50 research outputs found

    Ringspännen/hästskoformade spännen, gåvogivning och kontakterna mellan Mälarområdet och sydvästra Finland under vikingatid

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    The article deals with the contacts between the Mälaren region, Sweden, and south western Finland during the Viking Age. The material studied is pegged penannular brooches, an artefact with a core area in Finland. Earlier, these brooches when found outside Finland, have been interpreted as representing weapon bearing migrated Finnish men. Since the material from the Mälaren region does not support this idea an alternative hypothesis is launched. In the article it is argued that some of pegged penannular brooches found in the Mälaren region might have been gifts. Giftgiving and was an important instrument during this time when it came to establishing social contracts and alliances. It is also argued that it was profitable for parts of the elit in the Mälaren region to form alliances with groups in South western Finland. The elite in Finalnd were not only middle men when it came to fur trade, they also had knowledge of regions further east leading to the trade routes that connected northern Europe with the Caliphate

    Ingrid Ylva och tornet i Bjälbo

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    The article discusses the background to the erection of the huge church tower in Bjälbo, Östergötland, Sweden. It also focuses on medieval women as founders of churches. The author maintains that new dendrochronological dating of the tower could mean that founder of this building piece was not one of the male members of the important Bjälbo dynasty, but Ingrid Ylva the mother of Birger Jarl


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    Fundamentos de programación en Visual Basic, como medio de inclusión laboral en las madres cabeza de familia representantes de algunos barrios periféricos de la ciudad de Pasto

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    Encuesta, imágenes, consentimiento firmado, guía de aprendizaje, evidencias de ejercicios, evidencias plataformas virtuales, plan de estudios, evidencias fotográficasEl presente proyecto aplicado se ha trazado como objetivo principal: Capacitar a las madres cabeza de familia representantes de algunos barrios periféricos de la ciudad de Pasto en fundamentos de programación en Visual Basic a través de la mediación virtual como medio de inclusión laboral. Así se busca que estas mujeres obtengan competencias y conocimientos en el área de la tecnología, la informática y el desarrollo de aplicaciones en Visual Basic, esto como medio de inclusión a su vida laboral. La metodología cualitativa enmarcada en el tipo de investigación Investigación-Acción fue la utilizada para este desarrollo, toda vez que se hace uso del análisis de los resultados que surgen de encuestas a un grupo de madres representantes de algunos barrios periféricos de la ciudad de Pasto además de la implementación del Diplomado. Fue importante evidenciar y superar las barreras que le impedía a esta población por su condición de vulnerabilidad, la oportunidad de acceder a estos conocimientos y así incursionar en nuevos escenarios incluyentes, pedagógicos y laborales. En cuanto a su situación Socio Económica, son madres cabeza de familia, que no presentan contratos laborales estables, oportunidades educativas y precarias condiciones económicas. Se caracterizan por desarrollar emprendimientos en diversas actividades como, cocina, cuidado de niños, cafetería, restaurantes, artesanías entre otras. Con el desarrollo del diplomado, se evidencio un aumento de los aspectos cognitivos y de generación de expectativa hacia una visión de emprendimiento y de desarrollo de habilidades tecnológicas y computacionales que ellas no identificaban como parte de su vida.The present applied project has been drawn up as the main objective: To train the mothers who are heads of families representing some peripheral neighborhoods of the city of Pasto in programming fundamentals in Visual Basic through virtual mediation as a means of labor inclusion. This is how these women seek to obtain skills and knowledge in the area of ​​technology, computing and the development of Visual Basic applications, this as a means of inclusion in their working life. The qualitative methodology framed in the Research-Action type of research was the one used for this development, since the analysis of the results that arise from surveys of a group of mothers representing some peripheral neighborhoods of the city of Pasto is also used. of the implementation of the Diploma. It was important to demonstrate and overcome the barriers that prevented this population due to their vulnerability, the opportunity to access this knowledge and thus enter new inclusive, pedagogical and work scenarios. Regarding their Socio Economic situation, they are mothers who are heads of families, who do not have stable employment contracts, educational opportunities and precarious economic conditions. They are characterized by developing enterprises in various activities such as, cooking, childcare, cafeteria, restaurants, crafts, among others. With the development of the diploma, an increase in the cognitive aspects and generation of expectation towards a vision of entrepreneurship and development of technological and computational skills that they did not identify as part of their life was evidenced

    Population genomics of the Viking world.

