387 research outputs found
Identity motives among supporters of right-wing populist parties in Denmark
In last decades, Denmark has been facing major challenges related to the integration of immigrants, along with the fact, that right-wing populist parties, have achieved significant electoral support. Common patterns in Europe among the right-wing populist parties have been previously identified in the literature, yet it is still unclear why some people support such parties' immigration policy and how these political parties’ discourses and strategies affect people’s identities. The goal of this study was to examine the identity motives, driving people to support right-wing populist parties’ immigration policy. 16 supporters of the immigration policy of the two major Danish right-wing populist parties, were interviewed. Identity Process Theory was the leading theory used to examine participants identity motives and to investigate how the right-wing populist parties' strategies influence supporters' identity. The study suggested that participants need of self-efficacy was a key element in explaining the support of the parties’ immigration policy. Furthermore, the study demonstrated that the participants seems to be influenced by the parties' discourses and strategies, which was illustrated through the participants social representation of Muslims. The analysis shows that perceived cultural differences between Danish people and Muslims are considered to be a threat to the participants need of belonging. Muslims are considered to be the triggers of social change, leading to uncertainty regarding the future of the Danish society. Finally, participants shared representations of Denmark, as a homogeneous community and the fear of losing such society, appeared as an essential element in explaining the participants support of far-right anti-immigration positions.Ao longo das últimas décadas, a Dinamarca tem enfrentado diversos desafios ligados à integração de imigrantes, e ao o crescimento eleitoral dos partidos populistas de extrema direita. A literatura sugere alguns padrões comuns nos diversos partidos da direita populista europeia, embora não seja claro o porquê de algumas pessoas apoiarem tais políticas de imigração e o modo como a mensagem e as estratégias destes partidos afetam a identidade dessas pessoas. O objetivo deste estudo passa por analisar os motivos identitários que levam as pessoas a apoiarem a política de imigração dos partidos populistas. Foram entrevistados 16 cidadãos apoiantes das políticas de imigração dos dois maiores partidos de direita populista da Dinamarca. A Teoria do Processo Identitário é a principal teoria utilizada para avaliar os motivos identitários dos participantes e para investigar o grau de influência das estratégias utilizadas por estes partidos. Este estudo sugere que a necessidade de autoeficácia é um elemento chave para explicar tal apoio às políticas de imigração em questão. O estudo também demonstra que os participantes são altamente influenciados pela mensagem e estratégias utilizadas pelos partidos, tal como verificado pela representação social dos Muçulmanos. A análise revela que a perceção das diferenças culturais entre Dinamarqueses e Muçulmanos representa uma ameaça à necessidade de pertença dos participantes. Os Muçulmanos são considerados como desencadeadores de mudança social, conduzindo à incerteza quanto ao futuro da sociedade Dinamarquesa. Por último, existe uma representação comum da Dinamarca, uma vez que todos os participantes consideram o país como uma comunidade homogénea. O medo de perder essa sociedade aparece como o elemento essencial para explicar o apoio destes participantes às posições anti-imigração da extrema direita dinamarquesa
Construction and application of a questionnaire for the social scientific investigation of environmental noise effects
A social psychological questionnair has been developed to study the effects of environmental noise and was applied to 636 people living in 19 different areas of Hamburg. The theoretical foundations and the statistical means employed in its development are described. Four main reactions to noise are isolated statistically, and it is determined that these are moderated by several intervening variables, chief of which are coping capacity for noise, the perceived dangerousness of the noise souce, other daily loads and the individual's liability
The long Tramp from Cellular Pathology to Molecular Pathology
Background: The Charite is a well known and one of the biggest University Hospital in Germany. Its Institute of Pathology was founded in 1831, and took part in all changes and modifications of diagnostic surgical pathology. Herein, it forms the basis to describe the history and development of molecular pathology from its early beginning. The appearance of biological structures at microscopic levels forms its fundament, similar to additional tissue theories which have been derived from cellular pathology.
