5,692 research outputs found

    The Viability of Harvesting Corn Cobs and Stover for Biofuel Production in North Dakota

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    This study examines the impact of stochastic harvest field time, corn cob and stover harvest technologies, increases in farm size, and alternative tillage practices on profit maximizing potential of corn cob and stover collection in North Dakota. Using three mathematical programming models, we analyze farmers’ harvest activities under 1) corn grain only harvest option, 2) simultaneous corn grain and cob harvest(one-pass) option 3) separate corn grain and stover harvest (two-pass) option. Under the first corn grain only option, farmers are able to complete harvesting corn grain and achieve maximum net income in a fairly short amount of time with existing combine technology. However, under the simultaneous corn grain and cob one-pass harvest option, our findings indicate that farmers generate lower net income as compared to the net income of corn grain only harvest option. This is due to the slowdown in combine harvest capacity as a consequence of attaching cob harvester to the back of combine. Under the third option of a two-pass harvest system, time allocation is the main challenge and our evidence shows that with limited harvest field time available, farmers find it optimal to allocate most of their time harvesting grain, and then proceed to bale stover if time permits at the end of harvest season. As farm size increases, farmers are especially challenged in finding time to harvest both corn grain and cobs/stover. We show that a small decrease in corn yield due to changes in tillage practice can result in a large decline in the net profit of harvesting corn grain and cobs/stover.Cob, Stover, harvest field time, optimization, farm size, tillage, Crop Production/Industries, Production Economics,

    Apollo experience report: A use of network simulation techniques in the design of the Apollo lunar surface experiments package support system

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    A case study of data-communications network modeling and simulation is presented. The applicability of simulation techniques in early system design phases is demonstrated, and the ease with which model parameters can be changed and comprehensive statistics gathered is shown. The discussion of the model design and application also yields an insight into the design and implementation of the Apollo lunar surface experiments package ground-support system

    Laboratory simulations of comet surfaces

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    The geometric albedos of frozen mixtures consisting of colloidal silica and carbon black mixed with water have been measured over the wavelength range of 400 to 800 nm to compare with recent observations of Comet Halley. Data were obtained as a function of sample temperature, scattering angle, and wavelength as the frozen samples warmed to 0 C in vacuum. Scattering from water ice, flat black paint, and Kodak white reflectance paint were also measured. Lab simulations show that the change in albedo of the samples show that sublimation of the water from the sample surface can have a major effect on the albedo of a particle/ice sample in the visible. Such processing may have a marked effect on the visible albedo of comet surfaces as well

    Combining Consumer Valuation Research with Sensory Science Techniques: A Laboratory Experiment

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    In this research, we integrated an experimental auction with sensory science techniques—namely, trained sensory panels used to analyze the sensory attributes of wines—to examine the effects of objective and sensory information in the market for California-produced Cabernet Sauvignons. The experiment permitted observation of consumer valuation for sensory attributes of wine, appellations, expert ratings, and wineries. Participants submitted bids each time they received new information about the wines. The balanced experimental design permits evaluation of the effects of consumer characteristics on attribute valuation. We had 236 people participate in the research, which consisted of nine rounds of bidding and one round of hedonic liking scores. Rounds 5-9 repeated the structure of information released in rounds 1-4, but added sensory information, yielding 472 observations for each type of information (e.g. appellation, expert rating, winery). We obtain a total of 8496 valuations, or bids and 944 hedonic “liking” ratings, as well as demographic information, wine consumption data, and a wine knowledge score for each consumer. The results of the research agree with many of the previously held notions about valuation of wine by consumers. Participants value Cabernet Sauvignons from Napa Valley and Sonoma County and their sub-appellations more than wines labeled with the California appellation. Bids for wines rated by experts such as the Wine Advocate (Robert Parker) or Wine Spectator increased as the experts’ ratings increased. However, we also find that consumer characteristics are very important in explaining WTP for wine attributes. The contributions of prestigious appellations to the value of Cabernet Sauvignons depended on consumer characteristics. Willingness to pay was highly correlated with sensory evaluation, but even after tasting the wine, appellation and expert ratings still mattered for WTP. Overall, the research describes a significant amount of heterogeneity in the preferences for sensory characteristics of wine, and that individual characteristics systematically explain many of the differences in valuation of wine attributes.Experimental Economics, Willingness to Pay, WTP, Wine, Consumer Valuation, Hedonic Pricing, Sensory Analysis, Demand and Price Analysis, Food Consumption/Nutrition/Food Safety, Marketing, Research Methods/ Statistical Methods,

