27,231 research outputs found

    Lei geral de proteção de dados: ensaios e controvérsias da Lei 13.709/18

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    - Divulgação dos SUMÁRIOS das obras recentemente incorporadas ao acervo da Biblioteca Ministro Oscar Saraiva do STJ. Em respeito à Lei de Direitos Autorais, não disponibilizamos a obra na íntegra.- Localização na estante: 342.721:004.738.5(81) L525g- Organizado por: Gustavo Ferraz de Campos Monaco, Amanda Cunha e Mello Smith Martins e Solano de Camargo

    O café e o crescimento industrial brasileiro na primeira república (1889-1929) : o caso do setor de bens de capital e do setor siderúrgico

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    Orientador: Gustavo Pereira da SilvaMonografia(Graduação) - Universidade Federal do Paraná,Setor de Ciências Sociais Aplicadas, Curso de Ciências EconômicasResumo: Vários foram os fatores que influenciaram a economia brasileira na Primeira República, tendo destaque o desenvolvimento da cafeicultura. O objetivo da pesquisa é realizar um debate sobre o papel do café na formação industrial brasileira, fazendo a contraposição entre as visões tradicionais (teoria dos choques adversos x industrialização induzida pelas exportações), por meio da obra de Suzigan, Warren Dean, Wilson Cano e João Manuel Cardoso de Mello e as visões recentes (Michel Marson e Gustavo Barros).A partir desta pesquisa foi possível constatar a importância do café como base da industrialização brasileira e mudanças no panorama econômico do país. A própria demanda de mecanização nos cafezais promoveu a formação de pequenas empresas artesanais, que ganhavam destaque em períodos de dificuldade de importação de peças. A otimização do transporte dos grãos contribuiu de forma significativa para as primeiras estradas de ferro no sudoeste. A economia cafeeira fortaleceu o desenvolvimento industrial e a inserção do capitalismo no Brasil, e assim passou a adequar-se aos moldes das políticas internacionais e tornou-se mais competitivo em outros setore

    How Do Emotions Influence Saving Behavior

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    Employers have moved away from traditional defined benefit pension plans to defined contribution plans such as 401(k)s. As a result, many individuals are now required to make their own retirement saving and investment decisions, which has raised concerns about their ability and desire to handle these decisions. Since investment choices have major implications for future financial welfare, it is important to understand how individuals make these decisions and to identify potential ways to improve the decision-making process. Researchers have explored various factors affecting retirement saving, such as income, age, job tenure, self-control failure, financial literacy and trust. No prior research, however, has looked at the effects of emotions on retirement savings. This Issue in Brief examines how two different emotions – hope and hopefulness – affect 401(k) participation and asset allocation. The first section defines the terms. The second section describes the structure of a recent field experiment. The third section summarizes the results, which reveal that having high hope (i.e. yearning) – for a secure retirement leads to different investment behaviors than having high hopefulness (i.e. perceived likelihood). Furthermore, threats to hope and threats to hopefulness are found to have different effects on 401(k) participation and investment decisions. The final section concludes.

    A review of described Metacyrba, the status of Parkella, and notes on Platycryptus and Balmaceda : with a comparison of the genera (Araneae: Salticidae: Marpissinae)

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    Parkella Chickering 1946 = Metacyrba F. O. P.-Cambridge 1901, n. syn.; Parkella venusta Chickering 1946 = Metacyrba venusta (Chickering 1946), n. comb.; Parkella fusca Chickering 1946 and Dendryphantes franganilloi Caporiacco 1955 = Metacyrba venusta (Chickering 1946), n. syn. The six valid described species of Metacyrba are diagnosed and re-illustrated to show previously unrecognized genitalic differences. Metacyrba similis Banks 1904 is resurrected as a subspecies, becoming Metacyrba taeniola similis Banks 1904, n. status. The female of Metacyrba pictipes Banks 1903 is described for the first time. Metacyrba arizonensis Barnes 1958 = Platycryptus arizonensis (Barnes 1958), n. comb., and Marpissa magna (Peckham & Peckham 1894) = Platycryptus magnus (Peckham & Peckham 1894), n. comb. Platycryptus broadwayi (Peckham & Peckham 1894) = Platycryptus magnus (Peckham & Peckham 1894), n. syn. [lectotypes and paralectotypes are designated for both names]. Metacyrba nigrosecta (Mello-Leitão 1945) = Balmaceda nigrosecta Mello-Leitão 1945, comb. restored. The genera Balmaceda Peckham & Peckham 1894, Metacyrba, and Platycryptus Hill 1979 are compared morphologically among themselves and to Breda Peckham & Peckham 1894 and Fuentes Peckham & Peckham 1894. The distributions of Balmaceda picta Peckham & Peckham 1894 and Metacyrba species are updated. Marpissa melanura F.O.P.-Cambridge 1901 is resurrected; it is not a synonym of Marpissa minor F.O.P.-Cambridge 1901 nor Platycryptus californicus (Peckham & Peckham 1888)

    The revolution will be tweeted : how the internet can stimulate the public exercise of freedoms

