99 research outputs found

    Protein Status Of Muskoxen And Caribou In Late Winter

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    Thesis (Ph.D.) University of Alaska Fairbanks, 2010The conservation and management of northern ungulates depends upon our understanding of the influence of habitat associations on the nutritional condition of individuals and population productivity. Adverse foraging conditions in late winter may reduce the availability of body proteins for reproduction. Therefore, assessing nitrogen (N) or protein status in late winter could be a valuable tool to monitor populations of northern ungulates. I collected >1,800 excreta samples to evaluate isotopic metrics of protein status [proportion of serum amino acid N derived from body N (p-AN), proportion of urea N derived from body N (p-UN), and the difference between the isotopic ratios of N (delta15N) in body tissues and urinary urea (DeltaBody-urea)] in captive and wild populations of muskoxen (Ovibos moschatus) and caribou (Rangifer tarandus) in late winter. I evaluated the dynamics of body protein and delta15N in a captive population of female muskoxen (2007). Diets and protein status were assessed in populations of wild muskoxen in northern Alaska (2005--2008); a semi-captive (penned) population of wild, pregnant caribou (2006); and wild populations of migratory and sedentary ecotypes of caribou (2006--2008). Captive female muskoxen lost body protein (~6%) in late gestation and these losses corresponded with the protein deposited in reproductive tissues. The concentration of plasma urea, the p-AN, and p-UN tended to increase throughout winter. During late gestation, most penned pregnant caribou on an ad libitum feeding schedule lost core body mass (55%) and were in negative protein status (54%). For groups of wild muskoxen (n = 30), abundance of preferred forages improved protein status (p-UN; R2 = 0.45). At the foraging sites of wild caribou (n = 32), the amount of shrubs in a lichen-rich diet had a positive effect on protein status (DeltaBody-urea, r2 = 0.26). Foraging constraints in late winter will decrease the amount of body proteins available for reproduction. However, considerable challenges remain to applying the p-UN as a monitoring tool at broad scales for caribou, but with appropriate consideration, isotopic proxies may be used to evaluate environmental constraints for northern ungulates at small scales

    Strong Ramsey Games in Unbounded Time

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    For two graphs BB and HH the strong Ramsey game R(B,H)\mathcal{R}(B,H) on the board BB and with target HH is played as follows. Two players alternately claim edges of BB. The first player to build a copy of HH wins. If none of the players win, the game is declared a draw. A notorious open question of Beck asks whether the first player has a winning strategy in R(Kn,Kk)\mathcal{R}(K_n,K_k) in bounded time as n→∞n\rightarrow\infty. Surprisingly, in a recent paper Hefetz et al. constructed a 55-uniform hypergraph H\mathcal{H} for which they proved that the first player does not have a winning strategy in R(Kn(5),H)\mathcal{R}(K_n^{(5)},\mathcal{H}) in bounded time. They naturally ask whether the same result holds for graphs. In this paper we make further progress in decreasing the rank. In our first result, we construct a graph GG (in fact G=K6∖K4G=K_6\setminus K_4) and prove that the first player does not have a winning strategy in R(Kn⊔Kn,G)\mathcal{R}(K_n \sqcup K_n,G) in bounded time. As an application of this result we deduce our second result in which we construct a 44-uniform hypergraph G′G' and prove that the first player does not have a winning strategy in R(Kn(4),G′)\mathcal{R}(K_n^{(4)},G') in bounded time. This improves the result in the paper above. An equivalent formulation of our first result is that the game R(Kω⊔Kω,G)\mathcal{R}(K_\omega\sqcup K_\omega,G) is a draw. Another reason for interest on the board Kω⊔KωK_\omega\sqcup K_\omega is a folklore result that the disjoint union of two finite positional games both of which are first player wins is also a first player win. An amusing corollary of our first result is that at least one of the following two natural statements is false: (1) for every graph HH, R(Kω,H)\mathcal{R}(K_\omega,H) is a first player win; (2) for every graph HH if R(Kω,H)\mathcal{R}(K_\omega,H) is a first player win, then R(Kω⊔Kω,H)\mathcal{R}(K_\omega\sqcup K_\omega,H) is also a first player win.Comment: 18 pages, 46 figures; changes: fully reworked presentatio

    Evaluating Potential Effects of an Industrial Road on Winter Habitat of Caribou in North-Central Alaska

