6 research outputs found

    Separation of the Longitudinal and Transverse Cross Sections in the p(e, eâ€ČK+)Λ and p(e, eâ€ČK+)ÎŁ0 Reactions

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    We report measurements of cross sections for the reaction p(e,eâ€ČK+)Y, for both the Λ and ÎŁ0 hyperon states, at an invariant mass of W =1.84 GeV and four-momentum transfers 0.5 < Q2 < 2 (GeV/c)2. Data were taken for three values of virtual photon polarization Δ, allowing the decom- position of the cross sections into longitudinal and transverse components. The Λ data is a revised analysis of prior work, whereas the ÎŁ0 results have not been previously reported

    An activity in the landscape of psychological and political devastation : A critical discourse analysis of bibliotherapy in daily and monthly press

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    The concept of bibliotherapy is subject to different views of its meaning and potential place in the library. Through a critical discourse analytical approach, this thesis examines bibliotherapy in relation to a Swedish library context by analyzing Swedish articles from daily and monthly press, and relating the discourses identified in them to Zygmunt Bauman’s theory of late modernity. Using bibliotherapy and library as key concepts to analyze, seven different discourses are identified, the first four related to the concept of bibliotherapy and the three latter related to the norms, beliefs, and values of libraries: a curative discourse, a universal discourse, a discourse based on reading as a way of looking inward, one based on reading as a way of recognition, traditional library discourse, bibliotherapeutic library discourse, and crisis discourse. These discourses are related to each other as well as to the social structures of late modern society, and the role of bibliotherapy as a whole is examined in this context. Bibliotherapy emerges as a tendency in late modern society, interacting with aspects of it consisting of undermining of the welfare society, the construction of identity, and seeking of community and safety

    InclusiĂłn o cooptaciĂłn de comunidades indĂ­genas en la polĂ­tica local. Reflexiones desde los Andes peruanos

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    En los Ășltimos años, los procesos participativos democrĂĄticos a nivel local han recibido mucha atenciĂłn. Este artĂ­culo explora las consecuencias de la inclusiĂłn de una comunidad indĂ­gena en la polĂ­tica local. Analizando sus efectos en tĂ©rminos de la dinĂĄmica interna de la comunidad y su interacciĂłn con el sistema polĂ­tico, el artĂ­culo sostiene que el nuevo espacio polĂ­tico fue crucial para situar a la comunidad en una posiciĂłn mĂĄs elevada en las negociaciones a travĂ©s de nuevos canales articuladores de sus intereses, desafiando asĂ­ las formas tradicionales de subordinaciĂłn. Sin embargo, las asociaciones de nivel estrictamente comunitario eran susceptibles a divisiones, lo que ayuda a explicar la persistencia de estructuras verticales de poder y la falta de sostenibilidad en el proceso.In recent years considerable scholar attention has been given to participatory democratic processes at the local level. This article examines the consequences of inclusion in the local politics on a indigenous community in the Peruvian Andes. By analyzing the effects, in terms of the internal dynamics of the community and its interaction with the political system, the article argues that the new political space was crucial to enhance the bargaining position of the community through new channels for interest articulation that challenged traditional forms of subordination. However, the strictly community-based associations were vulnerable to division which helps to explain the persistence of vertical power-structures and the lack of sustainability in the process

    InclusiĂłn o cooptaciĂłn de comunidades indĂ­genas en la polĂ­tica local. Reflexiones desde los Andes peruanos

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    In recent years considerable scholar attention has been given to participatory democratic processes at the local level. This article examines the consequences of inclusion in the local politics on a indigenous community in the Peruvian Andes. By analyzing the effects, in terms of the internal dynamics of the community and its interaction with the political system, the article argues that the new political space was crucial to enhance the bargaining position of the community through new channels for interest articulation that challenged traditional forms of subordination. However, the strictly community-based associations were vulnerable to division which helps to explain the persistence of vertical power-structures and the lack of sustainability in the process

    ”Alla barn kan leka mer eller mindre” - om inkludering och lekens betydelse i förskolan

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    I lĂ€roplanen för förskolan (2016) stĂ„r det bland annat att arbetslaget ska visa respekt för individen och medverka till att det skapas ett demokratiskt klimat i förskolan, dĂ€r samhörighet och ansvar kan utvecklas och dĂ€r barnen fĂ„r möjlighet att visa solidaritet. Ett av strĂ€vansmĂ„len i lĂ€roplanen Ă€r att ”förskolan ska strĂ€va efter att varje barn utvecklar sin nyfikenhet och sin lust samt förmĂ„ga att leka och lĂ€ra” (Lpfö 98/2016, s. 9). VĂ„r studie syftar dĂ€rför till att skapa en förstĂ„else genom att undersöka hur pedagoger upplever barn som drar sig undan den fria leken och hur de arbetar med inkludering av dessa barn. I studien anvĂ€nder vi oss Ă€ven av det sociokulturella perspektivet för att fĂ„ en djupare förstĂ„else och analys för den empiri vi samlat in. För att uppfylla syftet skapade vi tre frĂ„gestĂ€llningar som lyder: Vad anser pedagogerna att deras roll Ă€r under den fria leken? Hur uppfattar pedagogerna barn som leker ensamma? Vad gör pedagogerna för att frĂ€mja barns inkludering i lek? För att i sin tur ta reda pĂ„ svaren till frĂ„gestĂ€llningarna genomförde vi kvalitativa intervjuer med sex kvinnliga förskollĂ€rare. I dessa intervjuer fann vi fyra teman som utgör vĂ„r resultat och analysdel, dessa Ă€r Lekens betydelse för förskollĂ€rare, HĂ€rvarande och nĂ€rvarande förskollĂ€rare, Förskolemiljöns möjligheter samt En inkluderande verksamhet. Resultatet och slutsatserna utifrĂ„n vĂ„ra frĂ„gestĂ€llningar och intervjuer visar pĂ„ att förskollĂ€rarna ser pĂ„ samt arbetar mer med inkludering i förskolan Ă€n vad vi frĂ„n början trott. FörskollĂ€rarna anser sig vara hĂ€rvarande och nĂ€rvarande, de menar pĂ„ att genom att vara dĂ€r för barnen i den fria leken kommer de nĂ€rmre varandra och kan bygga relationer. UtifrĂ„n dessa relationer kan de sedan skapa en verksamhet. De poĂ€ngterar Ă€ven att genom att vara nĂ€rvarande kan de snabbare upptĂ€cka om det pĂ„gĂ„r exkludering i barngruppen och pĂ„ sĂ„ sĂ€tt fortsĂ€tta med sitt arbete för en inkluderande verksamhet