Theories of pathology: Theories of pathology frequently describe reaction patterns, and try to explain the relationship between disease and its visible manifestation. They have entered pathology in the 20th century. To name some of them: theory of inflammation [Heinrich Schade 1924, [1], pathology of relations [Gustav Ricker (1924), [2], intercellular pathology [Tivadar Huzella (1937), [3].
Derivatives: The observation of principal identity of biological meaningful elements can be agglutinated to a ‘general theory of live’ and its manifestation. All of the investigated elements posses the same regularities, which are altered, destroyed or newly built by external influences such as disease, physical and psychological forces. Not all magnification levels that display with these elements are of the same significance. Already Virchow suggested that ‘smaller elements (molecules) might be responsible for changes that are visible ‘in larger elements’ (at cellular level). The reflection on these ideas can be associated with the implementation of molecular techniques which has been developed in the 20th century and are still ongoing today. Perspectives: Thus, cellular and molecular pathology can be integrated under one umbrella. This umbrella will lead to newly man-formed structures, such as artificial DNA and gene components or functional chip implantations
Microstructural investigation of plasma sprayed ceramic coatings using peridynamics
The present study deploys a continuum mechanics approach called peridynamics to investigate the damage behaviour of a 2D microstructure, which was taken from a plasma sprayed ceramic coating used in solid oxide fuel cell (SOFC) sealing systems. At the beginning, two benchmark cases, namely, plate with a hole as well as plate with a single edge notch, are considered. The results are compared to an analytical solution and a very good agreement is obtained. Based on these findings, a microstructural model from a plasma sprayed ceramic coating of SOFC sealing systems is investigated. These micromechanical simulations show that structural defects influence the crack initiation as well as the crack propagation during interconnecting the defects. Typical crack mechanisms, such as crack deflection, crack shielding or multiple cracking, are observed. Additionally, an anisotropy of the effective mechanical properties is observed in this heterogeneous material, which is well known for plasma sprayed materials
„Geld ist geprägte Freiheit“: Paradoxien des Geldes bei Dostoevskij (I)
„Geld ist geprägte Freiheit“:Paradoxien des Geldes bei Dostoevskij (I
Geschichte der Friedenspsychologie
Die Friedenspsychologie ist ein verhältnismäßig junges Teilgebiet der Psychologie in Deutschland. Sie wird dem interdisziplinären Forschungsfeld der Friedens- und Konfliktforschung zugeordnet. Die Friedenspsychologie liefert Untersuchungen und Kenntnisse über „Verhandlungsverhalten“ (Häcker + Stapf, 2009, S. 347), die zu verschiedenen, politisch begründeten Auseinandersetzungen, Erklärungs- und Lösungsansätze bieten. Gegenwärtig befasst sich die Friedenspsychologie „mit psychol. Aspekten von Frieden, Konfliktaustragung (Konflikt, sozialer) und Krieg“ und „kann in vier Themenbereiche aufgeteilt werden: Bildung, Forschung, Praxis und Einflussnahme auf politische Prozesse“ (Sommer, 2019, Abschn. 1). Seit Ende der 1960er Jahre interessiert auch staatlicherseits die Erforschung der „psychologischen Faktoren“ (Wissenschaftsrat, 1970, S. 4) für die Friedens- und Konfliktforschung. Aus diesem Interesse heraus wurden im 20. Jahrhundert auch verschiedene Institutionen, Institutionalisierungen wie Studiengänge zur Friedens- und Konfliktforschung (Wissenschaftsrat, 2019; Zech, 2019) als auch unterschiedliche staatliche oder landespolitische wie auch bürgerliche Initiativen gegründet – letztere auch auf Seiten der beiden deutschen Staaten. Bereits im 19. Jahrhundert hatte es einzelne Gründungen von Friedensbewegungen gegeben (Deutsche Friedensgesellschaft – Vereinigte KriegsdienstgegnerInnen [DFG-VK], 2022)