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    The maritime expansion of Scandinavian populations during the Viking Age (about AD 750-1050) was a far-flung transformation in world history1,2. Here we sequenced the genomes of 442 humans from archaeological sites across Europe and Greenland (to a median depth of about 1×) to understand the global influence of this expansion. We find the Viking period involved gene flow into Scandinavia from the south and east. We observe genetic structure within Scandinavia, with diversity hotspots in the south and restricted gene flow within Scandinavia. We find evidence for a major influx of Danish ancestry into England; a Swedish influx into the Baltic; and Norwegian influx into Ireland, Iceland and Greenland. Additionally, we see substantial ancestry from elsewhere in Europe entering Scandinavia during the Viking Age. Our ancient DNA analysis also revealed that a Viking expedition included close family members. By comparing with modern populations, we find that pigmentation-associated loci have undergone strong population differentiation during the past millennium, and trace positively selected loci-including the lactase-persistence allele of LCT and alleles of ANKA that are associated with the immune response-in detail. We conclude that the Viking diaspora was characterized by substantial transregional engagement: distinct populations influenced the genomic makeup of different regions of Europe, and Scandinavia experienced increased contact with the rest of the continent

    Öppenskär – en hemlighetsfull ö i Blekinges östra skärgård

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    Öppenskär är en ö i Blekinges östra skärgård. Ön, som är belägen vid en av de farleder som leder in till Hallarumsviken, har fram till för några få år sedan inte rönt något större arkeologiskt intresse. Vid arkeologiska undersökningar åren 2014 och 2015 har det dock i ett klapperstensområde på ön påträffats mycket speciella arkeologiska fynd som förbryllar och förvånar. Föremålen som framkom bland stenarna var från vikingatiden och bestod till stor del av ting som brukar förekomma i gravar. Emellertid påträffades inget skelett och inga brända ben vid utgrävningen. På samma plats påträffades även en mängd bränd flinta, många brynen samt en mycket stor samling islamiska mynt som var exceptionellt fragmenterade. Dessa fynd är intressanta och gör tolkningenav hur platsen utnyttjats svår och komplex. I denna artikel kommer fyndplatsenoch de föremål som framkom på Öppenskär att presenteras liksom några närliggande platser som är intressanta för förståelsen av östra skärgården under vikingatid. Dessutom kommer några möjliga förslag att ges till hur föremål och mynt kan ha hamnat i klapperstensområdet på Öppenskär

    Mellan gåva och marknad : handel, tillit och materiell kultur under vikingatid

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    The view of the exchange and trade that took place during the Viking Age has varied considerably. This variation is obvious from a scrutiny of how one and the same place, Birka, is described by different scholars over a period of a hundred years. Two very polarized pictures of Birka appear: A town with a mostly free market-oriented trade or an emporium with an administered commodity exchange controlled by the elite/king and with no market principles involved. This thesis aims at examining how these two polarized stereotypes have come into existence and at presenting a more varied picture. Other questions posed in this dissertation are geared to what we can say on the basis of material culture about the market sphere during the Viking Age. What was the character and practice of commercial transactions during the period? How were trust and stabilizing mechanisms in trade created? Who were the players in trade and what type of social relations occurred in the market sphere? The material point of departure for the discussions about the character and practice of commercial transactions during the Viking Age consists above all of the cubo-octahedral weights and the cubo-octahedral design elements which can be associated with means of payment and the weighing of precious metals. Jewellery, such as penannular brooches, and other items of material culture which can carry messages about identity and group affiliation serve as a starting-point for discussions about actors in trade, social relations, and any organizations that may have existed in the market sphere

    Elites, networks and the Finnish connection in Birka

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    In research on Birka strong focus has since long been directed towards long-distance contacts with Western as well with and Northeastern Europe (todays Russia, Belarus and Ukraine). The great attention paid to west- and east European contacts has likely contributed to that contacts with Finland have fallen out of the discussions. However as seen from studies of the pottery in Birka the Baltic Finnish ware constitute the second largest group when it comes to imports to the town. In the graves on Björkö there are finds of this type of ware as well as of dress details deriving from or showing heavy influence from the Finnish mainland. Some of these finds derive from the most lavishly furnished chamber graves in Birka, indicating that the elite in the town were part of a network that was directly or indirectly connected to groups on the Finnish mainland. Besides Baltic Finnish pottery or dress details from Finland these graves also contained objects such as weights, scales and Islamic coins – items indicating an affiliation to groups involved in the sale and exchange of goods. Finds of standardized weights in south western Finland is a clear indication that this region was part of a supra regional network in the Viking Age just like Birka. Objects from Finland found in Birka on one hand and objects from Scandinavian and central Sweden found in Finland on the other confirm that there has been a close connection between the Mälaren region and south western Finland. Probably products such as furs distributed by the elite in Vakka Suomi attracted groups in eastern Sweden and Birka. However the elite in Birka might also have had other reasons for maintaining contacts with groups in south western Finland. People in south western Finland were linked to routes and networks spanning much further east and by extension also to the riches of the Caliphate