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    Worldwide, some caribou (Rangifer tarandus) populations are experiencing declines due partially to the expansion of industrial development. Caribou can exhibit behavioral avoidance of development, leading to indirect habitat loss, even if the actual footprint is small. Thus, it is important to understand before construction begins how much habitat might be affected by proposed development. In northern Alaska, an industrial road that has been proposed to facilitate mining transects a portion of the Western Arctic caribou herd’s winter range. To understand how winter habitat use might be affected by the road, we estimated resource selection patterns during winter for caribou in a study area surrounding the proposed road. We assessed the reductions of habitat value associated with three proposed routes at three distance thresholds for disturbance. High-value winter habitat tended to occur in locally rugged areas that have not burned recently and have a high density of lichen and early dates of spring snowmelt. We found that 1.5% to 8.5% (146–848 km2) of existing high-value winter habitat in our study area might be reduced in quality. The three alternative routes were only marginally different. Our results suggest that the road would have minimal direct effects on high-value winter habitat; however, additional cumulative impacts to caribou (e.g., increased access by recreationists and hunters) should be considered before the full effects of the road can be estimated.À l’échelle mondiale, certaines populations de caribous (Rangifer tarandus) connaissent des déclins partiel­lement attribuables à l’expansion industrielle. Pour des raisons de comportement, le caribou peut éviter le développement, ce qui entraîne une perte d’habitat indirecte, et ce, même si la place réellement occupée est petite. Par conséquent, il est important de comprendre, avant même que des travaux de construction ne soient amorcés, dans quelle mesure l’habitat sera touché par les travaux proposés. Dans le nord de l’Alaska, une route industrielle dont la construction a été proposée pour faciliter l’exploitation minière coupe transversalement une partie de l’aire d’hivernage du troupeau de caribous de l’ouest de l’Arctique. Afin de comprendre comment l’utilisation de l’habitat d’hivernage pourrait être touchée par la route, nous avons estimé des modèles de sélection des ressources pendant l’hiver pour le caribou se trouvant dans une aire d’étude entourant la route proposée. Nous avons évalué la diminution de la valeur de l’habitat liée à trois routes proposées à trois seuils de distance afin d’en déterminer la perturbation. Un habitat d’hivernage de grande valeur avait tendance à se manifester dans les régions locales accidentées qui n’avaient pas fait l’objet de brûlages récents, régions caractérisées par une forte densité de lichen et une fonte des neiges hâtive au printemps. Dans le cadre de notre étude, nous avons constaté que la qualité de 1,5 % à 8,5 % (146–848 km2) de l’habitat d’hivernage actuel de grande valeur pourrait être réduite. Les trois routes différaient à peine. Nos résultats suggèrent que la route aurait des effets directs minimes sur l’habitat d’hivernage de grande valeur. Cependant, il y a lieu de considérer les incidences cumulatives supplémentaires (comme l’accès accru par les amateurs de plein air et les chasseurs) afin de pouvoir estimer les effets complets de la route

    Using ultrasound measurements of rump fat to assess nutritional condition of woodland caribou in northern British Columbia, Canada

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    Body reserves (fat and protein) of cervids are important to the reproductive success of individuals, and therefore may limit productivity of populations. We used a portable ultrasound machine to measure thickness of rump fat for 39 woodland caribou (Rangifer tarandus caribou) captured in the winters (January–February) of 2003 and 2004. We compared thickness of rump fat between pregnant and non-pregnant individuals in the Besa-Prophet drainage of northern British Columbia, Canada. Thirty-eight of the 39 females captured in British Columbia were adults and 34 of the adult caribou were pregnant (89.5 ± 5.1%, x– ± binomial SE). Pregnant individuals had more rump fat (0.60 ± 0.067 cm) than nonpregnant animals (0.20 ± 0.029 cm). Recognizing that deposition and mobilization of fat vary with age and possibly across the winter season, ultrasonography can be used as a non-invasive technique in the field to assist in estimating body fat of caribou

    A Strategy for Detecting Natural Anthelmintic Constituents of the Grassland Species \u3ci\u3ePlantago lanceolata\u3c/i\u3e

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    A strategy to detect anthelmintic constituents in plantain (Plantago lanceolata) using a bioassay-driven purification approach was tested. Plantain consumed by cattle may control or reduce internal parasite titers, possibly due to the iridoid glucoside aucubin. Lyophilized, ground leaves of wild P. lanceolata were extracted with 95 % ethanol or boiling water containing calcium carbonate. Partially purified extracts (0 to 250 mg ml-1), 5 μg ml-1 of the anthelmintic levamisole, or 5 mg ml-1 of aucubin were tested with sheathed bovine parasites (Ostertagia ostertagi). The percent moving worms was unchanged for water controls and reduced to 0 % for anthelmintic levamisole. Aucubin significantly reduced the number of swimming worms at day 2, but they returned to starting values at day 3. Extracts from tall fescue and white clover foliage did not show anthelmintic effects. Treatment of extract or aucubin with ß-glucosidase did not alter their activity. Beneficial anthelmintic action of ingested plantain is not due to aucubin

