1,473 research outputs found

    Kinematic analisys of the knee when climbing up/down stairs in patellofemoral instability

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    OBJECTIVE: To analyze and to identify possible gait adaptations by individuals with objective patellofemoral instability when climbing up/down stairs. METHODS: A control group (group A) composed by nine women with mean age = 25 years (±1.87), height = 1.62 m (±0.05) and weight = 56.20 kg (±7.34), and; nine women with objective patellofemoral instability (group B) with mean age = 24 years (±6.02), height = 1.62 m (±0.06) and weight = 60.33 kg (±10.31) were analyzed. The groups underwent kinematic analysis while climbing up/down stairs, in a previously determined area. Images were obtained by six cameras (Qualysis) and data analysis utilized the Q gait software program. RESULTS: Group B presented, in the support phase, less knee flexion when climbing up (p = 0.0268), and lower speed (p = 0.0076/ p =0.0243) and pace (p = 0.0027/ p = 0.0165) when climbing up and down stairs, respectively. CONCLUSION: It is suggested that group B used functional changes such as reduced knee flexion, speed and pace when climbing up and down stairs.OBJETIVO: Analisar e identificar possíveis adaptações da marcha em indivíduos com diagnóstico de instabilidade patelofemoral objetiva, durante a atividade de subida e descida de escada. MÉTODOS: Foram analisados um grupo controle (grupo A), composto por 9 mulheres com média de idade de 25 anos (±1,87), média de altura de 1,62m (±0,05) e média de peso de 56,20kg (±7,34); e, um grupo de 9 mulheres com instabilidade patelofemoral objetiva (grupo B), média de idade de 24 anos (±6,02), média de altura de 1,62m (±0,06) e média de peso de 60,33kg (±10,31). Os grupos foram submetidos a uma análise cinemática, onde as voluntárias subiram e desceram degraus, em uma área previamente selecionada. As imagens foram obtidas por seis câmeras (Qualysis) e a análise dos dados foi realizada através do programa Q gait. RESULTADOS: O grupo B apresentou, no período de apoio, menor flexão do joelho durante a subida (p=0,0268), além de menores velocidade (p=0,0076/ p=0,0243) e cadência (p=0,0027/ p=0,0165) na subida e na descida, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: Sugere-se que o grupo B utilizou adaptações funcionais como redução da flexão do joelho, da velocidade e da cadência, durante a subida e a descida de degraus.15215

    Chemical And Hydrophysical Attributes Of An Oxisol Under Coffee Intercropped With Brachiaria In The Cerrado

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    The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of irrigation and of the presence of brachiaria (Urochloa decumbens) between coffee (Coffea arabica) rows on coffee yield and on chemical and hydrophysical attributes of a Typic Haplustox. The study was conducted in the Cerrado region in Planaltina, Brasilia, DF, Brazil, in a randomized complete block design, arranged in split-split plots, with four replicates. Water regimes (irrigated or rainfed) were assigned to the main plots, inter-row management systems to the subplots, and soil layers to the sub-subplots. The following soil attributes were determined: total organic carbon, total nitrogen, C/N ratio, carbon and nitrogen stocks, bulk density, aggregate stability, total porosity, macroporosity, low-retention microporosity, remaining microporosity, criptoporosity, and total and readily-available water, besides coffee yield. Irrigation of coffee plants, associated with brachiaria intercropped as a cover crop, increased coffee yield and favored chemical and hydrophysical soil attributes, improving soil structure and its ability to store water. Irrigation favors organic carbon stocks in the upper soil layers, whereas brachiaria favors soil physical attributes related to water availability to coffee.51914761483Consorcio Pesquisa CafeEmpresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuaria [

    O mercado de games: Gênese, transformações e tendências

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    Games are part of a multi-billion-dollar cultural industry, having economic and social relevance. In this essay, we seek to carry out a sociogenesis of the games industry, anchored in the concepts of social space and field, from different authors, among them, Pierre Bourdieu. Our time frame begins in the years1940s and continues until the present moment, the beginning of the second decade of the 21st century. We show that this social space has been reconfigured from innovations coming from neighboring fields, such as those of the electronics, computer, telecommunications and gambling. Those reconfigurations imply rearranging the positions of agents, creating institutional structures and establishing diverse social relationships. We conclude with considerations about the future of this industry.Los juegos son parte de una industria cultural multimillonaria, que tiene relevancia económica y social. En este ensayo, buscamos realizar una sociogénesis de la industria del juego, anclada en los conceptos de espacio y campo social, de diferentes autores, con énfasis en Pierre Bourdieu. Nuestro marco temporal comienza en la década de 1940 y continúa hasta el momento actual, inicio de la segunda década del siglo XXI. mostramos el hecho de que este espacio social se ha reconfigurado debido a las innovaciones provenientes de campos sociales vecinos, como la industria electrónica, informática, de telecomunicaciones y de juegos de azar. Esas reconfiguraciones implican la reordenación de las posiciones de los agentes, la creación de estructuras institucionales y el establecimiento de relaciones sociales diversas. Finalmente, tejemos las consideraciones pertinentes al futuro de esta industria.Games fazem parte da indústria cultural multibilionária, possuindo, portanto, relevância econômica e social. Neste ensaio, buscamos realizar uma sociogênese da indústria de games, ancorada nos conceitos de espaço social e campo, a partir de diversos autores, com destaque para Pierre Bourdieu. Com recorte temporal, feito entre os anos 1940 até o momento atual, início da segunda década do século 21, mostramos o fato de que esse espaço social vem sendo reconfigurado, devido às inovações advindas de campos sociais vizinhos, como os da indústria de eletroeletrônicos, informática, telecomunicações e jogos de azar. Tais reconfigurações implicam em rearranjos de posições de agentes, criação de estruturas institucionais e estabelecimento de relações sociais diversas. Por fim, tecemos as considerações pertinentes ao futuro dessa indústria.


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    The objective of this study was to identify how the ecological variables influence the setter during the setting and what were the predictive factors of the attack effect among Brazilian teams ranked from the 1st to 4th place in the volleyball Women’s Super-League in 2016-2017. We analyzed 768 attacks from 10 matches played among the teams. A descriptive analysis was performed and, to identify how the setting location differed in relation to the ecological variables, the One-Way ANOVA (factor 1 = setting location) was used. In addition, multinomial logistic regression was performed to understand the predictive factors of the effect of the attack. The significance level was set at 5% (p≤.05) and the SPSS software version 20.0 was used. The results showed the setting location differed according to the distance between the setter and the central attacker, the distance between the setter and the central blocker, and the distance between the setter and the blocker of position 4. Besides, it was observed that the powerful attack and the blocking touch were predictive factors of the effect of the attack. Thus, it is concluded that the decision-making for the action of the setting is based on the availability of the central attacker and the configuration of the blockers, the powerful attack reduces the chances of defense and the blocking touch reduces the chances of scoring by attacking.Key words: volleyball, game analysis, game ecology</p

    Prevalence of fear of COVID-19, depression, and anxiety among undergraduate students during remote classes

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    Background: During the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, undergraduate students were exposed to symptoms of psychological suffering during remote classes. Therefore, it is important to investigate the factors that may be generated and be related to such outcomes. Objective: To investigate the association between fear of COVID-19, depression, anxiety, and related factors in undergraduate students during remote classes. Methods: This cross-sectional study included 218 undergraduate students (60.6% women and 39.4% men). Students answered a self-administered online questionnaire designed to gather personal information, pandemic exposure, physical activity level, fear of COVID-19 using the ‘Fear of COVID-19 Scale’, symptoms of depression using the Patient Health Questionnaire-9, and anxiety using General Anxiety Disorder-7. Results: Undergraduate students had a high prevalence of depression and anxiety (83.0% and 76.1%, respectively) but a low prevalence of fear of COVID-19 (28.9%) during remote classes. Multivariate analysis revealed that women who reported health status as neither good nor bad and who had lost a family member from COVID-19 had the highest levels of fear. For depression and anxiety, the main related factors found were female gender, bad health status, insufficiently active, and complete adherence to the restriction measures. Conclusion: These findings may be used to develop actions to manage symptoms of anxiety and depression among students, with interventions through physical activity programmes to improve mental health