    Color separate singlets in e+ee^+e^- annihilation

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    We use the method of color effective Hamiltonian to study the properties of states in which a gluonic subsystem forms a color singlet, and we will study the possibility that such a subsystem hadronizes as a separate unit. A parton system can normally be subdivided into singlet subsystems in many different ways, and one problem arises from the fact that the corresponding states are not orthogonal. We show that if only contributions of order 1/Nc21/N_c^2 are included, the problem is greatly simplified. Only a very limited number of states are possible, and we present an orthogonalization procedure for these states. The result is simple and intuitive and could give an estimate of the possibility to produce color separated gluonic subsystems, if no dynamical effects are important. We also study with a simple MC the possibility that configurations which correspond to "short strings" are dynamically favored. The advantage of our approach over more elaborate models is its simplicity, which makes it easier to estimate color reconnection effects in reactions which are more complicated than the relatively simple e+ee^+e^- annihilation.Comment: Revtex, 24 pages, 7 figures; Compared to the previous version, 1 new figure is added and Monte-Carlo results are re-analyzed, as suggested by the referee; To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Economics of Sourcing Cellulosic Feedstock for Energy Production

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    This study investigates the economics of supplying wheat straw and corn stover within 100 mile radius of a potential new biorefinery in southeast North Dakota. In particular, straw and stover total delivery costs, potential straw and stover supply sites and least cost transportation routes are identified using a linear programming transport model and a GIS (Geographic Information Systems) mapping system. We show that USDA/NRCS (Natural Resources Conservation Service) future crop residue removal rate policies will be important for determining whether it is economically viable to harvest crop residues as potential feedstock for energy generation. Increase in residue removal rates narrow the size of residue supply areas and consequently result in lowering total transportation costs. There is an economic tradeoff between residue collection density and distance from the biorefinery. Most wheat residues are highly concentrated in the north, some distance from the biorefinery. Relying solely on wheat straw for supply needs require longer transportation distances which increases total cost. Using a combination of wheat and corn residues lowers total transportation costs. Since most wheat/corn residues are densely concentrated in north/south, regional highways would likely be the routes used often to transport the residues, as compared to interstate highways. Increased traffic volumes due to the hauling of crop residues would require additional investment in improving road conditions.Wheat Straw, Corn Stover, Density, Transportation Cost, GIS, Community/Rural/Urban Development, Crop Production/Industries,

    Alfalfa Cultivar Yield Test for South Dakota: 2000 Report

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    The South Dakota Alfalfa Cultivar Yield Test reports relative forage production characteristic for available cultivars at several locations in South Dakota. Cultivar are entered in the test by seed companies and public breeders at their own discretion. A list of cultivar and companies is in Table 8 at the end of this circula

    Efficient implementation of finite volume methods in Numerical Relativity

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    Centered finite volume methods are considered in the context of Numerical Relativity. A specific formulation is presented, in which third-order space accuracy is reached by using a piecewise-linear reconstruction. This formulation can be interpreted as an 'adaptive viscosity' modification of centered finite difference algorithms. These points are fully confirmed by 1D black-hole simulations. In the 3D case, evidence is found that the use of a conformal decomposition is a key ingredient for the robustness of black hole numerical codes.Comment: Revised version, 10 pages, 6 figures. To appear in Phys. Rev.

    Asymptotic stability, concentration, and oscillation in harmonic map heat-flow, Landau-Lifshitz, and Schroedinger maps on R^2

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    We consider the Landau-Lifshitz equations of ferromagnetism (including the harmonic map heat-flow and Schroedinger flow as special cases) for degree m equivariant maps from R^2 to S^2. If m \geq 3, we prove that near-minimal energy solutions converge to a harmonic map as t goes to infinity (asymptotic stability), extending previous work down to degree m = 3. Due to slow spatial decay of the harmonic map components, a new approach is needed for m=3, involving (among other tools) a "normal form" for the parameter dynamics, and the 2D radial double-endpoint Strichartz estimate for Schroedinger operators with sufficiently repulsive potentials (which may be of some independent interest). When m=2 this asymptotic stability may fail: in the case of heat-flow with a further symmetry restriction, we show that more exotic asymptotics are possible, including infinite-time concentration (blow-up), and even "eternal oscillation".Comment: 34 page