M. Ju. Lermontovs Konzeption des literarischen Helden
Die Literatur über Lermontov hat wie bei allen Dichtern, deren frühere Generationen von Literaturhistorikern mit besonderer Vorliebe das Attribut "klassisch" zuerkannten, ein inzwischen kaum noch überschaubares Ausmaß angenommen. Trotz der Popularität, die Lermontov in Westeuropa und Amerika genießt, werden von ihm dort selten mehr als der Roman "Geroj našego vremeni", ein oder zwei Poeme und eine Handvoll Gedichte, die zum eisernen Bestand aller Anthologien russischer Lyrik gehören, erwähnt und zitiert. Schon dieser Umstand rechtfertigt es, wenn den zahlreichen russischen Lermontovmonographien hier eine deutsche zur Seite gestellt wird
Wissenschaftsforschung zur Genese der Psychologie in Deutschland vom ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert bis Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts
Die Dissertation "Wissenschaftsforschung zur Genese der Psychologie in Deutschland vom ausgehenden 19. Jahrhundert bis Mitte des 20. Jahrhunderts" untersuchte die Entstehungsgeschichte und -bedingungen der Psychologie in Deutschland für den Zeitraum von etwa 1900 bis 1960. Die Untersuchung wurde unter einem interdisziplinären metatheoretischen Ansatz als Beitrag zur Wissenschaftsforschung durchgeführt. Die Ergebnisse der verschiedenen Untersuchungskapitel zeigen, dass die Psychologie in Deutschland verschiedene Ausrichtungen und unterschiedliche Zeitabschnitte durchlaufen hat, die schließlich zu einer versteckten Verquickung wissenschaftlicher und politischer Ziele führte: Beginnend gegen Ende des Ersten Weltkrieges korrespondierten die vermischten Inhalte schließlich mit Inhalten des Nationalsozialismus, welche eine bisher undiskutierte bzw. unbekannte Art von Antisemitismus, den sogenannten "wissenschaftlichen Antisemitismus", einschloss. Eine der zentralen Schlussfolgerungen in der Dissertation betrifft die Feststellung, dass Teile der Psychologie in Deutschland während des Untersuchungszeitraumes (wie z. B. die Ganzheitspsychologie) als eine "Psychologie für den Nationalsozialismus" charakterisiert werden können. Dies wiederum verlangte gegen Ende der Untersuchung nach einer Diskussion, welche die verschiedenen Aspekte von Verantwortlichkeit in Bezug zu psychologischen Theorien und Forschungen als auch ethische Fragestellungen in der Vergangenheit und für die Zukunft betrifft
Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk menentukan lama fermentasi terbaik tandan kosong kelapa sawit (TKKS) menggunakan kapang Phanerochaete chrysosporium terhadap karakteritik cairan rumen secara in-vitro. Rancangan percobaan yang digunakan adalah Rancangan Acak Kelompok (RAK) dengan 4 perlakuan (A : TKKS tanpa fermentasi , B : TKKS fermentasi 2 minggu, C : TKKS fermentasi 4 minggu dan D : TKKS fermentasi 6 minggu) dan 4 kelompok waktu pengambilan cairan rumen sebagai ulangannya. Peubah yang diukur adalah produksi VFA, NH3 dan pH cairan rumen. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa lama fermentasi berpengaruh sangat nyata (P0,05). Penelitian ini dapat disimpulkan bahwa lama fermentasi tandan kosong kelapa sawit dengan Phanerochaete chrysosporium selama 2 minggu menghasilkan konsentrasi VFA (83,75 mM) dan NH3 (19,13 mg/100 ml cairan rumen) yang terbaik.
Kata Kunci : fermentasi, tandan kosong kelapa sawit, Phanerochaete chrysosporium, karakteristik cairan rumen
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