107 research outputs found

    Broadband probing magnetization dynamics of the coupled vortex state permalloy layers in nanopillars

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    Broadband magnetization response of coupled vortex state magnetic dots in layered nanopillars was explored as a function of in-plane magnetic field and interlayer separation. For dipolarly coupled circular Py(25 nm)/Cu(20 nm)/Py(25 nm) nanopillars of 600 nm diameter, a small in-plane field splits the eigenfrequencies of azimuthal spin wave modes inducing an abrupt transition between in-phase and out-of-phase kinds of the low-lying coupled spin wave modes. The critical field for this splitting is determined by antiparallel chiralities of the vortices in the layers. Qualitatively similar (although more gradual) changes occur also in the exchange coupled Py(25 nm)/Cu(1 nm)/Py(25 nm) tri-layer nanopillars. These findings are in qualitative agreement with micromagnetic dynamic simulations

    Magnetic Vortex Resonance in Patterned Ferromagnetic Dots

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    We report a high-resolution experimental detection of the resonant behavior of magnetic vortices confined in small disk-shaped ferromagnetic dots. The samples are magnetically soft Fe-Ni disks of diameter 1.1 and 2.2 um, and thickness 20 and 40 nm patterned via electron beam lithography onto microwave co-planar waveguides. The vortex excitation spectra were probed by a vector network analyzer operating in reflection mode, which records the derivative of the real and the imaginary impedance as a function of frequency. The spectra show well-defined resonance peaks in magnetic fields smaller than the characteristic vortex annihilation field. Resonances at 162 and 272 MHz were detected for 2.2 and 1.1 um disks with thickness 40 nm, respectively. A resonance peak at 83 MHz was detected for 20-nm thick, 2-um diameter disks. The resonance frequencies exhibit weak field dependence, and scale as a function of the dot geometrical aspect ratio. The measured frequencies are well described by micromagnetic and analytical calculations that rely only on known properties of the dots (such as the dot diameter, thickness, saturation magnetization, and exchange stiffness constant) without any adjustable parameters. We find that the observed resonance originates from the translational motion of the magnetic vortex core.Comment: submitted to PRB, 17 pages, 5 Fig

    Non-linear vortex dynamics and transient effects in ferromagnetic disks

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    We report a time resolved imaging and micromagnetic simulation study of the relaxation dynamics of a magnetic vortex in the non-linear regime. We use time-resolved photoemission electron microscopy and micromagnetic calculations to examine the emergence of non-linear vortex dynamics in patterned Ni80Fe20 disks in the limit of long field pulses. We show for core shifts beyond ~20-25% of the disk radius, the initial motion is characterized by distortions of the vortex, a transient cross-tie wall state, and instabilities in the core polarization that influence the core trajectories.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Phys. Rev. Let

    Ultrafast vortex-core reversal dynamics in ferromagnetic nanodots

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    To verify the exact underlying mechanism of ultrafast vortex-core reversal as well as the vortex state stability, we conducted numerical calculations of the dynamic evolution of magnetic vortices in Permalloy cylindrical nanodots under an oscillating in-plane magnetic field over a wide range of the field frequency and amplitude. The calculated results reveal different kinds of the nontrivial dynamic responses of vortices to the driving external field, including the vortex-core reversal. In particular, the results offer insight into the 10 ps scale underlying physics of the ultrafast vortex-core reversal driven by small-amplitude (similar to 10 Oe) oscillating in-plane fields. This work also provides fundamentals of how to effectively manipulate the vortex dynamics as well as the dynamical switching of the vortex-core orientation.open624

    Dynamic origin of azimuthal modes splitting in vortex-state magnetic dots

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    A spin wave theory explaining experimentally observed frequency splitting of dynamical excitations with azimuthal symmetry of a magnetic dot in a vortex ground state is developed. It is shown that this splitting is a result of the dipolar hybridization of three spin wave modes of a dot having azimuthal indices |m|=1: two high-frequency azimuthal excitation modes of the in-plane part of the vortex with indices m = +/-1 and a low-frequency m= +1 gyrotropic mode describing the translational motion of the vortex core. The analytically calculated magnitude of the frequency splitting is proportional to the ratio of the dot thickness to its radius and quantitatively agrees with the results of time resolved Kerr experiments.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figure

    Bistability of vortex core dynamics in a single perpendicularly magnetized nano-disk

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    Microwave spectroscopy of individual vortex-state magnetic nano-disks in a perpendicular bias magnetic field, HH, is performed using a magnetic resonance force microscope (MRFM). It reveals the splitting induced by HH on the gyrotropic frequency of the vortex core rotation related to the existence of the two stable polarities of the core. This splitting enables spectroscopic detection of the core polarity. The bistability extends up to a large negative (antiparallel to the core) value of the bias magnetic field HrH_r, at which the core polarity is reversed. The difference between the frequencies of the two stable rotational modes corresponding to each core polarity is proportional to HH and to the ratio of the disk thickness to its radius. Simple analytic theory in combination with micromagnetic simulations give quantitative description of the observed bistable dynamics.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, 1 table, 16 references. Submitted to Physical Review Letters on December 19th, 200

    Localized domain-wall excitations in patterned magnetic dots probed by broadband ferromagnetic resonance

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    We investigate the magnetization dynamics in circular Permalloy dots with spatially separated magnetic vortices interconnected by domain walls (double vortex state). We identify a novel type of quasi one-dimensional (1D) localised spin wave modes confined along domain walls, connecting each of two vortex cores with two edge half-antivortices. Variation of the mode eigenfrequencies with the dot size is in quantitative agreement with the developed model, which considers a dipolar origin of the localized 1D spin waves or so-called Winter\'s magnons [J.M. Winter, Phys.Rev. 124, 452 (1961)]. These spin waves are analogous to the displacement waves of strings, and could be excited in a wide class of patterned magnetic nanostructures possessing domain walls, namely in triangular, square, circular or elliptic magnetic dots