144 research outputs found

    Choice of accounting framework from a stakeholder and disclosure perspective

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    Realistic Modeling of Thermal Effects in Concrete Bridges

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    Thermal actions have a signicant eect on bridge structures and can at some sections account for more than 20% of the reinforcement. Such actions are especially important in certain types of concrete bridges, e.g. portal frame bridges. Thermal actions dier from other load types considered during bridge design through being a constraining load. A temperature prole can be divided into a uniform part that aect the bridge with a linear expansion and a non-uniform part that will induce an arch shape of the bridge deck. Using the current building code, thermal actions can account for more than 20% of the total demand of reinforcement at midsection making them so large that they cannot be neglected. This makes thermal actions in bridge design interesting for further investigation

    Supporterskap, supporterkultur och kommersialisering.

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    De senaste decennierna har fotbollsvĂ€rlden genomgĂ„tt en accelererande kommersialiseringsprocess, dĂ€r enskilda investerare fĂ„tt ett ökat inflytande. Den österrikiska klubben SV Austria Salzburg köptes 2005 upp av lĂ€skedrycksföretaget Red Bull som gjorde en total omdaning av klubben, med bland annat byte av namn och klubbfĂ€rger som följd. Bland supportrar, men Ă€ven inom forskningen, beskrivs Red Bull Salzburg som en typisk representant för den kommersiella fotbollen. Malmö FF Ă€r en medlemsstyrd förening, med betydligt mindre ekonomiska resurser. I augusti 2014 möttes de bĂ„da klubbarna i tvĂ„ matcher som avgjorde vilken klubb som skulle gĂ„ vidare till Champions League. Med utgĂ„ngspunkt i hemmamatchen och en intervjustudie undersöker jag bland annat supporterskap, supporterkultur och fotbollens kommersialisering. Uppsatsen Ă€r kvalitativ med en empiri som bestĂ„r av intervjuer, etnografiska observationer och genomgĂ„ng av filmsekvenser och dokument. Teoretiskt bottnar den i sociologiska begrepp som emotioner, social interaktion, identitet och kommersialisering. Resultat: Det empiriska materialet visar att supportkulturen kring medlemsföreningen Malmö FF bĂ€rs upp av aktiva supportrar vars deltagande Ă€r identitetsskapande och prĂ€glas av ett starkt kĂ€nslomĂ€ssigt förhĂ„llande till klubben. Ett viktigt inslag i kulturen Ă€r att genom symboler och ritualer pĂ„ stĂ„platssektionen skapa emotionell energi för att stödja det egna laget. De aktiva supportrarna utgör en social rörelse. Även Malmö FF prĂ€glas av den kommersialisering och kommodifiering som utmĂ€rker den europeiska elitfotbollen

    Coated stainless steel 441 as interconnect material for solid oxide fuel cells: Oxidation performance and chromium evaporation

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    Reactive Element (RE) and RE/cobalt-coated stainless steel AISI 441 was exposed at Solid Oxide Fuel Cell (SOFC) cathode conditions (850 degrees C in air with 3% water content) for up to 500 h. The chromium evaporation was measured by applying the denuder technique. Uncoated material exhibited severe spallation which could be successfully prevented by using cerium or lanthanum coatings. By applying double layer coatings of cerium or lanthanum in combination with cobalt the oxidation rate was decreased and the chromium volatilisation was also about 90% lower than the uncoated material

    Coated stainless steel 441 as interconnect material for solid oxide fuel cells: Evolution of electrical properties