    Influence of Infanticide Risk on Brown Bear Den-Site Selection

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    The risk of infanticide in brown bears (Ursus arctos) may influence den-site selection and chronology for female brown bears with dependent young. Strategies to reduce risk of infanticide include females avoiding larger, more dominant adult males through spatialor temporal segregation. We assessed whether variation in den location, den habitat, and den entrance and emergence dates of male and female bears supported sexual segregation in Lake Clark National Park and Preserve, Alaska. Den-sites (n = 56) were located using GPS telemetry data from bears in 2014 (n = 21) and 2015 (n = 35). We used mixed model analysis of variance to compare slope, elevation, and aspect of den sites for adult male and adult female bears with and without dependent young. We also used these variables to model probable denning habitat using maximum entropy modeling. We examined timing of female den entry and emergence in relation to males using generalized linear mixed models. Our preliminary results using 2014 data suggest that females with dependent may den at higher elevations (944 ± 140 m, x ? ± SD) than solitary females (866 ± 189 m) but at lower elevations (984 ± 118 m) than males. They also may use less steep slopes (25 ± 11.8°) than solitary females (29 ± 9.9°) or males (34 ± 4.9°). Additionally, females with dependent young (Julian day: 289 ± 8 days) denned 2 days later than solitary females (287 ± 6 days) and 20 days earlier than males (309 ± 21 days). Females with dependent young (122 ± 17 days) also emerged from dens 6 days earlier than solitary females (128 ± 9 days) and 10 days earlier than males (132 ± 10 days). Differences in den entrance and emergence dates suggest support our hypothesis that females with dependent young temporally segregate from male bears

    Towards an optimal sampling strategy for assessing genetic variation within and among white clover (Trifolium repens L.) cultivars using AFLP

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    Cost reduction in plant breeding and conservation programs depends largely on correctly defining the minimal sample size required for the trustworthy assessment of intra- and inter-cultivar genetic variation. White clover, an important pasture legume, was chosen for studying this aspect. In clonal plants, such as the aforementioned, an appropriate sampling scheme eliminates the redundant analysis of identical genotypes. The aim was to define an optimal sampling strategy, i.e., the minimum sample size and appropriate sampling scheme for white clover cultivars, by using AFLP data (283 loci) from three popular types. A grid-based sampling scheme, with an interplant distance of at least 40 cm, was sufficient to avoid any excess in replicates. Simulations revealed that the number of samples substantially influenced genetic diversity parameters. When using less than 15 per cultivar, the expected heterozygosity (He) and Shannon diversity index (I) were greatly underestimated, whereas with 20, more than 95% of total intra-cultivar genetic variation was covered. Based on AMOVA, a 20-cultivar sample was apparently sufficient to accurately quantify individual genetic structuring. The recommended sampling strategy facilitates the efficient characterization of diversity in white clover, for both conservation and exploitation

    Uniting statistical and individual-based approaches for animal movement modelling

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    <div><p>The dynamic nature of their internal states and the environment directly shape animals' spatial behaviours and give rise to emergent properties at broader scales in natural systems. However, integrating these dynamic features into habitat selection studies remains challenging, due to practically impossible field work to access internal states and the inability of current statistical models to produce dynamic outputs. To address these issues, we developed a robust method, which combines statistical and individual-based modelling. Using a statistical technique for forward modelling of the IBM has the advantage of being faster for parameterization than a pure inverse modelling technique and allows for robust selection of parameters. Using GPS locations from caribou monitored in Québec, caribou movements were modelled based on generative mechanisms accounting for dynamic variables at a low level of emergence. These variables were accessed by replicating real individuals' movements in parallel sub-models, and movement parameters were then empirically parameterized using Step Selection Functions. The final IBM model was validated using both k-fold cross-validation and emergent patterns validation and was tested for two different scenarios, with varying hardwood encroachment. Our results highlighted a functional response in habitat selection, which suggests that our method was able to capture the complexity of the natural system, and adequately provided projections on future possible states of the system in response to different management plans. This is especially relevant for testing the long-term impact of scenarios corresponding to environmental configurations that have yet to be observed in real systems.</p></div
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