However, at the high-altitude site, lizards matured between the ages of three to six years and had a lifespan of eight years limiting some individual?s reproductive life to only two years. Lizards from the low-altitude site achieved maturity at the age of four and lived until the age of nine years old. Despite the environmental variations between sites populations? growth curves? patterns were similar represented by a rapid initial growth rate of 10.3 mm/year in youngest juvenile which slowed considerably to 4.9 mm/year after attaining sexual maturity, as energy is reallocated towards reproduction, to finally grow at a rate of 0.1 mm/year in the oldest adults. Present results show intraspecific differences in L. pictus, whether it results from adaptive polymorphism or physiological plasticity remains uncertain.Fil: Gutiérrez, Joel Antú. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche. Departamento de Zoologia. Laboratorio de Parasitologia; Argentina;Fil: Piantoni, Carla. Universidad de Sao Paulo. Instituto de Biociencias. Departamento de Fisiología; Brasil;Fil: Ibargüengoytía, Nora. Universidad Nacional del Comahue. Centro Regional Universitario Bariloche. Departamento de Zoologia. Laboratorio de Parasitologia; Argentina; Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Patagonia Norte. Instituto de Investigación en Biodiversidad y Medioambiente; Argentina

    Los programas deportivos de la radio española en las redes sociales: estudio comparado del periodo 2010-2015

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    Social networks have increasingly become a showcase where the media can be promoted. Like many other media, radio stations have made use of social networks to promote themselves in a better way and, sometimes, to keep more feedback with their listeners. But not all programs make the same use and not all of them have managed to reach in the same way his followers. This article discusses the consolidation in the social networks of the major radio sports programs in Spain. Through a comparative analysis between 2010 and 2015, throughout the text, the authors have tried to observe the evolution of the programs and, at the same time, to establish comparisons between the followers that these programs have on social networks and the number of listeners as EGM.Las redes sociales se han ido convirtiendo en un escaparate a través del que los medios de comunicación pueden promocionarse. Al igual que otros muchos medios, las emisoras radiofónicas han hecho un uso de las redes sociales para autopromocionarse mejor y, en ocasiones, mantener una mayor retroalimentación con sus radioyentes. Pero no todos los programas hacen el mismo uso y no . En este artículo, se analiza la consolidación en las redes sociales de los principales programas deportivos radiofónicos en España. Mediante un análisis comparado entre los años 2010 y 2015, a lo largo del texto se trata de observar la evolución de los mencionados programas, a la par que establecer comparativas entre los seguidores que dichos programas tienen en las redes sociales y su número de oyentes según el Estudio General de Medios

    Marisol Casado: The career of a sports and olympic administrator

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    Marisol Casado Estupiñán es en la actualidad una figura referente a nivel internacional en el ámbito de la gestión deportiva, dada su condición de miembro del Comité Olímpico Internacional y Presidenta de la Federación Internacional de Triatlón (International Triathlon Union) Su trayectoria se construye a partir de varias circunstancias que han marcado su devenir: Su afición al deporte y la práctica del mismo desde su niñez; su interés por las relaciones internacionales; el descubrimiento de un deporte como el triatlón, que ha pasado a ser olímpico y sigue creciendo en adeptos, y su pasión por la gestión deportiva de la que ha hecho su profesión. Su condición de mujer la hace pionera en muchos aspectos, ya que el entorno en el que desarrolla su actividad profesional sigue siendo un espacio ocupado principalmente por hombres. Hombres con los que ha sabido trabajar y de los que ha conseguido apoyos que explícitamente reconoce y agradece, tal como expresaba al relatar su historia de vidaMarisol Casado Estupiñán is currently an outstanding international figure in the field of sport management, being a member of the International Olympic Committee and President of the International Triathlon Union. Her career has developed from a series of circumstances that have guided the whole process: her interest in sport and her practising it since she was a child; her interest in international relations; her discovery of triathlon, a sport that has become Olympic and is ever getting more supporters, and her passion for sport management which has become her profession. Being a woman makes her a pioneer in many respects, since she carries out her professional activity in an environment which is largely male dominated. She has managed to make her way among men and to gain their support, which she openly admits and appreciates, when telling her life stor

    Olympic Studies Centres as part of the structure of the Spanish Olympic Academy: An initiative and alternative for renewal and updating the olympism by Spanish Universities