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    AISI 441 coated. with a double layer coating of 10 nm cerium (inner layer) and 630 nm cobalt was investigated and in addition the uncoated material was exposed for comparison. The main purpose of this investigation was the development of a suitable ASR characterization method. The material was exposed to a simulated cathode atmosphere of air with 3% water at 850 degrees C and the samples were exposed for up to 1500 h. We compared two methods of ASR measurements, an in-situ method where samples were measured with platinum electrodes for longer exposure times and an ex-situ method where pre-oxidized samples were measured for only very short measurement times. It was found that the ASR of ex-situ characterized samples could be linked to the mass gain and the electrical properties could be linked to the evolving microstructure during the different stages of exposure. Both the degradation of the electric performance and the oxygen uptake (mass gain) followed similar trends. After about 1500 h of exposure an ASR value of about 15 m Omega cm(2) was reached. The in-situ measured samples suffered from severe corrosion attack during measurement. After only 500 h of exposure already a value of 35 m Omega cm(2) was obtained

    Bredspridning av grönmassa

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    There are a great possibility to shorten the time between mowing and preservation by spreading of ley crops in connection to the conditioning. In this case the cellular respiration (the plants breeding that consume sugar until the crop is ensiled) should not continue as long and the forage will perhaps get a higher nutritional value. The capacity of the next machine could also be higher because the rake gives swaths with a lot of material. There is also a possibility that spreading of ley crops gives the material a more homogeneous content of dry matter and that gives a reduced growth of clostridium. This is particularly important when the method of harvest doesn't include any mixing of the material like it does with a round baler or silagewagon. A possible risk with spreading of ley crops is if the rake mix earth, manure and litter in the green crop. Spreading of ley is used at many places in Europe, but the quality criteria of the dairy company is often not as high as in Sweden. For that reason we choose to gather the experiences from milk producers in Sweden that not practice, drying forage in swath. We have done this with a questionnaire that has been answered over the telephone. Our purpose was to interview farmers from all over Sweden. By our literature study we can establish that spreading of ley crops doesn't involve a higher risk that earth, manure and litter will be mixed in the swath. This is quite right with the results in our interviews. This is because non of the farms in our study has problems with spores in the milk. The disadvantage in spreading of ley crops is that it could give a higher risk for microbiological contamination. The system is slightly delicate to uneven fields, piles made by common mole, wild boar damages and occurrence of stones. Another problem is that the raking result an extra drive and cost from a expensive machine. Another disadvantage is that spreading of ley crops can't be recommended to farmers witch has humus rich soil. The reason to this is that our study shows that spreading of ley crops on these fields increase the hygiene problem with forage. It is therefore recommended to dry the green crop in untouched swaths if it has to be given to milking cattle. The conclusions of our study is that spreading of ley crops leads to a faster increase of dry matter, increased capacity of the following machine and its easier to achieve a higher and more even content of dry matter. All of this leads to a shorter time between mower conditioning and preservation and this means that the dependent of the weather is reduced, higher value of the forage and a slighter loss because of cellular respiration. In our study farms is included that has small moraine fields. Spreading of ley crops works well in these places to which indicate that the system works under most conditions.Genom