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    This article discusses how new technologies of communication, especially the Internet and, more specifically, social network services, can interfere in social interactions and in political relations. The main objective is to problematize the concept of public liberty and verify how the new technologies can promote the reoccupation of public spaces and the recovery of public life, in opposition to the tendency to valorize the private sphere, observed in the second half of the twentieth century. The theoretical benchmark adopted for the investigation is Hannah Arendt's theory about the exercise of fundamental political capacities in order to establish a public space of freedom, as presented in “On Revolution”. The “Praia da Estação” (“Station Beach”) case is chosen to test the hypothesis. In 2010 in the Brazilian city of Belo Horizonte, different individuals articulated a movement through blogs, Twitter and facebook, in order to protest against the Mayor’s act that banned the assembling of cultural events in one of the main public places of the city, the “Praça da Estação” (Station Square). By applying Arendt's concepts to the selected case, it is possible to demonstrate that the Internet can assume an important role against governmental arbitrariness and abuse of power, as it can stimulate the public exercise of fundamental freedoms, such as freedom of assembly and manifestation

    Fine structure of the chromospheric activity in Solar-type stars - The Halpha Line

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    A calibration of H-alpha as both a chromospheric diagnostic and an age indicator is presented, complementing the works previously done on this subject (Herbig 1985, Pasquini & Pallavicini 1991. The chromospheric diagnostic was built with a statistically significant sample, covering nine years of observations, and including 175 solar neighborhood stars. Regarding the age indicator, the presence of stars for which very accurate ages are determined, such as those belonging to clusters and kinematic groups, lends confidence to our analysis. We also investigate the possibility that stars of the same age might have gone through different tracks of chromospheric decay, identifying - within the same age range - effects of metallicity and mass. These parameters, however, as well as age, seem to be significant only for dwarf stars, losing their meaning when we analyze stars in the subgiant branch. This result suggests that, in these evolved stars, the emission mechanism cannot be magnetohydrodynamical in nature, in agreement with recent models (Fawzy et al. 2002c, and references therein). The Sun is found to be a typical star in its H-alpha chromospheric flux, for its age, mass and metallicity. As a byproduct of this work, we developed an automatic method to determine temperatures from the wings of H-alpha, which means the suppression of the error inherent to the visual procedure used in the literature.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in Astronomy & Astrophysics. Nature of replacement: match astro-ph and ADS title (greek letter

    The self-energy of a charged particle in the presence of a topological defect distribution

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    In this work we study a charged particle in the presence of both a continuous distribution of disclinations and a continuous distribution of edge dislocations in the framework of the geometrical theory of defects. We obtain the self-energy for a single charge both in the internal and external regions of either distribution. For both distributions the result outside the defect distribution is the self-energy that a single charge experiments in the presence of a single defect.Comment: 12 pages, Revtex4, two figures,to appear in Int. Joun. Mod. Phys.

    The impact of the international treaties on tax law on the Brazilian law

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    Este artigo tem como objetivo apresentar os principais aspectos a respeito do tratamento oferecido aos tratados internacionais em matéria tributária no ordenamento jurídico brasileiro. Para tal, o artigo analisa as características desses tratados enquanto fonte de direito internacional, seu posicionamento hierárquico perante a constituição federal e legislação infraconstitucional, bem como a jurisprudência mais relevante a respeito da matéria. Ao final, pretende-se demonstrar que, nos casos específicos sobre os quais tais instrumentos versarem, estes prevalecem sobre o ordenamento interno em razão do princípio da autolimitação da soberania no tocante à imposição tributária.The following article presents the main aspects of the interaction between tax treaties and national law within the brazilian legal system. The article analyses the characteristics of such treaties as sources of international law, their hierarchy before the constitution and legislation, as well as the relevant jurisprudence on the subject. The article aims at demonstrating that, regarding the specific situations addressed in its body, the tax treaty takes precedence over the national law, based on the principle of selflimitation of taxation power

    A photometric and spectroscopic survey of solar twin stars within 50 parsecs of the Sun: I. Atmospheric parameters and color similarity to the Sun

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    Solar twins and analogs are fundamental in the characterization of the Sun's place in the context of stellar measurements, as they are in understanding how typical the solar properties are in its neighborhood. They are also important for representing sunlight observable in the night sky for diverse photometric and spectroscopic tasks, besides being natural candidates for harboring planetary systems similar to ours and possibly even life-bearing environments. We report a photometric and spectroscopic survey of solar twin stars within 50 pc of the Sun. Hipparcos absolute magnitudes and (B-V)_Tycho colors were used to define a 2 sigma box around the solar values, where 133 stars were considered. Additional stars resembling the solar UBV colors in a broad sense, plus stars present in the lists of Hardorp, were also selected. All objects were ranked by a color-similarity index with respect to the Sun, defined by uvby and BV photometry. Moderately high-resolution, high-S/N spectra were used for a subsample of equatorial-southern stars to derive Teff, log g, and [Fe/H] with average internal errors better than 50 K, 0.20 dex, and 0.08 dex, respectively. Ages and masses were estimated from theoretical HR diagrams. The color-similarity index proved very successful. We identify and rank new excellent solar analogs, which are fit to represent the Sun in the night sky. Some of them are faint enough to be of interest for moderately large telescopes. We also identify two stars with near-UV spectra indistinguishable from the Sun's. We present five new "probable" solar twin stars, besides five new "possible" twins. Masses and ages for the best solar twin candidates lie very close to the solar values, but chromospheric activity levels range somewhat. We propose that the solar twins be emphasized in the ongoing searches for extra-solar planets and SETI searches.Comment: 25 pages, 15 figures, 14 table