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    La idea de llevar a cabo esta investigación nació con motivo de la participación en la convocatoria de becas de la Academia Olímpica Internacional (AOI) para el 22º Seminario Internacional en Estudios Olímpicos para estudiantes de Posgrado. Tras la selección de los 35 beneficiarios, el seminario fue celebrado en septiembre de 2015, albergado en la sede de la IOA, en Olimpia, Grecia. Este trabajo será publicado por la IOA en inglés, uno de sus tres idiomas oficiales. La finalidad de este artículo es la difusión del proyecto mencionado entre la comunidad hispanohablante. En ese estudio se abordó la creación, funcionamiento y evolución de los Centros de Estudios Olímpicos, instituciones dependientes de la Academia Olímpica Española integradas en Universidades de todo el territorio español. Su creación tiene como principales objetivos divulgar y expandir el Movimiento Olímpico bajo la rigurosidad del marco de la Educación Superior, marco en el que nació el Olimpismo Moderno. Las actividades desarrolladas por estas instituciones junto con un aumento significativo del número de Centros creados han contribuido y contribuyen a la difusión de la Educación y Valores del Movimiento Olímpico, sirviendo como ejemplo para su implantación en otros estadosThe premise for this research was born on account of the call for applications to participate in the 22nd International Seminar on Olympic Studies for Postgraduate Students, organised by the International Olympic Academy (IOA). Following selection of the 35 beneficiaries, the Seminar was held in September 2015 and hosted at the IOA headquarters, located in Olympia, Greece. This paper will be published by the IOA in English, one of its three official languages. The purpose of this paper is to disseminate the aforementioned study among the Spanish-speaking community. In this study, the creation, operation and evolution of the Olympic Studies Centres are explored, as dependent institutions of the Spanish Olympic Academy, integrated into universities across the Spanish territory. The main objective of these Centres is to disseminate and expand the Olympic Movement, under the rigorous structure of the Higher Education framework in which the Modern Olympics was born. The activities of these institutions, accompanied by a significant increase in the number of Centres, have helped establish and contribute to the spread of Education and the values of the Olympic Movement, serving as an example for implementation in other countrie

    Selection and geographic isolation influence hummingbird speciation: genetic, acoustic and morphological divergence in the wedge-tailed sabrewing (Campylopterus curvipennis)

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Mesoamerica is one of the most threatened biodiversity hotspots in the world, yet we are far from understanding the geologic history and the processes driving population divergence and speciation for most endemic taxa. In species with highly differentiated populations selective and/or neutral factors can induce rapid changes to traits involved in mate choice, promoting reproductive isolation between allopatric populations that can eventually lead to speciation. We present the results of genetic differentiation, and explore drift and selection effects in promoting acoustic and morphological divergence among populations of <it>Campylopterus curvipennis</it>, a lekking hummingbird with an extraordinary vocal variability across Mesoamerica.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Analyses of two mitochondrial genes and ten microsatellite loci genotyped for 160 individuals revealed the presence of three lineages with no contemporary gene flow: <it>C. c. curvipennis, C. c. excellens</it>, and <it>C. c. pampa </it>disjunctly distributed in the Sierra Madre Oriental, the Tuxtlas region and the Yucatan Peninsula, respectively. Sequence mtDNA and microsatellite data were congruent with two diversification events: an old vicariance event at the Isthmus of Tehuantepec (<it>c</it>. 1.4 Ma), and a more recent Pleistocene split, isolating populations in the Tuxtlas region. Hummingbirds of the <it>excellens </it>group were larger, and those of the <it>pampa </it>group had shorter bills, and lineages that have been isolated the longest shared fewer syllables and differed in spectral and temporal traits of a shared syllable. Coalescent simulations showed that fixation of song types has occurred faster than expected under neutrality but the null hypothesis that morphological divergence resulted from drift was not rejected.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>Our phylogeographic analyses uncovered the presence of three Mesoamerican wedge-tailed sabrewing lineages, which diverged at different time scales. These results highlight the importance of the Isthmus of Tehuantepec and more recent Pleistocene climatic events in driving isolation and population divergence. Coalescent analyses of the evolution of phenotypic traits suggest that selection is driving song evolution in wedge-tailed sabrewings but drift could not be rejected as a possibility for morphological divergence.</p