att bredsprida grönmassan i samband med slĂ„ttern finns stora möjligheterna att korta ner tiden mellan slĂ„tter och konservering. Detta skulle i sĂ„ fall innebĂ€ra att cellandningen (vĂ€xternas andning som förbrukar socker Ă€nda tills grödan ensilerats) inte pĂ„gĂ„r sĂ„ lĂ€nge, vilket eventuellt kan ge ett foder med högre nĂ€ringsvĂ€rde. LikasĂ„ skulle man kunna öka kapaciteten pĂ„ efterföljande maskin genom att strĂ€nglĂ€ggaren ger strĂ€ngar med mycket material i. Det Ă€r ocksĂ„ möjligt att bredspridning skulle kunna ge en mer homogen torrsubstanshalt i grönmassan och dĂ€rmed minskad risk för att sporbildande bakterier, som klostridier, vĂ€xer till. Detta Ă€r speciellt viktigt med skördesystem dĂ€r inte nĂ„gon omblandning sker, sĂ„ som rundbalspressning och snittvagnssystem. En eventuell risk med bredspridning Ă€r att man vid strĂ€nglĂ€ggningen av grönmassan blandar in jord, gödsel och förna. PĂ„ mĂ„nga stĂ€llen i Europa tillĂ€mpas bredspridning, men dĂ€r finns ofta inte samma kvalitetskrav pĂ„ mjölkleveranserna som i Sverige. DĂ€rför valde vi att göra en sammanstĂ€llning av de erfarenheter som finns hos mjölkbönder i Sverige, som tillĂ€mpar bredspridning. Vi har gjort detta med hjĂ€lp av en enkĂ€t som besvarats via telefon. MĂ„lsĂ€ttning var att intervjua lantbrukare ifrĂ„n hela landet för att fĂ„ ett sĂ„ brett underlag som möjligt att analysera. Av den litteratur vi tagit del av, kan vi konstatera att bredspridning inte medför ökad kontaminering med jord gödsel och förna nĂ€r grödan strĂ€nglagts. Detta stĂ€mmer vĂ€l överens med resultaten i vĂ„ra intervjuer. Detta för att ingen gĂ„rd i undersökningen har nĂ„gra problem med sporer i mjölken. Nackdelarna med bredspridning Ă€r att det kan ge en ökad risk för mikrobiell kontaminering om förutsĂ€ttningarna Ă€r dĂ„liga. AlltsĂ„ Ă€r systemet, nĂ„got kĂ€nsligt för ojĂ€mna fĂ€lt, sorkhögar, vildsvinsskador och stenförekomst. Ett annat problem Ă€r att strĂ€nglĂ€ggningen innebĂ€r en extra körning och kostnad med en dyr maskin som det lĂ€tt blir för lite anvĂ€ndningstid pĂ„. Ytterligare en nackdel Ă€r att bredspridning kan vara svĂ„rt att rekommendera till gĂ„rdar som har stor andel mulljord. I vĂ„r undersökning har vi nĂ€mligen sett att bredspridningstekniken kan skapa problem med foderhygienen pĂ„ dessa marker. Om man dĂ€rför inte har möjlighet att ge allt grovfoder frĂ„n mulljordarna till icke mjölkande djur kan det vara bĂ€ttre att torka grönmassan i orörda strĂ€ngar. Slutsatserna av vĂ„r undersökning Ă€r att bredspridning verkar leda till klart snabbare förtorkning, ökad kapacitet pĂ„ efterföljande maskin och att det Ă€r lĂ€ttare att uppnĂ„ en hög och jĂ€mn torrsubstanshalt. Allt detta leder till kortare tid mellan slĂ„tter och konservering vilket innebĂ€r minskat vĂ€derberoende, högre fodervĂ€rde och mindre förluster pĂ„ grund av cellandning. I vĂ„r studie ingĂ„r det gĂ„rdar dĂ€r man har relativt smĂ„ fĂ€lt med morĂ€n jordar. Även dĂ€r verkar bredspridningen fungera vĂ€l, vilket tyder pĂ„ att systemet fungerar under de flesta förhĂ„llanden

    Lytic polysaccharide monooxygenases and other oxidative enzymes are abundantly secreted by Aspergillus nidulans grown on different starches

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    Additional file 5: Tables S3ñ€“S5. Table S3. Top 20 detected proteins in the secretome of Aspergillus nidulans during growth on wheat starch at day 3, 4 and 5. Table S4. Top 20 detected proteins in the secretome of Aspergillus nidulans during growth on high-amylose maize starch at day 3, 4 and 5. Table S5. Top 20 detected proteins in the secretome of Aspergillus nidulans during growth on pea starch at day 3, 4 and 5

    BepiColombo MPO System Functional Test (SFT#2) at ESTEC 19/10/2015 - 23/10/2015 SERENA Instrument Summary Report

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    Issue: 1 , Revision: 0 , date: 18/11/2015, Delivered to ESA/ESTECThis is the test report describing the measure collected by the SERENA PI egse, during the System Functional Tests (SFT) #2 in the room (“Rosetta Clean Room”) at ESTEC, Noordwijk (NL). The objective of this test is to demonstrate the correct performing of Functional Verification and Orbit Load relating to SERENA payload instrument
